One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 229 Will is like a knife

There was a sound of whirring, and when the power of the stars in the star forging formation circulated around, a square colored stone tablet slightly larger than Chengren's palm was revealed, and Guo Zhengyang was instantly overjoyed.


Is the Yuxing brand finally taking shape?

When the control of the formation was stopped, the power of the stars continuously drawn from high above the sky also stopped. Guo Zhengyang reached out and grabbed the square card, and looked at it several times with his spiritual consciousness. Finally, he couldn't help but grinned in surprise.

This should be changed!

Although a few hours have passed at this moment, it has been seven or eight hours since Wushuang Patriarch and Zhou Yiqing who left the hall the first time left, and Feng Hui, the Patriarch of the Black Prison, also left four hours ago, but In the end, he was only half a day slower than those three Taoist monarchs.

This is already very good. After all, the Taoist monarchs are the masters of one party. They have each lived for hundreds of years. People are helpless, but the result is already very good.

Grabbing the Royal Star Card, Guo Zhengyang glanced at the casual cultivator not far away. The other party was still concentrating on manipulating the forging of the star formation. Guo Zhengyang didn't deliberately stimulate that one, but just got up and walked towards the entrance of the side hall transmission array.

He deliberately stimulated Feng Hui before. It was because the two sides had a bad relationship that would never die. He didn't mind if he could delay the opponent, even if the method was a little wretched, but they have fallen behind a lot now. He really didn't intend to provoke him on purpose.

Even if he didn't mention this, he was already half a day behind Wushuang Patriarch and others, and he didn't have time to stay here to stimulate others.

After putting the Royal Star Card into the teleportation array, Guo Zhengyang sighed helplessly and stepped into the teleportation array after the voice of passing the level quickly sounded in the void. sigh.

Isn't that right? If this refined Star Treasure is used by oneself after refining, its power is comparable to that of a low-grade magic weapon, and it is still a defensive Star Treasure. It will also be of great help to Guo Zhengyang's strength improvement.

It's a pity that after you refine it, you need to hand it in, and then you have no chance with yourself, because this is just a test product for assessment.

If you can get it, even if you don't get the control of the Immortal Mansion in the end, having such a star treasure that can greatly increase your strength will have a good effect. He has mastered the formation pattern embroidery and the ability to control the star forging formation, but if he is not in the Immortal Mansion, it is impossible to have the strength to refine the star treasure again.

Because forging star treasures, the most important thing is to be able to absorb the power of stars from the starry sky...

These can only be done by the help of formations in the side hall. The stone pillars of the temple itself are donated according to special rules, which can shorten the connection between distant stars and this place, and with the formation of forging stars, they can absorb the power of stars. , This is a double layer of protection. Even if Guo Zhengyang can give the previous Star Forging Formation by himself, without the help of the Piandian Formation, he will not be able to absorb the power of the stars, not to mention that he can only control the Star Forging Formation so far. , but don't know how to give at all.

There are two layers of formations, the outer layer he doesn't know and doesn't move at all, and the inner layer just doesn't know how to use it, so don't say it's him, even Wushuang Patriarch Hei Prison Patriarch and others, once they leave here, it's just as impossible Privately forge star treasures.

Even if he already knows that there are star treasures that are better than spiritual weapons and magic weapons in the world, if he can't finally control the Immortal Mansion, he will still miss everything.

"The key is to control the Immortal Mansion. There are indeed not only sufficient resources in this Immortal Mansion, but also all kinds of spiritual weapons and magic weapons, as well as all the inheritance of this immortal state power. It is just a star treasure. Whoever gets it will be enough to dominate the field , I dare not think about anything else. I have been behind for half a day, and I have to catch up as soon as possible. Although I have three Fire Spirit Maps in my hand, there are still eight levels to come. If I fall behind every time, the three Fire Spirit Maps will not Not enough."

A thought flashed in his mind, and Guo Zhengyang also flickered with the brilliance of the teleportation array, and quickly disappeared in the local area.


Four days later, when Guo Zhengyang passed another test and reached the third pass with the teleportation formation, a loud laugh immediately sounded not far ahead.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Feng, I'm going to take a step ahead, I'm waiting for you at the fourth level."

Amidst the loud laughter, Patriarch Wushuang had already walked to the side of the teleportation array. When he saw Guo Zhengyang appearing out of thin air, Patriarch Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded to Guo Zhengyang. It’s not bad, it’s just that I reached the third level a day later than Brother Feng, which is really good.”

After nodding with a chuckle, Patriarch Wushuang entered the teleportation array with a smile and disappeared.

In an instant, the faces of Patriarch Hei Prison and Zhou Yiqing not far away were ashen.

It is impossible not to change face, because it has been more than six days since they stepped into the inner palace, and they are still stuck in the third level for nearly a week, while the ancestor Wushuang has already entered the fourth level.

