Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 657 Fusion Rune

Seeing everyone's questioning, the wolf walker didn't panic at all, and said with a smile: "Don't you know what I am, a wolf walker, and I will do things that I am not sure about?"

Speaking of which, Wolf Walker suddenly took out a yellow talisman from the storage ring.

"This is..." When everyone saw this, their expressions were shocked, as if they saw a peerless beauty, their eyes lit up!

Chen Feng, who was hiding not far away, also had a look of surprise on his face, and he was shocked in his heart: "It turned out to be a Fusion Rune!"

In Chen Feng's previous life, he was very clear about the Fusion Talisman. It can be said that Chen Feng suffered from the Fusion Talisman in his previous life.

I remember back then, when Chen Feng passed by a city, the Kendo Heaven and Earth Sect was wantonly killing innocent monks, but he was so angry that he stepped forward and killed several Heaven and Earth Sect monks.

Later, the Heaven and Earth Sect troops came and surrounded Chen Feng.

But at that time, Chen Feng was not afraid at all.Because, at that time, the strongest person of Tiandi Sect was in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and he was already a monk in the Mahayana Stage.

But what Chen Feng didn't expect was that the other party suddenly took out a thing called Fusion Rune.

This Fusion Rune is extremely magical.It was able to fuse the power of a large number of monks into one, and then be controlled by the person who mastered the Fusion Rune.

After receiving the power of many monks, Chen Feng discovered that the strength of the monk in the transcending tribulation period had actually climbed to the middle stage of the Mahayana period, comparable to that of Chen Feng.

Although, with Chen Feng's means at that time, that person was still no match, but Chen Feng remembered the name of this Fusion Talisman in his heart.

Afterwards, in many battles between the cultivation world and the Heaven and Earth Sect, the Fusion Talisman played a huge role.Every time the fusion power talisman appeared, the army of the comprehension world suffered heavy losses.

Unexpectedly, after rebirth, Chen Feng actually saw the Fusion Rune again, and it was still in such a situation.

Like Chen Feng, everyone in Tiandi Sect was also shocked.

"My teaching has only a handful of Fusion Runes. Where did your Fusion Rune come from?" Windwalker frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, if you stole it, my old bear will definitely capture you and take you to the deacon to claim credit!" Bear Walker also looked at Wolf Walker maliciously, with a serious green light shining.

"Hmph, if I stole it, how can I show it in front of you?" Wolfwalker snorted coldly, his tone a little arrogant: "This Fusion Rune was handed over to me by Elder Sima himself, just to deal with this stone gate! "

"What, Elder Sima gave it to you?" Xiongxingzhe shouted, full of disbelief.

He looked at the wolfwalker dubiously, as if he was thinking about something.

"In this case, my old Wei will congratulate the wolf walker first!" Wei Shusheng said suddenly, looking at the wolf walker with a little jealousy.

When he said this, several other walkers also understood the truth, and they all hugged the wolf walker.

Elder Sima is an elder of the Heaven and Earth Sect, with a high position and authority.Such a person actually gave the Fusion Rune to Wolf Walker, which shows that he is very optimistic about Wolf Walker.If the matter is done this time, the status of the wolf walker will definitely rise, and he may be promoted to the position of deacon exceptionally.

At that time, they, the walkers, had to obediently obey the wolf walkers.

"It's easy to say, easy to say. In the future, if I have a piece of meat, I will have a piece of soup from you!" Wolfwalker laughed and said: "Right now, let's open the stone gate first, so as not to change over time!"

When everyone heard this, they all nodded.

With the fusion talisman, it shouldn't be a problem to break through the stone gate.

I saw the wolf walker's eyes fixed, and he said in a low voice: "Fusion for me!"

Then, the brilliance flickered on the yellow talisman in his hand, obviously activated.

Gradually, the Fusion Talisman became brighter and brighter, and the dazzling smoothness illuminated the cave like daytime.

"Everyone, use your strength!" Wolfwalker growled in a low voice, like a hungry wolf.

The other five people looked dignified and didn't say much. They each used their own skills to spray out the true energy from their bodies.

A strange thing happened. After those true essences rushed out of their respective bodies, they didn't disperse immediately and turned into heaven and earth spirit energy.

Instead, they rushed towards the Fusion Rune in unison, and disappeared into the Fusion Rune in a blink of an eye!

The faces of the five people were covered with sweat, and the rapid loss of true energy made them involuntarily feel weak!

The Fusion Talisman was like a bottomless pit, ignoring everyone's pale faces, and still swallowing the five people's true energy.

The wolf walker, on the other hand, looked at all this calmly, without any sympathy.

From the moment he got the fusion power talisman, these five people were destined to have this catastrophe.

Finally, all five of them spat out a mouthful of blood, then collapsed on the ground wearily, panting heavily.

At this moment, the five people don't look like masters in the fusion period, they are like a few hard laborers who have exhausted their physical strength, and they are on the ground in a panic, panting heavily!

Now they don't have any strength on their bodies anymore, even a little monk in the Qi refining stage can easily kill them.

"Very good, if today's matter is successful, you should have a share!" Wolf Walker nodded in satisfaction.

When everyone heard this, they felt a little relieved.

If the wolf walker said this, then he and others could always get some benefits.

"Next, let's see mine!" Wolfwalker smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand to stick the Fusion Rune to his heart.

Immediately, a wave of power penetrated into his body like a snake poking a hole, it was the power that was extracted from the five people before.

As the power merged into the body of the wolf walker, the breath of the wolf walker gradually rose.In the blink of an eye, he reached the level of half-step crossing the tribulation stage.

Moreover, this improvement continues.Soon, the wolf walker has reached the critical point of the integration period and the transcending tribulation period.

As long as you improve one step, you can enter the tribulation stage!

"Break it for me!"

The wolf walker suddenly covered the river, and then, a suffocating force rose from his body.

"This is the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and it's really powerful!" The wolf walker clenched his fists, his face full of excitement.

Then, his big hand grabbed the pull ring of Shimen suddenly, and the strength of his whole body was lifted instantly.

"Quack quack-"

A tooth-piercing sound came from the stone gate.

The stone door that had been silent for an unknown number of years was finally opened!

Inside the stone gate, there is a dark area, which looks extremely deep, and it is unknown what secrets are hidden inside.

"Everyone, you wait here, and when I go in and get the contents inside, I will go with you to claim credit!" The wolf walker laughed loudly, looking domineering.

While speaking, the wolf walker has stepped into the stone gate in a hurry and disappeared into the darkness.

Everyone looked at the wolf walker's back and opened their mouths, but they didn't say anything in the end.

At this moment, they have no power to act at all.

All they wanted was that Wolfwalker could keep his promise and give them some credit for it.

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