One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 20 Do Your Best

(ps: The update is late, because I didn’t wake up until eleven o’clock in the middle of the night, and I was sweating a lot. I was a little tired after coding two books a day. I found out that the Mid-Autumn Festival was after I woke up. I wish all my friends a happy holiday and go home for a while Reunion Day, the other thing is to ask for a ticket, haha.)


At night, the cold wind howls, and after nine o'clock in the evening, with the sound of school bells on the high school campus, the original peaceful scene in the direction of the teaching building immediately evolves into a scene of a vegetable market, full of voices and scattered figures everywhere, chatting and laughing Walking from the teaching building to the dormitory area.

Especially for senior high school students, this moment may not be the most relaxing moment of the day.

And in such an environment full of laughter, Guo Zhengyang's mood is also unprecedentedly comfortable, and even the mentality of looking around with indifference since his rebirth has become a little softer. The test paper tonight gave him a lot. Excited, it shows that the hard work of more than a week has not been in vain. Although only two test papers were handed out in the evening, Chinese and comprehensive literature have not yet been graded, but I think there should be progress.

This improvement made Guo Zhengyang, who was usually as cold as a piece of ice, smile a little more.

After school, he went downstairs to relax. He was still planning to come back to fight, but before that, Guo Zhengyang quickly found a beautiful figure in the crowd of people who were leaving, and stepped forward to greet him.

It was time to leave school again, and the 50 yuan he owed the other party could not be dragged on forever.Walking over while breathing softly, Zhang Hang, who was originally walking beside Guo Zhengyang, was also taken aback for a moment, looked at Guo Zhengyang in a daze, and followed in a daze.

The two figures who were walking in front of them also suddenly stamped their feet. After turning around, the quiet Qianying smiled quietly, and the other girl beside Qianying looked at Guo Zhengyang and her companion in surprise. But looking at her, the doubt in her eyes suddenly changed again, she became excited and looked forward to it, and even faintly blazed with gossip.

"Thank you for this afternoon, I will pay you back."

Guo Zhengyang also approached at this time, took out a 50 yuan bill and handed it over.

"Cut, I'm not mistaken." Guo Zhengyang handed back the money, and the quiet Qianying took it naturally, and said that you are welcome with a smile, but the girl beside her suddenly rolled her eyes, and her excitement and anticipation turned into speechless , "I haven't seen the two of you talking in the same class for several years. I thought you were going to confess your love. You are chasing our beauty An Da. How come you have to pay back the money? It's so disappointing."

"Yeah, Lao Guo, you are so rich, why do you still owe Anxi money? It's unreasonable, I thought you were going to confess your love." Following the girl's words, Zhang Hang was stunned for a moment before laughing. He said, "Could it be that you want to use this excuse to strike up a conversation, but you are too old-fashioned, you are all classmates in the same class, who doesn't know that your family has money, and the clothes we usually can't afford , It’s more reliable to borrow an eraser than this.”

With a few simple words, Guo Zhengyang immediately rolled his eyes, then glared at Zhang Hang again before turning around and smiling, "Thanks anyway, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

"Okay, goodbye." An Qian covered her mouth and let out a snicker, nodded, as if she was also amused by the words left and right.

Just as she was nodding, the girl next to An Qian suddenly said again, "Hey, Guo Zhengyang, although you are the class leader of our class, but our An Qian is also a super flower in our age, you really don't plan to chase after her, if you If so, there will be a good chance next week, we girls are planning to celebrate Anxi's birthday, do you want to count me in?"

"Bah, what are you talking nonsense about?" The girl smiled coquettishly at Guo Zhengyang, with an air of watching the show between her brows, but An Qian was startled by her words, and she immediately pulled off the girl's sleeve with her eyes wide open.

"Hey, this guy is the most famous male god in our school, how many girls have been rejected by him these years, if he took the initiative to chase you, it would be a shame." The girl chuckled in Anxi's ear He whispered excitedly, "Also, don't think I can't see it. He looks at you differently, and behaves differently when you are around. I bet he must be interested in you."

The girl's whispers fell into An Xi's ears, making her blush again, and glaring at the other party fiercely.

