One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 289 This deal is really worth it.

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"The Lord of the Forbidden Land? Hiss... that one is..."

"That's right, this senior's accomplishments in formations have been ahead of the entire forbidden area for many years. Didn't you hear it just now? There are also many geniuses in the forbidden area who are studying the way of transforming spiritual power, but they are still just In the research stage, who knows how many years it will take to achieve results, but this senior has not only done this, but can also present the formations in the form of formations. This ability is called the first formation mage in the Lingwu Continent It’s not an exaggeration, even the Lord of the Forbidden Land will be excited when he finds out.”

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect such a major event to happen in front of our eyes? Looking at this matter in this life, I will die with regret."


Master Ji sincerely invited Guo Zhengyang to join the forbidden area, and even mentioned the owner of the forbidden area. Such words shocked the group of people behind Master Ji, but it took only a few breaths for everyone to react, and then they were full of awe Looking at Guo Zhengyang, even some monks who had scolded Guo Zhengyang in a cold voice not long ago are still the same at this moment.

Who made Guo Zhengyang's two moves so meaningful?

Everyone can almost imagine that from today onwards, there will probably be a huge storm sweeping across the entire continent.

The Forbidden Land is the most terrifying superpower in Pangea. Its terrifying ability is enough to easily reach the peak of an empire. Empire basically refers to the God Transformation Realm. [

And even if it is a powerhouse in the Transformation God Realm, if they want to deal with an empire, they will probably rely on various spiritual weapons and treasures to fight and invade the station.It is difficult to use the power of formation.

After all, on the mainland right now, although the formations are terrifying and have the ability to lock the sky and the forbidden land, the construction of the formations is too cumbersome and complicated. It is easier to choose a large formation, choose a site, cooperate with the environment, find various spiritual materials to build, and come down casually It will take a few days, if it is a huge combination formation.The time and mental preparation required are beyond description.

So if it is an invasion war or something, everyone can't use the power of the formation at all.

The most frightening thing about the forbidden area is that not only the forbidden area was created by a master of the god-transforming formation, but there are also several powerful people in the forbidden area.And the most important thing is the headquarters of the forbidden area, which is the most terrifying death forbidden area in the entire continent.Because it was a place where several formation masters jointly chose a place with rich and active multi-element spiritual power.Then build a large number of combined formations.

When it comes to defense, the forbidden area is definitely the best in the mainland, not one of them.

But, but that was before.

As soon as Guo Zhengyang came out today, he actually solved the problem of choosing the location of the formation, and he was able to reduce the donation of the large formation to such an efficiency.Doesn't that mean that as long as any formation mage has learned these methods, he can cast a large formation at any time and anywhere?In this way, it will definitely make the entire forbidden area even more powerful.

It was originally a forbidden area to dominate the mainland, and I am afraid that it will become even more invincible from now on.Can be blocked, who can block the forbidden area where groups can be easily distributed?Even the Alchemist Alliance and the Artifact Refiner Alliance, which were able to compete shoulder to shoulder with the Forbidden Land in the past, may have to detour when they see everyone in the Forbidden Land from now on.

Although what Guo Zhengyang showed was simple, it was a small thing that could be done easily in this person's hands, but for the super power of the whole continent and even the forbidden area, it was definitely no less than a space storm that would destroy the world, so I originally heard When Grandmaster Ji mentioned the Lord of the Forbidden Land, everyone was instinctively stunned, but after a little thought, they all came to a sudden.

What Master Ji said is absolutely true!

The method of transforming spiritual power, and the ability to reduce a huge formation to display it in the form of formations, the Lord of the Forbidden Area, who will definitely attack, can no longer maintain his restraint.

As long as Guo Zhengyang nods his head at this moment, this guy, who was still unknown at first, may immediately become the treasure of the entire forbidden area and the most dazzling new star in the entire continent.

It's just that when everyone was thinking wildly, Guo Zhengyang smiled dumbly, and then waved his hand at Master Ji, "Guo has heard of the style of the forbidden area, but there are still some important things to do right now, I'm afraid I can't go to see it for the time being. .”

In a word, the crowd was stunned, and then looked at Guo Zhengyang in a daze.

After being stunned for a while, Master Ji immediately said, "Senior, I don't know what you have to do? Although I know it's rude to ask such a question, I definitely don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to say that if someone else can help you with what Senior does, If you are busy, then as long as senior speaks, my forbidden land in Tianhe Kingdom will definitely help you with all my strength." [

The forbidden land is in the Tianhe Kingdom, and the power donated is not much, and those forces are still in the imperial city. After all, even the Tianhe Kingdom has the god-turning powerhouses sitting in it, but the problem is that the entire continent is too big. The first founding emperor is placed in the whole continent, and it is not a heavyweight role.

Therefore, the Forbidden Land only set up a branch in its imperial city to recruit formation geniuses from all over the world.

But even if it’s just a branch, the head of the forbidden area... No matter what you want to do, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. To put it bluntly, even if Guo Zhengyang wants to marry a princess of the Tianhe Kingdom, the steward of the forbidden area branch will come forward. The founding emperor probably wants to sit down and have a good talk with him, even if he doesn't want to, he has to lower his stance and find all kinds of reasons that can't make the forbidden area too disgusted.

