One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 297 Running Too Fast


Under the wilderness of the sky, a frightening green light tore through the sky and descended at an outrageously fast speed. .

However, this extreme speed only lasted for a moment and then suddenly dissipated, followed by a light boat that was still maintaining a very strong speed, but was less than one-tenth of what it was before, and was exposed to the sun.

"Sword Intent, the lightness and quickness of Sword Intent is really wonderful. In terms of speed, I am afraid it is not inferior to those monks who understand the will of wind and the will of light. Moreover, Sword Intent is not only used to attack and kill enemies. As long as it is used flexibly, it will also have outstanding effects when applied on the road."

"Although I have a superficial understanding of the sword intent, when it comes to the operation of the sword intent, there is still too much difference. Fortunately, there is a big monk who has a small amount of sword intent to teach me, and now I am much more proficient in the operation of the sword intent. .”


As the light boat continued to fly away, Guo Zhengyang also showed a lot of smiles at the corners of his mouth.

This time he came to Jialan Star, it has been three months since he first set foot on this planet, and there is only one and a half months left before the decisive battle with Feng Hui, and more than one month has passed since he really felt the sword intent. moon.

He had also stayed in Haimianzong during this period of time, communicating with the monk surnamed Meng who was born in a forbidden area but had comprehended Xiaocheng's sword intent.

He gave monk surnamed Meng some novel concepts in formation, and the other party taught him the operation of sword intent.

With mutual confirmation, the gains for both parties are enormous.

For example, now that Guo Zhengyang is urging the second-rank star treasure under him, the flying speed is already extremely terrifying, no less than some low-rank magic weapons that focus on speed, but once he exerts some sword intent on the light boat while flying at a high altitude.The retreat of space that can be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth increased his speed by nearly ten times.

At those peak speeds, Daojun's late-stage control mid-level flying magic weapon, I am afraid it is also weaker by two chips.

But it's a pity that such physical control can't last long. The loss of sword intent is not the loss of cultivation, but the consumption of pure willpower. Once it is used for a long time, it will make a person mentally exhausted.

Guo Zhengyang doesn't have any pills to recover from this kind of exhaustion, at least he doesn't have such recovery pills right now, so besides exercising his sword intent occasionally to enhance his proficiency in controlling sword intent, he also Don't dare to abuse it.

But even so, if he wanted to rush back from Haimianzong to the location of the teleportation array, he only needed one Earth day at most.

"I can return to Earth in one day, and the remaining time is enough for me to swallow some pills to improve my cultivation. Although one and a half months is not enough for me to reach the peak, my strength is also enough. The same cultivation As a cultivator, there is a huge difference between having sword intent and not having sword intent. As long as the flying sword in my hand is of sufficient grade to instantly kill a fellow monk of the same level, my confidence in Feng Hui will also increase many times. Rest for a few days and prepare for battle with all your heart!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Guo Zhengyang finally controlled the spirit boat and flew away quickly.

The time when he left Haimianzong was also the time when he said goodbye to Nanyou, Lou Wuheng and others, and until that moment, Guo Zhengyang didn't make it clear which faction he would join, he just said that he was going out to do errands and would be away for a while.

Naturally, Nanyou, Lou Wuheng and the others didn't force them, they just sent out an invitation enthusiastically, saying that they were in the Imperial City of Tianhe Kingdom, and no matter when Guo Zhengyang passed by in the future, they would open their doors to welcome them.

Guo Zhengyang naturally responded politely to this point.

after?After he beheaded Feng Hui, is there still a need to come to Jialanxing again?

Thinking about it carefully, Guo Zhengyang also felt that he might set foot on this planet again. After all, his sword intent was only at the superficial stage of comprehension. The sea of ​​will on this continent.

You must know that the powerful person who left behind the Fire Mansion was able to comprehend his Huo Yi from the Dacheng stage to the perfection within the will.

So naturally, Guo Zhengyang would not refuse the invitation over there.

However, the smile on the corner of his mouth just bloomed, Guo Zhengyang was taken aback suddenly, and then he turned around and looked behind while continuing to control the spirit boat flying away.


