"How come? Passed the test?"

"It's been less than an hour since you came in? Just passed the customs?"


Opening their eyes in shock, Zhou Yiqing and Heiyu Patriarch saw Guo Zhengyang in front of Suo Shenya, and also saw the bloody sword marks on the stone cliff in front of Guo Zhengyang, and then they were all stunned. It's a silly expression.

Can you not be stupid?

How difficult is this third level?They have been in for a day and are still honing something silently. Up to now, they can't even show the slightest tendency to release their will, let alone leave traces of will in Suo Shenya.

Therefore, they are even more afraid of the departed Wushuang Patriarch.

As for Guo Zhengyang?Don't talk about it, as time goes by, they almost never regard this guy as an opponent, but now, this kid has entered the third level for less than an hour, and he actually passed it? ?

After being dumbfounded, Zhou Yiqing jumped up quickly, walked quickly to Suo Shenya, and then looked at the sword mark left by Guo Zhengyang, his eyes were full of shock, "Sword Intent? Did you understand Sword Intent before?"

In a word, Patriarch Hei Prison's complexion also changed drastically. He looked at Guo Zhengyang and then at Suo Shenya suspiciously, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes...

But when the ancestor of Hei Prison also quickly stepped forward and looked in front of Suo Shenya, he breathed a sigh of relief, "This is not a sword intent, not even a fur. The lethality of this sword intent alone is It can't even be killed in the late stage of gathering spirits."

No, the sword mark on Suo Shen Ya does have a sporadic sword intent, with the ferocious sharpness of a sword, you will feel that what you see is not a sword mark, but a sharp sword.

But this sharp sword gave him the feeling that it was like an ordinary low-grade spiritual weapon, the flying sword. It was not eye-catching at all, and it barely left some traces on Suo Shenya. It is definitely not even an entry.

Such a sword intent is not threatening at all.

However, after letting out a sigh of relief, Feng Hui's face soon turned green again. No matter how shallow Guo Zhengyang's comprehension of sword intent was, he really passed the test! !

This pass is over!

It's been less than an hour since this guy came in, and he and Zhou Yiqing have been in for almost a day, but they can't even do a simple will, let alone form a lethal force and leave traces on Suo Shenya.

It was also when the expressions of the two old ancestors changed that Guo Zhengyang looked at Zhou Yiqing with a smile, "I just had a little understanding before, and I can't talk about the sword intent. In addition, the ** in the jade slips before, barely managed to make the outside of the will Let it go, it's a coincidence."

When the sound of passing the test sounded in the void, the moment the two ancestors were awakened, Guo Zhengyang had already put away the scroll, so the thing was not seen by the two of them.

And this level, he can be regarded as telling the truth, it's just a coincidence.

It was a coincidence!

The bloody sword he spat out before was not something he had comprehended in the scroll, but his soul vibrated with the sword intent in the scroll. When he was injured, he spit out the sword intent that hurt him.

So this sword intent is actually the sword intent in the picture scroll, it was just borrowed by him.

He usually looks at strange paintings, although he can feel the brilliant sword intent, but he was injured when he couldn't see clearly. Even if he was seriously injured and vomited blood, it was just a normal injury and nothing abnormal. **, when he can see the surrounding world more clearly, he can also see the content of the scroll more clearly.

Once the sword intent in the painting oscillated, it actually caused his soul to vibrate like the sound of a sword. The injury he suffered was actually the injury caused by the soul's vibration with the sword intent.

He couldn't understand before, so he was injured normally, nothing.

Now, with the help of the body left behind by the longevity-level power, some clues can be seen, and the injury situation has become deeper, and the bruises spit out have a trace of sword intent.

For example, the mouthful of blood on the grass before turned into a blood sword, and the sword pierced the ground.

why?Guo Zhengyang has his own guess. This scroll is also an inheritance. The inheritance is to convey knowledge rather than hurt people. Therefore, when he is about to be obliterated by the brilliant sword intent in the scroll, there will be an invisible force to protect him from death.

This is why no matter who was hurt by this picture scroll in the past, no matter if it was Guo Zhengyang, the monk from Shanglei Zong, or the real person who guarded Liu Xia in Mingyu Palace of Xueyou Mansion, no matter who faced this picture scroll, they would only It won't kill you.

This picture scroll sees who hurts whom, but it never really leads to death.

This is because there are protective measures in the picture scroll itself, but Guo Zhengyang's vision was too low before, and he couldn't see things at the level of the will of heaven and earth, so he didn't feel it.

And this inheritance can guarantee that it only hurts people and does not kill people. Perhaps its inheritance method is rather weird. The sword intent in the picture scroll attacks you, driving your soul to tremble naturally according to the sword intent. Gradually, he also understood some of the true meaning of sword intent.

It's like someone using a set of swordsmanship to attack you. It has always been this set of swordsmanship. Even if they only attack you instead of teaching you the theory of swordsmanship, you will gradually understand the advantages and disadvantages of this swordsmanship after being attacked more...and then gradually comprehend and master it. This set of swordsmanship.

This way of inheritance is very strange, but... But the brilliant sword intent, one of the wills of heaven and earth, cannot be described in words at all, and cannot be taught to others with language theory, so it is not surprising to use this method of inheritance.

Some people even think that inheriting in this way is already an earth-shattering talent. After all, this is the will of heaven and earth, and it is a person's comprehension of heaven and earth. It can only comprehend the unspeakable spiritual level of comprehension, which can be passed on to others in a certain way , is already a remarkable thing.

It was because of this that Guo Zhengyang was able to use the tremor of the sword intent in this scroll to drive his own soul to vibrate with the same rule, borrowing a trace of the sword intent.

