One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 269 What do you mean?

"Fellow Daoist Wu, forgive me..." With a scolding, Li Zhe was stunned for a moment, then immediately jumped up from the ground, and confessed his mistake to the male monk in front of him in embarrassment.

Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia also stood up. Liu Xia gave the monk surnamed Wu a slightly displeased look, because the way the other party looked at her made her very unhappy, while Guo Zhengyang chuckled all over his face, which was very strange.

Isn't that right? There is a man and a woman in front of you. The man is considered plump and handsome, about 27 or [-] years old, and the woman is about [-] years old. She is enchanting and seductive. Guo Zhengyang had already seen a monk who was at the peak of Juling Dzogchen. When he first discovered Li Zhe, his spiritual consciousness continued to spread and he discovered these two. He even knew why the three of them appeared on this island.

When the man and the woman talked to Li Zhe, it meant that the nearby monsters had been cleaned up by them, and the two of them continued to look for Lingzhi in a further place, so that Li Zhe could stay here and transplant Lingzhi... Well, Guo Zhengyang also knew that Li Zhe was good at cultivating spiritual plants, at least among the group of casual cultivators, so this should be the reason why the two Juling Dzogchen brought him here, transplanting some immature ones, The better spiritual plant in the second grade.

Maybe Li Zhe would have the leisure to sit by the stream and play the flute after transplanting a still-growing spirit plant, because those two said that the neighborhood is safe, otherwise, how could he dare to stay in the middle of the spirit-gathering stage? Sit down and play the flute in the monster territory?

But seeing these two, Guo Zhengyang still found it funny, because before he sat down to discuss with Li Zhe just now, at the moment when he took out the flute from the storage ring, he once again sent out his spiritual sense to sense the two. guy.

That induction even made Guo Zhengyang almost laugh when he discovered that these two were having sex in a cave a few miles away...

The two gathering spirits are doing these things in the monster territory. Although they also put up a layer of protection outside the cave when doing business, that kind of protection has no effect on Guo Zhengyang at all. No matter how inexperienced they are, they must be more proficient than ordinary casual practitioners.

He knew more clearly the reason why these two would do that in the monster land, because these two were not a Taoist couple, the woman seemed to be a Taoist couple of "Brother Yang", at least when the two of them were doing things, that The monk surnamed Wu mentioned Brother Yang more than once, and the woman was coquettish and angry during the fierce exercise, saying that if he found out, it would definitely kill you and so on.

These two took advantage of Brother Yang not coming out with them, so they avoided Li Zhe and had an affair in the wilderness after clearing out the nearby monsters.

It was also because of these that when Guo Zhengyang took out his flute to play the movement he had created, he suddenly paused, his eyes filled with confusion.

These two are top quality, but it's true, everyone is a monk, if it's not in the wild, who would dare to have an affair?If they go back to Fangshi, beside that cultivator surnamed Yang, and from their conversations, we can also know that the strength of cultivator surnamed Yang is the highest. It seems that they are both in the early stages of a real person. How dare these two dare to mess around with a real person ?

"You trash, Senior Sister Tao and I have worked so hard to clean up the left and right monsters, just so that you can transplant spiritual plants with peace of mind, but you are so lazy here?!" Guo Zhengyang chuckled strangely, but the monk surnamed Wu He glared at Li Zhe angrily again before speaking viciously.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak, he glanced at Liu Xia again, and a trace of fire flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he turned his gaze to Guo Zhengyang again, with a lot of doubts in his eyes.

Naturally, he could also find that Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia both had storage rings, and he could even sense that their cultivation base and aura were not inferior to his. Such people cannot be offended easily, but Liu Xia and Guo Zhengyang, They are all wearing secular clothes... Could it be that they are new casual cultivators in the secular world?But the newcomers in the secular world have storage rings, and they have probably reached the Great Perfection of Juling, and they are still so young?

Such a combination is simply unreasonable.

Of course, it's not that there is absolutely no explanation, or that these two are lucky people and geniuses who have learned something good in the secular world, such as a good cave, and have been in the Juling Dzogchen!

