Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 653 Formation Entrance

Yixiantian, located in the extreme west of the Yunlong Mountain Range, separates the Yunlong Mountain Range from the Barren Mountain Range, and serves as a natural barrier between the two mountains.

A line of sky is a straight canyon with a huge drop, which is several thousand meters high.

Standing in the canyon and looking up, you can only see a narrow sky.This is also the origin of the skyline.

What's even more surprising is that even though the line of sky is a rocky cliff, the mountain walls on both sides are indeed extremely smooth, as if they have been cut and chiseled.

There are even more legends that this is a continuous mountain, the reason why there is a breathtaking landscape like a line of sky is because of the battle between two masters.

Of these two people, one of them was unmatched in swordsmanship, and with a full blow of the sword, he split his opponent in half, and even the mountain stretching for tens of miles was split in half by the sword.

There are even more rumors that the master of swordsmanship was also fatally injured in this battle, and has been living in seclusion in the depths of the sky since then, without any news.

Since then, an unknown number of monks have come to Yixiantian to search for the trace of the master of swordsmanship, but thousands of years have passed, and no one has found any clues so far.

Over time, Yixiantian gradually faded out of the monk's vision.Especially when the monks of the older generation passed away one after another, Yixiantian was gradually forgotten.

At this moment, on the river below the quiet line of sky, a blue figure was walking on the waves, his shape was extremely chic, like a fairy.

This person is Chen Feng!

He has penetrated tens of miles into the first line of sky, and all he has seen along the way is the clear river water except for the smooth mountain walls.

As for the monks taught by that day, there was not even a trace of them.

Chen Feng stopped, just stopped on the surface of the water, his brows were furrowed.

"Could it be that I've found the wrong one?" Chen Feng thought seriously, "I've already walked the river in a circle, but why haven't I found any clues? Could it be that the practitioners from the Heaven and Earth Sect are not there at all?" here?"

"It's also my fault. I came out too quickly. I didn't ask anything other than taking a map."

Puzzled, Chen Feng looked around again, and his powerful mental power spread all over the place.

However, apart from the mountains and water, there are only some small animals living here. Where is the aura of a monk?

"Forget it, go back and forth to look for it one more time. If you still haven't found any traces, then go to the mountain wall to have a look!" Chen Feng had a plan in mind.

However, before Chen Feng could move his footsteps, a small fish leaped out of the water, and then fell into the water with a "plop", disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat.

By the way, underwater!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng jumped into the bottom of the water like a swimming fish.

"Not above, presumably the array and stone gate that Zhang Yang mentioned should be in the bottom of the water, wait for me to check."

Chen Feng's true energy circulated, and his body moved quickly through the water.Due to his strong spiritual power, Chen Feng was not afraid that he would be discovered by the practitioners of the Heaven and Earth Sect.Before the other party saw him, Chen Feng was able to detect the other party's position long ago, thus hiding his figure.

Quickly shuttled under the water, and in the blink of an eye, another dozen miles passed.

"Eh——" Chen Feng let out a light snort, and immediately restrained his aura.

His spiritual power has already detected several auras belonging to monks. Judging from the aura, these people are all late-stage fusion strength.

"Sure enough, these walkers are much more powerful than She Wannian and others before." Chen Feng thought to himself, and slowly approached those people.

Soon, Chen Feng was one mile away from these people.

This distance, on the one hand, allows Chen Feng to see the other party's every move clearly, on the other hand, the other party will not find his trace even if Chen Feng deliberately hides his breath.

Chen Feng settled down and observed the other party quietly.

There were exactly six people on the other side. It seemed that the deacon of Tiandijiao that Chen Feng guessed was not here, or maybe, the other party also hid his breath like him.

However, Chen Feng didn't think that the other party was hiding his breath like him.Because, under his powerful mental power, it is absolutely impossible not to find the other party's trace.Therefore, it seemed that the other party was really no longer here.

Having confirmed this point, Chen Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

For the six walkers in the late stage of fusion, through his own various means, Chen Feng can at least hinder the opponent, and if he is lucky, he may be able to kill one person in a surprise attack.

However, if the mysterious deacon was here, Chen Feng didn't think he could get some advantage from Shen under the deacon in the Transcending Tribulation Period.Unless, at the expense of exposing his trump cards, he equips the Mechanized Beast Kuangbao with immortal stones, making him an ultimate killer like the late Mahayana, otherwise, it will be a difficult problem to escape from the opponent.

Slowly approaching, the voice of the other party's conversation was clearly transmitted to Chen Feng's ears.

"Wolfwalker, is the formation diagram you got really useful? According to the ancient books in the sect, the formation inside is extremely powerful. If your formation diagram doesn't work, we may die from it."

"Windwalker, you are worrying too much. This array map is absolutely not fake. Back then I slaughtered the original owner of the array map to get it. If it was fake, how could the other party protect it to such an extent?"

"I'll trust you just once!" Windrunner said after pondering for a moment.

"Attention, the entrance to the formation is about to open, everyone get ready!"

At this moment, there was a deep and soft shout, and the eyes of the six walkers of the Heaven and Earth Sect became serious, and a trace of greed could still be vaguely seen in their eyes.

After a few breaths, a powerful wave suddenly came out from where the six people were standing.

Afterwards, the river boiled, and blue silk threads gathered from all directions towards the place where the six people were standing.

Chen Feng understood that these blue silk threads were array patterns.Perhaps, these patterns only appear at certain times.

After a while, the river gradually calmed down. In front of the six Tiandijiao members, a black door slowly opened, like a huge mouth suddenly appearing in the void, which seemed quite strange!

"Come in!" Following the wolf walker's low shout, the six rushed towards the black gate in no particular order, and in the blink of an eye, none of them entered the gate.

Chen Feng was no longer hiding his figure, he quickly flew outside the gate, frowning at the black gate.

If the guess is correct, this black gate is the entrance of the formation, and entering the black gate is equivalent to entering the inside of the formation.

Chen Feng took out the formation map, studied it carefully for a moment, and quickly recorded the route drawn in it in his mind.

After knowing that everything was safe, Chen Feng also moved his body and entered the black gate.

It was late for the meeting, and I came back to the code without stopping, it was already late.The next chapter is expected to be after 10:[-], everyone can't wait to watch it tomorrow.Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health, you know.

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