"In the past, there were so many senior experts who did various researches here, including some spiritual-level experts, but everyone found nothing. It seems that if they use ordinary methods, they can't find any clues at all, so I want to start from this time. Let’s start with the formations and see if we can find some clues, and if we start with the formations, I will also arrange some formations before that,..."

"Hehe, although Master Guo is casual, Nan also really hopes that Master Guo can research something, so that I can solve my doubts."

"That's right, Master Guo's attainment in formations is probably at the level of a grandmaster. Even if some places are not as good as the great masters in the forbidden area, there are still some places that are far superior to those great masters. Using formations as a study The method is the right way, Guo Shi can also rest assured, I will stand outside the formation and fight for you, and I will never let anyone disturb Guo Shi's elegance."


A few days later, at the border of Nankang Kingdom, there was no gap.

When Guo Zhengyang said something with a smile, many Taoist-level powerhouses on one side also spoke respectfully and enthusiastically, all with the attitude of being ordered and responding to everything.

It is also true that it has been four or five months since Guo Zhengyang arrived in the imperial city of Nankang Kingdom. For such a long time, because he has been carefully guiding many monks in the formation or refining skills, that kind of The sincere attitude was also exchanged for the extremely sincere courtesy and respect from the monks in Nankang.

If we say that in the past, they respected Guo Zhengyang because of Guo Zhengyang's status. After all, he was a master who was wooed by the two superpowers in the mainland. Let alone ordinary small and medium-sized countries, even ordinary empires could not afford to offend them. How could they possibly Disrespectful?

But in the past four or five months, almost everyone has learned a lot of novel knowledge from Guo Zhengyang. However, if there is any doubt, this Guo teacher also guides and solves doubts carefully. After a long time, Guo Zhengyang has really gained a lot of respect. and respect.

So when Guo Zhengyang realized the meaning of the sword to Xiaocheng, and even proposed to study it continuously, the contemporary king of Nankang Kingdom, as well as the elders of the Forbidden Land Qizong stationed in Nankang and Mingwu, all nodded in agreement without hesitation. They not only came here with Guo Zhengyang, but also expressed that they would take care of Guo Zhengyang outside the formation, so as not to disturb Guo Zhengyang's elegant mood by unscrupulous people.

Following the warm and respectful words, Guo Zhengyang also smiled, and then beckoned Liu Xia to start forming the formation.

At the beginning, he was really afraid that he would rely on the power of the formation to make the spirit world appear before and after people. Nankangguo and others went back on their promises and began to fight for the innate spirit treasure. But now it seems that after a few months of teaching, these people It seems that they all respect themselves from the bottom of their hearts. Maybe even if the spirit world is really exposed now, those troubles may be gone.

But even so, what should be guarded against must be guarded against.

Working together with Liu Xia, Guo Zhengyang quickly deployed a set of formations outside Wuxiadi. The formations were combined to form a group. It was originally a quiet and elegant valley, but it quickly disappeared and dissipated. What outsiders can see is a thin Thin white mist.

It wasn't until this moment that Guo Zhengyang waved out a teleportation array in Wujiandi, and brought Liu Xia back to the underground secret room.

Returning to the Huo Mansion through the teleportation array in the secret room, Guo Zhengyang also called out Hongye directly, and asked where the Lingshi Mansion was. After asking the result, he took Liu Xia to the destination, and then a while later , he frowned suddenly, a wry smile flashed in his eyes.

"This set of timing formations is so mysterious. I'm afraid we can't use such formations with our current attainments in formations?" After Guo Zhengyang waved his hand and handed Liu Xia the jade slip near Lingshi Mansion, Liu Xia also read it. After a while, she also frowned.

They knew earlier that if they wanted to dispel the power of interference to monks in the spirit world, they needed to donate a set of large formations left by the master of the Fire Mansion. Only by relying on the power of the formations could they discover the spirit world and then take away the spirit world hour.

And according to the message from the owner of the Fire Mansion in the classics, it is not necessary for a monk to have a high level of cultivation to give that set of formations. A real person or a Taoist monarch can give alms, the difference is only in efficiency.

But when they came back and took a look, the two realized that reading the time-leading array was like reading a heavenly book.

To put it simply, the two people's formation skills are still too superficial to understand at all.

Their attainments in formations are very high and profound for monks in the Lingwu mainland, and they are simply shocking, enough to cause several revolutions in the knowledge of formations in the mainland.

