"Then I'll break it for you to see!" Following Chen Feng's voice, the long sword of true essence pierced deeply on the bone shield.

"How is it possible?" Yin Xu's eyes were wide open, he recognized the almost invincible bone shield of the same level...

It was pierced!

The long sword of true essence, with endless sharpness, pierced through the big bone shield in an instant. During this period, the long sword of true essence did not show any reluctance.

Looking at this scene, a scene appeared in the minds of the monks below - cutting tofu.

Yes, it is cut tofu.The flying sword of true essence pierces through the big bone shield, just like a needle point piercing through water to grind tofu, it is easy and powerful.

Behind the big bone shield, Yin Lei also turned pale with shock.

This white bone shield is already his most powerful means of defense.

However, such a method seemed so fragile under the power of the true essence long sword.

However, he is still a cultivator in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. Although he has only just entered the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, his reaction ability is also extremely fast.

The true essence of the whole body gathered desperately, Yin Lei's strength finally exploded completely, his skinny palm protruded, and above the palm, an evil black energy filled the air, condensing into a pair of gloves like substance.

This is his most powerful blow. In the past, countless people died on the palms of his hands. These palms are murderous hands.

However, the murderer at this moment doesn't care about killing people at all.Their only purpose at this moment is to save their lives, to save their lives from the True Essence Long Sword!


The palm of the hand instantly pinched the long sword of true essence, like iron tongs, grasping it firmly, hoping to tear the long sword of true essence.

But is it possible?

There was a flash of blood, and Yin Lei's arms had been smashed into pieces by the sword energy, turning into blood mist that filled the sky and scattered around.

"Run away!" Enduring the severe pain, Yin Lei bit the tip of his tongue, aroused all his potential, and flew back.

"Hmph, can you escape?" A sarcasm flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he pointed his finger at the long sword of true essence again.

With this pointing, the long sword of true essence suddenly accelerated, so fast that it couldn't even catch the shadow.

The next moment, all the monks in Lincang City heard a loud scream.When they looked up, there was nothing else in the sky except for a long-lasting blood mist.

Yin Xu's eyes were full of despair.

Just now, he witnessed the death of his proud uncle.The Yin Lei during the tribulation period was stabbed into pieces by a sword, leaving no bones left.

"Damn, he's dead, just killed by Chen Feng?" Man Li clenched his fists, and finally couldn't help swearing.

In less than half a year, Chen Feng has become so powerful that he can easily kill the cultivators who thought he was in the tribulation period.

Is this still human?

As for Yi Tianzong, his originally pale handsome face was filled with ecstasy.Unexpectedly, this big brother Chen Feng was actually such a master.He was fortunate that he did not compromise like Yin Xu at that time, otherwise, maybe he would have missed the opportunity to get acquainted with such a master forever.

"Now, do you still have any capital to be superior?" Chen Feng looked coldly at the pale Yin Xu: "You dare to be rampant in front of me, isn't it because you have a strong backer? Now, you continue to be rampant?"


Yin Xu knelt down in front of Chen Feng in horror, shivering like a quail in the ice and snow.

"Senior, please forgive me. I was blind and offended senior. Please forgive me!" Yin Xu kowtowed, as humble as a pitiful worm.

Yi Tianzong saw it and clenched his fists.The reason why Yin Xu dared to run rampant in front of him was because of his own strength and his terrifying uncle.Now, Chen Feng easily shattered his support, turning this arrogant person into a clown.

"This is strength. With great strength, who would dare to bully me? But, do I still have a chance to restore my dantian?" Yi Tianzong couldn't help recalling what Chen Feng said to him before, his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Senior, don't kill me, I am willing to assist the Second Young Master wholeheartedly, without any second thoughts!" Yin Xu still kowtowed, his forehead was already bleeding.

His eyes glanced at Yi Tianzong from time to time, he hoped that Yi Tianzong could open his mouth to plead for him, after all, this Second Young Master is the most short of manpower right now.

However, Yi Tianzong only responded to him coldly, looking at him more with contempt.

This made his heart sink even deeper.

"I'm the one who fears trouble the most. If I let you go, I'm sure you'll cause trouble. So...die!" With a slap from the sky, Yin Xu's body fell slowly in front of Chen Feng, and there was no one left. A glimmer of life.

"This time, thank you Brother Chen Feng!"

Yi Tian walked over slowly, and saluted Chen Feng solemnly.

"Hehe, it's okay! I killed their uncle and nephew only because he bullied my wife, not all because of you!" Chen Feng said with a light smile, as if he didn't care about the previous killing at all.

Listening to Chen Feng's words, Li Lingxi's beautiful eyes were full of spring, looking at Chen Feng with tenderness.

"No matter what, if there is no brother Chen Feng, I don't know what will happen today." Yi Tianzong said sincerely: "Brother Chen Feng has just arrived in Lincang, and he has lived in my Lingyun mansion for a few days. Take Chen Feng elder brother and elder sister-in-law personally to appreciate the scenery of Lincang city."

"Alright." Chen Feng nodded, but did not refuse.

He appreciates Yi Tianzong very much, and if he stays for a few days, he can help him a bit.

Seeing that Chen Feng agreed, Yi Tianzong was even more delighted, and immediately ordered his servants to clean the room, and set up a banquet, intending to entertain Chen Feng, his wife and many guests.

Everyone was having a good time and came forward to greet Chen Feng one after another, as if they had forgotten the previous killing.

Chen Feng was easy-going, so naturally he didn't alienate everyone, and quickly got acquainted with everyone.

"Second Young Master, the banquet is ready!" A servant stepped forward respectfully and reported.

"Come, come, everyone, go to the lobby with me to drink." Yi Tianzong hurriedly greeted.

Just when everyone was about to leave, there was another burst of piercing sound.The direction from which the voice came was surprisingly the palace where the city lord Yi Canglong hid.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Lincang City had a distinguished guest, and I, the landlord, didn't come to greet him. I really deserve death!" A hearty laugh came, and Yi Canglong was slowly falling into the courtyard.

Seeing Yi Canglong's arrival, Yi Tianzong's expression changed, and he saluted the latter unnaturally: "I have seen my father."

Yi Canglong smiled and said lovingly: "Well, Tian Zong, it's really nonsense to have distinguished guests come to the door without saying hello to your father!"

Everyone looked at Yi Canglong's smiling face and suddenly felt nauseated.This father resolutely gave up his son just now for his own comfort.Now that the crisis has been lifted, and he has seen Chen Feng's strength, he has come to make friends again.

"What a shameless bastard!" On the other hand, Man Li scolded with contempt on his face.

But Yi Canglong just twitched his face muscles, and then he clasped his fists at Chen Feng as if nothing happened, and said, "This fellow Taoist, come here, I have already set up spiritual wine and food at the house, why don't you move mine?" Your Majesty, how about letting me do my best as a landlord?"

Chen Feng raised his head, looked at Yi Canglong, and then, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and said a word coldly: "Get lost!"

ps: Brothers, during the summer vacation, what time do you think is the best time for Xiao Huang to update?

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