
Haimianzong's sea of ​​will once again broke through the waves and floated in the sea of ​​will. Although Guo Zhengyang's face was pale and his body trembled a little, he did not run away directly to find a place to stand and rest. A sharp and incomparable breath suddenly emanated from his body.

This sharp aura is like an invisible sharp sword, instantly tearing apart the void in front of him, turning everything along the way into nothingness.

The breath pierced through the sky like a rainbow, and Guo Zhengyang silently closed his eyes again, suspended in the low sky and meditated.

He seems to have vaguely comprehended the sword intent, the sharpness and unparalleled meaning of the sword intent, but what was released just now is not the authentic sword intent, it seems to be a little bit worse.

Guo Zhengyang couldn't tell exactly where the difference was. He could vaguely feel the difference, but he couldn't describe it in words.

"It's been more than a month, and I have been comprehending here for more than a month. Now I have reached a threshold. If I go a step further, I can truly comprehend the fur of the sword, right? But it's just a little bit short. , just stand outside the Sword Intent Gate.” Guo Zhengyang sighed softly after closing his eyes and comprehending for a moment, it seems that he still has to continue to work hard.

But amidst the sigh, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded from a distance.

"Okay! Good! Good! Fellow Daoist Guo is worthy of being a heavenly figure. As far as I know, brother Guo has only been enlightened in Haimianzong's will for more than a month, and he is about to realize something, admiration!"

"Haimianzong's sea of ​​will is nothing more than a sea of ​​will of the third grade. The activeness of the will of heaven and earth is nothing at all. Naturally, it takes a lot more time to comprehend under such conditions. I just didn't expect Brother Guo to have such a great talent. , no wonder Brother Guo can go so far in both formation and weapon refining."


Amidst the loud laughter, Guo Zhengyang turned around to look, and then he found two figures slinking down, and behind the two figures on the top of the mountain, stood Lian Yun with a tense expression.

"Guo Daoyou, in Xiananyou, I am honored to be the deacon elder of the Tianhe Country Branch in the forbidden land. I am here to thank Brother Guo." Guo Zhengyang is still looking at the visitor. The man laughed and explained.

"It turned out to be Elder Nan." Guo Zhengyang was relieved now, and saluted Elder Nan with a smile.


During the salute, Lou Wuheng, who originally planned to introduce himself to Guo Zhengyang, suddenly stopped a dozen steps away, and stared at Guo Zhengyang in surprise.

"Who is this?" Guo Zhengyang also looked curiously.

"Amazing! Brother Guo may not only have made great achievements in refining weapons and formations, but even the body he cultivated seems to be not simple, and even in the spiritual master stage, he has a cultivation level comparable to that of the spiritual sect!" Lou Wuheng But he suddenly gave Guo Zhengyang a thumbs-up, and then smiled, "Wuheng is downstairs, he is the deacon of the Tianhe Kingdom branch of the Qi Sect. Naturally, I want to invite Brother Guo to join our Qi Sect because he is so old. If Brother Guo is willing, this old man can directly recommend Brother Guo to become the sixth-grade weapon refiner of our Weapon Sect and preside over the overall situation."

In the Lingwu Continent, whether it is a refining master, an array master or an alchemy master, they are basically divided into nine levels. The first, second and third ranks can be called ordinary masters, the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks are the titles of masters, and the seventh rank The above is the grandmaster level, and any generation of grandmasters can also possess supernatural strength within the three major forces.

To put it simply, if you are a master in a certain field, after joining the Qizong Forbidden Land, you can command one side, and the power you can mobilize is definitely not weaker than the terrifying existence of an empire like the Tianhe Kingdom.

If there is any trouble, it is not difficult to ask a strong person in the transformation stage to help you!

Of course, there is a price to pay for asking the God Transformation Stage to take action. These things are all divided within the several major forces.

Although Guo Zhengyang had heard a lot of things, he still didn't know much about the internal details of the several major forces, but he also knew very well how respected the status of the sixth-grade weapon refiner in the Qi Sect was.

For example, Lou Wuheng and Nanyou can be appointed as a deacon elder of a great empire within several major forces, and their ranks are at most six ranks.

Grandmasters above the sixth rank will never condescend to be assigned to a fringe empire like the Tianhe Kingdom to sit in charge.

So Lou Wuheng's offer made Guo Zhengyang slightly stunned.

Slightly stunned, Nanyou on the other side also looked at Guo Zhengyang in shock, then at Lou Wuheng, but soon sneered again, "Brother Lou, if I heard you right, you came to Haimianzong this time. The original intention was to be an enemy of Brother Guo, and I was afraid that Brother Guo would join my forbidden area and cause my forbidden area to develop, so I wanted to kill Brother Guo with Adulan of Danzong, right?"

Lou Wuheng was indeed shocked. First, he was shocked that Guo Zhengyang had a cultivation level comparable to that of the Spiritual Sect when he was a spiritual master?The second is that I was shocked that I didn't see it at all, but I didn't expect to be seen by Lou Wuheng...

But even if he was shocked, seeing Lou Wuheng wooing Guo Zhengyang in front of him, it would naturally be a trivial matter.