Guo Zhengyang looks like 21, Liu Xia is older, she was already a senior when she met Guo Zhengyang, now two years later, she looks like a 23 beauty, but she can't be called a girl anymore, so even if It is a good inheritance in the secular world, but it is definitely at the genius level.

If this is the case, Li Zhe really has the intention of murdering and robbing.

Even if it is a good inheritance, if the cultivation time is too short and there is no time to cultivate the natal spiritual weapon, then the combat effectiveness will be much worse than that of a monk with the natal spiritual weapon.

What's more, that beautiful woman's appearance is so amazing, at least twice better than Senior Sister Tao behind him.

Of course, this is only one possibility, the other possibility is...these two are geniuses who were favored by a certain sect and accepted as **!At their age, their cultivation base and aura are no worse than theirs, so he can't see through it. It is very likely that they have already reached the Great Consummation of Juling, so it is not surprising that they are accepted as masters by the sect.

If so, he would not dare to do it lightly, even if there is a real-life brother Yang behind them, but the problem is that any sect is more terrifying than that brother Yang.

So up to now, he just reprimanded and reprimanded Li Zhe, otherwise he would have taught him a lesson.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, forgive me, I was just excited for a while..." After being reprimanded, Li Zhe begged for mercy again and again, his face full of fear and apprehension.

Seeing this, Liu Xia frowned and wanted to say something, but seeing that Guo Zhengyang didn't respond, she stood by Guo Zhengyang's side without saying a word, just waiting.

"Two fellow Taoists, next to me is Wu Fan. This is Senior Sister Tao Min. We are all casual cultivators attached to Dongming Daofang City. I don’t know which sect the two fellow Taoists belong to?” But Wu Fan, who was opposite, didn’t care about Li Zhe’s words at all, just He quickly looked at Guo Zhengyang and the two, introduced himself with fists in the palm of his hand, and then asked a question.

There is no doubt that these words are meant to be tentative. If these two guys who are still wearing secular fashions are really from sects, he will politely ask them to leave, and it will not be too late to teach Li Zhe when they leave, but if these two Not born in a sect, but still wearing secular clothes, that is a fat sheep. He is so young, and he must not have time to conceive and raise his own spiritual weapon, so even if the two of them are Juling Dzogchen, he and Senior Sister Tao can just as well beheaded.

Guo Zhengyang realized after some introduction, no wonder these two would take Li Zhe to transplant the immature spiritual plant, it turned out that they were planning to establish a sect there...Well, the small and medium sects in the spiritual realm are basically real people A casual cultivator is created, or a casual cultivator is created, or several real-level casual cultivators are combined.

Such a sect naturally had nothing at the beginning, and everything had to be started from scratch, and it was easy to be destroyed during the development process.

Of course, Guo Zhengyang also heard the temptation between the other party's words, but he didn't care, but turned to look at Li Zhe, "Brother Li, what is your relationship with them?"

Guo Zhengyang knew that the relationship between Li Zhe and Wu Fan and Tao Min in front of him was very ordinary, even bad, otherwise the other party would not reprimand him as soon as they met, so what he asked this time was actually the relationship between Li Zhe and the real person surnamed Yang. relationship between.


But this sentence made Li Zhe stunned, and looked at Guo Zhengyang blankly, not knowing what the other party's intention was.

And Wu Fan was also stunned for a moment before he flew into a rage, "Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?"

It is impossible not to be angry, Guo Zhengyang simply ignores him, and now asking Li Zhe like this, is there any meaning of poaching?He didn't know what Guo Zhengyang and Li Zhe had discussed before, but he also saw the atmosphere and harmony between the two when they came here.

In a fit of anger, Wu Fan sneered again, "Fellow Daoist, perhaps the cultivation of the two of you is not inferior to that of Wu and Senior Sister Tao, but don't forget, I, Senior Brother Yang, is a real person, and I am on good terms with many real people... ..."

He was a little jealous of Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang, and he thought he was giving them face, but the other party was so ignorant of good and bad, did he simply ignore him? (To be continued.)

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