One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 315 Which Secretary Zhao?

The middle-aged man with a slightly protruding head scolded unceremoniously, and scared Song Yiyi in Guo Zhengyang's arms, and the little girl was really scared to tears this time, her big eyes were full of tears and doubts at the same time , seems to be unable to understand the scene in front of him, but it is also true that what is in front of him is beyond the comprehension scope of the first-year elementary school students. .

And Guo Zhengyang suddenly turned around to look at He Ju amidst the scolding, "He Ju, you mean the same thing?"

It doesn't matter if you go to the experimental elementary school or not. With Guo Zhengyang's ability, even if Song Yiyi really can't go to school here, what kind of school can't arrange for him to come?But if Song Yiyi was expelled for such a reason, that would be the root of anger.

And what he said stunned a group of people in the room. After a moment, embarrassment flashed across the faces of several school officials, but then they became angry again. There was also a flash of unnaturalness, and after glancing at Guo Zhengyang, He Ju took He Zhi's hand and turned his head, "Since the child is fine, I'll leave first."

He was also a little embarrassed by the question, and even secretly hated these little guys, how could they talk to the parents of the students on the other side like this in front of him.

Even if they want to expel the student who beat his daughter, can't they wait for him to leave?

But even if he felt ashamed, he couldn't possibly argue with Guo Zhengyang, because in his heart, Guo Zhengyang didn't have the weight to deserve his identity, so he dragged He Zhi away.

Several people in the school were also anxious, and the two leaders followed immediately. When they followed, the bald leader gave Guo Zhengyang a hard look, "Leave!"

In fact, they understand that some things are inappropriate to do in front of He Ju, but this is a matter of attitude. After all, He Ju's daughter was beaten. They are afraid that if Song Yiyi is dealt with, it will still make He Ju feel uncomfortable. Satisfied, as far as the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau are concerned, the head of an experimental elementary school is still free to do so?

So doing this in front of He Ju may make He Ju feel dissatisfied for a while, but as long as the attitude is correct, these can be tolerated.

Guo Zhengyang also followed the bald leader's words and smiled again. When he was about to say something, a cell phone rang suddenly from his body. Guo Zhengyang just casually grabbed the cell phone, and it turned out that it was Secretary Zhao calling.

After another glance at several school leaders, Guo Zhengyang connected the phone and greeted with a smile, "Secretary Zhao, are you here?"

An eager and restrained voice came from the other side of the phone, "Well, I'm at Experimental Primary School, where are you?"

Guo Zhengyang also smiled and said, "I'm at the office building."

At the beginning, before he learned about the situation of the Song family, Secretary Zhao was still in the capital of northern Jiangsu, so it was impossible to know that he was in Tai'an Experimental Primary School, but after waiting in Guo Zhengyang for more than an hour, he returned to the Experimental Primary School Before seeing Song Yiyi being detained in school for training, Secretary Zhao had already called again, saying that he had arrived in Tai'an over there, and asked Guo Zhengyang if it was convenient for him to come over directly.

At that time, Guo Zhengyang really didn't know that such a thing would happen. He only knew that Song Yiyi was punished to stand in class before, and she almost fell asleep while standing. She went out to have a meal or something, and it didn't hinder Mr. Zhao's treatment... Well, Mr. Zhao is so miserable, but he has sent a few ghosts to torture him all the time. Even if Secretary Zhao brings Mr. Zhao over, he can only It takes a hand move, and the ghost will come back.

Even if it is to cure Mr. Zhao who has been tormented mad by the way, and let him return to the level of a normal person, it is actually very simple. Just give him a elixir to soothe his soul and mental state. .

Those things don't take much time at all, it can be done in a few minutes.

So at that time, Guo Zhengyang also directly said that he was in the Experimental Primary School, just let them come over.

After giving the address to Secretary Zhao, who also smiled and said that he would come right away, Guo Zhengyang hung up the phone.

It was only after hanging up the phone that Guo Zhengyang discovered that He Ju, who had already opened the door of the office and walked to the door, and several school leaders turned their heads in astonishment, staring at him strangely.

