
The ghost claw destroyed the teleportation array, but it was already too late. With the eyesight of the ancestor of Hei Prison, he could see clearly. When the ghost claw destroyed the teleportation array, the people inside had already run away...

Therefore, Patriarch Hei Prison was completely furious!

With an angry roar, the coercion of Qiong rushed down like a "tide", and the entire space in the crowded room crackled and exploded like a burst of explosions. Other things in the room, deep in the "medicine" pool, already The colorful carp demon that had been torn apart a lot was crushed a lot by this coercion again, and even the medicine pool was shattered, and the medicine and liquid suddenly concaved downward, and quickly followed the broken traces. The laser shoots out. ◎Literature Museum r

And the maidservant who was seriously injured by the weird picture scroll turned pale and passed out with a thump. [

The ancestor of Hei Prison ignored him, and just continued to roar angrily. With the roar, the palace he was in finally couldn't bear the terrifying oppression, and it shattered and collapsed with a bang.

Pieces of rubble fell from the sky, but they were directly crushed by the coercion and the impact of the sound waves during the fall. The pillars of the temple also burst and sputtered out. Holding them together, blood dripped from the palms of the hands.

He is crazy! !

He thought a lot, but he didn't expect that someone could actually rescue Liu Xia from him, let alone a young monk in the spirit-gathering period? ? ?

A young cultivator in the spirit-gathering period actually robbed someone under his strict supervision with multiple measures?

Now all he has left is madness, only rage, and he is so angry that he wants to kill someone. He has lost his thinking and reason in anger, and all he has left is rage and disbelief.

At this moment, exclamations sounded from behind the Patriarch Hei Prison.

But several other figures rushed over, stopped in the distance, and looked into the room with exclamation and shock.

These people are all other Taoist monarchs of Xueyou Mansion.

Except for these few.Others are also not allowed to enter and exit Mingyu Palace at will.

For example, the Taoist surnamed Li from Xiantu Mountain who was greeted by the ancestor of the black prison before, is outside the restriction of the mountain where the Mingyu Palace is located, and cannot enter at all. As for the two disciples of Taoist surnamed Li, there is no Can rush over in time, still standing outside the previous hall.

However, even if these people arrived later than the ancestor of Hei Prison, and even the Daojun surnamed Li who was still outside Mingyu Palace did not come in, all Daojun-level powerhouses... still know what happened here what's up.When the ancestor of Hei Prison left just now, they had already been alarmed.

The ancestor of the black prison has the strongest cultivation base and the fastest escape, but even if other people are not as fast as the ancestor of the black prison, they can move their spiritual sense at the level of a Taoist monarch.You can easily put dozens of miles into your eyes.

Even if you don't radiate spiritual consciousness, you can sense a lot of things by just relying on Qi machine induction.

They can all feel that they were chased and killed by the ancestor of the black prison, but escaped in the end, only two spirit gathering periods...

So don't say it's the Daoist Lords of Xueyou Mansion who rushed into Mingyu Palace, all of them were full of disbelief, as if they were dumbfounded.Daojun surnamed Li, who was still floating in mid-air outside Mingyu Palace, almost made a mistake in the operation of the flying technique and fell from mid-air.

This is too ridiculous!

Blood You Mansion, one of the four giants in the spiritual realm, is populated by five Taoist monarchs.Right next to the Mingyu Palace, the outside of the palace is filled with various protective and imprisoning formations. Under such conditions, a cultivator at the spirit gathering stage slipped in and snatched away the disciples that the ancestor of the Heilong was about to recruit? ? ?

It was almost like a dream.It's no wonder that the Hei Prison Patriarch in front of him was so angry that he was exuding coercion and roaring like crazy.Life and death destroyed a palace, and there was no other response. [

The other Daoist Lords of Xueyou Mansion who were not far away from the Patriarch of Hei Prison were also heartbroken.

Things have evolved to this point, Liu Xia was taken away, it is not just that the ancestor of the black prison was humiliated and thrown to his grandma's house, they were also disgraced, after all, this is the depths of the Xueyou Mansion, beside the five Taoist monarchs, people were killed Robbed!

If this matter gets out, it will definitely make the Xueyou Mansion the laughing stock of the entire Lingyu immediately.

And not only was Liu Xia kidnapped by the five of them, but it was only a cultivator at the spiritual gathering stage who did it... The existence like ants actually slapped the faces of a few ancestors?

This face has been thrown in front of outsiders.

I didn’t see Daoist Xiantu Mountain outside Mingyu Palace, and my flight was a little unstable, as if I would fall off at any time. If it weren’t for the extreme shock, the flying technique that can be operated at will by the peak of the real person in the early stage can fly in the hands of Daojun. into this?

So in the exclamation, the other Daoist Lords also understood the feelings of the ancestor of Hei Prison. They were actually the same angry, ashamed, ashamed... Each heart seemed to be on fire.

How could it be possible... How could it be possible to do this in a spirit-gathering period? ?

When some Taoists think of the result of the news being spread, the face of the entire Xueyou Mansion will be peeled off by this robbery operation, and they will become the object of ridicule by countless monks, and their throats will sweeten on the spot, really ashamed and anxious , vomiting blood.