Even on Earth, Liu Xia now has [-] to [-]% of Mu Daojun's level in terms of formation skills.

However, if Mu Daojun's formation skills are compared with the master of Huofu?I'm afraid the difference is tens of millions of miles.

And the time-leading formation is aimed at the formation of innate spiritual treasures, which is one of the most terrifying treasures within the scope of Panxingyu, and the complexity can be imagined.

"It seems that it will take some time to study, but this period of study is worthwhile. If we can really win the spirit world and build a new Lingshi Mansion, a few days in the eyes of outsiders can be equivalent to a few years." It’s available, so it’s not a bad thing to waste more preparation time.” After pondering for a while, Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, “First, bring the time-restraining needs of the alma mater, and when we get there, we’ll study it slowly.”

One sentence set the tone, and then he started to put all the things needed by the timing formation into the storage ring, and then carried the classics of the measurement formation, and rushed to Wujian through the teleportation formation.

Wujiandi is still hidden in the large formation at this moment, Guo Zhengyang didn't greet the outsiders, and directly gathered a pile of classics with Liu Xia, and started to study the formation knowledge again.


"What did you say? That Guo Zhengyang appeared in Mingwu Kingdom?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, according to the message from the monks of Danzong, Guo Zhengyang appeared in the imperial city of Mingwu Kingdom five months ago, and then went to Nankang Kingdom's Will Sea to realize the sword intent. His own cultivation has also reached the early stage of Lingzong. He had a short-lived appearance in Haimianzong more than two years ago, and disappeared after staying for a few months. No one knew where he went. He appeared in Mingwu Kingdom about a year and a half later. , with his cultivation base at that time, he was able to travel with almost all his strength, and he was able to cross 40 million miles in one and a half years and reach Mingwu country."


When Guo Zhengyang carefully studied the formation knowledge again, in the imperial city of the Daxi Empire, in the majestic and tall Emperor’s Palace, the Xi Clan Emperor sitting on the throne quietly listened to the report of the monks below, his eyes flickered from time to time. cold mans.

Guo Zhengyang, the guy who caused a sensation in the mainland when Pu appeared two years ago, finally showed up again?

But this time, the other party appeared in Mingwu Kingdom and Nankang Kingdom?Not only is it 40 to [-] miles away from Tianhe National Football Team, but it is also millions of miles away from Daxi.

According to the calculation of Guo Zhengyang's cultivation base, in the year since he disappeared, he might have traveled with all his strength to cover a distance of 40 to [-] miles.

So, Xi Yun's death should have nothing to do with Guo Zhengyang?

No, it's not that it doesn't matter, although in the eastern part of Tianhe Kingdom, almost a dozen royal children from small and medium-sized countries were beheaded to vent their anger, even those royal children who did not die who were inextricably linked to various empires were also used by him in various ways. means to force inquiries.

But until now, he hadn't found any clue about Xi Yun's death.

Did the murderer die of serious injuries just after killing Xi Yun, or did he hide completely?He had no idea and could only guess.

But what I have to say is that if it weren't for Guo Zhengyang, Xi Yun would not have died!If that guy hadn't appeared in Qingshi City two years ago, which caused a sensation in the mainland, and no one in Pangea knew where that guy was from, and where to find him, there wouldn't be so many children from rich families who wanted to go. Tianhe Kingdom tries its luck and waits to sit on the sidelines.

And if so many children of the royal family hadn't rushed over, Xiyun wouldn't have gone to the eastern border area of ​​Tianhe Kingdom to join in the fun. If she didn't go, she wouldn't have been killed.

So after a few months, I finally heard the news from Guo Zhengyang again, even if judging from the information, that Guo Zhengyang had no direct relationship with his daughter's death.

But if it wasn't for him, how could his daughter go to Tianhe Kingdom?

"Shangque." All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and the Xi Clan Great Emperor snorted coldly, followed by a heroic man with a full body armor and stomach, and knelt down to the Xi Clan Great Emperor.

"Take a few dark capital guards, go to Mingwu country, and bring Guo Zhengyang back to me, preferably alive." The emperor of the Xi clan snorted again, his words were not too harsh, but they were full of coldness. meaning.

"Yes!" Shang Que respectfully accepted the order, and the Xi Clan Emperor narrowed his eyes again, "As expected, the news about him has already reached the ears of the forbidden land and the Qi Sect gang. If Guo Zhengyang is brought back alive, he will be killed." (To be continued.)

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