Li Zhe is 23 years older than Guo Zhengyang. When Guo Zhengyang met him in the previous life, he was 42 and Li Zhe was 65. At that time, Guo Zhengyang was in the middle stage of Juling, and Li Zhe was in the late stage of Juling. .

But at that time, that person had been in Lingyu for nearly 30 years.

Now that Guo Zhengyang is 22, he accidentally found this old friend, but the other party is still in his prime, only in his 40s, and still a handsome middle-aged man.

Speaking of which, that person is still not very suitable for adultery, and the poor aptitude is unimaginable. He heard from the other party that when he was in his 30s, he stepped into the middle stage of gathering spirits, entered the spirit realm by chance, and until his death, he was just In the later stage of Juling, there were nearly 40 years in the middle, although that was also because of the low strength of casual cultivators, who could not afford pills and the like. load.

But in about 40 years, he has only been promoted from the middle stage of Juling to the peak in the later stage. One can imagine how poor his qualifications are.

Of course, Guo Zhengyang didn't care about Li Zhe's aptitude and strength. He suddenly saw his middle-aged old friend. Even though he didn't know what the other person looked like when he was middle-aged, he was also sure that he didn't recognize the wrong person.

At this moment, a few miles away, a gray-robed middle-aged man transplanted with a spiritual plant by the side of a creek passing through the mountains is definitely him.

Even if Guo Zhengyang is still doubting him in the mid-spirit gathering stage...

"Hey, it turned out that he didn't come here alone. No wonder, I said that he is in the middle stage of gathering spirits. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to go so far."

In doubt, Guo Zhengyang spread his spiritual consciousness further, and then suddenly realized.

Xiantu Mountain is in the west of Lingyu, east of the waters around the Taiwan Strait, while Dongming Island is in the east of Xiantu Mountain, and then to the east and southeast is the connected monster territory.

Even more than half of Dongming Island is full of monsters and beasts. Ordinary casual cultivators dare not approach easily. The situation there is similar to that of Luoheshanfang City Island. In the westernmost part of the island is Zongmenfang City, the habitat of casual cultivators. That section of land is only about ten kilometers long, and then about several hundred miles to the west, there are dense forests and strange mountains. If it is not for special circumstances, even Dongming Island will not dare to go too deep. What's more, this island that is still farther away from Dongming Island?

If it wasn't for someone to take it with them, it would be very difficult for a mid-Jingling cultivator to walk over alive.

At this moment, Guo Zhengyang sensed that two monks at the peak of Juling Dzogchen came out of the forest on the left side of Li Zhe and were talking to him...

"I finally met this guy. I can't miss it this time. I have to find an opportunity to get to know him again, but how should I get to know him?" After realizing this, Guo Zhengyang's thoughts gradually deviated from the original plan. Going to investigate the clues of Leifu in detail, just want to seize the opportunity to get to know Li Zhe again.

The fate of Sanxiu is so bumpy, and his life is so embarrassing and difficult that it is difficult to describe, and Guo Zhengyang has a certain ability now, so he naturally hopes to help this friend from the previous life to live a "good life". In the position of Shangjie Mountain, Li Zhe can easily enter Shangjie Mountain to enjoy all kinds of resources, protection, and protection that he never dared to dream of before. You have to worry about whether you can continue to live today.

But it also needs a reason.

Two people who have never met before, if you go directly to give each other support and protection like a dream in his eyes, if there is no suitable reason, I am afraid it will only scare people.

For example, in the mundane world, a down-and-out middle-aged man who can’t afford food, clothing, housing and transportation is suddenly offered a helping hand by a billionaire he doesn’t know. He buys you a luxury house and a luxury car, drags you into the upper class, and almost spares no effort. This will definitely scare people. .

