Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 85 Take Advantage

"He's my boyfriend!"

Xiao Lin's voice was like a bolt from the blue, which made everyone startled.

"Boyfriend? This person is Miss Xiao's boyfriend?" Everyone stared with disbelief.

"Pfft——" Chen Feng almost spit out a sip of red wine, waited for Xiao Lin, and scolded in a low voice: "Hey, what are you doing, woman, who is your boyfriend!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lin gave Chen Feng a coquettish look, and said strangely, "Hmph, no one else has the chance to be my boyfriend. Do you still have an opinion?"

As she said that, she held Chen Feng's arm tightly again, and leaned her head lightly on Chen Feng's shoulder, full of happiness.

Feeling the softness of the two lumps pressing on his arms, Chen Feng smiled disapprovingly.

A fool would not do this kind of thing that takes advantage of nothing!

"How is it possible? I haven't succeeded in chasing you for several months. This kid looks like a poor man. Why?" Liu Shaoman shouted bitterly, looking like he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, yes, what makes this kid, how can he be worthy of Miss Xiao?"

"Look, the clothes he's wearing look like street goods, and they're all so old, he must be a poor man."

"I see, this person must be a little boy, and I don't know what tricks he has used to fascinate Miss Xiao to death."

"It's, it's..."

People around pointed and pointed at Chen Feng, talking a lot.

Hearing how well the people around him cooperated with him, Young Master Liu nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Chen Feng beside Xiao Lin with a provocative face: "Well, you little boy, how could you fool so many celebrities and heroes present with your clumsy acting skills. "

As he said that, Liu Shao looked at Xiao Lin playfully again, and joked: "Xiao Lin, you have to find a decent one if you want a shield. Why did you find such a coward? Look, he Adding up the outfits all over the body, it’s not worth 100 yuan.”

Liu Shao's face was full of smiles, as if he had the chance to win.

Xiao Lin listened, full of disgust, and reminded Chen Feng in a low voice, who was full of enjoyment: "Now you know why I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend. This guy is like a piece of chewing gum that cannot be shaken off. People hate it!"

"Hehe." Chen Feng chuckled lightly, and a somewhat ambiguous look suddenly appeared on his face.

In Xiao Lin's astonishment, Chen Feng put his arms around Xiao Lin's waist and made her lean tightly in his arms.

"Hey... dead Chen Feng, what are you doing?" Xiao Lin's face was flushed, and her brows were full of anger and... shyness.

"Didn't you want me to play your boyfriend?" Chen Feng smirked, with a look of course on his face: "It's a show, of course I have to do a full set..."

As he spoke, Chen Feng pouted his big mouth, and gnawed towards Xiao Lin's face.

"Hey...don't..." Xiao Lin was shocked, she put her hands on Chen Feng's chest and resisted.

However, how could these two weak hands resist Chen Feng's attack.

With a sound of "Bo——", Chen Feng's big mouth has already firmly imprinted on Xiao Lin's small face.

"Bad guy, what are you doing!" Xiao Lin stomped her feet angrily, trying to break free from Chen Feng's embrace, but she couldn't break free no matter what.

"What you said, let me pretend to be your boyfriend." Chen Feng chuckled: "Since it's acting, it's natural to do a full set."

"Bad guy, don't bully me anymore!" Xiao Lin's face was flushed with anger.

"Hey..." Looking at Xiao Lin's angry face, Chen Feng smiled heartily.

A series of movements of Chen Feng and Xiao Lin, in the eyes of others, is really very ambiguous, like a playful fight between lovers, it makes the teeth of the men present itch.

However, Chen Feng's identity as Xiao Lin's boyfriend was confirmed.Just kidding, even if you pretend, it's impossible to pretend to be like this.

"Damn it, you're flirting and cursing in front of me, you really don't take me seriously." Liu Shao gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes burning.If eyes could kill, Chen Feng would have been killed and injured thousands of times.

However, Liu Shao suddenly thought of something, turned his eyes, and smiled at Chen Feng: "It turns out that my brother is really Xiao Lin's boyfriend. I offended you a lot earlier." Saying this, Liu Shao walked up to Chen Feng with a smile on his face. He stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand with a smile, and shook Liu Shao lightly, without losing a bit of etiquette.

"Huh?" Young Master Liu was startled. Although this man was dressed in simple clothes, he didn't feel cramped at all when he shook hands just now. Instead, he was full of atmosphere.

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu couldn't help being full of curiosity, and said with a smile, "My name is Liu Hui, and I am the general manager of Liu's Weaving, and he is also the heir of Liu's Group." Speaking of this, Liu Hui's eyes were full of pride: "I don't know , where is brother high school?"

Chen Feng looked up at Liu Hui, with the smile still on his face, and said calmly, "My name is Chen Feng, and I'm just a small office worker now."

"Oh, so it's a white-collar worker." Hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Hui's face flashed a trace of contempt, and his tone softened a bit: "It's really a pleasure to meet you. You, a young white-collar worker, can get married to Miss Xiao's family. What a skill." In Liu Hui's words, the kindness just now was gone, and the address of "brother" has become "you", let alone the implication in the words.

For Liu Hui's words, he called Chen Feng a coward in a disguised form.

"Hehe." Chen Feng didn't seem to understand Liu Hui's implication at all, and he was still flattered.Looking at Xiao Lin who was looking a bit unhappy beside him, Chen Feng laughed: "I can't help it, who told me that I'm too charming. If I'm not careful, Miss Xiao will fall into my arms automatically."

What Chen Feng said was the truth, but in the eyes of others, it seemed like he was showing off.It's like an ugly monster pointing at his ex-girlfriend and saying "this is my wife" to himself, it makes people have an urge to run away.The most exasperating thing is that I still have to eagerly agree.For a moment, everyone had the urge to strangle Chen Feng to death.


Chen Feng suddenly took a deep breath, only feeling a cramping pain in his waist.Looking down, it was Xiao Lin who had black lines on her face, pinching the soft flesh around her waist, and turned 360 degrees.

"Hey, take it easy, take it easy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Damn it, bitch!" Chen Feng's words combined with Xiao Lin's actions made Liu Hui want to go berserk.He is a domineering person. Ever since he met Xiao Lin, he regarded her as his personal pet. Now that he saw Xiao Lin and Chen Feng being so close, he was about to explode.

"Just because you are a part-time worker, how can you be worthy of Xiao Lin?" A yellow-haired man pushed aside the crowd and stepped into the arena.

"Huang Mao..." Xiao Lin looked at the visitor with disgust on her face.

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