One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 245 Crazy Ascension

Staring at that mountain peak for a while, the ancestor of Xinghe suddenly woke up again, and then fled to the outside of Guo Zhengyang's peak, glanced left and right, and found that the surrounding monks were watching silently. Several Daoist peaks were spontaneously organizing a defensive formation to prevent Guo Zhengyang's epiphany from being disturbed, so he nodded in satisfaction.

Epiphany, this kind of thing is really important to a monk. Once you encounter this kind of opportunity, whether it is to improve your cultivation or break through the bottleneck, it will be of great help to the monk. , is definitely enough to make anyone collapse.

So what these real people are doing now also makes him very satisfied.

But satisfaction is all satisfaction, the ancestor Xinghe still had a strong shock in his eyes, the main reason is that the epiphany is so rare, in 100 years, there are 10,000+ monks in the entire spiritual realm, and they may not be able to meet a few times.

If it falls on a single cultivator, the probability is even more depressingly low.

So as soon as he left the customs, he saw Guo Zhengyang having an epiphany, which really made people feel jealous and envious.

However, Patriarch Xinghe suddenly felt strange in his heart, what a pity, what a pity...

He felt pity for Guo Zhengyang. Epiphany is so rare. Guo Zhengyang was lucky to meet him, but the timing of his epiphany seemed inappropriate.

Epiphany, it is undoubtedly better to encounter it during the bottleneck period, because it can almost easily help monks tear the bottleneck, even if it is a big bottleneck.

And now Guo Zhengyang unexpectedly encountered epiphany shortly after entering the early stage of Daoist, and this epiphany only helped him improve his cultivation? ?

It's really a pity, after all, he knew that Guo Zhengyang's aptitude was already extremely outstanding, and even if his aptitude was not too outstanding, he could still improve his cultivation with the help of various enhancement pills!

However, epiphany cannot be interrupted halfway, as long as it is interrupted, it will disappear. This kind of interruption is the same regardless of external or internal reasons. At the limit, we will face a bottleneck, and there will be a pause at this time...

It's like you have been walking on a clear road, and when you come to a closed door, you have to stop and push the door.

And this interrupts the rhythm of the epiphany, which will cause the epiphany to dissipate.

Only when you are in the bottleneck period at the beginning, and then the epiphany at the beginning is to face the bottleneck, then the epiphany will help you directly tear the bottleneck.

So this time he turned out to use epiphany to improve his cultivation, which is simply too wasteful! !

If this is the other party's sudden enlightenment at the peak of the Daoist Daochen, then he can directly break the bottleneck and ascend to the Daojun realm, but now such a rare opportunity is used to improve his cultivation base...Cultivation base is for the people of the big sect , can be piled up with elixir, at least the cultivation level of the monks in the real world is like this.

But things have developed to this point, and he can only watch helplessly.

Next, Patriarch Xinghe stood outside Guo Zhengyang's peak and waited quietly. .

It's just that, as time went by, Patriarch Xinghe's face suddenly became weird again. In fact, not to mention him, even those cultivators in the real world who were also guarding outside were like this.

Because Guo Zhengyang's epiphany this time was too long?

The spiritual energy he swallowed was also abnormal!

The aura outside this peak was sucked out, and it was sucked out again as soon as it was replenished from the outside, and it kept going like this, and this situation almost continued...

"How long did Junior Brother Guo realize before I came out?" After thinking of something, Xinghe Patriarch flashed up to a real person, and the real person immediately said respectfully, "About four or five days."

At the moment, both of them were using sound transmission, because they didn't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing Guo Zhengyang, and after this sound transmission, the face of Xinghe Patriarch became more and more exciting.

Four or five days?Before he came out of the Huofu, Guo Zhengyang had had an epiphany for four or five days, and it has been three or four days since he came out! !

It's been over a week!

According to Guo Zhengyang's efficiency in devouring spiritual energy, with such time and efficiency, normal real people should have accumulated their cultivation to the peak in the early stage, right?

Guo Zhengyang's current efficiency is definitely more efficient than piling up a large pile of spirit stones directly beside him.

But even though he already felt a little strange in his heart, the ancestor Xinghe still didn't say anything, just waited quietly.

While waiting afterwards, another figure with strange eyes quietly stood beside Patriarch Xinghe, and at the same time, that person sighed with emotion, "It's a pity."

This is Zhou Yiqing, and even if Zhou Yiqing's words don't need to be explained too much, Patriarch Xinghe can understand.

Nodding his head, Patriarch Xinghe didn't speak any more, but just waited quietly.


"Hiss~ Is this a joke?"

"How big is this kid's spirit sea? He's only in the early stages of a real person? He has been enlightened for 30 days and hasn't stopped yet? The spiritual energy of our entire Upper Boundary Mountain has been absorbed by half of it."

"It's not just spiritual energy, I already placed a batch of high-grade spiritual stones near his peak half a month ago."

"****, the aura absorbed by this kid is almost enough for a cultivator who has entered the early stages of a real person to directly rise to the peak of a real person in the middle stage, right?"


Another few weeks later, when the depths of the peak where Guo Zhengyang was located was still like a black hole constantly absorbing the rich aura of heaven and earth, the Xinghe Patriarch, Zhou Yiqing and the others, who had looked strange for a long time, couldn't bear the horror in their hearts. They were amazed.

Although in order to avoid disturbing Guo Zhengyang, this kind of exclamation was communicated by several Dao Lords through sound transmission, but the expressions of several Dao Lords changed back and forth, which was extremely exaggerated.

Isn't that right, who made Guo Zhengyang's epiphany this time, it seems to be endless, can you stop talking nonsense?

A real early stage monk, why does it seem that there is no end to his cultivation?

However, they still could only temporarily guard the periphery, and continued to watch over Guo Zhengyang's continuous epiphany. During this process, the Xinghe Patriarch placed a batch of high-grade spirit stones beside Guo Zhengyang rather silently.



More than a month later, Guo Zhengyang, who had been sitting cross-legged in the center of a grand hall, was still contemplating the evolution of the star system. Although the evolution progressed very slowly this time, he had already comprehended the origin of the formation of the primordial sun. At this point, Guo Zhengyang, who had been absorbing spiritual energy, was suddenly interrupted by a hazy obstacle, and the visualization process was broken in an instant.

"Epiphany? Sure enough, I encountered epiphany again. Is it over now?" Guo Zhengyang suddenly opened his eyes when the visualization was shattered, and instantly felt an unprecedented sense of desire. Looking inside slightly, he had already discovered In my spiritual sea of ​​[-] square meters, there are enough spiritual consciousness that is almost overflowing.

In an instant, Guo Zhengyang also had a strong sense of surprise on his face. He has finally arrived at the peak of the real person in the early stage! (To be continued.)

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