At the moment when the transformation of the Heiyan Hellfire was completed, Chen Feng's closed eyes suddenly opened, and in his eyes, two dark flames were burning like black ink: "Now, it's time to end!"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, his body suddenly exuded a strong suction force. Under this suction force, the black flames surrounding Chen Feng's body were sucked into Chen Feng's dantian, and were quickly drawn into his dantian. The source of the black flame hellfire assimilates and strengthens itself.

Soon, when the Black Flame Prison Fire in Jieyun was completely absorbed, Chen Feng's Black Flame Prison Fire's original source unexpectedly grew stronger, and it looked extremely solid.

Heiyan Hellfire, Xiaocheng!

"Sixty-Nine Zhongtian Tribulation, it's time to end!"

Chen Feng spoke softly, as if there was a strong will in his voice, the billowing dark clouds that had accumulated over the Biluo faction quickly dissipated.

"Look, Jieyun is gone, could it be that Elder Chen Feng succeeded?"

"It must be, Elder Chen Feng is invincible, long live Elder Chen Feng!"

The disciples of the Biluo Sect below all cheered, and their voices resounded through the sky.

But at a certain moment, the cheers below stopped abruptly.

They saw Chen Feng, this man was standing proudly between the heaven and the earth like the god of war between the heaven and the earth, his whole body was full of might and domineering.

At this moment, Chen Feng was perceiving the changes in himself without distraction.

After six or nine times of catastrophe, Chen Feng's cultivation has risen to the early stage of distraction, and his realm is solid, there is no sign of being unstable just after breaking through the realm.

In addition, Chen Feng used his incarnation as a pill to temper his body in the flames of the Heavenly Tribulation, and his originally relatively strong body transformed again, reaching the level of a middle-grade spiritual weapon in one fell swoop.

With such a physical strength, apart from a few old monsters in the cultivation world who have refined their bodies, no one can compare with Chen Feng!

What made Chen Feng even more excited was that the Tianling Orange Fire had transformed into the Black Flame Hellfire.

The Black Flame Hellfire is a powerful flame from the abyss of hell. It has an extremely high temperature and has a strong restraint on evil things.

However, it wasn't this that excited Chen Feng.

Instead, with the Black Flame Prison Fire, Chen Feng can try to explore the way of alchemy to a deeper level.

Possessing a good pill fire can make alchemists get twice the result with half the effort. With the black flame prison fire, Chen Feng can try to refine several kinds of pills in "Tiandan Records". Boundary cultivation base.

It can be said that the current Chen Feng already has the background to aspire to the top of the cultivation world again, the only difference is his strength.

After calming down the excitement in his heart, Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked at the people of the Bi Luo Sect below.

When he passed the tribulation just now, Chen Feng could feel the concern of these disciples for him, which made Chen Feng have a more sense of identity with the Biluo Sect.

However, Chen Feng felt a strange feeling when he looked at it.It seems that these people below are all weird now, there seems to be a different taste in their eyes.Especially those female monks seemed to have a feeling of wanting to eat people.

"Elder Chen Feng, what a strong body." Dugu Jian suddenly laughed, and then winked at Chen Feng.

Following Dugu Jian's prompt, Chen Feng suddenly found himself standing naked in front of everyone.It turned out that he had just turned into a pill and accepted the tempering of the flames of the sky, and the clothes on his body had already been burned.He who had just broken through was excited, but he didn't notice it for a while.

"Cough..." Chen Feng blushed, coughed lightly, suddenly turned pale, and shouted towards the mountain gate: "Bold little thief, how dare you trespass on my Biluo faction, see if I won't take you down!"

While speaking, Chen Feng's body swayed and disappeared.

It wasn't until Chen Feng disappeared that Biluo Peak's disciples came back to their senses with mixed feelings.

"Damn it, Elder Chen Feng is indeed a dragon among men. That guy is really majestic. If I can be like him, Junior Sister Bi won't complain every night." resonance.

"Wow, Elder Chen Feng is so thick, I really don't know if Senior Sister and the others can satisfy Elder Chen Feng. If not, I am so willing to share the burden for Senior Sister and the others..." A beautiful female disciple of the Biluo Sect showed a pink face, eating and drinking Said calmly, and soon aroused the sympathy of a group of female disciples around.

Bai Muxue: "..."

Li Lingxi: "..."

Liu Yiyi: "You guys keep talking nonsense, be careful that your aunt pulls out your tongues!"

The girls: "..."


Finding a secret place, changing into a suit of clothes, Chen Feng flowed into the room of Bai Muxue and the other three girls in the blink of an eye.

Feeling agitated, he couldn't get the three girls out of bed until he entered the Tiandan Immortal Mansion contentedly.

With the improvement of cultivation base, the effect of "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Jing" became more and more obvious.

The double cultivation with the three women just now made his strength improve again, so Chen Feng decided to go all out and improve his strength a bit.

If it is an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to improve the strength so quickly, otherwise it will definitely cause instability in the realm.But Chen Feng was different. He was a human being in two lifetimes, and in his previous life he was a master who almost ascended to the ascension. His realm itself was high, so he didn't need to worry about the instability of his realm before ascending.

As for the problem of too fast promotion and insufficient solidification of true essence, Chen Feng need not worry even more.With the mysterious cultivation technique "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra", Chen Feng's true essence is more solid and pure than anyone else.

Sitting cross-legged in the secret room of the Heavenly Pill Immortal Mansion, Chen Feng called out the Heavenly Pill Cauldron.

Before being promoted, Chen Feng still had something to do, and that was alchemy.

On the first page of "Heaven Pill Transcript", Chen Feng saw several pills, one of which was very useful to Chen Feng now.After the flame transformed into the Black Flame Hellfire, Chen Feng finally had the qualification to try to refine these kinds of elixirs.

Chen Feng had a feeling that he would be able to open the second page of "Tian Dan Records" after he had refined the several pills mentioned on the first page.

What Chen Feng is going to refine now is the first pill on the first page, called "Hundred Turns and Thousand Returns Pill".

Chen Feng has been collecting the materials for refining this kind of elixir, and has already collected them all.One of the main herbs is Zilongcao.

This Purple Dragon Grass was a bet won by Fu Yuan, the king of alchemy in the Cangzhou Grand Competition.Thinking of this apprentice in his previous life, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.The Heaven and Earth Sect is here to commit crimes, Fu Yuan should be too busy to get away now.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Feng suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, and sat cross-legged on the futon.

The next moment, a mass of pitch-black black flames instantly ignited the Heavenly Pill Cauldron, and a suffocating burning sensation hit the face.

Hundreds of turns and thousands of back to the pill, refine it for me!

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