One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 291 1 acquaintance


The fluctuation of will was like the tide, Guo Zhengyang jumped out of the sea of ​​will, suspended in the air on the surface of the sea, panting heavily with a pale face, and after a few gasps, he gradually calmed down. .

It's been four days.

Four days and four nights have passed since the first time I entered the Sea of ​​Will. Although this refers to Earth time, it is almost one day and one night when converted to Lingwu Continent time.

This is not to say that he has been in the Sea of ​​Will for so long since he first entered it before coming out.In it, a person's soul and will will always be impacted by the will of heaven and earth. This kind of shock is terrible, which is equivalent to being attacked by the soul all the time. Even people who have already realized some superficial will of heaven and earth cannot stay forever.

Guo Zhengyang basically stayed inside for half an hour, and then he had to come out to recover his mental state, and the recovery time was much longer than staying in the sea of ​​will.

In this cycle, after four days and four nights, Guo Zhengyang faintly felt that he seemed to have some insight, and had an indescribable insight into the invincibility and fierceness of the sword.

But if this kind of perception is separated from the sword will absorbed in the sea of ​​will, he still cannot display it.

"It still doesn't work, the understanding is still not deep enough, it seems that we need to stay in it for a while to gain something." After taking a breath, Guo Zhengyang escaped to the distant mountain top, and chose an address at random on the mountain top, He began to sit down and pranayama to recover.

It is difficult to recover the trauma of the attack on the soul and will with ordinary medicines, and it can only be healed by nature.

During the recuperation and breath adjustment, Guo Zhengyang hadn't recovered after a full hour, but he who was recuperating suddenly opened his eyes and looked back in surprise.

A figure soon appeared on the mountain road behind, it was Lian Yun who hadn't seen him for a while.


After walking for a while, the figure was overjoyed suddenly, then hurried over, saluted Guo Zhengyang, and then spoke respectfully.

"Hehe, why are you here?" Guo Zhengyang asked in surprise.

Lian Yun also immediately smiled excitedly, "Thanks to senior, we have already become disciples of Haimianzong, and I have been accepted as a disciple by Elder Ba, now I am here to listen to senior's orders, if senior has any trivial matters during this time , just as you are told.”

Lian Yun and others were just ordinary little monks in Qingshi City, but because Guo Zhengyang mentioned a few words before leaving last time, they were wooed by several major forces. , I donated several sets of talismans in the forbidden area for free, just for this, as long as Guo Zhengyang is willing, he will definitely become a big shot in the forbidden area in the future.

So he mentioned Lian Yun and others, and the many forces present would naturally be enthusiastic.

In the end, I asked Lian Yun for their opinions, but they all wanted to worship Guo Zhengyang... Guo Zhengyang was dumbfounded, he didn't have time to stay here and teach his disciples carefully, so in the end these people all worshiped Haimianzong.

And Elder Ba even opened his mouth to accept a few people as disciples.

But at that time everyone knew that Guo Zhengyang might be short of time, so when he came back, Elder Ba did not bring a few people back with him, but let them go back with other Haimianzong disciples. Hurry back to Haimianzong.

"I am here to comprehend the will of heaven and earth. You don't have to stay here all the time." Following Lian Yun's words, Guo Zhengyang said with a smile. Three or four days ago, Elder Ba and others had left, leaving Guo Zhengyang alone. Enlightenment here, after all, this kind of thing cannot be done in a day or two, and ordinary monks have not gained anything for several years to understand the will of heaven and earth, so it is naturally impossible for Elder Ba and others to stay here all the time.

"Senior's great kindness and great virtue are like the grace of re-creation. Lian Yun is inexplicably grateful. Although I didn't have the opportunity to worship under the senior's sect, but now I have entered the Haimian Sect, which is already the luck of all living beings in Lian Yun." Lian Yun was excited again. Open your mouth.

And it seems that although he didn't say some things, his attitude has been expressed very clearly, that is, as long as Guo Zhengyang is here, he will always keep it.

Guo Zhengyang was dumb again, and when he was dumb, he suddenly smiled and took out a jade slip.

"Although you and I are not destined to be masters and apprentices, it is thanks to your help that I was able to enter the Sea of ​​Will of Haimianzong so smoothly, so you can accept this jade slip." He sensed that Lian Yun's exercises were close to the spiritual power of the wood attribute, so what was recorded in this jade slip was a set of cultivation exercises of the wood attribute.

