One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 259 Nine Thunder Banners

"Fellow Daoist Ge, Fellow Daoist Hu, please."

"Ha, I haven't seen you in half a year. It seems that brother Wu's cultivation has improved a lot. It's really gratifying."

"Where, compared to Brother Ge, Wu's cultivation is far from enough."


The outside world, because of the news that Guo Zhengyang will have a life-and-death death with the ancestor of Hei Prison in a year, is not calm in the upper boundary mountain, because if this matter is not publicized by Xueyoufu, it is known in the upper boundary mountain The same is not true of this matter.

Even when the inside of the Upper Boundary Mountain was also shaken, two figures floated over from the teleportation formation outside the mountain gate, which immediately alarmed the strongest giants in the Upper Boundary Mountain, and they all came down the mountain to greet them.

There is no other reason, only because these two people who came here are none other than Xiantu Mountain Patriarch Wushuang and Patriarch Qianjue.

After welcoming these two most peak existences in the spiritual realm, the Taoist Lords of the Upper Realm Mountain headed by the ancestor of Xinghe had just received the two of them into the main peak hall, the ancestor of Wushuang laughed and said to the ancestor of Xinghe, " Brother Wu, I heard a piece of news before, but I don’t know..."

In a word, Xinghe Patriarch and the others immediately burst into wry smiles.

They had guessed before that the sudden appearance of these two people must not be free to come here for a stroll. Now that they heard it, it undoubtedly confirmed their guess. Ancestor Xinghe nodded affirmatively in a wry smile, "It's true."

"It turned out to be true? Hiss..."

Patriarch Wushuang and Patriarch Qianjue were also stunned immediately, and a layer of inconceivable expressions appeared in both pairs of eyes.

"Oh, it really is a hero born a boy." Looking over in disbelief, the ancestor Qianjue also sighed with emotion, and then said strangely, "After that year, I don't know where the decisive battle between Guo Xiaoyou and Feng was. Where is it?"

That's right, the two of them were alarmed by that news, and rushed to Shangjie Mountain one after another. Apart from confirming the authenticity of this matter, they just wanted to ask where the decisive battle was.

Even for these two, they knew that Guo Zhengyang had outstanding talent, and knew that Guo Zhengyang would definitely get a lot of help from the Immortal Mansion if he won the Immortal Mansion, but still no one was optimistic that Guo Zhengyang would be able to kill the Black Prison Patriarch in a year.

That's just nonsense. You must know that the ancestor of Heiyu is a person of the same level as them. The last time the three of them joined forces, the ancestor of Heiyu was injured and ran away. If Guo Zhengyang was in the real world, he would be able to kill Heiyu Patriarch, that's too nonsense, so I came to ask about the location this time, just as the Heiyu Patriarch guessed, if Guo Zhengyang dies in battle, the Immortal Mansion will become an ownerless thing again...

"The location is on the Upper Boundary Mountain. This time, Junior Brother Guo used a secret treasure. Then he will open up a reading space for him and Feng Hui to fight to the death. Outsiders can't interfere at all. Only the reading space after life and death will be opened up." Only then will it collapse. And this reading power space is set in my Upper Boundary Mountain." The ancestor Xinghe smiled again, and gave the answer very readily.

This news shocked the Wushuang ancestors, secret treasure?Reading space?There was no such information in the news they heard before, but after being shocked, the two immediately laughed again.

"Okay, Guo Xiaoyou is very courageous. After a year, I will definitely come to watch the ceremony. It will be a great joy to see Guo Xiaoyou accomplish this unprecedented feat with my own eyes. Here, I will first wish Guo Xiaoyou a victory."

"That's right, to challenge the Daoist Lord with a cultivation level of the real world, and to be at the level of an ancestor who has won the title, Guo Xiaoyou has indeed set a precedent in my spiritual realm, and this old man should congratulate Guo Xiaoyou in advance."


Laughing loudly, Patriarch Wushuang and Patriarch Qianjue also expressed their congratulations.

Of course, on the surface it was congratulations and wishes, but in the bottom of their hearts, the two ancestors were full of weirdness. They didn't know how to evaluate Guo Zhengyang, who would be arrogant and arrogant after winning the Immortal Mansion? , otherwise, how could he make such a bad move?

If we wait another ten or eight years, the two top patriarchs really don't doubt that with Guo Zhengyang's aptitude and his knowledge of the Immortal Mansion, he will be able to kill the Heiyu Patriarch in the future.

But now, they can only say that the little guy was kicked in the head by a donkey, so he will have to fight Feng Hui a year later! !

After the congratulations, I also got the information I wanted, and I was polite and humble with the ancestor of Xinghe and others for a while, and the two ancestors of Wushuang got up one after another and were about to leave. The two stayed for a few more days, because last time the two rescued Guo Zhengyang's parents, relatives and friends, Guo Zhengyang hadn't thanked him until now, mainly because he didn't have time to go to Xiantu Mountain to express his thanks. , Wait until Guo Zhengyang leaves the customs before leaving.

For this enthusiastic retention, although the two ancestors of Xinghe were tempted, they still left one after another, saying that it would not be too late to come back after a year.

Seeing that the two insisted, Xinghe Patriarch and other talents got up one after another and sent the two out.

After passing through the teleportation array and arriving at Xiantu Mountain again, Patriarch Wushuang and Patriarch Qianjue looked at each other, their eyes full of blushing and weirdness.

