One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 234 Pit Everywhere

"The Fire Spirit Map can really be transferred as a gift. Damn it, Patriarch Wushuang also has three in his hand. As long as he gets another one, he can directly skip all the subsequent levels and go directly to refining the inner palace..."

Amidst the laughter of Patriarch Wushuang, Guo Zhengyang, who was sitting at the ninety-step position, sank like water. He was really stimulated by the subsequent transaction. , and has been using various languages ​​to stimulate people, but at that time these were not certain after all.

Seeing that that person really got another fire spirit map from Feng Hui, Guo Zhengyang was extremely depressed.

If the Fire Spirit Map could not be transferred, then with the three Fire Spirit Maps in his hand, he was already [-]% sure of holding the Immortal Mansion in his hands, and the other [-]% was naturally still Patriarch Wushuang's.

After all, the opponent also has two cards, and the opponent's clearance speed is the fastest among all of them. In the fifth stage, he still pulled Guo Zhengyang away for a day or two, so if the opponent pulls Guo Zhengyang away for a day or two in the sixth stage At that time, it may not be possible to directly crack the seventh level when Guo Zhengyang cracks the sixth level. Once he breaks the seventh level first, then even if he has one less Fire Spirit Map than Guo Zhengyang, he still has a half chance of refining the Immortal Mansion first.

So even if the Fire Spirit Map cannot be increased, the chances of Guo Zhengyang and Patriarch Wushuang refining the Immortal Mansion are [-]:[-], and the competition is still relatively fierce.

But now that the Fire Spirit Diagram can be increased, the competition between the two sides has directly jumped to the point of intensification!

How to heat up?As long as Zhou Yiqing is willing to transfer the Fire Spirit Map to Patriarch Wushuang, then Patriarch Wushuang can directly refine the inner palace, and the dust will be settled in a few minutes?Of course, if Zhou Yiqing transfers the Fire Spirit Map to Guo Zhengyang, then... Guo Zhengyang can quickly refine the Immortal Mansion.

"The Fire Spirit Diagram can really be increased. In this case, what's the point of the test... If someone takes someone else's Fire Spirit Diagram from the beginning, it can directly crack all the levels in the Inner Palace. What's the test?" After scolding, Guo Zhengyang suddenly paused in the midst of scolding, as if he understood something.

He seemed to really understand why the fire spirit map could be increased.

Maybe this is also the setting deliberately left by the master of the Immortal Mansion, as a test link for the candidates to play.

The Fire Spirit Map can be increased. At first glance, it seems that the test rules are broken, but in fact it is not, because there is no fighting here. Even if you want to get the Fire Spirit Map in the hands of others, you can only rely on outsmarting, but the Fire Spirit Map is the key to controlling the inner palace. , So in the beginning, if you want to collect the Fire Spirit Map from others, it is simply nonsense. No matter how good the relationship is, facing a huge treasure like the Immortal Mansion, if you have a chance to get it, you cannot give up the Fire Spirit Map in your own hand and give it to others.

So even if the Fire Spirit Map can increase, no one can get it from others at the beginning, and can only rely on the oppression of the situation to make others despair, and then they can outwit it...

This kind of outsmarting seems to be a test of how a monk can suppress the opponent's confidence at the least cost and achieve the greatest success with the least strength.

In the outer mansion, the longevity-level power left all kinds of tests, including wisdom, surname, etc., so it seems not surprising that the inner mansion also set a wisdom test for the fire spirit map itself?The key, the key is that there is a sentence that Guo Zhengyang has not forgotten now, that is, when he first learned about the inner palace test, the voice in the void said the inner palace test, which is basically a test about learning ability, basically, it represents is not absolute.

Basically, it is a test of learning ability, and all of them are tests of learning ability. There is still a big difference.

And the tests that Guo Zhengyang encountered after entering the inner mansion were all learning ability. Apart from learning ability, he had never seen other tests at all. If it had always been like this, then the master of the Immortal Mansion didn't need to use the word "basic" when explaining.

Thinking of these one by one, Guo Zhengyang suddenly realized that the increase of the fire spirit map is another test in the inner mansion besides learning ability!

If you only have the ability to learn and don't notice this, it will take more effort to break the formation. Maybe the next six or seven levels will cost you more time than expected, or keep you trapped. So that you can't pass the test simply by learning ability, and you can only pass the test with the help of the fire spirit diagram to increase?

For example, when Guo Zhengyang encountered Jubaoya of Huolingtu for the first time when he was in the foreign server, there were more than 40 steps and five treasure platforms. At first glance, it seemed that the rules were to break through the formation step by step before finally reaching the peak and taking it away. The treasure on the fifth treasure platform, after ordinary people go, it will break through the formation step by step, but in fact it is a pit!

The way to really take away the Fire Spirit Map can only be realized by discovering the teleportation array in the first level. If you ignore the first level and keep going up, the pit behind the fourth treasure platform is enough to kill any Taoist Yes, let alone real people.

At that time, Guo Zhengyang didn't know how many pits there were behind Jubaoya. It was only later that when he was wandering in the outer mansion, he met Zhou Fu and others again. some luck...

So in a sudden realization, he also understood the setting of the inner palace, which might be similar to Jubaoya.

This is basically a test of learning ability, but it's only basic... In fact, the final test is whether the monk can obtain the fire spirit map from other people's hands with wisdom, and then pass the level with the least cost, instead of just relying on learning ability to go all the way to the end. If you break the formation by learning ability, it is very likely that you will not be able to crack the next level if you are exhausted.

