Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 720 Acting School

"Is Lincang City Lord here? Within ten breaths, come see me!" Just when the three of them were happy, a majestic voice suddenly came.

When Yi Tianzong heard it, he quickly got up and flew towards the monk in the sky.

This monk looked like an old man, with a rather handsome face under his gray hair.

"I'm next to Yi Tianzong, the lord of Cang City, to pay my respects to this senior." Yi Tianzong bowed respectfully to the end, his tone sincere.

From Chen Feng's mouth, he already knew that this monk was a great power in the Mahayana period, so he didn't dare to offend him in the slightest.

"Yi Tianzong?" The Mahayana monk frowned, and said displeasedly, "Isn't the lord of Lincang City Yi Canglong? When did you become Yi Tianzong?"

Yi Tianzong's face changed wildly, and the junior was drenched in cold sweat.

Although the senior's tone was not harsh, Yi Tianzong felt a great pressure.Under this pressure, it is extremely difficult not to mention opening your mouth, even keeping your body from falling into the sky.

"Why don't you talk?" The Mahayana monk's face was extremely displeased, and there was a faint murderous intent flashing.

With his questioning, Yi Tianzong's face became even paler, how could he speak?

"Senior, calm down!" At this moment, Chen Feng leaped up quickly and landed beside Yi Tianzong, with his right hand casually resting on Yi Tianzong's shoulder.

Immediately, Yi Tianzong felt a warm current from Chen Feng's hand.With the help of this warm current, although the coercion of the Mahayana monk was still fierce, Yi Tianzong was finally able to bear it.

"Who are you?" The Mahayana monk raised his eyebrows.

With his cultivation base, he can naturally see Chen Feng's cultivation base at a glance.It was precisely because of this that he was a little surprised.

This monk who is only in the middle stage of integration can be calm under his own pressure, and even help others resist his pressure, which is really unreasonable.

Chen Feng also clasped his hands together. Although he was equally respectful, he seemed much more casual than Yi Tianzong.

"My servant, Chen Feng, is the servant of the new city lord of Lincang City." Chen Feng said.

"Retainer?" The Mahayana monk looked at Chen Feng in surprise, and then regained his composure: "Since he is the retainer of the city lord, he should know what happened in Lincang City. Why did the city lord change?"

Chen Feng laughed lightly, and then his face suddenly became serious: "Who is your Excellency, why do you inquire about the internal affairs of Lincang City? Do you know that Lincang City is a subsidiary city of Tiansha, and only Tiansha can understand the affairs of Lincang City?" Qualified to intervene!"

The Mahayana monk laughed, a little coldly: "Old man Jin Guang, Tian Slayer Elder, naturally qualified to ask about this matter!"

"Eh..." Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly meeting the real master.However, he quickly regained his composure, and just said: "Since the senior is the elder of Heavenly Slaughter, then he can naturally know the reason."

As he spoke, Chen Feng pushed Yi Tianzong in front of him, and explained: "Three days ago, Lincang City suffered a major change. Jianshan Cen's family and Balongzong came together to attack. But at that time, the city lord Yi Canglong was colluding with the enemy. , in a vain attempt to split Lincang City from Heavenly Kill's territory. At the critical moment, the current city lord Yi Tianzong righteously killed his relatives, repelled powerful enemies, and saved Lincang City!"

What Chen Feng said was righteous, but Yi Tianzong beside him blushed.Where is he so great, it's all due to Chen Feng.

"Bold!" Jin Guang's complexion suddenly changed, and his face was full of hatred: "Don't think that the old man doesn't know the whole story. The old man wanted to give you a chance to confess because of your meritorious service in expelling thieves. Unexpectedly , but you still want to hide it."

While speaking, the golden light waved casually, and suddenly, several corpses appeared in the sky.

Seeing these corpses, Yi Tianzong's expression changed again.I saw that one of the corpses was Yi Canglong who fled here earlier.

Unexpectedly, Yi Canglong tried his best to escape and even killed his own son in order to escape.But in the end, he still couldn't escape the end of death.

After all, the same blood remained, looking at Yi Canglong's body, Yi Tianzong felt somewhat sad.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?" Chen Feng raised his head, looking at the golden light, his face was as innocent as he wanted.

"What do you mean?" Jin Guang sneered again and again: "The old man has been traveling, but he received a notice from the gods a few days ago, and went back to attend a wedding. Unexpectedly, when he passed by Lincang City, he met this Yi Canglong and the monk of the Balong sect Under pressure, Yi Canglong has already explained the matter of the seventh-class spiritual vein. Do you want to continue to hide it?"

While speaking, the killing intent on Jin Guang's body had locked onto Chen Feng, if Chen Feng dared to deny it again, he would kill him with a thunderous blow.

"Senior, calm down, the city lord and I don't know about the seventh-class spirit veins!" Chen Feng shouted innocently, his expression as realistic as possible.


Jin Guang didn't talk nonsense, he decisively hit the killer, and slapped Chen Fenggai.Yi Canglong has made it clear, but the doorman in front of him doesn't admit it, it's damned!

However, the next moment, his face froze.His palm actually fell through.The monk in front of him, who was only in the middle stage of fusion, actually floated back in a flash of thunder, avoiding his palm.

Looking at Chen Feng with some surprise, Jin Guangzheng stepped forward to make up a palm, but unexpectedly, Chen Feng shouted loudly: "Senior Mingjian, we really don't know what the seventh-class spiritual vein is! Yi Canglong must be holding a grudge , wanted to harm us before dying. If senior really doesn’t believe it, then just kill us and let us die with injustice. However, senior’s upright life will be ruined by Yi Canglong’s deception.”

As he said that, Chen Feng closed his eyes full of humiliation, the expression on his face was as much aggrieved as he wanted.

"Brother Chen really are an actor!" Yi Tianzong twitched his lips, and praised him sincerely.

Seeing Chen Feng's tragic expression, Jin Guang hesitated.

"Could it be that these two people really don't know about the seventh-class spiritual veins? Could it be that Yi Canglong lied to me, just to get revenge on Yi Tianzong for driving him out of Lincang City?" Jin Guang thought again and again, and it was really difficult to make a decision.

As Chen Feng said, although Jin Guang did not kill the elders, countless people died on him.But he is extremely loyal to Tiansha.And Yi Tianzong's driving the two major forces out of Lincang City undoubtedly contributed to Tiansha.Loyalty is like golden light, so naturally he doesn't want to wrong someone who has made contributions to Heavenly Killing.

"The spiritual veins in Lincang City are obviously sixth-class spiritual veins. How could they become seventh-class spiritual veins? We have just cultivated from the land of spiritual veins, so we can be sure of this. If seniors don't believe it, you can go and check it out. Find out!" Chen Feng yelled righteously: "We are loyal to the gods, if the time comes, if senior still wants our lives, we will never dare to resist!"

Jin Guang nodded, obviously thinking that this was also a good idea.

"If what you said is true, I will naturally ask for credit for you. But if what Yi Canglong said is true, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

After all, Jin Guang moved his body and instantly fell in the direction of the land of spiritual veins.Judging by his familiarity, it was obvious that Yi Canglong had already informed Jin Guang of the direction of the land of spiritual veins.

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