Cultivation techniques... In fact, there are grades of strength and weakness.

On the earth, pills, spirit weapons, spells, etc. are divided into grades, and it is basically impossible for casual practitioners to learn better. Powerful, the efficiency of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth is also very fast.

Because on the earth, several major forces purposely increase the strength of casual cultivators and small and medium-sized sect monks to fight against monsters, so the exercises that are spread to the outside world are also very powerful. After all, exercises and the like are not non-renewable resources. , Sanshan Yifu is not stingy.

However, in the Lingwu Continent, many monks practiced terrible skills. Guo Zhengyang felt the practice of many monks during the day when he was learning the mainland language. The skills and efficiency of their cultivation were really poor. They're all very tangled up.

So even if he didn't have time to take Lian Yun as his disciple, but he didn't mind helping if the two got to know each other once.

"Ah~" Following Guo Zhengyang's words, Lian Yun was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thanked him excitedly, and took the jade slip with pious hands.

Guo Zhengyang also smiled again, and continued to rest and adjust his breath.

This breath adjustment lasted for another hour or two. After recovering his mental state, Guo Zhengyang looked at Lian Yun again, and found that this guy was standing on a rock, seeming to be using the exercises he had taught in the past to absorb spiritual energy. With a smile, he quickly escaped into the sea of ​​will.


A few days later, when Guo Zhengyang escaped from the sea of ​​will again, he gasped in embarrassment for a few times before he was suddenly startled and looked at the mountain top in amazement.

There was a breath of breakthrough there, and by sensing the breath, he discovered that the one who broke through was Lian Yun.

Guo Zhengyang showed a strange look at the corner of his mouth, "Breakthrough so soon?"

But after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and quickly fled to the place where Lian Yun broke through. In fact, Lian Yun's aptitude is not very good, because if he is really a person with outstanding aptitude, he would have joined the Haimian sect long ago. This big sect doesn't just recruit some disciples from big powers as disciples.

Every once in a while, Haimianzong will open its gates and recruit disciples from outside. If they are really talented, they will also pass the entrance examination and enter the sect.

He also heard about these things when he was learning the language, so Lian Yun and others were not able to join Haimianzong before, so it can only be said that their qualifications are not outstanding, but now he just received Guo Zhengyang's exercises within a few days. The breakthrough may also be that the opponent has been trapped in the peak of the late Juling period for a long time, and now he has obtained a set of top-quality exercises.

After escaping to the top of the mountain, watching Lian Yun's aura gradually calm down, Guo Zhengyang smiled and waited.

After Lian Yun opened his eyes and saw Guo Zhengyang, he got up excitedly and bowed down.

Guo Zhengyang supported Lian Yun with a smile, and said without waiting for the other party to say, "You and I met once, so you don't have to be so polite, good exercises can make your cultivation path easier, but in the end you can go Wherever you go, it’s up to you.”

When he helped Lian Yun, he just did it for the convenience of the day, and didn't ask for any gratitude.

After a pause, Guo Zhengyang saw that the other party was standing still on the ground with a flushed face again, so he smiled again, and took out another jade slip and a few spiritual weapons, "Actually, the exercises you practice are biased towards the wood attribute, but a few days ago I Watching you fight, but you are basically using fire-type calligraphy, here are a few wood-type spells that are suitable for the spirit-gathering period, and there is also a wood-type spiritual weapon, you can accept it."

"Senior..." Lian Yun trembled again, his eyes were a little red.

He was respectful and polite to Guo Zhengyang at the beginning. Although he really wanted to hug his thigh, he really didn't expect Guo Zhengyang to give him such a generous help.

Not only did he join Haimianzong thanks to Guo Zhengyang's blessing, but he also had so much help with exercises, spells, and spiritual weapons?

"Accept it, I will continue to recuperate, and you should take the time to familiarize yourself with these things." Guo Zhengyang waved his hand indifferently, he just did it conveniently.

But what I have to say is that sometimes things develop too much unexpectedly, that is, a set of exercises, a few wood attribute spells and two spiritual weapons that Guo Zhengyang gave casually.

Unexpectedly, a month later, Lian Yun was shocked to pass all the way in the Haimian Zongmen Grand Competition. (To be continued.)

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