Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 707 Call Your Elder to Come

"You say I'm a jerk?" Chen Feng walked out with a light smile, looking at Yi Tianci with malicious intent: "Would you like to try it?"

"Of course I have to try!" Yi Tianci gritted his teeth and shouted viciously: "Zhan Zhengqing, give me a try of this little boy's method! Be careful, don't let me die if you can kill him!"

Zhan Zhengqing grinned grimly: "Okay, Third Young Master!"

As he said that, he walked slowly in front of Chen Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, the third young master said that if you can be killed, don't hold your breath. It looks like you are going to die today!"

Everyone is absolutely stunned, is this guy an idiot?What kind of master has what kind of slave, this Yi Tianci is an idiot, could it be possible that even this Zhan Zhengqing is also an idiot?Do you really think you can kill Chen Feng with the strength of Nascent Soul mid-stage?

If Chen Feng didn't have great strength, would Li Lingxi follow Chen Feng willingly?

Chen Feng looked serious, and nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will do as you say. I can kill you, but I won't leave you a breath."

"Don't be ashamed, go die!" Zhan Zhengqing was furious immediately, and charged forward with a long spear in his hand.

"Die!" Chen Feng looked at Zhan Zhengqing with pity, and with a movement of his finger, a burst of sword energy shot out, invisible and invisible.

Zhan Zhengqing, who was running, was about to launch a powerful blow, but suddenly found a pain in his waist. When he came back to his senses, what greeted him was endless darkness.

Without any warning, his body was chopped into two pieces at the waist, and he died so badly that he couldn't die any more.

"What's the situation? How did Chen Feng kill this person?" Not only the people on Yi Tianci's side were surprised, even the people on Yi Tianzong's side were also stunned.

They didn't feel any fluctuations at all, and Zhan Zhengqing was torn apart.If such an invisible attack was used on him, would he be able to dodge it?

All of a sudden, everyone's backs were soaked.

"This invisible sword seems to be powerful, but it's useless at present!" In Chen Feng's sea of ​​knowledge, the sword spirit in green clothes said old-fashionedly: "You don't need much power to kill the Nascent Soul stage or even the out-of-body stage. , It is indeed possible to be invisible and invisible. But if you want to kill monks who are above the distraction stage, you can't hide the trajectory of the sword energy."

"If you can master the invisible sword intent, you can kill people invisible." Lvyi looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "It's just that with your aptitude, if you want to do this, you can do it without saying anything." A hundred years."

Chen Feng heard it in his heart, but he was not discouraged.This invisible sword energy is a kind of sword intent that Lvyi imparted to Chen Feng on the way to Chenzhou. At that time, Lvyi made it clear that it would be impossible to get a preliminary understanding without ten years.However, in just one month, Chen Feng was able to start using it.

Need a hundred years?Chen Feng was very confident in himself.

"Which senior is it that killed my subordinates? Please come out and see me!" Yi Tianci suddenly shouted towards the sky.Zhan Zhengqing's death, he attributed to the secret help of Chen Feng by a master.

"This idiot!" Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, full of contempt.My younger brother doesn't seem to have a high IQ.

In the sky, naturally no one will answer.

However, with Chen Feng's mental strength, he discovered that there are two groups of people hiding in the sky at this moment, carefully watching every move below, and among them, there is an aura that he has come into contact with.

Realizing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile: It seems that there are quite a few people paying attention to this place. If so, why not add fire to it.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng called out to Yi Tianci: "Hey, are you still going to try? If you don't try, then I'm coming!"

While speaking, Chen Feng's steps moved.

He walked slowly towards Yi Tianci, every step was extremely firm, with a real killing intent!

Looking at Chen Feng's figure, Yi Tianci panicked for no reason.

"What are you doing in a daze, kill him!" He screamed crazily, like a crazy monkey.


The city guards surrounding the mansion finally moved.

Like vigorous monkeys, they kept climbing over the wall, and then silently waved the magic weapons in their hands to kill Chen Feng.

However, whenever they were not close to Chen Feng, their bodies were inexplicably cut into two halves without warning.

No one could capture how Chen Feng made his move.From the beginning to the end, Chen Feng was just walking steadily, except for his feet, he didn't move at all.

"Who is helping you? Why is no one able to get close to you!" Seeing batches of city guards fall down, Yi Tianci yelled in horror.

Today, almost all the city guards he brought were wiped out, and the other party had no casualties from the beginning to the end.

However, now Yi Tianci doesn't have time to think about this, he is more concerned about his own life.In his cognition, although Chen Feng is not strong, he himself is even weaker.

Chen Feng had already come not far away from him, he even saw the stern look in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Help me!" Yi Tianci raised his head in panic and roared towards the sky.


There was a huge sound of sword whistling suddenly, but a flying sword brimming with light crashed down, piercing straight to Yi Tianci's feet not far away, just right between Chen Feng and Yi Tianci.

"Cousin, it seems that you are really worthless!" A mocking laugh burst out, and the next moment, a man, a young man, appeared on the flying sword that was inserted straight into the ground.

With one foot on the hilt of the sword, he stood up straight and looked at Chen Feng awe-inspiringly. There was actually a sense of aloofness in his eyes.

"Cousin, save me!" Yi Tianci cried when he saw the person coming.

"It really is trash!" The young man looked down at Yi Tianci, the disdain in his eyes was undisguised: "If you weren't my cousin, a trash like you, I would never have looked at you!"

Yi Tianci lowered his head, gritted his teeth and dared not refute.

Seeing that Yi Tianci was silent, the young man immediately felt bored.

He turned his head, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked at Chen Feng: "My cousin, do you want to kill too?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Why can't you kill him?"

The young man frowned, his eyes glowed with a substantial light, like two sword lights, piercing Chen Feng's body: "Just because he is my cousin of Cen Jianyuan and a relative of my Cen family!"

"The Cen family? I haven't heard of it, is it very powerful?" Chen Feng was still so indifferent.

"Whether you are fierce or not, you will know soon!" Cen Jianyuan was filled with traces of sword energy: "When you die!"

"Oh? A swordsman?" Chen Feng looked at Cen Jianyuan and smiled again: "Unfortunately, your sword is not strong enough, let your elders come down!"

As he said that, Chen Feng looked at a certain side of the sky with incomparably deep eyes.

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