One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 273 What a coincidence


A moment later, on the road outside a certain residential area in Tai'an City, Guo Zhengyang walked over with Song Yiyi, who was crying with a small face, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she stared at a beautiful figure wearing a police uniform and riding an electric scooter in front of her. Sheng Jiaohu, the words are also full of surprises. .

"Ah ~ Yiyi?"

The beautiful figure in the police uniform was driving with the two of them on her back. When she heard the call, she turned around, and her pretty face immediately showed ecstasy.

The next thing is simple, the beautiful young woman immediately stopped and ran towards Song Yiyi, the little girl also let go of her feet and ran over, waiting for a mother and daughter to hug each other by the side of the road, the beautiful young woman stared at her daughter carefully After a few glances, he looked up at Guo Zhengyang in surprise.

"I got lost just now, and my uncle sent me back." The little girl leaned in her mother's arms and pointed back, showing a sweet smile to Guo Zhengyang.

Only then did the beautiful young woman stand up with gratitude on her face, she took the little girl's hand and walked up, "Thank you, thank you..."

"You're welcome." Guo Zhengyang smiled and waved his hands. He glanced at the beautiful young woman, but he could vaguely see Song Yiyi's grown-up appearance from her beautiful face. The policewoman in front of her was not only beautiful, but also extremely tall Tall and about [-]** years old, she is the most attractive age in a woman's life. Just looking at her appearance, she is not much worse than Liu Xia, and she is a little more mature than Liu Xia Sexual temptation.

However, Guo Zhengyang only took one look, then looked away, smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Song Yiyi's head, "Since the child has been sent back, then I won't bother you."

"Don't!" The beautiful young woman hurriedly said, seeing Guo Zhengyang's doubts, she smiled and said, "You kindly sent Yiyi back, how could you leave so quickly, you have to stay and let us thank you, look now It's almost 12 o'clock, at least we have to have a meal, right?"

After saying something with a smile, she said again, "I've said so much, I still don't know your name, my name is Mo Xinlan."

"Guo Zhengyang." Guo Zhengyang also said his name with a smile, and then said, "You don't need to eat, I didn't do anything, I just happened to know this place, so I sent Yiyi back by the way, the place where she got lost just now It’s not far from here, only a few hundred meters away.”

No, the place where Song Yiyi lost her way just now is only two or three hundred meters away from the road in front of her. Although there are several intersections in the middle, it is indeed quite close.

"That's not okay, you don't know, I was still at work just now, but when I answered Yiyi's phone call, she said that the child was missing, the phone couldn't get through, it was turned off, and I couldn't find it after searching in the community. I was almost scared to death, so I hurried back, I didn't expect you to send the child back before entering the house, in case you encounter bad people,..." Guo Zhengyang didn't want to trouble, but Mo Xinlan smiled again Open your mouth and have to express your thanks.

What she said is also true. Today is only the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, and she is still at work. After receiving the call, she was so scared that her face turned pale, and this kind of thing definitely became scarier the more she thought about it. She almost cried in fright on the way back After all, in these years, although child abduction and trafficking do not occur every day, there are definitely many, but I never thought that I would meet such a good person as Guo Zhengyang before I reached the gate of the community. If Guo Zhengyang just left at this moment , she will really feel uneasy.

"Uncle, my mother's cooking is delicious, why don't you stay and try it?" While Mo Xinlan kept thanking and persuading him to stay, Song Yiyi also interrupted suddenly, and Guo Zhengyang immediately smiled with a word full of anticipation.

But when these words landed, Mo Xinlan suddenly paused, stretched out her hand and patted the little girl's head, "You still have the face to talk, what did you run so far just now? Fortunately, I met such a good person as Uncle Guo. What do you do when you meet a bad guy?"

"Smelly mother, why did you hit me?" The little girl was annoyed, she gave Mo Xinlan a bitter look, and her little mouth was pouted.

Mo Xinlan stared straight away again, thinking to clean up the little girl, then she still smiled and looked at Guo Zhengyang, "Mr. Guo, you can't leave now, you have helped us so much, if you leave now, In the future, my parents will not be able to kill me,..."

"Don't go, uncle, go after dinner."

The little girl also interjected again, and even took a step forward to hold Guo Zhengyang's hand, shaking it uncontrollably.

Guo Zhengyang laughed again, and it was very weird, because he found that when the little girl asked him to stay at this time, there was a hint of pleading in her eyes, and she glanced at Mo Xinlan somewhat nervously.

The little girl is not stupid, she probably guessed that if Guo Zhengyang dodges now, something bad might happen to her when she gets home, so she deliberately used him as a shield, right?

After thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang still smiled and nodded in agreement.

This time, both Mo Xinlan and Song Yiyi were overjoyed, the little girl's eyes were rolling around, Mo Xinlan smiled and said to go home and change clothes, let Guo Zhengyang wait for a while, and then go outside Restaurant for dinner.

Guo Zhengyang naturally agreed, but when Mo Xinlan pulled Song Yiyi to go home, the little girl disagreed, she insisted on staying with Guo Zhengyang, she wanted to wait for her outside with Uncle Guo.