It is also true that Guo Zhengyang used to deliberately play handsome poses on occasions with her. Although he thought he did it secretly, it is inevitable that people with delicate thoughts will not notice the clues after a long time.

And although these words were just whispers among the girls, they still fell into Guo Zhengyang's ears clearly, and he suddenly smiled dumbly, and looked at An Qian with a smile, "It turns out that next week is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday in advance, but I've been busy recently, so I may not have time, sorry."

Many things from when he was young are indeed worth a smile when he thinks about them carefully now, but now he only stops at the 50 yuan for the beautiful image in front of him.

The other party helped him once, and if there was anything wrong with her in the future, Guo Zhengyang would never hesitate to take action, but the other meanings were really gone. After decades of vicissitudes, everything that should be had has long since been honed.


The straightforward answer surprised the girl on the opposite side. When she stared in surprise, An Xi smiled, "Thank you."

After thanking her, she turned around and looked to the side, somewhat helpless.

"Old Guo, you are really just here to pay back the money."

It was also at this time that Zhang Hang, who was standing beside Guo Zhengyang, said in surprise. He is a relatively tall boy, and he has never paid attention to the fact that Guo Zhengyang deliberately posed in front of girls, so seeing that Guo Zhengyang has such a good opportunity, he simply It was only when he refused sharply that he realized that he was thinking wrong at first. After he said something, Zhang Hang suddenly looked at the opposite side again, laughed and said, "Hey, beauty, Lao Guo doesn't have time. I have time. Count me in. He can do it now." I'm busy, I study hard every day."

"You? You have a girlfriend, don't you?" Zhang Hang's words caused the girl who was stunned to change her face again, and she glared over angrily and amusedly, but when she glared, she was suddenly startled, as if she had heard What the most incredible thing like, "What did you say? He's working hard?"

They are all old classmates. Who would not know what kind of people in the class have roughly what kind of grades.

"Hey, you guys don't know that. My buddy has been stimulated. Recently, he has been working hard every day to make those top students feel ashamed. He sleeps directly in the classroom every day. Haven't you noticed that he is in the classroom almost all the time? I won’t talk about it during the class during the day, the serious attitude made me feel a toothache, and it was even more exaggerated at night. One night, I didn’t believe in evil, and I sneaked out to take a look. At one o’clock in the middle of the night, I stood outside the window for more than ten minutes , He has been reading seriously, but he didn't notice me, tsk, this attitude, although the time is a bit late, but I dare say that no one in the whole school can compare with our old Guo, if you give him more time, he can take the Tsinghua University exam Peking University is definitely not a problem. If you don’t believe me, come to the teaching building in the middle of the night and try it, he must be studying in the classroom.” Zhang Hang got excited when he heard it, and talked non-stop to the opposite side, and the two girls on the opposite side were stunned For a moment, they all stared blankly at Zhang Hang, then at Guo Zhengyang, their eyes were full of bewilderment and doubt.

Hearing these words, Guo Zhengyang felt a little helpless. Zhang Hang was clearly taking advantage of the opportunity to get close to the two girls. He had already walked to the girl's side, and he almost wanted to get close to him. Guy just had his girlfriend's first kiss in the afternoon.

"Zhang Hang, your girlfriend is here." He said with a helpless smile, and Zhang Hang, who was talking to Anxi and his daughters, was startled, and turned his head to look around, "Where is it? Where is it? Damn, Lao Guo, you scare me..."

Guo Zhengyang laughed, nodded to An Qian and the two girls, then turned and left.

Because of the improvement in grades, he saw the results of his hard work, and he was one step closer to realizing his long-cherished wish. Guo Zhengyang's mentality has indeed fluctuated a little, and he is no longer as cold as before. Otherwise, this kind of joke It's impossible for him to say anything.

But jokes are jokes, after paying off the debt, Guo Zhengyang hid in the toilet and secretly smoked a few cigarettes, then walked into the classroom refreshed.That sliver of hard-earned progress did not make him relax in the slightest, on the contrary it aroused his fighting spirit even more.

In his previous life, he was able to overcome various murder crises time and time again in the spiritual domain, and now he is only studying in a stable environment. Learning, he is indeed more and more confident that he can do his best. ;

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