One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 223 Far ahead [Part 3]

"Nine times, the first fire spirit picture, I sent out nine treasures to get it, the second fire spirit picture, sent nine treasures just appeared, and then threw in 72 treasures, a total of 81 treasures before I got it, Then...then even if there is a third Fire Spirit Diagram left, I will definitely not be able to get it."

After a while, another fire spirit map was obtained. The number of treasures circulating among the waterfalls has reached hundreds. Is it done?

Guo Zhengyang was naturally very pleasantly surprised when he got these two Fire Spirit Maps, because with the one in his hand, he already had three Fire Spirit Maps!

Although he didn't know the difference between getting one Fire Spirit Map and three Fire Spirit Maps, with this inner house key, having one more key in his hand at least equals one less opponent in the future, which is not a bad thing.

But now he also knows that even if there is a fire spirit map in the waterfall in front of him, he probably won't be able to get it.

According to the previous rules, even if there is still a fire spirit map in it, he estimates that he will have to invest in 81 magic weapons and high-quality spiritual materials and spiritual plants to appear. If you think about it, the amount you need to invest is even more scary. It is not enough to put all the belongings in your hands into it.

Just now, for the second Fire Spirit Map in this waterfall, all his previous gains were almost exhausted. The more than 100 treasures he obtained by himself and other people were all empty at once. There are only ten or twenty magic weapons and high-quality spiritual plants left.

"The more you invest, the more you will gain. Although I don't have the ability to invest in ordinary spiritual tools and magic weapons, what about the fire spirit map? What will happen if I invest in a fire spirit map?"

After whispering, another strange thought flashed in Guo Zhengyang's mind.

Investing in magic weapons and high-quality spiritual plants can't afford it, but the fire spirit map...

Thinking of this, Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly again. He really didn’t dare to experiment with the Fire Spirit Map. Among other things, if he could really attract some treasures by investing in the Fire Spirit Map, it would take several copies to get the treasure, so he only had three in his hand. Zhang, isn't it possible that even if you can't get the treasure, you can't get the fire spirit map?

For example, when he first invested in a magic weapon to draw out the fire spirit map, if he only had six or seven magic weapons in his hand, he would really be at a loss. At that time, he would be unable to obtain the fire spirit map, and he would not be able to get those magic weapons back. Lost everything!

So even if he deeply understands that the more he puts in, the more he will gain, but he really dare not experiment casually with Huo Lingtu!

But it seems a pity not to experiment. If you invest in a fire spirit map, can you get better treasures?The Fire Spirit Map is the key to the Immortal Mansion, and there are only nine of them in total. It is undoubtedly the most precious in this testing place in the Realm of Reality, and there is definitely nothing better than this. It seems that if you invest in a Fire Spirit Map, it is difficult to attract more Good baby, but what if you can lead to the entrance of Immortal Mansion in advance after investing one card?

Because the rule here is that the better the investment, the higher the return. All previous experiences have shown this. It is difficult for Guo Zhengyang not to expect it.

There are three pictures of the fire spirit in the storage ring, and Guo Zhengyang gets more and more entangled in thinking about it. He doesn't dare to experiment casually, and he doesn't want to give up just like that.

At the end of the thought, he sighed helplessly and made up his mind.

Give it a try, if you don't try, he will not be reconciled.

Even if one was swallowed after putting in the Fire Spirit Diagram, and he couldn't get a better treasure after being drawn out, he still had two, and he was qualified to fight for it.

Grabbing the Huolingtu, he handed it to the waterfall, but the next moment, Guo Zhengyang was stunned again.

Can't pass it in?It turned out that the result of holding the fire spirit map was that it couldn't be put in?

Just in a daze, a thought suddenly poured into Guo Zhengyang's mind from the waterfall. This thought was still the vicissitudes of life that occasionally appeared in the void of the Immortal Mansion.

What he said immediately surprised Guo Zhengyang, and then he became ecstatic. In the ecstasy, he quickly put away the fire spirit map, and his expression became extremely excited!

"It turns out that the fire spirit diagram still has this effect!! No wonder, no wonder there are nine fire spirit diagrams. I have already obtained three. Even if I enter the inner palace in the future, I will be far ahead of others!"

If he wasn't trying to put the Fire Spirit Diagram into the waterfall, he really wouldn't know about it.

When the Immortal Mansion is open, it will automatically attract the monks near him to enter, and it will also bloom with infinite treasure light, attracting countless monks who are still in other places. The monks come to participate in the selection, and those who can be selected at that time will inevitably be better.

The first step for these monks to enter the Immortal Mansion is to solve various tests in the outer mansion, or to obtain the treasure or the fire spirit map. Only those who have collected the fire spirit map can enter the inner mansion and become real candidates and successors.

Guo Zhengyang knew this before, but he really didn't know what would happen after entering the inner mansion with the fire spirit map, and what he said in his mind just now is that after entering the inner mansion, the monk holding the fire spirit map needs to solve nine tests .

This is true of every candidate.