He still doesn't have much comprehension and understanding of sword intent now, but he really borrowed that sword intent and broke this test at the cost of injury.

Of course, he couldn't talk about this kind of thing casually to outsiders, so he just mentioned it in general.

After the words fell to the ground, Zhou Yiqing and the Patriarch Heiyu were speechless again. In the silence, the Patriarch Heiyu snorted again, turned around and walked back. Although he couldn't believe what Guo Zhengyang said, he was indeed locking the gods. There is a trace of will left on the edge, a trace of will with the smell of a sword, it can only be said that he has a little experience in this regard before, and then he used the previous experience to reveal it to the outside world...

Even Zhou Yiqing patted Guo Zhengyang's shoulder dumbfoundedly, and said strangely, "Come on, I thought you had no hope at first, and we would keep throwing you away, but I didn't expect you to have a little bit of sword intent before." Fur, just passed the first level, that’s right, it’s been less than an hour since Ge entered the fourth level, and your chances of overtaking him are better than mine.”

"En." Guo Zhengyang also nodded, and his heart became full of anticipation again.

Originally, as soon as he came in, he saw Patriarch Wushuang stepping into the fourth level. The gap of a whole level really made him worry a lot. He felt that even if he had three Fire Spirit Maps, it would be difficult to catch up with Patriarch Wushuang again. Now that he skipped a level directly, he has indeed taken another big step towards mastering the internal server.

He has three fire spirit diagrams, he can skip the third level directly, and now he has passed the third level, that is to say, as long as he can solve the sixth level, he can skip all the rest...

Four, five, six levels, even within these three levels, when Patriarch Wushuang gets rid of him by another level, it is impossible for the opponent to have three Fire Spirit Maps! !He is now [-]% sure of controlling the Immortal Mansion.

Nodding to Zhou Yiqing, Guo Zhengyang quickly walked to the front of the teleportation formation and walked in.


More than a week later.

At the fifth pass, Guo Zhengyang, who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, stood up abruptly and walked forward on a straight stone path. Every time he took a step, his waist would suddenly sink down, and he would stand still for a while, but then he would stop. Will take another step forward.

After walking out for about ten steps, Guo Zhengyang also gradually moved away from Zhou Yiqing and Patriarch Heiyu behind him, and even the Patriarch Wushuang in front of him was getting closer and closer.

It's the fifth level!

Half a month has passed since the opening of the Inner Palace, and half of the time limit has passed. The five monks who entered the palace, except for the casual cultivators during the spirit gathering period, have all reached the fifth level.

And the fifth pass is a stone path full of gravity oppression. This stone path also prohibits and blocks all spiritual knowledge spells and physical strength. You can only rely on the inheritance left by the great power to re-train the physical body and adjust the resistance of the physical body to gravity. , to move forward.

There are a total of [-] steps of the stone path, and the gravity will increase with each step.

Let's see who can master everything first, the first to complete the 70-step stone path, and now Wushuang Patriarch, who is walking in the forefront, has walked more than 50 steps, and Guo Zhengyang is second only to Wushuang Patriarch, who has walked more than [-] steps One step behind Zhou Yiqing, more than ten steps, the ancestor of Hei Prison was only three or four steps behind Zhou Yiqing.

After a trick in the third stage, Guo Zhengyang, who was still quite behind, has gradually caught up. Although he is still slower than Patriarch Wushuang, the gap between him and the opponent has gradually narrowed to the point where it is visible to the naked eye.

This also made the Wushuang ancestor in front of him frown greatly. He didn't care much about his expression at first, but every time he saw Guo Zhengyang at this time, his face would change slightly unnaturally.

As for Zhou Yiqing, there was a hint of anxiety in his expression, and he even felt lonely occasionally.

Feng Hui, the patriarch of the black prison, has always had a gloomy face, and he has never seen him smile.

"Guo Xiaoyou really deserves to be the most outstanding among the juniors. He was able to get rid of Zhou Daoyou and Feng Daoyou again and again, which is really impressive. However, half a month has passed, and we are still lingering in the fifth level. It seems that this inner palace If there is no backward level, the difficulty will increase sharply, and there is only half a month left, even if we are the fastest, we may not really make it to the end."

Just when Guo Zhengyang took another step, feeling invisible, and all aspects of the heavy pressure on the pavement came, so that he had to sit down suddenly again, the Wushuang ancestor in front of him sighed suddenly, turned around with a wry smile Come.

In a word, the faces of everyone on the stone path seemed to be more gloomy.

From the first level, although the time for everyone to pass each level is different, it is also becoming more and more difficult. For example, Zhou Yiqing and Feng Hui both took about two days for the first level and three days for the second level. Four days in the third level, five days in the fourth level, and now the two of them have just stepped into the fifth level, half a day to a day, and half of the time limit has passed. In the end, they were unable to pass nine stages in a row to break out of the formation and refine the Immortal Mansion.

If Guo Zhengyang hadn't taken advantage of the third level, he might still be in the fourth level now.

Even Patriarch Wushuang, who walked the fastest, has been trapped in the fifth level for a long time now...

With a gloomy face, Guo Zhengyang glanced at Patriarch Wushuang, but a strange color suddenly flashed in the depths of his eyes, "This No. 1 in the spiritual realm is suppressing everyone's confidence without a trace? Although the situation is like this, if the confidence is shaken , it will only crack more slowly, this guy... is really omnipotent."

But only Guo Zhengyang knows that even if the situation is getting more and more difficult, as long as he breaks through the fifth level and passes the sixth level, he can skip the last three levels... Half a month is definitely enough! !Therefore, the tricks of Patriarch Wushuang are useless to him at all. (To be continued.)

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