One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 214 Lake Heart Island

(ps: vomiting blood, got up at [-] o'clock in the morning, did not finish typing a word, couldn't use it at home, and then ran for a few hours to find someone to fix it... It's the [-]st, a new month, please guarantee the monthly pass.)

More than 100 copies of sins have been practiced into the Linghai, which has expanded Guo Zhengyang's Linghai area by more than 100 square meters. Although this is not a big increase for him right now, because his current Linghai area is 100 to [-] square meters. More than [-] flat is dispensable, but when he thinks that he may find many targets in this Immortal Mansion, then...

Among other things, there are tens of thousands of monks who have entered the Immortal Mansion now. Even though most of them are in the spirit-gathering period, he can only go in and out of the test site of the real person now, and he can't meet the target of the spirit-gathering period at all, but those who enter the Immortal Mansion There are at least a thousand real people.

If he can find dozens of targets, his spiritual sea can be expanded by several thousand square meters, which can be compared with that of a real person in the early stage!

Of course, it is not certain whether this can be achieved. After all, even if there are thousands of real people here, not everyone can crack the test. For example, five real people appeared at a time just now, but only one was the target of hunting, which means that the other four failed. Crack a certain test, at least the four of them will not be able to crack the test in the next day or two.

Because the telepathy in Guo Zhengyang's mind can only sense the target's situation within a day or two.

But no matter what, he is sure that in this Immortal Mansion, searching for hunting targets will be much easier than before. In the past, he might not meet one when he was outside for a few months, but here, if he is lucky, he will meet several in a day. All normal.

"However, I killed the white-haired old man just now, how did I get his chance? His chance should be obtained after cracking a certain test, which shows that he has the ability to crack a certain test. Yes, after the rewards are tested, I killed him, but how can I take chances?"

In the pleasant thinking, Guo Zhengyang also quickly became suspicious. Every time he encountered a robbery target before, as long as he robbed and killed someone, the opponent's chance was basically waiting for him to pick it up.

For example, crooked gourd, after he killed the target, he ran to the ditch of the country road to pick it up every few hours.

For example, that strange painting, after he killed the target, he ran to the streets of Linshi Malu and waited to pick it up.

Another example is "The Idea of ​​Epiphany", after killing the target, it will go to a fixed place to pick up opportunities after a while.

But if the opportunity obtained by the white-haired old man just now was hidden behind a certain test, then if the white-haired old man dies, no one will be able to crack the test, and the treasure will be banned and guarded by the Immortal Mansion... How will Guo Zhengyang pick it up?Is it time to let him work hard to crack the test?

But what if he is unable to crack the test?Wouldn't it be impossible to get it?

With these doubts, Guo Zhengyang thought about it for a while, but he couldn't think of a clue at all, so he didn't bother to think about it soon, anyway, there would be a hint in his mind after a while, and he would know when he went to have a look.

And it won't be long, and indeed it won't be long, just over an hour later, Guo Zhengyang felt an idea appear in his mind, guiding him to a place, following the instructions to fly away, and only a few ten minutes later, he arrived at a Quirky strip.

This area is like a small lake, covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers, but the whole lake is shrouded in mist, only in front of Guo Zhengyang, there is a waterway.

The waterway is four to five meters wide and more than 100 meters long. On the clear water of the lake is a rain curtain that falls from the sky, and the rain falls into the water continuously.

And in the depths of the waterway more than 100 meters away, there is a small island rising in the center of the lake. Through the rain curtain, you can see a simple hut on the island in the center of the lake, and the hut still exudes a moving luster.

Standing outside the waterway, Guo Zhengyang frowned and looked at the fog layer on the left and right. The gray fog can block the line of sight, and the appearance is just like the fog on the left and right sides of the Immortal Mansion platform when he first entered the Immortal Mansion.

But the rainwater falling over the waterway gave him a dangerous feeling.

After thinking for a while, Guo Zhengyang released a demon insect into the heavy rain. As a result, the demon insect was hit by the first drop of rainwater on the back of the armor. With a puff, the all-consuming demon insect was directly corroded into nothingness by the rain, and disappeared completely.

A demon worm in the early stages of a real person was melted in the blink of an eye to nothing left.

This scene directly made Guo Zhengyang stare straight.

Although the rain had already given him a sense of danger, he still didn't expect this thing to be so terrifying.

The treasure is on the opposite side of the waterway, which is only more than 100 meters long...but this layer of rainwater seems to have blocked it into an insurmountable death line.

Taking another look ahead, Guo Zhengyang quickly arrived at the gray mist-shrouded area on the left. The rain curtain dared not touch it easily, so what about the gray mist?Although this thing looks very similar to the gray fog on the entrance platform of Xianfu, it may not be exactly the same.

After testing it, the spiritual sense couldn't get in, and released a demon insect. After entering the gray mist, the demon insect didn't die immediately. At least Guo Zhengyang didn't see the demon insect die, but he couldn't sense it anymore.

