Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 716 Chen Feng's Shock

"Well, I came here this time to say goodbye to you!" Chen Feng said: "Everything in Lincang City has stabilized, and our husband and wife have to leave and go to Tianyun City!"

"What, you are going to Tianyun City?" Yi Tianzong raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it such a coincidence?"

Chen Feng was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Why is it a coincidence?"

Yi Tianzong walked up to Chen Feng and said, "Brother Chen Feng, how do you see the low-level monks in Lincang City doing?"

"Naturally, life is not good!" Chen Feng said honestly: "Let's talk about the entrance fee, since it suddenly increased twice half a year ago, those low-level monks are already miserable."

Hearing some dissatisfaction in Chen Feng's words, Yi Tianzong smiled bitterly and said, "It is my father's decision to increase taxes in Lincang City. However, my father's original intention was not to oppress the monks in Lincang City, but out of helplessness."

Chen Feng looked at Yi Tianzong, but didn't speak.

"My Lincang City belongs to the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Killer, and has always been protected by the Heavenly Killer. However, once the Heavenly Killer needs something, Lincang City must do its best to do it for them."

Chen Feng nodded, full of approval.Indeed, to receive benefits from others, one has to do things for them, which is also a matter of course.Even if Chen Feng was an alchemy ancestor in his previous life, he still did this.

Yi Tianzong felt a little helpless on his face: "Half a year ago, news came from Tianyun City that a young master from the Qiu family's lineage was about to marry a princess from the Jin family's lineage. In order to make the wedding grand, Qiu The family ordered each of the affiliated cities to prepare a big gift. If they dare to perfunctory, they will directly order the city lord to abdicate!"

"And our city of Lincang is located on the border, so it is not rich. In order to keep the position of city lord, my father ordered the tax to be doubled to raise gifts."

Hearing Yi Tianzong's words, Chen Feng frowned instantly: "Could it be that this is what Tu Zhenxing and Tu Sheng said that Jin Yi is in big trouble?"

Thinking about it, Chen Feng suddenly became angry with an unknown fire.After all, Jin Yi is also his Chen Feng's woman, but now she is going to be married by someone else, isn't this provoking his bottom line?

Feeling the strong evil spirit on Chen Feng's body, Yi Tianzong was taken aback for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Could it be that Brother Chen Feng went to Tianyun City for this purpose?"

Chen Feng nodded without denying it.

"Could it be that brother Chen Feng also went to congratulate?" Yi Tianzong asked again.

This time, Chen Feng directly shook his head in denial, with a gloomy face: "No, I'm not here to congratulate. I'm here to snatch a kiss!"

Seeing the persistence on Chen Feng's face, Li Lingxi covered her mouth with her little hand and laughed.

"What, snatching a kiss..." Yi Tian shuddered and cried out in horror.The next moment, his hands suddenly covered his mouth, as if he was afraid that his voice would be heard by others.

After taking a few breaths, Yi Tianzong said in a low voice: "Brother Chen Feng, I support you!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that the position of the city lord you just sat on will be lost?"

Yi Tianzong smiled sincerely: "I've only been in this position for two or three days, and I'm tired of it. I have to deal with so many things every day, how can I have time to practice! How about being like Brother Chen Feng, who is proud of the world of self-cultivation? ?”

"However, Brother Chen Feng, if you really want to go to Tianyun City, you can go with the team from Lincang City, so many things will be much more convenient." Yi Tian laughed and said: "At that time, I will also go there in person Sky Meteor City, I can also ask brother Chen Feng about some cultivation matters on the way."

Chen Feng thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.After all, Chen Feng had no idea what the Sky Meteor City looked like.Going with the gift-giving team in Lincang City, I can take care of it.Big deal, when we get to Sky Meteor City and find out what's going on inside, we'll just separate.

"Since Brother Chen Feng has agreed, we will leave in two days!" Yi Tianzong said happily.

"It seems that you have a lot of things to deal with, so let's take our leave first!" Now that the discussion has been made, Chen Feng doesn't want to stay here anymore.

"Wait!" When Chen Feng was about to walk to the door, Yi Tianzong's voice sounded suddenly: "Brother Chen Feng, please stop, I have something to tell you!"

"Huh?" Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Yi Tianzong in confusion.

Yi Tian stepped forward quickly, and said sincerely: "Brother Chen Feng will not protect me, before leaving, I want to give Brother Chen Feng some presents!"

"Then there's no need, I have no intention of helping you." Chen Feng smiled.

"No, big brother Chen Feng, maybe only big brother Chen Feng can use this gift!" Yi Tianzong said in a deep voice, his expression extremely solemn: "What's more, it's still unknown whether big brother Chen Feng can get it."

Hearing what Yi Tianzong said, Chen Feng became interested.

"Brother Chen Feng, let me do it!" Seeing Chen Feng's interest, Yi Tianzong turned around and walked out the door without any inkling, walking towards the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although Chen Feng and Li Lingxi didn't know what to do, they still followed quickly.

The City Lord's Mansion in Lincang City was built against a big mountain, and the side of the backyard was the mountain wall.

At this moment, Yi Tianzong was standing in front of a cave on the mountain wall with a serious expression on his face.

Outside the entrance of the cave, a group of powerful city guards were always stationed outside, not daring to relax for a moment.

"Is this the spiritual vein of Cangzhou City?" Chen Feng looked at the entrance of the cave, and recognized the secret of the cave at a glance.

"Yes, this is the land of Lincang City's spiritual veins, and it is also the place that holds the lifeblood of Lincang City!" Yi Tianzong nodded and said.

"Since it is the land of Lincang City's spiritual veins, it should be of high quality. However, judging from the spiritual energy escaping from the cave, this spiritual vein does not seem to be of high quality." Li Lingxi closed her eyes After feeling it, he opened his mouth and said.

"It's not that simple!" Chen Feng said suddenly.

Vaguely, he looked at this land of spiritual veins with an indescribable feeling.

"Brother Chen Feng really has a good sense of people. I only discovered this secret after I truly accepted the City Lord's Mansion." Yi Tian sighed: "You two will know after you go in and feel it."

While speaking, Yi Tianzong walked into the land of spiritual veins first, followed by Chen Feng and Li Lingxi.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them had already penetrated hundreds of meters.

"It's still nothing special." Li Lingxi was still puzzled.No matter how she felt, she couldn't feel the specialness of this place of spiritual veins.The richness of the aura here is almost the same as the place where her Baihua Palace's spiritual veins were.In other words, the spiritual vein contained in this spiritual vein is a third-class spiritual vein.

"Don't worry, just advance another hundred meters and you will know." Yi Tianzong said mysteriously, without stopping.

"Mysterious..." Li Lingxi pouted, and Chen Feng followed quickly.

A hundred meters passed in a blink of an eye, and there was a corner ahead, and a white light was projected faintly.

"Brother Chen Feng, sister-in-law, we're here!" Yi Tianzong turned the corner and said with a smile to Chen Feng and the two behind him.

"This is..." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

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