One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 28 The Evil Ghost in Human Skin

(ps: It's Monday, and the list has been changed again. Beg for recommendation tickets, members click, beg for collection!!! Be more vigorous.)

"What did you prepare for me at home?" Guo Zhengyang squatted down and said coldly when Yang Jiu was in shock.

These people seem to be planning to create some handles to hold in their hands, so that he can't tell the pain when the time comes, so that he can only be friends with the other party?What are the preparations for a group of gangsters?

Although Guo Zhengyang knew that it was definitely not a good thing, he had to ask to know.

But after saying this, Yang Jiu on the ground immediately lowered his head and remained silent.Seeing this scene, Guo Zhengyang frowned, still planning to hold on?But he has no way to deal with such a person. After all, he is a gangster, and he came with bad intentions. Guo Zhengyang didn't mind at all when he moved his hands. He stepped on Yang Jiu's back to prevent this man from struggling randomly. The keychain he carried with him, he grabbed one of Yang Jiu's arms, took the knife on the keychain and cut Yang Jiu's arm, there was also a bloodstain directly there, and the blood oozes out.

Unsurprisingly, Yang Jiu didn't even frown at such a scene. After all, looking at him, he didn't look like the kind of person who yelled at the slightest pain.

However, Yang Jiu raised his head abruptly, and looked at Guo Zhengyang in astonishment, his eyes full of surprise and confusion.

It wasn't really painful, but watching Guo Zhengyang help him to bleed, but with an extremely calm expression on his face, this, is this still the eldest and youngest of the county party secretary's family?

According to the news, this is the eldest son of the secretary of the county party committee. Nima, it’s okay to be so good at it, and you don’t even blink when you do bloodletting. Is he from a family like the secretary of the county party committee?

That cold expression, no matter how you look at it, looks like a desperado who kills without blinking an eye. Compared with the image of the high-ranking young and old, the difference is really too big, and he can't help but be surprised and confused. He even suspects it is It's not that I found the wrong target.

"I know you're afraid of this little bit of pediatrics, but I don't want to rely on this to make you talk, what do you think it is?" Guo Zhengyang ignored Yang Jiu's confusion and squatted down on Yang Jiu's back, With a wave of his palm, the things in his hand were presented in front of Yang Jiu.

He cut Yang Jiu just now, just to let Yang Jiu understand that he is not the kind of person who has never seen blood and is not soft-hearted.

But now what he needs to do is the key point. What he holds in the palm of his hand is a pinball full of sharp thorns. This pinball was originally made of glue, which is very elastic. There are long or short barbs, and this is a transparent rubber ball that has been swallowed by the crooked gourd. Although it is full of sharp thorns before being swallowed by the crooked gourd, those thorns are itchy when stuck on people. It's soft to the touch and doesn't really sting.

But being swallowed by a crooked gourd once...

Ordinary knives can cut iron like mud, and this original transparent rubber ball has definitely become a killer weapon.

Let Yang Jiu take a look, Guo Zhengyang pinched the pinball and stabbed Yang Jiu again, let him understand the sharpness of this thing, and then smiled, "You said I put this thing in your mouth, along the throat Going down, will it start from the throat, and your throat, esophagus, and stomach will all be riddled with holes?"


A smiling remark made Yang Jiu's body tense on the spot, and his body trembled violently, Nima... This is too poisonous, this method is indeed vicious far beyond his imagination, nothing else He said that this is like a little hedgehog made of steel, rolling down his throat, it will really puncture his throat to the stomach full of holes, and he will definitely not be able to survive by then.

And not only to die, but to die of torture and pain.

As for whether this is bluffing?

Just now Guo Zhengyang helped him bleed him in a flat manner. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a student child who has never seen blood, but more like a murderer who can say and do.

"Of course, I won't let you swallow it here. If you die here, I will be a little troublesome, so I can take you into the wilderness, dig a hole and throw you in it, and then feed this thing Into your stomach, what do you think?" Guo Zhengyang's playful low laugh sounded again, although he was laughing, but there was no trace of emotion in his smile, Yang Jiu's scalp felt numb when he heard it again, and he nodded repeatedly amidst the numbness of his scalp, "No, Young Master Guo, I said, I said."

This damn is not the son of the secretary of the county party committee, this is simply an evil ghost in human skin, he can think of such a way to torture people, it's too cheating.

He asked himself that this gangster doesn't have such cruel methods of torturing people. When a gangster punishes a person, he just breaks his legs and feet and cuts off his fingers?What about this one?Make your internal organs riddled with holes.

"I didn't prepare anything at home, I just prepared some medicine, and then there was a woman. When you take the medicine, there will be a scene of rape. Then record these, and you should be cheated like that. Don’t dare to say it out, no matter it’s that kind of video, or your future, you should be able to make you dare not speak out.” Yang Jiu bit the bullet and said everything, and these methods also made Guo Zhengyang furious.

Huo Dazhong stretched out his hand and slapped Yang Jiu on the back of the head, directly slapping Yang Jiu who was explaining to him with his neck up, his brain was buzzing, and he even slammed his face on the concrete floor below, the concrete floor was stained. There was blood.

"You really are gangsters, how do you think I should repay you?" In the middle of the fire, Guo Zhengyang also said coldly again.

But Yang Jiu was about to cry, because he found that his front teeth were knocked off by that slap, and now his mouth was full of blood.

"Guo Shao, this is not my idea." With blood in his mouth, Yang Jiucai hastily begged for mercy.

"Get up, I also know that the one who really came up with the idea, shouldn't need to go out to invite someone in person." Guo Zhengyang also stood up with a sullen face, moved his feet, and said coldly.

The Yang family has prepared such a big gift for him, if he doesn't respond, it seems a bit unkind.

As for how to return the gift, you have to think about it before you know.

Following his words, Yang Jiu stood up covering his mouth, and looked at Guo Zhengyang with panic, his eyes still full of collapse and confusion. How could this assassin be so black-hearted?

Is he really the secretary of the county party committee?Could the boss have made a mistake?Judging from the short contact with Guo Zhengyang, no matter how you look at it, the other party doesn't look like him!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Wipe the floor." But just when Yang Jiu looked down, Guo Zhengyang got annoyed again, and stretched out his hand to slap Yang Jiu, who slapped Yang Jiu staggeringly forward, and then Almost knocked his head against the wall outside the classroom.

After finally holding her body steady, Yang Jiu was about to cry.

He was a ruthless person no matter what, but when he met such a violent person, he really felt like crying, but he still hurriedly took off his coat and wiped the blood on the ground.Isn't that right, just a moment ago, I was cut on my arm, a tooth in my mouth was knocked out, and the corridor was also stained with a lot of blood.

"There is another question. How dare you treat me like this after you found out my identity? Even if you are planning to use my tricks to keep me from speaking out to the outside world, people involved in gangsters are generally not so bold, right?" When Yang Jiu squatted on the ground to wipe the blood, Guo Zhengyang asked another question in his heart.


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