It is very possible to infer the surname of the owner of the Immortal Mansion from the settings of Jubaoya.

After realizing it, Guo Zhengyang was no longer dissatisfied, but he was just grateful. If the ancestor Wushuang hadn't mentioned the increase of the Huolingtu in advance, he might not have thought of this. You can skip seven levels in a row, and thus control the Immortal Mansion.

But if there is a big pit starting from the sixth level, and you can't pass it for half a month with pure learning ability, then once you make it to the deadline and haven't passed the level, you will completely miss the chance to control cash...

This point, it seems that there are some clues from the fact that you can only move forward but not backward in each level. You can only move forward, that is to say, once you cannot gain an absolute advantage in the first few levels, you will not be able to overwhelm others from the hands of others. If you get other Fire Spirit Maps, even if you see through this point in the future and wake up, it will be difficult to go back and ask others for Fire Spirit Maps, and you will be completely out of luck with the Refining Immortal Mansion. Otherwise, why can’t the Immortal Mansion retreat? the term?

If no one refines after a month, will the Immortal Mansion escape automatically?

Isn't that the case at Jubaoya?After passing the third treasure platform, the monks worked hard and tried their best to crack the steps behind, and finally walked up to the fourth treasure platform, only to find that the jade slips recorded a pit enough to make people vomit blood.

Full of rejoicing, Guo Zhengyang reached out and touched his forehead again, wiping off a few drops of cold sweat.

The mind of the owner of the Immortal Mansion is too difficult to fathom, and too deep, the pits left by that one are everywhere.

The Wushuang ancestor is doing this now, has he seen through this long ago?Have you already understood the mystery of the master of the Immortal Mansion?

"Brother Zhou, Xiaoyou Guo, this old man is only one piece away from the Fire Spirit Map, so what are you still hesitating about?" Just as Guo Zhengyang wiped off a few drops of cold sweat, the laughter of the Wushuang Patriarch came from behind again, but this time , but there was a sense of oppression in the laughter of the ancestor Wushuang, "With or without your fire spirit map, I can no longer hinder the general trend of the old man's acquisition of the Immortal Mansion. Why don't you two be good people."

Another sentence, Guo Zhengyang didn't respond at all, but Zhou Yiqing's face froze and his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was really shaken by what he said.

Patriarch Wushuang has already taken the Fire Spirit Map in Feng Hui's hand, then...he has three, and there is still half a month left, even if the Fire Spirit Map in their hands is not handed over to Patriarch Wushuang, it seems that they cannot stop The opponent is breaking through the formation, and the levels in the inner mansion are becoming more and more difficult, but the fifth level only took three or four days for Wushuang Patriarch. Even if he only has these three pictures in the future, the simple It seems that it will definitely not take half a month to break the formation by one's own ability, and they, even if he and Guo Zhengyang add up, it seems impossible to have any hope of turning things around.

That being the case, it seems that it is really better to sell Wushuang Patriarch a favor.

Otherwise, if the ancestor Wushuang takes control of the Immortal Mansion, if the other party bears a grudge, they may not be able to withstand it...

The general trend, this is the opponent's use of the general trend to suppress others, so that Zhou Yiqing had no other reaction except a wry smile.

Even in Zhou Yiqing's wry smile, Feng Hui's sneer suddenly sounded, "Brother Ge, if you simply say that, it may not have any effect. After all, these two guys from Shangjie Mountain belonged together. Get up, at least two Fire Spirit Maps, maybe there are three more? If there are really three, and Guo Zhengyang is about to crack the fifth level, when the time comes, they will be on the same progress as you, you let them give up ,hey-hey……"

Feng Hui's sneer was fanning the flames. It's not that he didn't want Patriarch Wushuang to refine the Immortal Mansion as soon as possible, but he just didn't want Patriarch Wushuang to owe a favor to that side. It's best to remember Shangjie Mountain.

If he could bear his grudge against Shangjie Mountain, once Patriarch Wushuang finally took control of the Immortal Mansion, he would be able to take advantage of this general situation to bully Shangjie Mountain, right?

So he definitely doesn't mind provoking the relationship between the two parties.

Although he didn't think there could be three Fire Spirit Maps in total, after all, this thing is so precious, he only got one for a Taoist monarch, so naturally he didn't want to believe that Zhou Yiqing or Guo Zhengyang could get two... And there must be none, right? At least Zhou Yiqing didn't, otherwise the other party wouldn't be so hesitant now.

None of Zhou Yiqing, Guo Zhengyang?Don't talk about it, he is just a real person, and he has just entered the early stage of a real person.

Can he be better than both of them?

But even if you don't believe it, just saying this by yourself will definitely make Wushuang Patriarch even more afraid of that side.

This is indeed the case. After the sneer, Zhou Yiqing and Patriarch Wushuang, who were hesitating, were both taken aback. They both looked at Guo Zhengyang, and at this moment, Guo Zhengyang was still calmly dealing with the challenge in front of him, as if he hadn't done anything for Patriarch Wushuang at all. The words distracted him, and the look of Wushuang Patriarch became suspicious all of a sudden, and even Zhou Yiqing's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement. Could it be that there are really two fire spirit pictures over there?Doesn't that mean that as long as he gives Guo Zhengyang the one in his hand, he will still have a chance to fight? (To be continued.)

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