One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 301 So What?

"The reading space opened up by the platform of life and death is actually the attribute of lightning?"

A year passed, and the time for a life-and-death battle with Feng Hui finally arrived. After Guo Zhengyang was drawn into this reading space by the power of the platform of life and death, he took a look at it and was really overjoyed. .

Because he really didn't know that this space was opened up by the power of thunder.

A trace of transparent lightning surrounds the entire space, but this space is not very big, the vertical area is only a few thousand square meters.

Suspended in the air, Guo Zhengyang could also clearly feel the radiation spreading from the left and right Leili.

After thinking about it for a while, Guo Zhengyang swung a flying sword and stabbed at one side of the barrier before Feng Hui entered. The vertical area of ​​this space is only a few thousand square meters?Is it too small?

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Guo Zhengyang suddenly realized, because he found that as his flying sword stabbed out, the space barrier on one side suddenly receded, no matter how fast his flying sword was, it couldn't catch up with that. The speed at which the space barrier retreats.In other words, when he stabbed with all his strength, he couldn't even touch the side wall of this space.

When Guo Zhengyang wanted to try it again, his expression immediately turned serious, and then the Dark Sky Sword circled directly in front of him, and at the same time, the other eight Dark Sky swords also appeared together.

Nine dark golden flying swords were arranged in front of him in a mysterious formation, ready to strike forward.

Almost at the same time, a figure appeared a hundred meters in front of him. Before the figure had completely materialized, a pervasive black air radiated instantly, sweeping in all directions.

Also as the black air filled the air, the left and right spatial barriers retreated instantly again, and in the blink of an eye, all the miles in front of Guo Zhengyang were blocked by the black air.

These black air can not only block the line of sight, but also block the spiritual consciousness.

Even if Guo Zhengyang released his spiritual consciousness to explore, he only explored a void.

"Feng Hui is called the Patriarch of the Black Prison because of the combination of surgical techniques and the power of magic weapons, which can present a boundless and endless dark hell, in which the eyes cannot see things, and the spiritual sense can't explore the target, just break into it casually Otherwise, they will only be trapped to death. And his housekeeping magic weapon plus spells, also cultivate the power of Yin and evil. Others will not only be trapped to death, but also be disturbed mentally, and illusions will arise."

Although Guo Zhengyang had no experience of fighting against Feng Hui before, the Xinghe Patriarch and others did not know how many times they had entanglements with this person, so Guo Zhengyang also had a certain understanding of Feng Hui's housekeeping skills.

He originally wanted to launch a surprise attack when Feng Hui's foothold was not stable, but he didn't expect that he was not stupid. As soon as Guo Zhengyang sensed it, the other party immediately released the black prison for which he was famous...

"Thunder element space? Fortunately, this thing is only restricted, and it doesn't seem to suppress me." Guo Zhengyang's mind turned, and there was an exclamation in the endless darkness ahead, but there was a lot of joy in the exclamation , Then, the erratic voice immediately turned into a loud laugh, "Boy, we finally met again. In a year, even if you get the inheritance of the Immortal Mansion, the old man really doesn't believe it. What can you do to get the old man today? It's your time of death, once you die, the old man only needs to take away the Immortal Mansion, and let the gang of trash in Upper Boundary Mountain below prepare well, so what can I do?"

Amid Zhang Yang's sneer, Guo Zhengyang's expression turned cold, and the nine swords dissipated in an instant, replaced by nine different banners.

Although he really wanted to control the dark sky sword array with sword intent as soon as he came up, and show Feng Hui a little color, but the other party reacted too quickly. Now he is hiding in the black prison. He can't even see Feng Hui's real body. We can first rely on Jiulei to crack the black prison.

Holding a red flag, Guo Zhengyang waved his hand, and the other eight flags also suddenly burst into thunder.

However, this time, the nine thunder streamers did not gather thunder giants, but a string of tiny silver snakes bloomed, which submerged into the void, forming a field of thunder force. Amidst the crackling thunder and lightning, the black prison in front suddenly appeared. Countless electric lights burst out.

It was as if the electric clusters were tearing apart the night sky. The black prison, which could not be seen or explored with spiritual sense, was cut into countless pieces. Guo Zhengyang could see the outline of it immediately when the electric light shone.

Once again, the thunderbolt was shaken, and nine miniature thunder and lightning giants escaped from the cage, jumped into the black prison, formed a mysterious killing formation and charged straight down.

