One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 328 Rage

The Lingwu Continent is vast, and the straight-line distance from the east to the west of the mainland, if an ordinary Taoist escaping, would take almost ten years to reach it. Of course, this is the speed of an ordinary Taoist. .

If you change the forbidden area, the great monk guarding the various countries in the Qi sect, and then control the forbidden area, the fastest flying monster in the Qi sect, or the treasure that is best at speed, Feidun, and change people at the next stronghold, it has always been the same. Let the best people in all kinds of conditions lead the way to escape, and rush on the road day and night, then it will take about a year to reach the headquarters of the forbidden area in the middle of the mainland from Tianhe Kingdom.

Back then when Guo Zhengyang met Master Ji, what the other party said about being able to travel from Tianhe Kingdom to the headquarters of the Forbidden Land within a year was referring to this state. It meant that when they arrived at the imperial city of Tianhe Kingdom, the local guarding elders would control the fastest monsters. The beast flies away with all its strength, and when it arrives at the next country, such as Qingwu Country, the highest cultivator in Qingwu Country will lead the way and fly away. This cycle alternates, and it has been traveling day and night in the strongest state of the strongest monk. Within a year, it is possible to reach the headquarters of the forbidden area in the central part from the far east of the mainland.

However, this is still the fastest speed of a monk in the Daojun realm. If it is a strong monk at the stage of transformation, or a great monk in the late stage of transformation, Feidun, even if there is no need to transfer along the way, it only needs one or two. It takes only a month to reach the headquarters of the forbidden area in the middle of the mainland from Tianhe Kingdom.

And the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan is undoubtedly the top monk of this kind, not to mention that although the Daxi Empire is also in the middle of the mainland, the Daxi Empire is closer to the Tianhe Kingdom than the forbidden headquarters.

The central part of Lingwu Continent also refers to a very vast area. In addition to the headquarters of the Forbidden Land and Qi Sect, the major forces occupying the central part also have three super empires, and the Daxi Empire is located in the east of the central part of the continent. In the region, crossing the Daxi Empire to the west, and then passing through several medium-sized countries, is the headquarters of the forbidden area.

So after sensing the death of his daughter in Tianhe Kingdom, it took the emperor of the Xi Clan less than a month, seven or eight Lingwu days, to reach the area of ​​influence of Haimianzong in the east of Tianhe Kingdom. Arrived at the wilderness dense forest where Guo Zhengyang beheaded His Royal Highness the Seventh.

And seven or eight days later, the local situation is still roughly the same as it was seven or eight days ago. The calm dense forest is low in the sky, except for three long or short knife marks deeply imprinted on the ground, which shows that there has been a big war here. There is almost no abnormality, of course, that is only almost, the only difference between this area and other places is that there is almost no life within tens of miles, no matter whether it is a strong or weak monster, there is almost nothing here. There is no trace of it, completely turning this area into a dead zone. That is to say, the three knife marks on the ground that contain the sword intent of the cultivator of the transformation stage, even if there are only sporadic traces of power, that kind of power is enough to frighten the surrounding area. All beings dare not approach.

Suppressing the fury in his heart, the Emperor of the Xi Clan looked around for a while, but couldn't find any clues, and immediately let out another roar, full of domineering and fierce saber intent, and within a radius of tens of miles, all hills The dense forest was actually completely destroyed under this furious tide of saber intent. The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, mountains and rivers were capsized, and the terrifying scene of destruction swept outwards in waves.

After roaring furiously, the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan took another deep breath and forced himself to calm down, but stared at the knife mark below with his eyes almost blazing.

"The three saber qi I left for Yun'er are all cut out. Although these three saber qi are only [-]% of the power of my full blow for the sake of easy control, even if it is a normal Lingzun's initial stage, there is no way to easily receive it. But the other party was able to take over my three saber intents, could it be that the one who did it was really a mid- or late-stage Lingzun powerhouse?"

Isn't that right? Even with the original three saber qi, the strongest is only [-]% of the power of his full blow, but if it is directly slashed on the ground without any weakening, it can easily cut out a knife that is tens of miles long. There are scars, and they are still bottomless knife marks.

But the shortest of the three knife marks on the ground is more than a hundred meters long and ten meters deep. This is obviously the result of the landing of the remaining knife energy, which means that the knife energy has been consumed on the target before it hits the ground. [-]% power.

And he can also be sure that even if it is an ordinary Lingzun in the early stage, if he really catches the three saber qi, he will either die or be injured, let alone a Lingzun below.

Could it be that the person who beheaded his daughter was really a Spirit Venerable powerhouse?

Coupled with the induction many days ago, the knife in Xiyun's body was activated as soon as it was activated, and then shattered after a dozen or so breaths. Could it be that the murderer who beheaded his daughter really died just after killing his daughter? ?

Although he didn't believe it at all, the facts are in front of him. This is the most reasonable explanation. The most reasonable explanation is that the person who did it was a monk in the early or middle stage of Lingzun. His daughter was also seriously injured and died.

