Just when Yi Tianzong was thinking about gains and losses in secret, Chen Feng who was behind him suddenly said, "Since Lincang City is a subsidiary force of Heavenly Killer, the rest of the forces should not enter the city until the force of Heavenly Killer arrives. Believe me, When the god-killing master arrives, there will be proper arrangements!"

After Chen Feng said a word, Yi Tianzong was taken aback, and then immediately agreed: "Brother Chen Feng is right, that's what we should do. Otherwise, if God kills the blame, I, the Lincang city lord, can't afford it."

Yi Tianzong was extremely convinced of Chen Feng, he knew that Chen Feng dared to say that, naturally he had his reasons.

Compared to Yi Tianzong's conviction, Chu Tianhe was not so calm.I thought that if I opened my mouth, the gates of Lincang City would definitely open wide. When the time came, I would take the opportunity to enter Lincang City. With the strength of the Chu family's mobilization this time, I would be able to control all the forces in Lincang City in an instant. Doing things in Cangcheng brings a lot of convenience.However, it was completely disrupted by a boy's words.

"Who are you, how dare you control my Chu family, don't you want to live?" Chu Tianhe shouted coldly, and looked at Chen Feng behind Yi Tianzong with incomparable eyes.

Due to the blocking of the battlements on the city wall, most of Chen Feng's body was covered, so Chu Tianhe did not recognize Chen Feng.But Chen Feng, who was condescending, saw Chu Tianhe clearly.

"The Chu family is so arrogant. Although Lincang City is weak, it is indeed a subsidiary of the gods. What kind of thing is your Chu family that can decide the life and death of members of Lincang City at will?" Chen Feng said again, holding Chu Tian He's emotions suddenly stirred up.

On the side, Yi Tianzong listened, sweating coldly.If Chu Tianhe really got mad and attacked the city recklessly, the Chu family could easily take Lincang City without Tiandi's advice.As the lord of a city, this was the last thing he wanted to see.

However, the other party was the elder brother Chen Feng whom he admired the most, and he was determined not to let elder brother Chen Feng suffer, so Yi Tianzong decided to stand by Chen Feng's side no matter what.

Just when Yi Tianzong made up his mind, he saw Chen Feng suddenly smiled at him inscrutablely, and suddenly, his heart moved: Could it be that Brother Chen Feng had already planned in his heart?

"Your Excellency's words are sharp, who are you?" Chu Tianhe is a monk in the period of crossing the catastrophe, and he has a mature mind. He also knows that it is okay to bully Cangzhou City at this time, but if there is a conflict with Cangzhou City, it will be a big deal. Not good.So, when he saw Chen Feng deliberately provoking, he immediately suppressed the anger in his heart and asked coldly.

"Chu Tianhe, you are a nobleman, how forgetful are you, you forgot your old friend so quickly?" Chen Feng laughed, and moved half a step horizontally, exposing his head from the battlements.

"It's you!" Chu Tianhe's eyes shrank suddenly, and the next moment, boundless anger surged up: "Chen Feng, so you are here!"

"Chu Tianhe, what right do you have to speak in front of me? Go, ask your elders to come out and speak!" Chen Feng said coldly, his tone extremely arrogant, as if an elder was teaching a junior: "Hurry up, move slowly, I Break your other leg!"

Hearing these words, Chu Tianhe's face suddenly burned, and the anger in his heart was unprecedentedly high: "Chen Feng, you are too deceitful!"

While speaking, Chu Tianhe jumped up recklessly and charged towards Chen Feng.

The strength of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage was terrifying, and the monks in Lincang City suddenly looked shocked.You know, there are no monks in Lincang City at the moment who are going through the catastrophe period. If there is a real fight, the opponent may be able to take the city by himself.

But Yi Tianzong didn't panic, others didn't know how powerful Chen Feng was, but he knew it clearly.Back then when the Qiu family robbed the marriage, Chen Feng killed the young master of Longmen with one sword, let alone a jumping clown like Chu Tianhe?

Seeing Chu Tianhe rushing towards him, Chen Feng showed a terrifying murderous look on his face. He didn't gather his aura, but just smiled evilly at Chu Tianhe: "Chu Tianhe, do you want to die?"

At the same time, there was a loud shout among the Chu family horses: "Tianhe, come back!"

These two voices sounded almost at the same time, both of which impacted Chu Tianhe's heart, especially the devilish smile on Chen Feng's face, made Chu Tianhe feel a sudden chill in his heart, and the anger in his heart disappeared with a whoosh. Nothing, only boundless fear and despair.

At this moment, he finally remembered Chen Feng's prestige. He was also there when the Qiu family robbed the marriage. Back then, Chen Feng was able to kill the young master of Longmen by himself, and he even had a mechanism beast in his hand that was comparable to the late Mahayana. With all these methods, Chu Tianhe couldn't afford to provoke them.

At that moment, he no longer had any fighting spirit, stretched out his body, and suddenly stopped in front of the city wall, looking at Chen Feng timidly.

"Get out!" Chen Feng yelled coldly, causing Chu Tianhe's throat to suddenly sweeten, and he flew out in a state of embarrassment.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Countless excited shouts rang out, but the city guards of Lincang City raised their weapons in unison, roaring happily.

They all knew that Chen Feng was the city lord's friend, and if Chen Feng gained power, it was equivalent to Lincang city's power!

But when Chu Tianhe landed in embarrassment, he fell limply to the ground, gasping for breath.What was even more exaggerated was that Chu Tianhe's entire back was soaked in cold sweat, and even his crotch was wet.

"Tianhe, after today, you hand over the rights in your hands to your younger brother Tianxing. From now on, you can concentrate on cultivation and don't worry about family affairs!" He instructed softly, without any trace of joy or anger in his tone.

"Grandpa, I can do it!" Chu Tianhe screamed in vain with despair on his face.He knew that today's performance made his grandfather, the head of the Chu family, give up on him completely!

"Shut up, don't get out of here!" Old Mrs. Chu frowned, not showing off his anger.

Chu Tianhe suddenly lost his mind, stood up disheartened, and walked towards the back of the Chu family's camp.He knew that from today onwards, the glory of the young master of the Chu family would no longer exist, and all the aura would be added to his younger brother Chu Tianxing.

"All of this is because of Chen Feng." Suddenly, there was a strong hatred in his eyes!

Seeing Chu Tianhe go to the back, Old Master Chu sighed, then looked up in a serious manner, and looked up, a pair of old but shinning eyes directed at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, young man, are you satisfied with this treatment?"

"Old Master Chu is serious. Children are ignorant, so just teach them a lesson. Why do you have to be serious?" Chen Feng laughed, his tone full of teasing.

Old Master Chu frowned, but he didn't answer, but looked at Chen Feng, and said solemnly: "I have taught you a lesson, can my Chu family enter the city at this time?"

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