He suddenly sensed that someone was following him secretly.

Frowning, Guo Zhengyang was not too surprised, but suddenly let out a long laugh, and the spirit boat under him suddenly dissipated during the flight, and then a pair of wings appeared on his back.

"This pair of wings is a third-grade star treasure, and its power is almost comparable to that of a top-grade or top-grade magic weapon, but it only needs the Taoist Lord's initial stage of cultivation to activate it. With the power of that powerful satin weapon from the Fire Palace, as long as it is It is not the powerhouses of the Transformation God Realm who are following, and it is absolutely impossible to catch up, but who are they? Forbidden land, Qi sect, or alchemy sect?"

While laughing loudly, Guo Zhengyang waved his wings, as if teleporting, and disappeared in the sky and earth in the blink of an eye. When he appeared the next moment, he was dozens of miles away, and then waved his wings lightly again, his whole body It has already appeared at the farther end of the world.

In just a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang had escaped hundreds of miles away, completely throwing off the pursuers behind him.

"Quick, it's been exposed, chase after!"

"Damn, how could that guy be so fast?"


At the same time that Guo Zhengyang disappeared, figures immediately jumped out from behind the place where he stood just now, some were stepping on flying swords to escape, some were also waving treasures such as wings, and some were even twirling all over their bodies. in the breeze.

And among this group of people, the leader is the Elder Danzong who arrived at Haimianzong with Nanyou and Lou Wuheng that day.

With a loud shout, several people urged the treasures or secret methods under them one after another, and all chased to the south at the fastest speed.

"If you don't get rid of this son, I'm afraid my Danzong will become the worst superpower. No matter what the price is, we must take him down. As long as we take down this person, we can dig out all he has learned."

"Elder Ku, don't worry, Brother An's will of the wind is close to a great achievement. In terms of speed, even a strong man with half a foot in the realm of transforming gods is no match. This kid actually walked out of Haimianzong alone. There is no way to escape."


Several figures urged their bodies to chase after each other, but they were all shocked to find that the further they chased, the farther they were from Guo Zhengyang, and the leader, Elder Ku, opened his mouth in a rage.

Accompanied by angrily reprimanding, the others all looked at the man wrapped in the green wind.

And the man was also under the gaze of several people, and nodded at Elder Ku, "Then I will go ahead and stop him first."

After saying this, the green wind on the side of the man trembled, and he disappeared in the local area in an instant, and the speed was really much faster than when Guo Zhengyang disappeared before.

All of a sudden, Elder Ku and other talents were overjoyed again, but they still urged their movements to chase afterward.

However, Elder Chasing Zhongku still looked up to the sky and laughed, "Elder An's shot that comprehends the will of the wind, that kid will definitely be stopped, as long as we stop him for a while, and wait for us to catch up, no matter what will he has comprehended these days, he will be stopped." They will all die without a place to bury them.”

"That is."

"I heard that he has gone a long way in both formation and weapon refining, and the spiritual weapon he used before is definitely not ordinary. Taking him down is a great contribution to Danzong."


The crowd laughed one after another, and since Elder An made the move, they were indeed relieved.

It's just that the laughing crowd continued to fly away. Along the way, they didn't know how long they had been flying away.

Only then did Elder Ku, who was flying at the front with a flying sword, suddenly startled, and suddenly accelerated his escape speed, and quickly flew towards the top of a mountain dozens of miles away.

"Elder An?"



The others found out that it was a few beats slower, but then they were all shocked, and all speeded up. When they finally got close, it was Elder An who was walking against the wind before, and it was Elder An's expression at this moment. , The embarrassment is like a beggar.

The misty steed, who had long since lost his youth, was lying on the boulder on the top of the mountain, panting heavily, like a half-tired wild dog.

The wheezing was so loud that it was almost like a slight thunderclap.

"I'm stupid, that kid... what kind of monster is that kid? He ran too fast, I... I was so tired that my will collapsed, at most I could only see his shadow, damn..."

Elder An, who was paralyzed on the ground and panting continuously, took a few more deep breaths before breaking down and yelling. (To be continued.)

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