One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 275 I lost my mind

"Uncle is awesome, uncle is awesome, help mom beat the bad guys!" Amidst Mo Xinlan's flustered words, Song Yiyi, who was standing behind, suddenly cheered and clapped her hands, leaned into the middle of the two, and was puzzled again Looking at Mo Xinlan, "Mom, why did you let uncle go?"


Mo Xinlan was speechless because she didn't know how to explain such a complicated matter to her daughter. .

At this moment, Su Shao, who was paralyzed on the ground in front of him, groaned miserably, supported the wall and stood up. After standing up, this handsome face still had tears on his face, and his teary eyes looked at Guo Zhengyang with a low hum. The young man's face turned green, and he opened his mouth to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he grinned his teeth in pain, took a deep breath, rubbed his stomach, and Su Shao looked at Guo Zhengyang fiercely, "Boy, you have kindness!! Hey~ Fuck, old man Immediately let you understand what it means to provoke someone you shouldn't!"

He cursed in pain and resentment, but when Guo Zhengyang took a look, Young Master Su was startled, leaning on the wall and ran out.

"Zhengyang, hurry up, this guy is sure..." Mo Xinlan was also anxious and urged again.

On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang smiled dumbly, then turned around and said, "It's okay, I will touch him, so I'm not afraid that he will make trouble afterwards."

He said with a smile, and when Mo Xinlan was taken aback for another moment, Guo Zhengyang said, "Let's go ahead, I'll leave after this meal, you guys sit down first, I'll make a phone call."

Guo Zhengyang already had the intention of killing Su Shao, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it first, and just kill him like this in public, even if he could do it without anyone noticing it, and he would not be caught in the slightest, but Young Master Su was just taking advantage of his father's influence. He couldn't kill Young Master Su and then uproot the people behind Young Master Su, right?

And if you don't get rid of the people behind Young Master Su, even if you kill Young Master Su yourself, the other party will definitely investigate afterward. If there is no doubt, there may be retaliation. He is not afraid of retaliation, but he is afraid that it will target the Song family.

So if you want to kill Young Master Su, you really have to kill the people behind him to be reliable, but this is too troublesome, it's not as quick as a phone call.

"Ah?" Mo Xinlan was still in a daze, just staring at Guo Zhengyang in a daze.

But Song Yiyi ran to Guo Zhengyang's side, curiously wanted to climb up Guo Zhengyang's body, it seemed that the little girl felt tired talking with her face up all the time, which made Guo Zhengyang reach out and hug the little girl dumbfounded, she was so excited Said, "Uncle, who are you calling?"

Guo Zhengyang shook his head with a smile, instead of answering the question, he dialed the number directly, and the number was also for Su Jiannan.

Well, although the tycoon in Donghai City is also surnamed Su, Guo Zhengyang doesn't think that the Su family over there has anything to do with the former Young Master Su. He probably just has the same surname. It's impossible to be just a deputy director of a prefecture-level city branch...

"Mr. Guo?" The number was quickly dialed, and Su Jiannan's surprised voice came from the other side.

"Well, I'm in Tai'an City right now, and I'm in a little trouble. Do you know anyone here?" Guo Zhengyang told the story very bluntly, and Su Jiannan on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment, and then immediately said, "Yes, where are you?" ? I'll let them pass right away."

Donghai City is not far from Tai'an, one is in the south of the Yangtze River Delta, and the other is in the north of the Yangtze River Delta. With the energy of the Su family in Donghai City, it is not surprising that the relationship radiates to the surrounding area, otherwise Guo Zhengyang would not have made this call.

Afterwards, Guo Zhengyang quickly reported the location, and then said with a smile, "If there is a little trouble, you don't have to come here, and I will leave soon."

After joking, he hung up the phone. Guo Zhengyang carried the little girl to the seat and pulled out the chair to sit down. Seeing that Mo Xinlan was still in a daze, he smiled and said, "Sister Lan, sit down."

He called someone, not only because it was convenient, but also because he wanted someone to help Song Yiyi's elders and relatives, and help them deal with some minor troubles. Need someone to come over.

"Zhengyang, you??"

Mo Xinlan finally came back to her senses, and sat down on the previous chair following Guo Zhengyang's words, but her face was still full of surprise and uncertainty.

"Heh, I'm actually a second generation. Although my family has never worked in North Jiangsu Province, I do have connections here." Guo Zhengyang also had some idea of ​​what might happen next, so he explained a little bit. one time.

With this explanation, Mo Xinlan was dumbfounded on the spot.

Because she really didn't expect Guo Zhengyang to be the second generation, it's so unreal!

"Uncle, what is the second generation?" Song Yiyi in Guo Zhengyang's arms asked curiously again, but before Guo Zhengyang answered, Song Yiyi diverted his attention again, curious and adoring, "By the way , You were so powerful just now, you kicked him so far in one fell swoop, do you know martial arts?"

"Yes, do you want to learn?" Guo Zhengyang was immediately amused, this girl's thinking jumps really fast.

"Really, do you really know how? Then teach me quickly. When I learn it, whoever dares to bully my mother, I will beat him up." Song Yiyi suddenly became excited, and even shook Guo Zhengyang's shoulder impatiently. study.

