One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 239 Not

"Senior Brother Ge, where are we going now?"


"To the world? What are you going there for? You don't want to attack Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends who are still in the world, so as to threaten him to hand over the Immortal Mansion?"


The group of people from Shangjie Mountain fled away, followed closely by the monks from Xiantu Mountain who had been watching from a distance, but in the process of leaving, the two figures quietly left the group, one step ahead of time. Disappearing between heaven and earth, that is, in flight, a black-haired middle-aged man frowned suspiciously.

After the Wushuang Patriarch in front of the middle-aged man listened to the question and gave some answers, the middle-aged man frowned suddenly, and his expression was quite strange when he spoke.

This middle-aged man is also a well-known pillar Taoist monarch in the entire spiritual realm. In Xiantu Mountain, Qianjue Patriarch is similar in status to Patriarch Wushuang. The core daoist also learned from Wushuang Patriarch that it was Guo Zhengyang who finally got the Immortal Mansion.

For this news, Patriarch Qianjue was equally astonished. He really did not expect that little guy to win the competition with Patriarch Wushuang, and finally won the Immortal Mansion.

But besides being shocked for a while, he didn't think about what to do next. Now that he was suddenly led by the ancestor Wushuang to die, the ancestor Qianjue suddenly thought of something, and after thinking of those things, his expression was even It's hard not to be weird.

Could this brother Ge really want to hijack Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends in the past, and use this as a threat to make him hand over the Immortal Mansion?This, f*cking inappropriate, right?If they do this, what will their majestic Xiantu Mountain look like?The number one giant in the spiritual domain, to deal with a real person, even threaten the other party's relatives and friends?This tramples on the dignity and face inherited from the ancestors for thousands of years.

But although this is a little inappropriate, it seems to be nothing. After all, it is the inheritance left by the immortal level power. If you can really get that kind of inheritance, it seems that it will be fine even if your reputation is lost.

That's why at this moment, Patriarch Qianjue's expression was so weird.

"No." But when he questioned back in doubt, Patriarch Wushuang shook his head, and his words stunned Patriarch Qianjue again, didn't they?If not, what is it?

"I also thought about hijacking his parents, relatives and friends as a threat to let him hand over the Immortal Mansion, but after thinking about it, it is not appropriate to do so. It's not that the old man can't let go of the sect to hide his face, but that you don't understand the immortal mansion. What is there in the mansion... If we use his relatives and friends as threats, we can't kill those people, we can only hold them in our hands and threaten them. If that kid takes out a batch of star treasures and hand them over to Shangjieshan and others, then It's over, the group of Daoist Lords in Shangjie Mountain can definitely crush us, and the threat or something has become a joke, and you also know that the last time that kid was able to take care of us under such strict care in the Xueyou Mansion. He was rescued by his mother, so even if it is not mentioned that Shangjieshan and others can completely suppress us after obtaining the Star Treasure, they may not be unable to rescue people under our noses, so this method will not work at all, the risk is too great It's too big." Patriarch Wushuang spoke again, and his words were full of emotion.

Ancestor Qianjue was stunned by those words...

It was when he was in a daze that Patriarch Wushuang immediately explained the existence and meaning of Xingbao.

As a result, Patriarch Qianjue was not just in a daze, but in a daze and chills! !

"No way? A third-grade star treasure can be easily controlled by a Taoist monarch, and its power is even comparable to a top-grade or top-grade magic weapon? Is it so terrifying? Doesn't that mean that as long as there is this thing, any Taoist monarch will have many pieces of his own life?" Spiritual weapon?"

But no, I really understand the meaning, it’s hard for Patriarch Qianjue not to be confused. In the past, the Taoist lords in the spiritual realm, the most powerful treasures were not the low-rank or middle-rank magic weapons. , can only work hard, so only by waiting for a middle-grade magic weapon in the hands of a certain daoist to conceive and raise the life magic weapon, can it exert the effect comparable to the top-grade magic weapon.

But there is only one such magic weapon per person! !

Regardless of whether it is the Wushuang Patriarch or the Qianjue Patriarch, there is only one natal magic weapon that can exert the effect comparable to the best magic weapon.

But those star treasures, Daojun can easily control third-rank star treasures, but the power of those gadgets can be compared with top-rank or top-grade magic weapons. Doesn’t it mean that you have three star treasures that are comparable to top-grade magic weapons, which is equivalent to a Taoist king having three star treasures? Got three natal magic weapons?Not afraid of damage, not afraid of being implicated if those gadgets are damaged?

The meaning is simply unimaginable.

If that's the case, even if an ordinary Daoist in Shangjie Mountain gets three or four third-grade star treasures, his combat power may soar several times, and he may not be able to fight a guy like Qianjue Patriarch...

The titled Taoist Patriarch's combat power is not only related to the magic weapon, but also to the use of other magic and secret techniques, or the use of the power attribute he has cultivated.

Therefore, Patriarch Qianjue may not be afraid of ordinary Taoist monarchs who can control three or four star treasures, but that will indeed bring about earth-shaking changes in the strength of Shangjie Mountain.