In the first level, Wushuang Patriarch was only a few minutes ahead of Zhou Yiqing, and three to four hours ahead of Feng Hui, but in the second level, the other party had already been ahead of the two of them for a day or two, and now they have just set foot on the second level. It took more than a day for the third pass, and he was still studying the inheritance of knowledge left by the immortal-level power. Before officially starting the test, the ancestor Wushuang had already broken through and entered the fourth pass.

A total of nine levels, one month period, that person has passed three levels, one-third of the journey.

No matter how you look at it now, everyone has understood that the ancestor Wushuang is their biggest competitor, and the one who is most likely to break out first and obtain the inheritance of this immortal mansion.

So after Wushuang Patriarch's jokes, no matter whether it was Zhou Yiqing, who had a good relationship with Guo Zhengyang, or Feng Hui, who had a very bad relationship with Guo Zhengyang, they no longer had any scruples about Guo Zhengyang's entry.

Zhou Yiqing just nodded at Guo Zhengyang, and then sank into the continuous observation and study, but Feng Hui didn't even look at Guo Zhengyang, just snorted coldly, and continued with the previous thing.

Guo Zhengyang also smiled wryly. The ancestor of Wushuang is worthy of being No.1 in the spiritual realm. Not only is he honored as the No.1 in the spiritual realm, his strength is also...

Under the premise of roughly fairness, the two sides set off together to learn the same new knowledge. In just six days, Wushuang Patriarch completely opened up the gap between him and him!

This ability is indeed difficult for people not to feel emotion.

However, after a moment of emotion, Guo Zhengyang immediately followed the voice instructions in the void, walked not far from Zhou Yiqing and Feng Hui, grabbed a jade slip and began to watch it.

He has only just entered the third level, not only lagging behind Wushuang Patriarch, but also lagging behind the other two Dao Lords, and now he has to do his best to catch up.

Within the three levels, several Taoist monarchs have already left him so far away. If he doesn't work hard, even if he still has three fire spirit maps in his hand, he can skip the third level directly, but he still has the ability to be bullied by Wushuang Patriarch and others throw off the trend.

Guo Zhengyang's aptitude is very good. This aptitude includes cultivation aptitude, comprehension surname, etc. among many monks, but the aptitude of all Taoist monarchs is also enough to look down on the spiritual realm. Otherwise, they would not go to the spiritual realm At the pinnacle, they become dominant existences one by one.

So simply speaking of learning ability, Guo Zhengyang is not the worst, but he is not the best either. In addition, in each level, although the immortal-level power tries to maintain fairness, Taoist monarchs live for hundreds of years. He has several times more lifespan, and he does have indelible advantages in all aspects.

He can only choose to do his best!

"En? The third level, use a unique method to leave a mark on Suo Shenya in front of you, no matter if it is a Taoist monarch, a real person or a spirit gathering period, as long as you can leave a mark."

"Suo Shenya, block all spiritual knowledge, excrete power, and any means and artifacts with spiritual energy fluctuations will be blocked, and even if you can leave a mark on this rock in other ways, it is not considered a pass at all. Only by relying on the things in the jade slip can you pass the test..."


After grabbing the jade slip, Guo Zhengyang glanced ahead again, and he had a general understanding of the test of this level.

The first level of the test is to forge star treasures, the second level of the test is to pass a restriction left by the power of the immortal state through learning, and the third level is to leave traces on the rocky cliff ahead.

It is a piece of bare rocks, it doesn't look strange at all, just like ordinary rock cliffs in the world, but when monks face it, they will be blocked by their spiritual knowledge and spiritual sea, and their physical strength will be blocked by physical cultivation, and even all magic weapons Techniques, etc., as long as they contain aura fluctuations, they will be blocked.

It can only be deciphered by the unique method recorded in the jade slips.

The earliest you can learn the jade slip left by the power of the immortal state, and the earliest you can master the method of exerting force, you will be able to leave traces in Suoshenya one step earlier and enter the fourth level.

After earnestly understanding the rules, Guo Zhengyang began to watch the contents recorded in the jade slips, and found that what was inside turned out to be a way to exercise willpower.

Through unique tempering, it is possible to exercise the willpower that is originally invisible and invisible, but only on the spiritual level. It can also be as sharp as a sword.

This really made people feel very emotional, but he didn't have time to feel emotional, and soon began to read this method of training willpower.

Suo Shenya blocks all spiritual knowledge and physical abilities, including any fluctuations that contain spiritual energy, but if it's just that, it's not impossible to leave a mark on it.

Because after blocking all fluctuations in spiritual power, Suo Shenya is just an ordinary mountain rock, that is, ordinary people can also rely on explosives, strong acid, etc. to leave traces on ordinary rocks, but this is a test of the learning ability of the selected monks, so In addition to the will training methods recorded in the jade slips, other methods that leave traces cannot pass the level.

Only by exercising your will like a magic weapon, you can take the initiative to slash like a sharp weapon, can you try to pass the level.

So even if he has fallen behind by a lot, Guo Zhengyang has no shortcuts at all, and can only rely on his own comprehension ability and learning ability to try. (To be continued.)

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