After a sneer, seeing that Guo Zhengyang's face changed slightly following his words, Nanyou laughed again, "But brother Guo, don't worry, as long as Nan is around, these guys' schemes will not succeed."

"Elder Nan has a heart." Guo Zhengyang also smiled and thanked Nanyou, and then looked at Lou Wuheng with a funny face.

This guy originally intended to embarrass himself?It's just a sudden change of mind now?Turned into wanting to win him into Qizong?Looking at Lian Yun behind him, Guo Zhengyang understood something.

In fact, after revealing the talisman array in order to enter Haimianzong, he was already fully prepared for what he might encounter.

Things like the talisman array will indeed bring about a huge change for the Lingwu Continent, which is still at a very backward stage, so before exposing the talisman array, he has thought about the consequences, otherwise when he leaves Qingshi City, he will also The talisman array will not be gifted to Ji masters in the forbidden area.

He only gave those things to Grandmaster Ji and Haimianzong. He gave them to Haimianzong in exchange for the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​will and enlightenment. He gave them to Master Ji, of course, to show his goodwill to the forbidden land and avoid trouble.

Otherwise, if you reveal the talisman array yourself and don’t give it away, the forbidden area will definitely want to get this thing in your hands if you know it, even at all costs for it. In fact, it's just the most basic thing, and it's of little value.

Using the talisman array to make good use of the forbidden land, even if it attracts dissatisfaction from other forces, the forbidden land will surely protect itself, the "master of formation". Well, Guo Zhengyang is actually a little embarrassed when it comes to the master of formation, because If his level of formation is placed on the earth, let alone a master, he can't even be called a formation master.

Three Mountains and One Mansion randomly pulled out a monk in the spirit-gathering period who specialized in formations, and his experience in formations was a few blocks away from him.

But just relying on the talisman array here, he will definitely attract the attention of the forbidden area.

So even if it caused dissatisfaction from other forces, the forbidden area would protect it.

Guo Zhengyang also really expected the scene in front of him, but he didn't expect that the big man of the Qi sect who was here to deal with him would come to win him over?Is it because of the spiritual weapons he gave to Lian Yun?

I have really become a sweet potato.

"Brother Guo, forgive me, Lou has to admit that I did offend Brother Guo before I came here, but after I came, Lou found out that Brother Guo is also a rare genius in the field of weapon refining. The conflict broke out, so Lou also hopes to have a chance to make amends." Lou Wuheng also smiled wryly on the spot, feeling a little embarrassed to be exposed by Nanyou, but that can't be helped, the fact is that he was trying to win over Guo Zhengyang because of the initial information. Unsmooth, born a little behind, so at this moment, I can only readily admit my mistake.

This made Guo Zhengyang look at Lou Wuheng in surprise. The person in front of him gave the first impression that he was quite open and upright.

Of course, frankness is frankness, he still prefers the forbidden area in his heart.

"Brother Guo, are you comprehending the sword intent?" But at this moment, Nanyou suddenly interrupted, first glanced at Lou Wuheng with a smile, and then said, "There is also a person who comprehends the sword intent in my forbidden area." Formation master, the sword intent has reached a small level, and that person is Nan's best friend, since you have the same will of heaven and earth, if Brother Guo joins my forbidden area, Nan can guarantee that not only will he give Brother Guo no less Because of Qizong's status, we can often discuss sword intent together,..."

"Although the will of the sword is not as common as the basic will of the five elements, my Qizong also has great monks who have comprehended the sword intent, and one of them has reached a great achievement in the sword intent. As long as Brother Guo is willing, he can also sit and discuss the Dao with that." Lou Wuheng was not to be outdone, and spoke very straightforwardly.

"Haha, you don't know that. Brother Guo has urgent matters recently, so there is no time to delay, otherwise he might have gone to the Imperial City of Tianhe Kingdom with Ji'an last time. The friend I mentioned who understood the will , is located in Qingwu Kingdom in the west of Tianhe Kingdom, it is very convenient to come here, and before I came, I had already sent someone from the branch to invite the person who came to Haimianzong. I know that brother Guo is trying to comprehend the sword intent, but it is to prevent you and those guys from the Danzong teaming up to deal with brother Guo. Now it seems that it is just in time. According to my estimation, that friend has already set off now, and he will be able to do so in half a month at the latest. Come here, but that monk of your Qi Sect who has a great sword intent is far away in the west of the mainland." As soon as Lou Wuheng's words fell, Nanyou laughed and demolished the situation.

Lou Wuheng stared at the words again.

And Guo Zhengyang was overjoyed to hear such words, a monk who had already comprehended the sword intent was rushing over?He has that weird scroll on his body, which records the inheritance of the sword intent, and he can always comprehend it in the sea of ​​​​will. Although these conditions are already very good, if a monk who has already comprehended the sword intent comes to him Discussing and confirming with each other will undoubtedly make his perception much easier and faster.

"Brother Guo, you just came out of the sea of ​​will, and your mental will is exhausted. You should take a rest first. During these times, Nan will always be by Brother Guo. Even if anyone has any offending thoughts, Nan will definitely I will help Brother Guo to bear it." In the first round, Nan You had already taken a considerable lead, and Nan You laughed heartily again. (To be continued.)

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