One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 25 Then I Promise You

(ps: No. 15 on the new book list, take three steps forward and you will be on the homepage. We urgently need everyone's full support. No matter men or women, you can't wither at critical times~)


The night darkened again.

It was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, in the back row of classrooms three and five, Guo Zhengyang, who was buried in his studies, was suddenly awakened by a soft cry from outside the window, and when he looked up, he saw a sexy figure standing outside the window, smiling brightly reaching out to him.

After taking a look, Guo Zhengyang was slightly speechless.

Because it turned out to be Fang Xiaoying.

"So what they said is true, you are working so hard now? I have been watching you for a long time, and you have been reading your textbooks." Guo Zhengyang was speechless before the figure outside the window smiled, showing a brilliant youth delicate face.

"Why are you running here?" Guo Zhengyang grabbed his phone and checked it. The time was 12:30, and he was the only one left in the classroom, and there was silence outside the window.

"Hey, let me see if you need help. My grades are better than yours. If you can't answer any questions, I can help you." Fang Xiaoying smiled again, looking even more expectant.

"That's not necessary." Guo Zhengyang waved his hand, "Go back to sleep."

He has a poor academic foundation, and he does have a lot of questions and problems in his studies, especially in the subject of mathematics. In the past few weeks of studying hard, even if Guo Zhengyang encountered difficulties, he never asked anyone for help. He just waited for the teacher to listen carefully in class and studied in private.

"Then are you hungry?" Fang Xiaoying's eyes dimmed when she heard this blunt refusal, but she smiled again immediately.

Guo Zhengyang was speechless again, he was really not used to meeting such a lively and outgoing person. In speechlessness, he suddenly found that Fang Xiaoying standing outside the window was trembling slightly, but she didn't look nervous, but cold.

After taking another look at the other party, Guo Zhengyang said, "Go back to sleep quickly when it's cold."

Fang Xiaoying outside the window obviously dressed up deliberately, she was dressed very stylishly, and in order to show her beauty and sex appeal, the clothes were a little thin, which was indeed a bit inappropriate on a spring night.

"Oh." Seeing Guo Zhengyang's flat refusal again, Fang Xiaoying's face darkened again, she nodded slightly, looked into the window again, and then got up and left.But after she left, Guo Zhengyang grabbed the book and looked at it for a few more times before he suddenly stood up, slapped his forehead helplessly, and walked out.

"Fang Xiaoying." He walked quickly, and after leaving the classroom, he saw a figure about to go down the stairs in front of him, and then he called out.

"Ah~" The body in front also stopped, looking flustered, with a nervous and frightened expression on his face.

"Are you familiar with Yang Mingjie?" Guo Zhengyang frowned before he walked up and down.

Fang Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, looked at Guo Zhengyang blankly, and then laughed, "Hey, you scared me to death. I thought you thought I was so annoying, so let me not bother you in the future."

She patted her swollen chest with a charming smile, and Fang Xiaoying said again, "It's not bad with him. We are in the same class, sitting in the front and back seats. Sometimes we chat, but the relationship is not bad. I will celebrate An Qian's birthday at night. It’s because he insisted on going together with the cheek after hearing it, we couldn’t even refuse, what’s wrong?”

"It's nothing. Seeing that he is sloppy, he doesn't look like a good student. I think it's better for you to have less contact with such a person." Guo Zhengyang smiled, giving her a piece of advice.

But Fang Xiaoying was taken aback by this advice, and then stared at Guo Zhengyang for a few times before smiling, "Are you angry when he said that about you this afternoon?"

"No." Guo Zhengyang shook his head. It was impossible for him to be angry with others for such a trivial matter. If he really wanted to be angry, he always chose to kill people to vent his anger instead of holding his anger in his heart.

"Ha, then you won't be jealous, right?" Fang Xiaoying's eyes lit up, and she looked happily.

Guo Zhengyang just rolled his eyes, turned around and left.

