Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 682 Killing Zhang Gui

"The rainbow is expanding and spreading, seemingly slowly, but in fact it is lightning fast.

In just a split second, Shen Deyuan, die!

"Quick back!" The aggressive figure of the shopkeeper suffocated suddenly, and the next moment, he shouted hastily, and his body instantly jumped over the two mid-stage tribulations behind him, and flew back quickly.

But, will Chen Feng give him a chance to retreat?

"Kill me!" Following his cold voice, the rainbow in midair drew a beautiful arc and chased after Zhang Gui!

The power of the rainbow is so powerful. Wherever it passes, the stable space is torn apart, and the dark space cracks open their mouths ferociously, as if to swallow everything around them.

As soon as Zhang Gui retreated, the two mid-transcendence tribulations were the first to face Chen Feng's sword light that turned into a rainbow.

"So fast!" This was the last thought in the minds of the two of them. Immediately, their bodies were split into two parts, and endless blood and broken internal organs spilled from the broken parts of the corpses. In the aftermath, it turned into powder.

A powerful sword, even in the middle of the robbery, there is no chance to resist!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Gui was even more frightened. He never imagined that Chen Feng would be able to deliver such a strong blow.

Before this blow, he already smelled the smell of death.

The rainbow formed by the sword light was still flying fast, as if the two strong men in the middle stage of the tribulation had no way to stop it at all.

In a blink of an eye, Jian Guang had already approached Zhang Gui's side, and the next moment, he would cut Zhang Gui into two pieces just as he had killed Shen Deyuan before.

"No, I can't die! Stop it!" Zhang Gui's eyes widened, and there was a sense of reluctance in his eyes.

The next moment, a drop of blood suddenly appeared in front of him, a drop of pale golden blood.

As soon as the pale golden blood appeared, a powerful force suddenly erupted from the pale golden blood. In an instant, the blood turned into a golden round shield, holding Zhang Gui's body behind.


There was a teeth-piercing sound, but it was Chen Feng's sword light that had already slashed on the golden round shield, and the two rubbed against each other crazily, as if they had fallen into a stalemate.

"Damn it, this drop of golden blood is a drop of blood on the leader's body. It contains supreme power. If I refine it, I don't know how much my strength can be improved. Damn boy, I have to consume golden blood to save my life .One day, I will let you cramp and peel your skin to vent my hatred."

Thinking of this, Zhang Gui gave Chen Feng a hard look, turned around and flew back.

Here, he was unwilling to wait any longer. He was deeply afraid that Chen Feng would show his sword light like before. At that time, he would not have another drop of golden blood to sign up for.

Chen Feng looked at Zhang Gui who was flying back coldly, and hated him to death.

The Potian Yijian with all his strength was actually blocked by Zhang Gui.

I don't know what that golden blood is, but it was able to block the Potian sword.

Chen Feng really wanted to chase and kill Zhang Gui, but in desperation, the previous strike had drained most of his strength. If he wanted to chase Zhang Gui, he had more energy than he wanted.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Gui had already fled for several thousand meters and reached the sky above the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Huh? It's really strange. I didn't expect the blood of the fairy to appear in this world. Moreover, the purity of the blood of the fairy is not low!"

All of a sudden, the clear and crisp voice of Lvyi resounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Lv Yi, you said this is the blood of the fairy?" Chen Feng's heart moved: "Do you have a way to break the blood of the fairy?"

Lvyi nodded proudly, and said with a smile: "It was difficult before, but now..."

While speaking, I saw the pretty figure in green clothes move, and a green energy emanated from her body, and instantly rushed out of Chen Feng's eyebrows, and quickly poured into the light of Chen Feng's Heaven Breaking Sword. middle.

With the incorporation of green energy, the sword light that was about to dissipate suddenly solidified, and an extremely sharp aura emanated from the sword light.

This sharp breath immediately alarmed Zhang Gui who was fleeing.

In a panic, he took a quick glance, but saw a scene that he will never forget!

The indestructible golden round shield in between was quietly cut open by the sword light, and this sword light was flying towards him like thunder!

"Not good! Block it for me!" Instinctively, Zhang Gui instantly activated all his defensive methods, and immediately, the spirit weapon and treasure clothes, layered upon layer, blocked him.

The sword light whizzed towards him, a cold light flashed, several spiritual weapons were quietly broken into two pieces, the treasure clothes were colorfully broken, and amid the flashes of blood, Zhang Gui's figure fell straight down!

A sword that broke the sky hit Zhang Gui, but failed to cut him in two!

"Hmph, if this sword spirit didn't recover less than one ten-thousandth of it, how could this guy not die?" Lv Yi pouted, as if he was very dissatisfied with the effect he had caused.

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth twitched, this aunt's strength is less than one ten thousandth, if she recovers completely, wouldn't it be against the sky?

Zhang Gui fell weakly, and took the sword forcefully, causing him to be seriously injured!

Below is the gathering place of the disciples of the Biluo Sect.

At this moment, these disciples who only had Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage were watching Zhang Gui covetously, all gearing up to beat the dog in the water.

"Hmph, even if I'm seriously injured, you guys like ants want to hurt me?" Zhang Gui sneered.

He knew he was going to die, so he just killed enough!

"Huh?" Zhang Gui, who was falling, suddenly let out a light gasp, and he saw a figure, which was Dugu Jian.

At this time, Dugu Jian's aura is extremely powerful, and he has officially entered the level of the early stage of crossing the tribulation.However, Dugu Jian still had his eyes closed, as if he was still comprehending the mystery of the Tribulation Transcending Period, and did not realize that Zhang Gui was about to fall by his side.

"Hey, if you want me to die, I want you to pay the price! During the period of crossing the catastrophe, it will be a lot of heartache compared to yours!" Zhang Gui smiled ferociously, with a cold and violent aura blooming on his body, and he struggled in mid-air. Zhong Tune turned around and rushed towards Dugu Jian.

"Not good!" Seeing Zhang Gui's movements, Chen Feng's face turned serious, and he was about to use all his energy to rescue him.However, the smile on the corner of Dugu Jian's mouth made his heart skip a beat, and he stopped involuntarily.

This Dugu sword also has such an "evil" side.

"Hey hey, go to hell!" In the blink of an eye, Zhang Gui had already landed in front of Dugu Jian, he stretched out his huge soles, and stepped on Dugu Jian like a mountain pressing down on him!

"not good!"

The faces of the disciples of the Bi Luo faction turned pale instantly.


There was a sudden whistling sound of the sword being unsheathed, and a bright silver sword light suddenly rose from Dugu Jian's body, causing Zhang Gui's eyes to narrow!


The sudden appearance of blood pierced everyone's hearts.


ps: Today, I saw my bump ticket, and there were nearly a hundred more tickets at once.This amount is really not much, but for Xiao Huang, it is really commendable.Xiao Huang's grades are not very good, there are many reasons, I am ashamed to say.Every time someone votes for me, stamps a chapter, or presents a flower, I can feel elated, because this makes me see that my book is still liked by someone, a flower, a ticket, and a chapter can Let me excited for a long time.Thank you for your support. On the road of writing, I will persevere. Even if this book is finished, there will be another one. I will continue to write. I believe that I will succeed.

Brothers who like my book, please continue to support me. If there are mistakes or omissions, you can scold me; if it is not exciting, you can criticize me;

Special thanks to nianzhou, unburned smoke and other brothers for their awesome bump tickets, thank you

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