The matter has not been spread yet, but can this matter be concealed?The other party left with the help of a portable teleportation array, which must have been handcrafted by Shangjieshan... Do they want them to ask Shangjieshan not to speak out?

But there is a bystander from Xiantu Mountain outside Mingyu Palace!

Moreover, even if they begged, others agreed, but how many people in Xueyou Mansion knew that Liu Xia was the disciple that the ancestor of Hei Prison wanted to accept?That person has been robbed, where can I find someone to hold the disciple acceptance ceremony in a month?

Vigorously, the patriarch of the Black Prison sent out invitations to invite the strong to watch the ceremony and participate in his apprentice acceptance ceremony nearly two months ago. As a result, the apprentice was robbed without the ceremony. Period monk! !

This kind of stimulation is really a bit big, and the hearts of the big ancestors can't bear it.

However, in the extreme stimulation, some Dao Lords' eyes turned black, and some Dao Lords bled from the corners of their mouths. The ancestor of Hei Prison, who was roaring crazily, suddenly stopped his whistling, and then his expression sank, suddenly Just look to the northwest!

After taking a look, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes again.

"Quick, chase them! They failed to return to the Upper Boundary Mountain, but I smashed the teleportation array during the teleportation process, causing space fluctuations, and were teleported to the monster territory. Chase them! Catch the bastard for me, you want to see people when you are born, and you want to see corpses when you die!!"

The joy was fleeting, and the ancestor of Hei Prison opened his mouth ferociously.

He yelled behind him, and fled out of the Mingyu Palace in a flash, but after leaving the Mingyu Palace, he saw the Daojun surnamed Li with a strange and strange face at first sight, and the ancestor of the black prison was stunned again. He stopped in a daze, stared blankly at the Taoist surnamed Li, then blushed, spit out a mouthful of black blood with a wow, covered his face and fled.

It was true that he was too angry just now and didn't pay much attention to other scenes around him. It was only after he came out that he saw Taoist surnamed Li that he suddenly remembered the scene just now. He should have been noticed by this Taoist Xiantu Mountain?Even if he couldn't see Guo Zhengyang's appearance, even if he didn't get into Mingyu Palace with his spiritual sense, he could definitely sense that Liu Xia was robbed by a spirit-gathering period... The one who slapped the face of the ancestor of Daoist Ganzi was the monk of the Juling period.

This, the shameful scene was seen by people who were also at the level of the ancestors, it was really embarrassing.

However, after fleeing in embarrassment, the ancestor of the black prison quickly stabilized his internal cultivation, took a deep breath, and quickly arrived in the direction of the teleportation array, heading straight for Bloodwing Island. [

No, when he arrived just now, Guo Zhengyang had already activated the teleportation array, and he slowed himself down a bit because of the excessive shock, but it was indeed when Guo Zhengyang and the two disappeared in the teleportation array, they destroyed it. The teleportation array.

At that time, Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang were still under the influence of the formation, and they were still being teleported. The formation was destroyed during the teleportation process. As a result, the direction of transmission would be unstable, causing mistakes in the transmission process.

And he also left some tricks on Liu Xia.

That's why he could roughly sense that the two of them didn't appear in the direction of the Upper Boundary Mountain. The Upper Boundary Mountain was in the western waters of the Xueyou Mansion, but now his perception of Liu Xia was in the northwest, closer to the territory where monsters and beasts roamed freely.


This embarrassment is too great. If he doesn't get him back, the majesty he has accumulated all his life will be trampled down this time. No matter what the price is, he must be brought back.

After the Patriarch Hei Prison left, the other Daoist Lords of Xueyou Mansion were also startled, waiting for the crowd to follow the Patriarch Hei Prison in shock.

Someone suddenly said strangely, "Wait?"

After stopping the others, the talent suddenly waved his hand and let go of the magic spell, and surrounded several people in the magic spell protection before saying, "We are five dignified Taoist monarchs, do we really want to hunt down a monk in the spirit gathering period together? ???"


In a word, the other Dao Lord who just had a trace of "doubt" on his face trembled on the spot, his eyes darkened, and he opened his mouth to spit out another mouthful of hot blood.

Yes, although the people in Xueyou Manor dared to disobey the words of the ancestor of the black prison, he also gave them an order to chase them just now, but, is it true that the five Taoist monarchs are really asked to chase and kill them for a period of gathering spirits?

Being caught off guard by that cultivator in the spiritual gathering period and kidnapping Liu Xia beside them has already made the giants who have lived for hundreds of years feel ashamed and want to die, but it was indeed unexpected, they did not A little mental preparation.

Now let them hunt down a spirit-gathering period in a serious manner, or a group of Taoist monarchs?

This is enough to make people vomit blood and fall to the ground in shame.

Someone opened their mouths to vomit blood, but someone suddenly looked up at the Taoist surnamed Li of Xiantu Mountain not far away who was still in the air, and then blushed, tearing off the magical protection emitted by a certain Taoist before, covering his face and flee.

However, the direction in which he hid his face and fled was not the same as that of the ancestor of Hei Prison. He just hid his face and fled to another mountain peak in the depths. It seemed to prove that he is a majestic Taoist, and he really has no face to join forces with other Taoists. Chase and kill an ant in the spirit-gathering period.

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