And then Mo Xinlan seemed to have discovered something, she couldn't laugh or cry, but she just said, look, your face is stained, why don't you go home and put on some makeup?The little girl screamed loudly, and quickly ran back with Mo Xinlan.

Guo Zhengyang was speechless on the spot.

He naturally knew that Song Yiyi's little face had been crying into a little tabby cat long ago, and the reason for the discoloration was because of the makeup on that little face, but at first he thought it was drawn by Mo Xinlan and others for her. Isn't it very common for parents to like to dress up their children beautifully?

So when I suddenly found out that it turned out that the little girl liked to dress herself up beautifully and cared about these things very much, he was really speechless. How old is she?So beautiful?


"Guo Zhengyang, what a good name, and he's also handsome. Heck, Zhengyang, I'll just call you by your name. Don't be so cynical. If you don't mind, just call me Sister Lan. But speaking of it, how do I feel about you? Does your name sound familiar? It’s just that I can’t remember where I heard it.”

Half an hour later, a red Buick was driving steadily on the road, heading towards the reserved restaurant. In the carriage, Mo Xinlan, who was driving the car, looked at Guo Zhengyang with a smile. At this moment, the policewoman had been replaced by Casual attire, although this attire is not enchanting, it is just a normal fashion attire, but it also makes a police flower more attractive and beautiful, but what makes Guo Zhengyang feel weird is that he waited for half an hour not because Mo Xinlan changed clothes It's too slow, but Song Yiyi, the little girl, spent half an hour putting on her make-up again, and it took so long.

Seeing the brand-new little girl sitting next to him and playing games on her smartphone, she had a great time, and occasionally put her little head next to Guo Zhengyang's ear and secretly said that her mother was good or bad, and just beat her up several times upstairs , Guo Zhengyang was even more hilarious.

His attention was all on Song Yiyi, but Mo Xinlan's attention was almost entirely on him. The young female policewoman quickly narrowed the distance with Guo Zhengyang through conversation. Sister Lan.

As for Mo Xinlan saying that his name sounded familiar, Guo Zhengyang also didn't care. This may have been caused by his fife solo at the New Year's party two years ago. At that time, he became a star because of that party. Many strangers would recognize him on the street, but after two years, it has definitely become forgotten information.

Chatting along the way, although Guo Zhengyang's attention was on Song Yiyi, he also learned a lot about the situation there through the conversation. What Song Yiyi told him in the previous life was told by Mo Xinlan again now. Only through talking about Guo Zhengyang did he know In the current Song family, Song Yiyi's father is still running a business in the outer city, and Song Yiyi's grandmother is usually at home to take care of the little girl.

They also asked him a lot of things, and Guo Zhengyang's answer was simple. He said that he was a junior in Donghai, and he didn't want to go home directly after graduating from the winter vacation. .

This answer undoubtedly surprised Mo Xinlan, but she still praised Guo Zhengyang with a smile, and then waited for the car to stop in the parking lot of a star hotel, and the group walked towards the hotel talking and laughing again.

"Uncle, are you leaving these two days?"

During this walk, it was Song Yiyi who put away her phone and looked at Guo Zhengyang curiously.

"Yes, I will leave tomorrow." Guo Zhengyang replied with a smile, but the little girl pouted, "Then what if I want to see you in the future?"

Guo Zhengyang didn't have much contact with the little girl, less than an hour in total, and when they first met, the little girl was terrified looking at him, but Guo Zhengyang took good care of her along the way, joking and teasing her from time to time, It seems that these contacts still left a good impression on her, otherwise she would not have said these words.

"That's easy. When you want to see me, you can go to Donghai City, and then uncle will take you to play." She smiled and rubbed the little girl's black hair, and the little girl widened her eyes happily, "There are all kinds of things there." What fun?"

"There is everything, you can have whatever you want to play." Guo Zhengyang responded with a smile, but unexpectedly the little girl rolled her eyes, "Cut, it's a lie."

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a while before he burst out laughing.

Not only Guo Zhengyang, but also Mo Xinlan laughed on the spot, but in the laughter, a black Mercedes-Benz suddenly drove up from behind the two of them. A few people bumped into them.

"Ah~" Startled by the sound of a fast approaching car, Mo Xinlan was startled on the spot, she screamed and turned around to take a look, her pretty face turned pale, and when she was at a loss, Guo Zhengyang picked up Song Yiyi and hugged Song Yiyi even harder. He reached out and pulled Mo Xinlan back.

However, the car over there also turned sharply and braked sharply, and stopped firmly beside them. Depending on the situation, even if Guo Zhengyang didn't give way just now, the car would not hit anyone at all, at most it would just pass by a few people.

"Sister Lan, what a coincidence?" After the car stopped, a tall and handsome figure stepped out of the driver's seat and greeted Mo Xinlan with a smile.

"Acquaintance?" Guo Zhengyang was stunned. Was it an acquaintance joking?When he turned his head to look at Mo Xinlan, he found that the expression on Mo Xinlan's pretty face was even uglier than before following the greeting of the handsome figure. (To be continued.)

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