Some things, they really couldn't say it in front of Xinghe Patriarch and others, now without those people, even the city of the two top Patriarchs felt like they were not complaining.

"This Guo Zhengyang, hey, I really don't know what to say about him. I wonder what stupidity he committed to make such a decision."

"It has been more than half a year since he got the Immortal Mansion, and now there is still a year before the decisive battle between him and Feng Hui. Adding up to one and a half years, even if he has outstanding talent, he can at most cultivate to the middle or late stages of real people, right? This strength, and Feng Hui Compared with Hui, there is not only a gap of dozens of times, but also a gap of hundreds of times. With such a gap, even if he has the help of the Immortal Mansion, it is impossible for him to have the slightest chance of winning. At first, the old man thought that the monks below were spreading the word, tsk... ..."

"Yeah, with a gap of more than a hundred times in cultivation, even if he gets a treasure in the Immortal Mansion, will he be able to use it? Wait another ten or eight years, it's almost the same, it doesn't matter if he is a fool alone, and those guys surnamed Wu are also allowed to use it." It's unbelievable how stupid he is."


For a normal Daoist Daoist, the area of ​​the Linghai is only 50 to 50 square meters. One hundred and forty-five million, and in the later period, it was as terrifying as forty-five million square meters.

The last time they saw Guo Zhengyang, he was only in the early stage of real life, so even if Guo Zhengyang's cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds a year later, it would probably be at the late stage by then, right?Compared with the 500 square meters of Linghai in the later period of Daojun, compared with the [-] million square meters in Daojun's later stage, isn't there a gap of more than a hundred times in cultivation?

The difference in cultivation base is so exaggerated, even if he got a lot of treasures in the Immortal Mansion, he would not be able to use them at all. If he could not use them, even the best treasures would be just a decoration.

So this kind of behavior is more than a fool can describe?

"Forget it, if it wasn't for this little guy's stupidity, we haven't had the chance to snatch the Immortal Mansion again. He was stupid himself, and we will have a chance to snatch the Immortal Mansion again when he dies in Feng Hui's hands a year later." After a few words , Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, the ancestor Wushuang chuckled again, and a new layer of ambition burst out in his eyes.

This sentence immediately made Qianjue Patriarch faintly excited, and nodded more heavily, "It's an opportunity, but there must be Luoheshan guys watching the battle at that time, I think Feng Hui deliberately spread the news for This, if it doesn’t get out, even if he kills Guo Zhengyang in Shangjie Mountain, he will still be besieged and killed by the ancestors of Xinghe. Only when we all go and fight for the ownership of the Immortal Mansion again, will he have a chance to survive. But that's okay, we still have to thank that guy."

After chuckling a few times, the two patriarchs looked at each other, and then set up the light and rushed towards their respective peaks.

A year later, although Guo Zhengyang and Feng Hui will die together, they seem to have to prepare in advance.



Accompanied by a soft screech, a green banner suddenly flew out from Guo Zhengyang's hand somewhere in the Huofu. After the green banner landed, it danced along with Fa Jue. It was more than ten meters high, and the whole body was made of lightning. The tall giant is like a god from ancient times. He clenched his fists and screamed at the sky. In the rolling clouds above the sky, silver snakes immediately flew down and fell into the body of the thunder giant, making the giant grow bigger again. .

Regardless of what the outside world thinks, Guo Zhengyang himself knows that he is not stupid, but that he is certain that he can kill the ancestor of the black prison. After all, he still cherishes his own life.

"The nine thunder banners are the magic weapon of the thunder system. My current cultivation level is only comparable to that of a real person's Dzogchen, and I can barely move one banner. But as long as I break through again, when the area of ​​the spiritual sea expands to [-] to [-] square meters, it will be fine." It is easier to mobilize, as long as the nine banners come out together to form a killing formation, they will just be able to restrain the ancestor of the black prison, and the chances of winning will naturally increase a lot."

"Nine Thunder Banner, Luankongbu, plus several other treasures, the chances of winning are still very high. Besides, I also have the opportunity to find other treasures this year."


Looking at the thunder and lightning giant in front of him, Guo Zhengyang also felt a little excited. If he hadn't accidentally discovered the rare treasure of Jiulei Banner when he was learning to control the boundary markers of the town government half a year ago, he really wouldn't dare to use the platform of life and death now. of.

The nine thunder banners are not just as simple as having a lightning giant in each banner, this set of thunder banners can be combined to form a killing formation. The nine kinds of lightning power complement each other, and the power of the killing formation will increase again.

But Lei Li just happened to restrain the Blood Youfu family. In the previous world, Lei Zong was able to wipe out the Blood Youfu by accumulating a few years of strength after receiving the Leifu inheritance. .

Take the ancestor of Hei Prison as an example, once he casts the magical weapon, he will form a boundless black prison of absolute silence. The formation of that kind of magic technique covers a lot of evil forces. The ancestor's other magic weapons, or the techniques he is good at, mostly focus on refining ghosts and ghosts, making them form terrifying lethality.

But all of this happened to be restrained by Lei Li, who is just and yang.

If it's just a thunder streamer, Guo Zhengyang is not too sure, just like water can extinguish fire, but if the power of water is too weak, it can be restrained by fire, but what he holds in his hand is a set of weapons that form a killing array. Jiu Lei Ban, even if it is all low-grade magic weapons, still possesses terrifying power, what he is missing now is only to control Jiu Lei Ban's cultivation. (To be continued.)

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