"Blue Valley" lover's restaurant has always been a place sought after by young men and women in hz city.

All kinds of romantic things are performed here every day, and countless couples join hands here to go to the wedding hall.

"Blue Valley" restaurant for lovers, the decoration is very romantic.Small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, towers and pavilions... everything in this huge restaurant is like a paradise.

The most important thing is that the consumption here is not expensive, and ordinary college students can afford it, so this place is often overcrowded.

Chen Feng looked at Ru Lan who was sitting across from him with a smile, and asked softly, "Why did you think of coming here?" Chen Feng naturally saw the special thing here at a glance.

Ru Lan blushed slightly, but she was a little shy: "Actually, I've heard of this place a long time ago, but no one has come with me." At this moment, Ru Lan is like an ordinary young girl, without any Coquettish attitude.

"No way, you are so beautiful, why is no one accompanying you?" Chen Feng was surprised.

Ru Lan was a little disappointed, looked at Chen Feng and replied: "You are the first man who has eaten alone with me so far." After speaking, Ru Lan took a sip of red wine and said mockingly: "Those people in the past, just met Bewitched by my seductive aura, I just thought about how to get me into bed. How dare I come out with a man alone?"

There was a hint of understanding in Chen Feng's eyes.Looking at Ru Lan's disappointed expression, she suddenly smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I also have the purpose of getting you to bed?"

Ru Lan looked at Chen Feng seriously, and smiled sweetly: "You are different from them."

Chen Feng touched his nose and smiled bitterly.Isn't it different, such a good opportunity just now didn't eat you up, I feel embarrassed even thinking about it.

Ru Lan seemed to see through Chen Feng's heart, and said seriously: "This is actually the reason why I am willing to come here with you. If you didn't listen to my stop just now, and really ate me up, I will never see you again in this life you."

"Hehe." Chen Feng said with a faint smile, "I never thought that I would be a gentleman, but I would still be favored by you, Ru Lan." As he said that, Chen Feng looked at Ru Lan with blazing eyes, "To be honest, just now I really want to eat you!"

Ru Lan's face was flushed, she didn't dare to look into Chen Feng's eyes, she lowered her head and fiddled with the corner of her clothes.At this moment, she is clearly a pure and beautiful girl, how can she still have the charm just now?

At this moment, only a "bang" was heard, and then there was a commotion at the door.

Chen Feng looked up, only to see crowds of people at the gate of "Blue Valley", very lively.

"Fuck, I'll see who of you dares to come in!" A domineering shout resounded throughout the restaurant.A burly man stopped at the door single-handedly.Vaguely, Chen Feng saw a mass of human heads outside the door.

"You sit here, I'll go and have a look." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Chen Feng, be careful!" Ru Lan didn't stop her, but just told her.

At the door, a tall and burly man stood in front of the door, with the posture of "one man should be the gate, and ten thousand men should not open it".

"This 'Blue Valley' is the place I am covering, all of you get out of here!" This man spoke bluntly, and a strong domineering spirit surged out of his body, which made people daunting.

Outside the door, dozens of people gathered in a dark manner, each holding machetes and sticks, looking fierce.

A small leader at the head looked at the burly man, sneered, and shouted: "This place used to be the property of the leader of the Oolong Gang, but yesterday the Oolong Gang was wiped out by our Prince Party, and even the leader died. From now on, this place will be owned by our prince, the party."

As he said that, he raised the machete in his hand: "Boy, get out of the way quickly, I will only break your leg later. If you don't move, I will break your limbs now."

"Fuck your mother!" The burly man said bitterly: "You prince, the party is so shameless, this place is private property, how can you just ask for it if you want it?"

"I'm standing here today. If I let you go in alone, I won't be called Zhang Daga!" The burly man raised his fist and looked majestic.

This burly man was none other than Chen Feng's good brother - Gazi.

"Gazi, let's give them the restaurant. Don't fight with them!" Behind him, a woman in her twenties nervously tugged on Gazi's clothes, her face full of anxiety: "Mom and Dad have been killed They killed them, and now you are the only one I can rely on. Don't worry about anything!"

Gazi turned his head full of resoluteness, looked at the young girl, with a gentle look on his face: "Lan Lan, don't be afraid. This restaurant is the brainchild of your mother. As long as I am here, I will keep it no matter what." Then, Gazi pulled the girl named Lan Lan aside with a big hand.Then, he straightened his body, like a big mountain, guarding the gate tightly.

"F*ck, shame on you!" The little boss immediately cursed, swung his machete, and rushed towards Gazi.

Seeing that his leader moved, the other dozens of gangsters took up their weapons and rushed towards the gate.

"Come on!" Gazi roared like a beast, and the muscles in his hands suddenly swelled up and became harder.

"Huh—" The little boss had already rushed forward, his eyes gleaming with coldness, and the machete in his hand fell towards Gazi's head.

"Hmph!" Gazi snorted contemptuously, and dodged the knife on the side of his head.His fist made a sudden sound of wind.

"Huh—" The fist cut through the air, eliminated a soft whistle, and landed hard on the little boss's stomach.


The little boss's eyes were wide open, and his body suddenly retreated a dozen steps before stopping.A mouthful of dirty stuff spilled out of his mouth, a sour taste.

Gazi's punch actually knocked out the stomach acid of the little boss!


The machete in the little boss's hand could no longer be held, and fell straight to the ground.And his whole body was like a prawn, hunched over, lying on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Damn it, what are you waiting for? Let me abolish him!" The little boss lying on the ground still yelled.

"Kill, avenge the eldest brother!" A clever man hurriedly shouted.Immediately, the other gangsters rushed up with red eyes.But he himself hurriedly ran to the leader and helped him up.

Gazi looked coldly at the rushing crowd, the corners of his eyes were full of dignity.It's only been a few days since I've practiced "The Overlord's Golden Body Jue" by myself. Although I have been assisted by the strengthening soup, my progress is limited. Facing these dozens of people, there is a lot of pressure.

However, how could Gazi shrink back, clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "Come on! I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

His eyes are full of determination!


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