"Are you apologizing?" Chen Feng grabbed Chen Ruocheng's neck and said coldly?

"Damn, scare me." Chen Ruocheng said with resentment on his face, "If you have the ability, crush me to death."

Chen Feng didn't speak, but squeezed Chen Ruocheng's neck with his hands, and lifted his body in the air.

"Hmph!" Chen Ruocheng suddenly felt short of breath, he felt the air in his trachea was emptied in an instant, and the slight suffocation made him feel weak.

However, he decided that Chen Feng would not dare to kill him.

"Kill me if you have the ability, fuck, you're my grandson if you can't kill me!" Chen Ruocheng's tone was full of resentment, he looked at Chen Feng with hatred, and uttered obscenities.

Chen Feng didn't speak, but his eyes became more stern, and the strength in his hands increased again.

"Do you want to apologize?" Chen Feng said lightly, as if what he was holding was just a piece of wood, lifeless.


Chen Ruocheng's breathing suddenly became more difficult. At this moment, he could hardly take a breath of fresh air, only the strong smell of suffocation reverberated in his heart.

"Hahaha, go ahead. I'm the young master of the Chen Group. If I don't believe you, you dare to strangle me to death." Chen Ruocheng's face turned red, but he still didn't give in.His sense of nobility and superiority all the time prevented him from bowing his head to such a man who seemed to have no status.

"With your ridiculous sense of superiority, do you think I really dare not kill you?" Chen Feng's voice was still cold, as if killing someone was not a difficult task for him at all.

The fact is true, who is Chen Feng, he was the Alchemy Ancestor in the cultivation world in his previous life, and it is only a matter of waving his hands to be all-powerful.Killing people is simply commonplace for him.

The strength in Chen Feng's hand became heavier, that seemingly powerless right hand was like a pair of iron tongs, firmly pinching Chen Ruocheng's neck.

"Uh..." Chen Ruocheng suddenly realized that what Chen Feng said was not a joke, this man really dared to kill someone!

Thinking of this, boundless panic suddenly appeared in Chen Ruocheng's heart, like dark clouds covering the sun, completely covering his rationality.

At this moment, Chen Ruocheng felt unprecedented fear.He struggled hard.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Chen Feng's shackles.

Chen Ruocheng felt that he was like a hen whose wings were pinched, no matter how much he fluttered about, he could not escape the fate of being slaughtered.

At this moment, in Chen Ruocheng's eyes, the expressionless Chen Feng was like a demon with two horns on his head, who could take his life at will.

However, Chen Ruocheng didn't have the courage to beg for mercy under the all-time superiority and so-called dignity.

He just tightly grasped Chen Feng's arm, it seemed that only in this way could he live longer.

"Mr. Chen Feng, don't kill people." Ru Lan was a little anxious, holding Chen Feng's sleeves tightly with both hands, and begged urgently: "Don't bear the charge of murder for such a person."

Since she was no longer bound by her hands, the shirt draped over Ru Lan's body could no longer hide the arrogance of her chest. With the clothes fluttering, the white and shiny skin and round half circle were completely exposed in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng ignored this peerless figure, his expression was still serious and indifferent.The right hand holding Chen Ruocheng was still stretched out straight, and he held Chen Ruocheng flat in the air with one hand.


Due to the lack of fresh air for a long time, Chen Ruocheng's throat was filled with the sound of a blowing bellows. The prolonged suffocation made his eyes bloodshot and his face turn blue.

He found that if he didn't beg for mercy again, this man would really dare to kill him.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Finally, the long-term arrogance and sense of superiority were all left behind by him, and facing the threat of death, he finally let go of all dignity.

"I...I apologize..." Chen Ruocheng finally shouted these words indistinctly after exhausting all his strength.

At this moment, Chen Ruocheng finally felt the long-lost fresh air.

He knelt on the ground, breathing heavily for air.At this moment, he found that his life was so fragile.

He raised his head in fear, and looked at Chen Feng who was still indifferent, boundless fear instantly filled his whole body.

Under Chen Feng's power, he crawled limply to Ru Lan's feet, and cried loudly: "Miss Ru, I shouldn't have done it, I'll admit my mistake to you, I'll admit my mistake to you."

Seeing Chen Ruocheng, who was so strong just now, lying at her feet crying like a bereaved dog, Ru Lan couldn't calm down for a long time.

This huge change was all because of the mysterious man in front of him.This seemingly inconspicuous man seems to have enormous energy, causing all opponents who have crossed paths with him to have no good results.

At this moment, Chen Feng became even more mysterious in Ru Lan's eyes.

"Miss Ru, I admit my mistake to you..." Chen Ruocheng continued to cry on the ground, like a child who made a mistake, begging for forgiveness.

Ru Lan looked at Chen Ruocheng complicatedly, and finally sighed: "Forget it, I'll pretend that what happened today never happened, you can go."

Chen Ruocheng kept thanking him as if he had heard the imperial decree.Then, he ran out without looking back.

Suddenly, only Chen Feng and Ru Lan were left in the room.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." Ru Lan saluted Chen Feng politely.

"Hehehe, you don't have to be so polite." Chen Feng smiled and turned his head, but his eyes suddenly froze.

What a beautiful body!

At this moment, Ru Lan didn't seem to notice the spring light on her chest, and was still looking at Chen Feng gratefully.

However, gradually, she also noticed that Chen Feng's eyes were abnormal, so she couldn't help but look down.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when she looked at it, her face turned red to the base of her neck.

The proud fullness of his chest is like two lilies in full bloom at this moment, blooming with infinite beauty.Especially during the struggle just now, my red bra was also pulled and shifted a little bit, which caused the small piece of pink mystery to be slightly exposed, just like a wintersweet flower, completely covering Chen Feng's eyes. are attracted to the past.

"It's so beautiful." Faced with such spring scenery, Chen Feng seemed to have completely entered the realm of selflessness, and a wisp of saliva flowed down unconsciously from the corner of his mouth.

"Bad guy!" Ru Lan blushed and cursed in a low voice, but her hands hurriedly closed Chen Feng's shirt, barely covering her allure.

"Eh." Seeing that the fascinating scenery was covered up, Chen Feng felt a sense of loss in his heart.

However, Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment, he smiled at Ru Lan, and said, "Miss Ru, hehe, you'd better go change your clothes first. I can't calm down when you're like this."

"Big pervert!" Ru Lan gave Chen Feng a bitter look, and quickly ran out the door.

"Hey, the seductive body is really powerful, Bai Bai has such a big temptation to me." Chen Feng was once again intoxicated by Ru Lan's seductive white eyes before he left.

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