"His aptitude is so poor, even if I say that I want to accept him as an apprentice, it is unreasonable, and this guy not only has poor physical aptitude, but also basically has no shining points in other aspects. He is not good at alchemy, medicine, and he has no innovation ability. His ability is stronger, he can sneak away in advance every time he encounters danger, and his luck is not too bad... Hey, by the way, I remember that he is actually good at one thing, that is, spiritual plant cultivation. This guy is cultivating spiritual plants. There is still a hand in Zhizhi, but if I use this as an excuse to take care of him, it is still unreasonable. Although he is good at cultivating spiritual plants, he is only considered good among casual cultivators. In the sect, I am afraid that one is not enough to see at all, otherwise he would have been admitted to the big sect by relying on this ability in his previous life."

Stepping forward slowly, Guo Zhengyang still looks the same as not long ago, seemingly continuing to search, but his mind has already shifted to Li Zhe.

I have been thinking about what reason to approach Li Zhe, and it is best to be able to "reasonably" appreciate him very much after seeing him.

But after thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang gradually smiled wryly. He knew this guy very well in his previous life, so he also knew that this guy was almost useless in sex.

"Yes, Fife! He basically doesn't have a bright spot in his body, or he is not naturally suitable for this path, but if I want to approach him reasonably, I don't have to start with his body. Fife is Excuse, that guy is a fife playing everyone, I can count it now... If I play a fife, I don’t know if I can attract him, and then I can get to know him through hobbies other than sex, familiar?"

While smiling wryly, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Guo Zhengyang's mind, thinking of a solution.

He wanted to get to know Li Zhe again, and then give him all kinds of help in a reasonable and reasonable way, giving him all kinds of sexual resources and protection, and he could indeed start from the aspect of "hobbies".

It is also very common for two people of different status to meet and get acquainted because of public hobbies.

After determining the method, Guo Zhengyang did not immediately take out the flute to play, but continued to pretend to search, and gradually approached Li Zhe's direction.

While walking, he looked back at Liu Xia more times, so as he walked, the little girl stared suspiciously again, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Didn't you come out to take a breath? You have been frowning all the time, how does it look like a breath?"

Faced with this sentence, Liu Xia just gave Guo Zhengyang a blank look and didn't answer.

Guo Zhengyang also helplessly stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. In fact, he guessed some of Liu Xia's thoughts. This girl was so happy and joyful on the way here. It was only after he said that she couldn't help that he became so depressed...

"Do you think this road is boring now? No matter it's a day or a year, in addition to ** or **, there will be life and death crises at every turn. Does this kind of life feel very boring?"

Liu Xia widened her eyes again, stared blankly at Guo Zhengyang, took several breaths before suddenly bursting into a smile, the touching smile was like the scorching sun just rising, and the drunk man lost his mind, "What are you talking about? It can't be Want to enlighten me?"

Guo Zhengyang's face turned green. He really had this plan, because before he found Li Zhe, he had seen Liu Xia's depression, so he wanted to solve this apprentice, but because Li Zhe's appearance interrupted his train of thought, now he She already had a plan for how to face Li Zhe, so she came back to her senses and prepared to release Liu Xia, but this girl smiled brilliantly, but why did it sound like she thought his behavior was funny?

"As a master, seeing that the apprentice is in a bad mood, why don't you explain it to me?" He asked back with a dark face, but Liu Xia smiled even brighter, but this girl was solid again, she just stood up straight and kept smiling, Say nothing.

"Just pretend I didn't say it." Guo Zhengyang turned around and left, never looking at her again.

"Hey, wait for me." Only then did Liu Xia chase after her.


Half an hour later, Guo Zhengyang walked one after the other. Guo Zhengyang, who was walking in front, had a calm expression, but Liu Xia, who was following Guo Zhengyang, followed him like a happy skylark, looking left and right. It was a field trip Relaxed style with a view.

Just as he was walking, a faint sound of the flute suddenly came from the forest in front of him. Liu Xiadu suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the forest.

"Is someone playing the flute here?" After being taken aback for a moment, Liu Xia opened her mouth in surprise. After saying this, she paused for a few breaths before she suddenly whispered, "It sounds so good."

Guo Zhengyang was also instantly overjoyed. Is this Li Zhe playing the flute?He really wanted to do something, he was thinking about playing the flute to attract Li Zhe after he got close to the other party, but he didn't expect that guy to relax first, now it's all right, he doesn't need to deliberately find too much Excuses. (To be continued.)

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