"Yiyi, don't make trouble!" Mo Xinlan was startled, and reprimanded her.

"It's okay, we were just joking around." Guo Zhengyang laughed heartily.

After playing around for a while, although Guo Zhengyang said he wanted to continue the lunch, he saw that neither Mo Xinlan nor Song Yiyi had any tendency to eat at all, and the meal ended accordingly.

"Zhengyang, is your family from Hexia Province? Does it really matter that you are in Tai'an?" After going downstairs to settle the bill, when the two big and one small walked out of the restaurant, Mo Xinlan suddenly spoke again, although Guo Zhengyang seemed to be really The second generation, but this is from another province after all, can this really be settled?

She had been wondering before, but she couldn't hold back the question because she saw that Guo Zhengyang didn't care. But as time went by, she became more and more confused.

"Yes." Guo Zhengyang had just replied, and suddenly there was an angry reprimand from the direction outside the hotel door, "It's him, shit..."

In a word, Mo Xinlan was startled when she looked up, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Outside the hotel door, a Mercedes-Benz was parked not far from the door, and a police car was parked near the Mercedes-Benz. The pale-faced Su Shao was pointing at Guo Zhengyang and yelling at the two policemen beside him.

The two policemen also saw Guo Zhengyang, but they didn't act immediately, but stared at Mo Xinlan again and became startled.

"Young Master Su, is that Sister Lan?"

"What's going on? Young Master Su, my family?"


Startled for a moment, the two policemen spoke in confusion, and there seemed to be a tendency to persuade them to make peace in their words.

"Fuck, what's my family?" Young Master Su cursed again, but said to the two of them viciously, "Hurry up and arrest someone, damn it, he beat me to the point where I was disabled."

The two policemen hesitated to speak, but Mo Xinlan hurried up, "Brother Li, Xiao Yang, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, Young Master Su..."

Although Guo Zhengyang has always been very indifferent, but now the surname Su has brought the police to the door, so she naturally can't watch Guo Zhengyang be arrested.

On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang didn't care, he just looked at Su Shao with a sneer, and then walked out with Song Yiyi in his arms, and when he saw Song Yiyi in his arms showing fear, Guo Zhengyang smiled and rubbed the little girl head, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"What a misunderstanding, Mo Xinlan, you can't get away with today's matter!" At the same time, Young Master Su yelled at Mo Xinlan again, with a gloomy expression on his face.

But just when Mo Xinlan was scolded and his face turned pale, and the two policemen were also hesitant to be scolded, a Maybach quickly drove up from the side of the road in the distance. They stopped nearby, and then a middle-aged man jumped out of the car, glanced left and right, and then ran to the door steps.

"Mr. Guo? I'm Liu Yu." Standing one step below Guo Zhengyang, the middle-aged man bowed and greeted Guo Zhengyang with reverence and reverence.

At this moment, young master Su, Mo Xinlan and others were stunned. The four of them looked at the Maybach behind them, and then at Liu Yu. Young master Su was stupid on the spot, but the two policemen gasped.

"President Liu in his prime?"

"Hiss, he..."


This is one of the most fierce people in Tai'an. I heard that he is closely related to many big bosses in the city. Compared with Liu Yu, Young Master Su is simply a scumbag. Not really a character.

After Liu Yu asked, she immediately turned around and looked down. After glancing at the four of them, her gaze fell on Young Master Su, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in her eyes. His body was trembling.

This kind of ecstasy made the following people stunned again, what's going on?

"Mr. Guo, is he the one who caused you trouble?" Liu Yu didn't pay attention to their attitudes at all, but turned around to look at Guo Zhengyang, first gave a flattering smile, and then pointed at Su Shao.

Guo Zhengyang said kindly, but Liu Yu suddenly laughed. Just as the laughter started, this man covered his mouth again, and said to Guo Zhengyang with a look of panic, "Mr. Guo, forgive me, I lost my temper, I lost my temper."

Guo Zhengyang was also a little speechless, what was Liu Yu thinking?

Speechless, Liu Yu carefully looked up again, and saw that Guo Zhengyang's face was not angry, so he stretched out his hand, rolled up the sleeves of his suit, and then rushed towards Young Master Su at a speed of [-] meters. With a flying kick, it landed on Su Shao with a bang, and directly slammed Su Shao into the Mercedes-Benz behind him.

Mr. Liu turned out to be quite skilled. After kicking Young Master Su away, he clenched his fists and smashed down his head and face as soon as he landed, laughing loudly while punching.

The two policemen who were called by Young Master Su were completely stunned. After a moment of stunned, they immediately turned pale with fright and were about to step forward to pull them away.

But Mr. Liu laughed loudly, "Don't stop me, who the hell stops me, I'll fight you hard! If I hit him, I'll go to the police station and surrender to the head office!"

puff puff~

Fisting to the flesh, using both hands and feet, Mr. Liu seemed to be in heat at this moment. He beat Su Shao hard with all his might, but he kept laughing during the beating. He really didn't want to laugh, didn't want to lose his composure, but he was eating When he suddenly received a phone call and realized that he had encountered such an opportunity, he couldn't help it. This fucking opportunity is even rarer than gold bricks falling from the sky. (To be continued.)

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