You must know that after Guo Zhengyang let Wan Yaopu devour so many demon worm corpses, he can command the monster worm like an arm, but now he seems to have been cut off from that monster worm.

This gray fog seems to be more terrifying than the corrosive rain before.

"This is really a test! If you want to get the treasure in the hut in the center of the lake, you have to go in to get it, but how to get in? The white-haired old man who was killed by me before seems to have found a way to get in. But now I..."

Just when Guo Zhengyang was puzzled, another idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and after sensing the idea, he suddenly propped up a layer of defensive luster outside his body, stepped on the flying sword and rushed into the rain curtain.

However, he only rushed into the rain curtain one meter away.


After Guo Zhengyang was standing, the rain fell from the sky and hit the luster emitted by his defensive spiritual weapon, but it had no lethality, instead it was like ordinary rain falling.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and then released a monster insect to pounce on the rain curtain on the left. As a result, the monster insect was melted into nothingness with another puff. Except for the normal rainwater that falls on the place where I stand, the other directions are full of terrifying acid rain that is deadly.

"I understand that the rain curtain on this waterway does not rain the terrible acid rain all the time, but occasionally normal rain falls in a certain place. If you want to pass through this waterway, you must find it in the rain curtain that looks exactly the same. out of the ordinary rain."

As soon as a thought flashed in his mind, another idea popped up in his mind, followed by a shake of his body, and he took a step sideways to the front right.

And when he rushed over, the acid rain that was fatal a moment ago had turned into normal rain.

After standing still, Guo Zhengyang released another monster worm and pounced into the place where he stood in the last second, but the monster worm was directly melted into slag. It's all dead! !

Only where he stands now is the birthplace.

"This, the test is wisdom? In this acid rain, there will occasionally be a little normal rainwater, forming a safe passage that only allows one person to pass through, but this passage is not fixed, it will only appear for a few breaths and then disappear. Find the next safe route within a few breaths, or die..."

After completely understanding what, Guo Zhengyang was also filled with astonishment.

This kind of astonishment is not because of the test of the rain in front of you, hiding an intermittent and occasional way of life in a dead way, allowing you to discover the law with your wisdom, and walk this way of death to get the treasure.

This kind of test is really not surprising. After all, this fairy mansion is full of countless tests, and this is probably just one of them, a very ordinary one.

But, but he doesn't know this route at all, and his mind can take the initiative to remind him what to do every time the way of life appears, reminding him to find the right way of life?

Is this because he hunted and killed the target, and then plundered the way to pass the test?

He was wondering not long ago that if the white-haired old man got the opportunity after cracking the test, but he killed him in advance, then when it was time to pick up the chance, if he was unable to crack the test, how would he get the other party's chance? Trapped by restrictions in the Immortal Mansion?As a result, this result was really unexpected! !

Guo Zhengyang had never encountered such a thing before.

After all, most of the chances he had robbed and killed in the past were picked up by the target person's luck against the sky, so when he picked up the other party's chances, he only needed to go to a certain place to pick up the chances at a certain time. .

The white-haired old man before was supposed to be the first person who obtained a chance by his own strength since his rebirth. He killed the other party, and the way he got the chance was indeed completely different from what he had encountered before.

"This thing is able to see through the future. It must have seen how the old man cracked the test an hour later when I was hunting the old man, so I wrote down the route."

In horror, Guo Zhengyang quickly dodged and took another step forward.

Although he has a deeper understanding of the weirdness of thoughts, but after thinking about it carefully, isn't this actually normal?Intention helps him rob and kill opportunities, which is to be able to sense whether a person has a chance in the next day or two... If this ability is understood as it can see everything about a person in the next day or two.

Now all of this is no different from what it did before.

The targets it looked at before were all picking up opportunities somewhere in the future, because it was just picking up, so even if Guo Zhengyang robbed and killed the target, when replacing the target to harvest opportunities, he only needed to go to the place and pick up the chance.

But this time, it saw that the white-haired old man would crack the test here at this time before, and saw the process of the other party cracking the test, because this time he couldn't just walk over to pick up opportunities, so it also told the other party the process of cracking the test. out.

If understood in this way, the ability manifested by the mind at this moment is indeed exactly the same as before. It's just that the harvesting methods for obtaining opportunities in the past were simple, and now the harvesting methods are difficult this time, which leads to a huge difference in the form of expression.

After figuring it out, Guo Zhengyang soon became ecstatic again.

And following the guidance of his thoughts again and again, he also quickly passed through the death passage of more than 100 meters, and finally arrived at the island in the middle of the lake.

The moment he set foot on the island in the middle of the lake, there was no deadly acid rain or horrible gray fog on the left or right. Guo Zhengyang easily stood on the land at the edge of the island, took another deep look back, and then walked towards the hut. (To be continued.)

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