"Secretary Zhao? Which Secretary Zhao do you know?" After looking at him strangely for a few seconds, he was too lazy to look at Guo Zhengyang's He Ju before he opened his mouth in surprise.

No, they stopped because they heard what Guo Zhengyang said about Secretary Zhao...

This seems to be a title in official circles?Could it be that this kid also knows someone else?

If that's the case, it seems that there is no need to make a big fuss about something between children.

Bureau He showed doubts, and several school leaders were naturally also puzzled, but it was just a simple title of Secretary Zhao, and it was not intimidating, because the title of Secretary was a bit too broad and too broad. Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, you can Call it a secretary, and the secretary of the district committee can also be called a secretary. Even the secretary of the Youth League Committee of a certain school, or the secretary of the village committee, you can also call it a secretary. This title is far less simple than the mayor of the district. clear.

In doubt, Director He didn't wait for Guo Zhengyang to reply, he checked the list of main leaders of Tai'an City in his heart, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Although the surname Zhao is also a common surname, there are no main leaders of Tai'an City with the surname Zhao, yes , there is a deputy mayor whose surname is Zhao, but that name is wrong.

At the district level, there seems to be a deputy secretary of the district committee surnamed Zhao, but even if he came, he would greet him with a smile. After all, he is not just a third-in-command of the Education Bureau in his early thirties. Deputy director, in fact, his wife's family is even more fierce. His wife is the youngest daughter of the former secretary of the municipal party committee. Even though the old secretary has retired, her connections are still there.

So even if Guo Zhengyang really knew the deputy secretary Zhao of a certain district committee, it was actually nothing.

After thinking of this, He Ju suddenly laughed a little again. Was it because he was scaring himself?He couldn't understand why when he heard Secretary Zhao, he suddenly thought of those big people. In fact, secretary can also be called by many small people.

If it was an ordinary person, he would never think so far just because he was called a secretary casually. Why did he suddenly think so much this time?After thinking about it carefully, He Ju was taken aback for a moment, because he understood the reason why he would take the initiative to think so much, that is, after Guo Zhengyang saw himself and heard the school's decision on Song Yiyi's handling of Song Yiyi, he was very concerned from the beginning to the end. He was very calm, neither angry nor annoyed, nor pleading or noisy, his reaction was not like that of a parent who heard that his child was about to be expelled, it was too indifferent.

Indifferently makes people speechless.

People who can be so indifferent are either indifferent to their own children, or Song Yiyi is not his junior at all and have very shallow friendship, or they have enough confidence and are not afraid of such things at all.

Otherwise, if an ordinary person suddenly knew that his child was expelled from school, how could he be so indifferent?

It was precisely because of Guo Zhengyang's calmness and indifference that after hearing Secretary Zhao's name, he thought of so many things in an instant, and even took the initiative to think of important people.

However, he understood that He Ju still had no fear or anything like that. He had already checked the names of all the main leaders, and there was no Secretary Zhao in Tai'an that deserved his attention.

Even if this kid really knows the deputy secretary of the district committee Zhao, he can still handle it calmly.

Well, of course, if it's really that person, then forget about the expulsion of Song Yiyi, after all, he's also the deputy secretary of the district committee, so there's no need to start a feud just because of the petty quarrels between the children, right?

After a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, He Ju was not in a hurry to leave, just waiting for Guo Zhengyang to give him an answer, but what surprised him was that after his questioning, Guo Zhengyang just glanced at him and didn't reply at all. .

This made him stunned again, but then he didn't say anything, just waited quietly, wanting to see who was coming, after all, Guo Zhengyang also said on the phone just now, that Secretary Zhao seemed to be coming soon.

Not only He Ju, but also several school leaders were very suspicious. They also had all kinds of thoughts in their minds, and they were not in a hurry to rush Guo Zhengyang to pack up his things and take Song Yiyi away. They also began to wait with a strange and curious mood. (To be continued.)

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