"Then I promise you, giggling." Fang Xiaoying's hearty laughter sounded again behind her. In the laughter, she ran forward even faster, and the hand that had been behind her back was also brought to her front. As soon as it was stuffed, a piece of bread was placed on Guo Zhengyang's table.

After doing this, she smiled at Guo Zhengyang, who was watching from the doorway of the classroom, turned around and ran away.

Guo Zhengyang didn't chase after him either, but quietly watched the cheerful figure running away, slightly lost in thought.

No matter how you look at it now, she is a very lively and cheerful girl. Who would have thought that she would take the initiative to end her own life at the most splendid time of her life?After being in a daze for a while, Guo Zhengyang collected his emotions and walked back to his seat, put the bread on the desk into the drawer under the desk, and continued to read.

This class was a continuous rhythm, until more than a day later, on a Sunday afternoon, when the spring rain began to fall outside the building, Guo Zhengyang walked out of the school with his satchel on his back.

It's been another week of hard work, and it's time to go off-campus to relax. It seems a good idea to sit on the street after the rain, drink some wine and enjoy the rain.However, before Guo Zhengyang walked out of the school gate, he suddenly stopped in the drizzle and frowned slightly.

Because someone is following.

Standing in the drizzle and pausing for a while, Guo Zhengyang still started calmly, but his attention was already cast not far behind.

"Mingjie, are you really going to beat him up?"

"Nonsense, why should I follow him if I don't beat him up, shit, I don't like this kid a long time ago, damn it, he looks more handsome than me, now Fang Xiaoying suddenly ignores me, it probably has something to do with this kid Maybe what we said that day made that girl angry, hey, I want to let her know that this kid is an idiot, let Fang Xiaoying see how useless he is in front of me!"

"Hey, Mingjie, I'm not talking about you. What do you think of Xiaoying above? She's not very pretty. If you say she's pretty, Anxi from Class [-] is the beauty. Why don't you chase after Anxi?"

"You know what, Anxi is a rib girl, but she has a pretty face and a fart. Brother likes girls with big tits. Besides, Fang Xiaoying is not bad. Damn, I was getting closer and closer, and suddenly fell in love with me. If you ignore it, it must have something to do with this kid, if you don't beat him up, I won't be able to swallow this breath."

"Then let's follow him? If he has been in a crowded place after going out on the street, how should we start?"

"I said Gu Shuai, you are too timid, as long as it's not on campus, no matter how many people there are, I can still beat you up."


Not far behind, sporadic whispers fell into the ears of Guo Zhengyang who was walking through the rain curtain, making him shake his head.

Following him are Yang Mingjie and Gu Shuai?And are these two going to follow him outside the school and beat him up?

Because Fang Xiaoying suddenly ignored Yang Mingjie these two days?

Walking slowly, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his hand and groped under his chin a few times before he smiled dumbly. He walked obviously faster, and after leaving the campus, he still walked on a path with few people, but he reached a path in about ten minutes. remote oil road.

It's not that there are no people here. In the residential area near Yigao, some places have more people and some places have fewer people. Especially when it's raining, there are only a handful of people on this asphalt road. Guo Zhengyang still thinks Continue to walk, and find a more remote place, but the stalkers behind seem to be a little impatient, and the sound of footsteps soon came from far to near, and at the same time there was a shout, "Guo Zhengyang! Give me stop!"

Guo Zhengyang turned around, glanced at Yang Mingjie and Gu Shuai who were a few steps away in the rain, and then smiled, "What's the matter?"

"Yes, my buddy's hands are itchy, and I want to ask you to practice, is this a big deal?" Yang Mingjie laughed, and clasped his hands in front of his chest, crackling, but I have to say that Yang Mingjie, who is more than 1.8 meters long and black With a dark complexion, he does look very strong, but if he puts on such a sudden appearance, the timid ones will probably be intimidated.

But Guo Zhengyang just shook his head in amazement, Yang Mingjie's face darkened while shaking his head, and he threw his fist at Guo Zhengyang's face with a whimper, "Brother wanted to beat your face for a long time."


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