Within the limited time limit, whoever can solve the nine tests first can go to the Refining Immortal Mansion and become the new owner. If the time limit is up and no one succeeds, then those who do not have the fire spirit map will be obliterated, and those who hold the fire spirit map will be killed. Send it out, and the Immortal Mansion will disappear again.

What are the nine trials, the mind did not make it clear!

But it said that those who hold the fire spirit map can be exempted from a test by relying on the fire spirit map!

It means that if you have a fire spirit map in your hand, you can directly choose to pass a certain test directly!

You have two cards, you can directly choose to pass the level twice!

If you have nine cards, then you don't need to test. After entering the inner palace, you can directly choose to refine the inner palace.

This kind of voice really surprised Guo Zhengyang. All candidates have to face nine tests to enter. If you only have one in hand, it means you have one chance to skip a level, and you only need to face eight tests.

But he already has three fire spirit diagrams in his hand, but he can directly skip three stages, and only needs to face six trials!

It is time to control the Immortal Mansion competition, to see who can pass the last nine trials, he can directly pass two trials less than the monk who only has a fire spirit map, how can this make people unhappy?

A test with a full score of 90, he only needs to be able to get 60 points to be equal to the full score, what is the meaning of this?Now Guo Zhengyang is far ahead of other monks who have obtained the Fire Spirit Map!

With such a lead, if he can't refine the Immortal Mansion in the end, then he really can only blame himself for being useless!

Although the idea just now did not clarify what the nine inner palace tests were, it roughly said that the inner palace tests basically tested the monks' learning ability.

Since it is a test of learning ability, whether it is a Taoist monarch or a real person, the difference in cultivation level really doesn't make much sense, the fight is all about personal ability.

"The tests in the outer government are mostly tests of heart, understanding, wisdom, etc., and part of them are tests of combat power and various levels of formation knowledge. They are very tests of a monk's overall strength and survival ability. After all, whoever gets the treasure, the same To face the covetousness of other monks, your ability to survive is also a kind of test, and the test of the inner court is to test your learning ability, which is even more critical, and it also includes all kinds of heart, understanding, wisdom, etc. The comprehensive level is the most important thing for a great power to recruit disciples... It is really unusual for a great power at the longevity level to find a successor."

Sighing again, Guo Zhengyang quickly walked to the left and right, and prepared to leave after picking up the monsters that had been ambushing before. After all, after knowing the settings of the Inner Palace, he also deeply understood the importance of the Fire Spirit Map, even though he already had three Zhang, but if he can find the fourth one in the remaining time, he will definitely try his best to find it.

Just as Guo Zhengyang flew to the exit of the valley, he suddenly saw streamers of light rushing towards him in the distance. This group of people was really quite a lot, at first glance there were three to forty people.

Guo Zhengyang was taken aback immediately, but when he took a closer look at the operation technique, he was surprised to find that there were many familiar faces inside, and they were all monks from the Upper Boundary Mountain.

He was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't leave in a hurry, but just waited quietly.

After a while, the monks in the distance rushed towards them. Before they really got close, the real people who flew in the front all exclaimed, "Brother Guo? Why are you here?"

"We heard from a few casual cultivators that the cultivators of the Blood Nether Mansion gather here and expel or hunt down all passers-by. Why aren't they here?"


After the first few real people spoke, Guo Zhengyang suddenly felt relieved.

Isn't that right? When he came, he rushed over because he heard the words of the monks who were expelled from the Blood Nether Mansion. It is not surprising that other people heard this.

The difference is that Guo Zhengyang dared to come alone when he heard this, relying on the monster worms to sit in the town, and if other people heard it, the small and medium sects could only pretend that they hadn't heard it, even the other three mountain giant monks would never dare to come here casually. , You have to gather dozens of people to dare.

No wonder there were dozens of real people from Shangjie Mountain when they came here this time.

After Shi Shi, Guo Zhengyang said in surprise, "Cultivator of Blood You Mansion? There was no one here when I came, maybe they have already left."

Although they were all acquaintances, Guo Zhengyang could only say so at the moment, otherwise, if he said that he killed more than 40 blood monks by himself, others would not believe it at all.

"Oh, then you are very lucky. If you want me to say that you are really lucky, otherwise if you came earlier, you would be in danger if you met those real people from the Blood Youfu."

"Those guys heard that 30 to [-] people gathered here. What kind of treasure is there in this valley?"


Hearing Guo Zhengyang's words, the group of monks also quickly flew to the front, followed by some people who spoke happily, but some people looked into the valley suspiciously.

As a result, a group of monks who had just stood firm were suddenly startled. They looked at the waterfall in the valley and exclaimed, "Baby? There is a baby flowing down from the waterfall. What's the matter? There is a baby in the waterfall. Why didn’t the group of guys take it away? Brother Guo, didn’t you find out?”

With such a shout, other real people also looked at it one after another, and soon saw a radiant magic weapon falling into the pool with the waterfall, and what was even more shocking was that just after the magic weapon fell, there was a new The magic weapon falls from the top of the waterfall.

At this moment, all the talents in Shangjie Mountain were in an uproar, and there was excitement in the uproar, but Guo Zhengyang was stunned and shook his head dumbfounded. (To be continued.)

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