But this is the most reasonable explanation, but there are also many unreasonable places! !

If it was really the early or mid-term attack of the Spirit Venerable, if he really wanted to kill his daughter, with the strength of a Spirit Venerable monk, I am afraid that her daughter would have no chance to release those saber qi and be wiped out, right?

Uh, this is not without explanation, maybe Xianzhong and others resisted desperately, delaying for a few minutes, so that his daughter had time to release the saber energy?After all, Xianzhong's combat power is not bad, even if the three half-step spiritual masters put their lives together, even if they can't match the real spiritual master, they still have the ability to gain a few breaths.

The more I thought about it, no matter how I looked at it, the clues here pointed to the fact that the murderer who killed his daughter had already been executed, but the Emperor Xi Clan couldn't accept such a result! !

The fall of the most beloved woman is like igniting all his nerves. He was ready to commit suicide with anger, but now he has nothing to do with the target of his desire.

That kind of fire made him want to destroy everything around him.

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

"The roar just now was terrifying..."


Just as the great emperor of the Xi Clan was furious, there were sudden sounds from the left and right, followed by figures escaping from several directions, and sporadic exclamations.

After seven or eight days of Lingwu, in fact, the southern barren area of ​​Tianhe Kingdom is still the same as it was seven or eight days ago. There are still many monks from other countries in the mainland playing and hunting here.

These days, it is not that no one has noticed a few knife marks nearby, but after all, those knife marks landed on the ground after consuming more than [-]% of their power. , and it will not cause too much disturbance among the royal families.

There are still many second-generation Xius who like to play.

So the roar that destroyed a large area of ​​mountains and rivers naturally caused a lot of sensation.

However, these frightened monks didn't know that it was a god of death hanging here!

Hearing the movement from left to right, the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan's eyes sank, he stretched out his hand to the left, and with a sound of swiping, a panicked figure was suddenly caught from the sky on the left.

"Who are you? I am the third prince of Minglan Kingdom, let me go!"

The captured figure was a man in his 30s or [-]s. The man was dressed in a Chinese robe, and his face was full of fear at the moment.

But following his words, the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan's face darkened, and with a smirk, the third prince of the Ming Lan Kingdom immediately turned into a blood mist and exploded to pieces.

Minglan Kingdom is just a small country in the eastern part of the mainland. The whole country does not even have a stage of transformation into a god, and the strongest is only a few half-step spiritual masters.

The emperor of the Xi tribe who was in a rage didn't even bother to inquire, so he sent the third prince to be buried with his daughter.

After killing the Third Prince, the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan stretched out his hand again, and grabbed another screaming figure from the right side with a swish.

"Let go of me, who are you? I am the eighth prince of the Xianqi Empire, what are you going to do?" The man who was arrested this time was also full of fear, and even gave his name immediately.

This name also made the emperor of the Xi clan freeze in anger. In his anger, he really wanted to send all the monks in this area down to be buried with his daughter.

However, those royal families who did not sit in the god transformation stage were lucky to say that if they were killed, they would be killed.

However, there are also two spirit masters sitting in the Xianqi Empire.

Although that kind of Xianqi Empire is just a small force in the eyes of the Daxi Empire, the two Spirit Venerables are only in the early and middle stages of the Spirit Venerable, and he can destroy them by himself. If the Daxi Empire issued an order in normal times, it would definitely change. He came to cater to the Xianqi Empire, but if he killed the other party's royal descendants like this, it would definitely make the other party furious.

He is not afraid of a Xianqi Empire at all, but if there are too many enmities like this, the Daxi Empire will not be able to afford it.

After looking slightly stagnant, the Xi Clan Great Emperor waved his hand and threw the prince to the ground. Regardless of the other person's expression, he stretched out his hand and grabbed another screaming figure from a distance.

And after the new figure announced his name, the Xi Clan Great Emperor gave another grin, and grabbed the figure into a blood mist with his hand.

"bang bang bang~"

There were bursts of explosions and screams resounding from left to right.

After a short time, more than ten monks died under the Xi Clan Great Emperor, and there were as many as 30 to [-] monks who looked up at the sky with earthy faces under the Xi Clan Great Emperor.

Although the ones paralyzed on the ground at this moment are all from the imperial family with Lingzun sitting in command or the followers of those royal heirs, but now they are looking at the killing god in the sky.

Everyone was scared to death.

Although they usually do arrogance and domineering things, they never look straight at people who are not from the royal family, or monks from low-born families, but like this one, even if they are born in Qingwu, half-going to other countries, etc. The direct descendants of the emperors, although there are no spiritual masters in those medium-sized countries, they are all married to various empires. For example, the prince of Qingwu country is the great-grandson of the emperor of Tianhe country, such as the princess of Banqu country. , is the granddaughter of the Great Emperor of the Xianqi Empire, etc...

Such people were killed without blinking an eye, and more and more people were killed, which really scared the crap out of the royal family below. (To be continued.)

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