One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 335 Space Will

"This place is so wonderful, could it have something to do with some treasure? Haven't you dug deeply?" Looking at the wonderful scene of Wuxiadi, after a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang smiled and opened his mouth. .

King Ji also smiled immediately, "Why not? Don't say it's us. When we first discovered this place, some spiritual masters from Dahao, Daxi, Shangyang and other great empires came here to study, but even Digging down this valley for hundreds of miles has yielded no results, and everyone around the valley has also searched all over, but can't find anything unusual."

"That's right, even in our forbidden area, several spirit-level powerhouses rushed over to check it out, but no matter how much we researched it, we still had no clue about this strange place, and everyone had to give up in the end." Following what King Ji said, people who were born in the forbidden area The monk named Lu also spoke with emotion.

It would be nonsense to say that no one came to study such a wonderful place.

The first discovery of Infernal Land was already more than a hundred years ago. The powerful people from all over the mainland have spent 40 to [-] years researching here, but in the end they found nothing, so they had no choice but to give up, and the wait was over. In the past hundred years, even in small and medium-sized countries like Nankangmingwu, the competition has developed to the point where the battle for face is more important.

"Master Guo, if you are interested in this place, you can do whatever you want. Even if you really find out something, we will never interfere." After the monk Lu surnamed sighed, King Ji also smiled and spoke with a very correct attitude.

He also saw that Guo Zhengyang was interested in this place... This is also nonsense, in fact, any monk who has just arrived in Infernal Land will be full of shock and emotion, and thus become interested.

But really no one can research anything.

Up to now even he is full of speechless about this place, if it is not for something, he will not come at all, and will only make himself entangled if he comes, so if he can use this place to please Guo Zhengyang, then he will never be stingy .

Guo Zhengyang also laughed immediately, as long as he wants to, he can study here casually?

This is indeed a very exciting proposal, because in the classics recorded by the owner of the Fire Mansion, the spirit world belongs to the innate spirit treasure, so even if you find it, ordinary means may not be able to find out the innate spirit treasure.

A monk is unknowingly affected by the time of the spirit world, and the time jumps in chaos for more than ten years or a few years. Even if the time of the spirit world is right in front of your eyes, you can't see it. What you can see with your eyes is Things that happen in the blink of an eye, but the spirit world affects time. The moment you look back, time has been lost for several years, so naturally you can't see anything.

There is no special method for this kind of innate spirit treasure in the upper spirit world. Even if the stage of transformation comes, it will take hundreds of years to toss here, and there will be no results.

It was that Sanxian who was confused for several months when he first encountered the spirit world before he found a way to discover the spirit world.

And the way that Sanxian once regained the spirit world was also recorded in the ancient books of the master of the Huo Palace.

The other party is also afraid that even if his descendant encounters it, he will not be able to recover it, and miss this treasure for nothing.

If this place is really troublesome in the spirit world, and he can study it casually here, Guo Zhengyang is really sure that he will find that thing and put it away again.

The only problem is, after finding out the time of the spirit world, will Ji Wang and others keep their word.

What they say now is easy, no matter what Guo Zhengyang researches in it, it belongs to him, and they will never interfere, but once they show up in the spirit world, because of Guo Zhengyang's methods, they will no longer interfere with the monk's sight, and will be seen by others Come on, I'm afraid things will...

"Let's wait and see. Since so many seniors can't figure out what to do here, I don't think I can do it. How about it, let's go to the imperial city of your country first, and wait for me to improve my sword intent. Come back to study when you have free time." After thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang also smiled.

It is indeed not particularly suitable to conduct research now. Even if Ji Wang and others will not regret it, if Guo Zhengyang wants to find that thing, he will not be able to do it right away. He still has to go back to the Huofu to prepare some guys.

After all, in the spirit world, it is an innate spirit treasure. If you want to dispel the interference power of the innate spirit treasure, it is impossible to do it directly with Guo Zhengyang's current cultivation level. ?

The method left by the master of the Fire Mansion is actually a series of large formations, relying on the power of the formations to eliminate the influence of the spirit world, and the foundations of those large formations are also very wonderful things, far from ordinary formations Comparable, Guo Zhengyang didn't bring those things with him, he had to go back to the Huo Mansion at least to bring back the array that was placed near the semi-finished Lingshi Mansion, and donate here to succeed.

Of course, it is also very easy for him to return to the Fire Mansion now. When he came out last time, he had already placed another teleportation array at the teleportation array on Jialan Star, which is still the teleportation array that he carries with him. Take out the teleportation array and activate it, and then you can connect to the teleportation array of Jialan Star's Tempering Fire Mansion, and go directly to the underground secret room.

But these are not suitable to show in front of King Ji and others.

Guo Zhengyang said his decision with a smile, and King Ji and the others had nothing to say, and then a group of people got on the flying boat and rushed to Nankang Imperial City again.

The next thing is simple.

After arriving in the imperial city, the entire Nankang royal family came out to welcome Guo Zhengyang, including the elders of the Forbidden Land Qizong sent by Zhu in Nankang.