Following Master Ji's words, Guo Zhengyang was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and said, "I heard that there is a treasure land like the Sea of ​​Will in Haimianzong, so I went in to study it..."

After a few words, everyone was stunned again.

After being stunned, even the expressions of many people became extremely strange.

Master Ji was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "So, if seniors just want to enter the sea of ​​will to gain enlightenment, there are actually many in my forbidden area, and the sea of ​​will is actually divided into strengths and weaknesses. Those places where the will of the world is active, Depending on the degree of activity, the probability and difficulty for monks to enter it to comprehend the will of the world are also different. I remember that the sea of ​​will of the Haimianzong is just a sea of ​​will of the third rank, but the sea of ​​will in my forbidden headquarters is It is the top nine sea of ​​will in the entire continent, if seniors want to comprehend the will of heaven and earth, it is actually more suitable to choose a high-end sea of ​​will."

This master of Ji'anji didn't know if he was born with the temperament of an intellectual graduate student. Although he has always been very kind, he is not very good at dealing with people, otherwise he would not directly say "Hai" in front of Elder Ba. The sea of ​​will in Mianzong is too low-grade...

But when the other party said this, there was no slightest contempt in his posture.Fortunately, Elder Ba standing behind Master Ji didn't care, he just nodded with a smile, "Yes, although there are many treasures like the Sea of ​​Will on the mainland, the best one is the Sea of ​​Will inside the forbidden area. The degree of active will there is enough to speed up the monk's perception efficiency several times."

Guo Zhengyang was also a little stunned, because he didn't know that the Sea of ​​Will has strengths and weaknesses, but after thinking about it, there are differences in the strength of spiritual energy in various places, and it is not surprising that there are differences in the activeness of the will of the world in the Sea of ​​Will.

So it would be more beneficial for him to go to the headquarters of the Forbidden Land to realize his will?

But after Guo Zhengyang thought for a while, he still didn't agree immediately, but looked at Master Ji, "I don't know how long it will take to reach the forbidden area from here?"

"It takes more than a year. If a normal monk wants to reach the headquarters of my forbidden area from here, even if an ordinary Lingzong-level powerhouse travels day and night, it may take three or four years. But if it is a senior who wants to go, then we only need to arrive In the Imperial City of Tianhe Kingdom, people from the local branch will definitely drive the fastest Lingbao to lead the seniors on the road, and it will take more than a year." Master Ji smiled, but Guo Zhengyang was sore when he heard it.

He would ask this question because he knew that in the current Lingwu Continent, there was no such thing as a teleportation array...

Teleportation array, if you study it yourself, you often need a strong person above the Dao stage to get involved in the power of space and use the power of space for your own use. There are no strong people at the Dao stage on the earth now, but there were in the past, and it has long been After researching the formation method to that point, if it is just a donation of the teleportation formation, as long as there are enough spare spiritual materials involving the power of space, and the theory is also there, even the Taoist Lord can easily give it.

However, in Lingwu Continent, it seems that there are no formation masters who have reached the Dao stage, so the monks here come and go, either by walking, or by flying magic weapons, or by driving speed-type monsters.


"Brother Guo, hehe, this, this gift of yours is too precious." A few hours later, over Qingshi City, accompanied by a few flashes of light, Elder Ba, who was flying, was holding a few pieces of paper. Animal skin, it's hard to say excited words.

Guo Zhengyang, who was beside Elder Ba, only smiled when he heard about it, before he said, "I want to thank Brother Ba this time. If Brother Ba hadn't agreed, I wouldn't have had the chance to enter Guizong Will Sea to observe."

"Haha, it's easy to say, easy to say. If it wasn't for brother Guo's urgent matter, I'm afraid that the ninth-rank sea of ​​will in the forbidden area can come in and out at will. I, the Haimianzong, got a big deal this time." Elder Ba laughed again, In the laughter, but also really happy.

That's right, because there is no teleportation formation in the Lingwu Continent, it takes more than a year to rush to the headquarters of the forbidden area from here, and it takes nearly a month to rush from here to the imperial city of Tianhe Kingdom.

If it weren't for Guo Zhengyang's unwillingness to waste these times, how could he be so lucky to get Haimianzong, and he could get a complete set of earth magic circle animal skins just on the condition that Guo Zhengyang enter the sea of ​​will?

The patterns above, as well as the technique of transforming spiritual power, are priceless even if placed on the whole continent.

Thinking about the envy and salivation of those monks before leaving, Elder Ba became more and more proud. As long as there is that kind of formation pattern that transforms spiritual power, the defensive power of Haimianzong will be greatly increased, because the formation of the mountain gate will Because of this, it can be transformed arbitrarily, and it is no longer restricted by the spiritual power of the environment.

This deal is really worth it.

However, in the joyous laughter of Elder Ba, Guo Zhengyang was also feeling deeply in his heart, this deal is really worth it, the method that any casual cultivator above Juling Dzogchen in the spiritual realm can give, can In exchange for the opportunity to study in the will, what could be more worthwhile than this? (to be continued...)

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