In the eyes of Qianjue Patriarch, the ordinary Taoist Lord can be easily suppressed, but once the opponent controls three or four star treasures, even if he is not afraid, he will definitely have the strength to compete with him. It's all like this... Doesn't it mean that the five ordinary Taoist monarchs in Xiantu Mountain all have the combat power comparable to the ancestors all of a sudden?

As for the Xinghe Patriarch, who already had a title, once he obtains multiple Star Treasures, it will only be more terrifying, terrifying to death, maybe one person can suppress him and Wushuang Patriarch.

So just the Xingbao, it really has the strength to make Xiantu Mountain rise suddenly and overwhelm the entire Xiantu Mountain. In terms of strength, the upper bound mountain is several times higher, and they will still be killed. Without the top combat power as a backing, what is the use of your developing base group, no matter how large it is?

This is indeed shocking news!

So he also completely understood why the Xinghe Patriarch would say that, if they really hijacked Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends as threats, then the kidnappers could not be killed...or what else would they have to threaten?

If you can't kill, you must prevent Guo Zhengyang from providing a large number of star treasures to Shangjie Mountain, guard against the Taoist Lords of Shangjie Mountain who have soared their combat power by several steps, and at the same time prevent Guo Zhengyang from sneaking into Xiantu Mountain save people...

In this regard, that kid has a criminal record! !

In the past, the Immortal Mansion hadn’t yet appeared in the world. Feng Hui of Xueyou Mansion hijacked Liu Xia, and the five Taoist monarchs took care of them, and they were all mixed in by that kid to rescue them. If they did that, the risk would be too great. up.

"We went this time to wait for an opportunity."

"With the existence of Xingbao, the combat power of Shangjie Mountain can definitely soar several steps very quickly, so it is too risky to directly tear yourself apart from him. He gave favors... That little guy doesn't seem to be a heartless person, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a big risk to go to Xueyou Mansion to save that woman, so we went to the secular world and guarded in secret, If the Xueyou Mansion wants to start from this aspect, we will destroy that old man Feng Hui with a thunderbolt, and when he finds out afterwards, he will definitely not ignore this kindness, and we will have a chance."

Patriarch Wushuang smiled again, his laughter was very clear, but in fact his heart was full of collapse and helplessness, if he hadn't been tricked by that kid Guo Zhengyang, maybe he was the one who got the Immortal Mansion.

It's so confusing now.

But things have happened, so it's useless to think too much. What he can do next is to try to avoid violent conflicts with that side, and even try his best to benefit.

So he really died to protect Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends, not to hold those ordinary people in his hands as a threat.

After careful consideration time and time again, he did find that the risk of holding those people in his hands as a threat was far greater than the risk of offering favors to Guo Zhengyang in order to share the spoils.

Although in this regard, things will not necessarily develop according to the expected scene.

If the Xueyou Mansion didn't attack Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends, then it would be meaningless for them to lie in ambush in the dark, and it would be completely meaningless...

But this matter is really very likely to happen, because the relationship between Xueyou Mansion and Guo Zhengyang has long been bad, I am afraid that even Feng Hui can think that if the life of Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends is used as a threat, the risk is extremely great , but he also had to take big risks to do it.

Because Xiantu Mountain and Guo Zhengyang didn't have much confrontation before, even if Patriarch Wushuang and the others choose to do nothing this time, after Guo Zhengyang returns to Upper Boundary Mountain with Xianfu, they may not directly attack Xiantu Mountain.

But he will never let Xueyoufu go easily.

Since the Blood Youfu side has to wait for the oppression after Guo Zhengyang's rise, do they have a choice?


So Patriarch Wushuang escaped with Patriarch Qianjue at this moment. If he was alone, he might not be able to eat Feng Hui and others.

After thoroughly clarifying his thoughts, Patriarch Wushuang stopped talking, even Patriarch Qianjue didn't say anything, the two top patriarchs were rushing towards the secular world at the fastest speed.

At the same time, in the other direction of the spiritual domain, four or five figures are also driving towards the secular world under the control of the light.

"Quick! This time we must hijack that kid's family and force him to submit. Otherwise, when he grows up in the future, we will be in danger of destroying us. But if we succeed, everything will be completely reversed." !"

"Don't worry, brother, we all understand."


With just a few words, the five Daoist Lords of Xueyou Mansion headed by Feng Hui are all trying their best to rush to escape.

Even in hiding, Feng Hui, who was flying in the forefront, would occasionally flash a bitter smile on his face. In fact, he didn't know the horror of Xingbao, and why didn't he know that he chose to kidnap Guo Zhengyang's relatives and friends as bargaining chips this time? Letting Xueyou Mansion lose face again is full of danger and risk.

These concerns are the same as those of Patriarch Wushuang. After all, Feng Hui is not stupid, he is also a strong man on the same level as Patriarch Wushuang.

It's just that even if the danger and risk are great, with the relationship between him and Guo Zhengyang, he has no choice but to make a decision in the shortest possible time, make a quick move, and then rush back to the sect to block the entire mountain gate. (To be continued.)

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