After some courtesies, Guo Zhengyang was respectfully welcomed to the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Will controlled by the Nankang Nan Clan.

It was also at this time that Guo Zhengyang made a decision that caused a sensation in the entire Nankang Kingdom, that is, during his leisure time to comprehend the meaning of the sword, he would not only impart some knowledge to the deacons and elders of the Forbidden Artifact Sect, but also the Nankang royal family. You can choose a few geniuses to listen to the lecture.

Even though the Nan clan's royal family has always been respectful to Guo Zhengyang for this purpose, seeing Guo Zhengyang agreeing so readily made the entire royal family boil.

"With your aptitude, it is not too difficult to comprehend a certain will of heaven and earth. You should hurry up and comprehend it. After you comprehend it, we will go to the spirit world."

Nankang Country Sea of ​​Will, after a sermon was over, seeing Liu Xia just escaped from the Sea of ​​Will, fleeing to the coast with a pale face, Guo Zhengyang also fled there.

It is probably not too difficult for Liu Xia to comprehend some kind of will of heaven and earth.

Comprehending the will of the world depends on comprehension and talent. In the Lingwu Continent, only those top geniuses are lucky. In this regard, Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia have taken advantage of it. It takes one or two years for a single genius to understand a certain will of heaven and earth. Only those super geniuses selected from a super empire with hundreds of millions of people can comprehend it in just a few months.

However, the geniuses of Lingwu Continent are comprehending in the sea of ​​will. The biggest problem is that they also rely on luck to comprehend the will of the world.

For example, you want to understand the will of fire, but you can’t find the trend of the will of fire when you swim around. You keep encountering other trends of will such as ice, water, steel, wind, light, etc. If you stay in it for a day, you may only meet One or two times of the will of fire, [-]% of this time is wasted.

However, because Guo Zhengyang possesses the exercises related to comprehension of the will left by the immortal-level power, once the exercises are activated, all the wills around him in the will can be seen clearly, and the efficiency will naturally be greatly improved. He thinks inside You can find whatever you want to understand, and there is no need to waste it. One day in it is equivalent to staying for several days for monks in the Lingwu Continent.

Because of this, even if Guo Zhengyang's aptitude is not a super genius who is one in a million, he can comprehend the sword intent in just a few months.

Liu Xia's aptitude is much superior to his, so it's not difficult for her to comprehend a certain will of the world.

"En." Liu Xia also nodded heavily, and she also knew that something bad might happen in the process of recovering the spirit world, so if she can increase her strength now, she will be more confident.

But the next moment, Liu Xia said excitedly again, "I just encountered a wave of space will in the sea of ​​will."

Guo Zhengyang was startled, and when he looked at it in astonishment, his heart also flashed with excitement, "Spatial will? Such good luck?"

The will of heaven and earth is actually divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The weakest will is the will of the basic five elements. In the Lingwu Continent, these wills are called low-grade wills, and the wills above the five elements, such as light, thunder, sword will, and sword will, are called middle-grade wills. .

Wills such as space and time are already top-notch high-grade wills.

And on top of the high-grade will, there is also the emperor-level will, which often does not refer to a single will, but a combined will. For example, if you comprehend gold, wood, water, fire and earth alone, or the addition of space and time, so that they complement each other, you are an emperor. level will.

In layman's terms, only when your will of fire is complete can it be compared to the great accomplishment of sword intent and the small accomplishment of the will of space and time.

In the sea of ​​will, the will seas of the first to ninth ranks basically possess all kinds of wills of the lower middle ranks, but the emergence of the upper ranks of wills can only depend on luck.

Eighty percent of wills in the sea, there is no trace of top-grade wills such as space and time at all.

At least the last time Guo Zhengyang comprehended the will of Haimianzong, he didn't see the will of space and time at all.

He can still see clearly the forms of wills around him in Will Sea, but he can't find them. He needs to try his luck to meet which high-grade wills, not to mention the monks of Lingwu Continent. They are far more than those who realize some kind of top-grade will.

In layman's terms, among a hundred monks who comprehend the will of heaven and earth, there may be 80 monks who comprehend the will of the lower rank, about ten people who comprehend the will of the middle rank, and three or four monks who comprehend the will of the double will and three wills, but those who comprehend the will of the upper rank Will, maybe none of them.

"Although I saw the will of space, the flow of the will is very strange. Whenever I want to catch up, it suddenly disappears. The next time it appears, it is already tens of meters away, and I have been unable to catch up. Do you want me to participate? Enlightenment? Or just comprehend a middle-grade will?" Guo Zhengyang was pleasantly surprised, and Liu Xiacai also smiled wryly, saying that being able to discover it doesn't mean that he can comprehend it.

The mystery of high-grade will is much more bizarre than that of low-grade will, you can see it, but you may not be able to chase it.

"Try your best. If you can comprehend the space will, even if it's superficial, it can be compared to the stage of the five elements will, and our confidence will be greater." Guo Zhengyang answered decisively. (To be continued.)

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