Almost at the same time, a cold snort erupted from the black prison in front of him. Following the black smoke billowing and boiling, the nine lightning giants were engulfed in endless darkness. Guo Zhengyang was once again plunged into absolute darkness in front of him, and the darkness was still expanding rapidly. , to swallow Guo Zhengyang in.

Guo Zhengyang's face remained unchanged, but he just picked up a spell, and Jiufan dropped his hand in an instant and sank into the darkness.

As if nine black holes burst out suddenly from the endless black prison, the spreading black prison was directly swallowed by whales and quickly flowed back.

clap clap ~

The lightning appeared again, and the nine thunder and lightning giants still stood in a profound formation. What the naked eye could see was that each of these nine giants held a big banner and opened their mouths to swallow everything on the left and right.

And because the Infinite Black Prison was completely sucked into the Thunder Giant's body, Feng Hui's figure was also exposed.

"Nine low-grade magic weapons of the lightning system? How can you, a real person, be able to control such a terrifying magic weapon?" Feng Hui, who showed his figure, was holding a picture scroll, and at this moment, the inside of the picture scroll was also filled with infinite blackness. Qi, but as soon as the black air appeared, it was eaten by the thunder giant.

Seeing that the magic weapon in his hand was broken, Feng Hui really showed a hint of shock.

After all, the middle-grade magic weapon in his hand was refined into a natal magic weapon, and its power was terrifying. Guo Zhengyang was able to break it with nine low-grade magic weapons. Mutual generation and mutual restraint are relative terms. Thunder can destroy filth and evil, and if the power of filth and evil is too large, it can also destroy thunder.

He really couldn't figure out how Guo Zhengyang could control such a powerful thunder force!

However, Guo Zhengyang didn't have the time to answer Feng Hui's astonishment. He just put his two index fingers together, drew the sword formula, and the nine-handed dark sky suddenly appeared in front of Feng Hui.

Although at this moment Feng Hui also suddenly felt the danger, he gritted his teeth and shook the scroll in his hands, once again making the black prison flourish, covering the surrounding area for several miles in an instant.

But Guo Zhengyang still clearly heard a scream.

Amidst the screams, the dark sky circled back, forming a sword array to protect the left and right.

In the black prison in front, there was another thunderous light. Nine thunder and lightning giants waved the banners in their hands, and all the black energy was shattered again.

But when his sight became clear again, Feng Hui's originally clear left face had already shown a sword mark that was almost bone-deep. Not only that, his chest was even covered in blood, staining his black robe shockingly.

All this is said to be late, but in fact it only happened in a short period of two or three breaths.

After two or three breaths, Feng Hui had already suffered two wounds, and his face became a little pale.

Seeing such a scene, countless monks outside the reading space were instantly in an uproar.

I couldn't help but be in an uproar. After all, everyone had a lot of speculation about this battle before coming here. Most people thought that Guo Zhengyang's appointment to fight Feng Hui with the cultivation of a real person was just seeking his own death. Some rare treasures died together with Feng Hui, and it is more likely that even if Guo Zhengyang and the ancestor of Hei Prison were to die together, he would only exchange his own death for Feng Hui's serious injury.

Just like Liu Xia's sneak attack by Xiaoyunmie Leizhu back then, even if he plotted against a daoist in Xueyou Mansion, Liu Xia was also seriously injured, and Feng Hui was only injured.

Even if Guo Zhengyang took out a treasure similar to the Xiaoyun Mie Leizhu to assassinate people again in this appointment, Feng Hui could only be injured, but he himself could not escape death.

But who would have thought.

After Guo Zhengyang and Feng Hui appeared in this reading space, it took only a few breaths, that is, a few blinks of the eyes, but Feng Hui was injured?

At this moment, it seemed that Guo Zhengyang had the upper hand on the contrary. The nine flying swords were arranged in a sword array and suspended in the air. There are also thunder and lightning giants holding different flags in the periphery, waving and strangling?

Such a scene really shocked too many people.

In addition to the ancestor Xinghe of Shangjie Mountain and others, even the ancestor Wushuang and the ancestor Qianjue were equally stunned. As soon as the two met in the sky, it was just time to say hello, and a big battle broke out.

And so cleanly, Guo Zhengyang cut Feng Hui! (To be continued.)

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