One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 340 What if I have an opinion?

(ps: On the second day of the Lunar New Year, I would like to wish you all a new year. The second day of the Lunar New Year is also a new month. I begged for a guaranteed monthly pass. The direction has been silent for so long. In fact, this month, I really have plans to make a comeback. The monthly pass, As long as there are a few more monthly tickets, we will let everyone know that this is not a lie.)

"Another three stages of transformation into gods?"

"The formation we have set up is easy to deal with in the middle stage of transformation, but if it enters four stages of transformation at a time, it may be a little troublesome, and now it seems that this is just the beginning, in case more and more people come in the future , sooner or later there will be times when you can’t hold on.”

"The key still depends on their cultivation. Although we don't have any experience in relying on formations to deal with the god-forming stage, judging from the previous situation against Yang Jiyun, these formations seem to be able to deal with three or four mid-stage gods in the Lingwu Continent. It can also be done, if the outside three are in the early and mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, they can still deal with it, but if there are the late stages of the transformation of the gods, there will be certain troubles."

"What should I do?"

"Communicate first. If you can't communicate, then don't blame me for being cruel. If they force their way into the formation like Yang Jiyun, they will kill them."


In the big formation group, Yang Jiyun was trapped to death, collapsed and angry inside. Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia naturally knew about these situations. The formation group carefully arranged by the two of them was only able to deal with one person from Lingwu Continent. It's really easy in the mid-stage of Spirit Transformation.

Yes, the power of the group is terrifying. Relying on the power of the group, it is very common for monks to fight across the ranks. It is very common for monks to fight against seven or eight monks or to deal with monks who are several levels higher than themselves.

However, the extent to which monks can fight by relying on the strength of the formation depends on the specific situation.

First, look at the sophistication of the formation, and second, look at the opponent's situation.

The sophistication of the formations Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia arranged with all their strength is self-evident, but if such formations are against the great masters of the formations on Earth, let alone dealing with the stage of transforming gods, it will be three or four late Taoist monarchs. It is estimated that even the formation masters can't trap the opponent.

Available in Lingwu Continent.With this kind of formation, it is very easy to trap a mid-stage Spirit Transformation.

The reason is that the attainments of the formations of the two sides are too different, so large that it took several generations to develop. This is an insurmountable chasm. If the earth monks enter, the attainments of Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang will be used.Although the subtleties of many places can also outperform the formation masters on Earth, the principles of the formations are basically the same.When the opponent breaks the formation, he can naturally infer based on the principle and break the formation with skills.

However, when the monks from the Lingwu Continent entered, in terms of their attainments, breaking the formation with skills is simply a fantasy. Even if they understand the principles, they are only at the initial stage. Many formation principles are wrong, so what? break?

Only by brute force! !

That's why Yang Jiyun was so miserable.

However, the power of formation has its limit.No matter how exquisite the formation is, once it exceeds that limit, it will collapse, and one force will win ten times. If the brute force entering the formation is too terrifying, even if you don't know anything about skills, you can still destroy the entire formation.

And this limit, Guo Zhengyang also roughly deduced it.For such a group of monks facing Lingwu Continent, even if there is no one to control the formation, relying on the formation method to operate on its own can easily trap a mid-stage God Transformation, but if there are two or three mid-stage Spirit Transformation, he will have to fully control the formation. Only [-]% can deal with it.

But if the one who comes in is the late stage of transforming gods.Come in at random, Guo Zhengyang is not absolutely sure that he can deal with it with all his strength in controlling the formation.

In the late stage of transformation, the cultivation base is three times that of the middle stage of transformation. With the support of a strong cultivation base, the magic weapons used to cast spells and imperial envoys are several times more powerful than those in the middle stage of transformation.

This is equivalent to a guy whose physical speed is three times that of an ordinary person.Even if one person fights against three ordinary people, he is often stronger. With three times the strength, one punch with all his strength can overturn one, and it is easy to knock three opponents to the ground.

So he suddenly discovered that there were three more cultivators at the stage of transformation outside. Guo Zhengyang was naturally under pressure when he didn't know the strength of the other party's cultivation. Forcibly breaking into the formation, the possibility of the formation being forced is very high.

However, if that's the case, Guo Zhengyang is not helpless.

If they really didn't care about Guo Zhengyang's mood at all and insisted on forcibly entering the formation, he didn't have to worry about it anymore, just kill them directly. His trump card is the demon insect!

His previous deduction was only relying on the large formation to defend against the enemy without releasing the monster worms. If the formation is matched with the power of the monster worms... if he really wants to kill, even a god-turning Dzogchen may not be able to leave.

Not to mention anything else, he has tens of thousands of Daojun late-stage Dzogchen demon worms in his hand, and there is a teleportation array here to connect to the earth, and he can go back and forth in a few minutes. Going back can bring back endless demon worms.

The stage of transformation into a god is very strong. A peak cultivation level in the early stage of transformation into a god is ten times that of the peak of the Taoist monarch. It can easily kill dozens of hundreds of peak Taoist monarchs, but tens of thousands of peak Taoist monarchs can suddenly emerge?Even if you line up and don't resist to let you kill, being tired can make you an idiot.

After thinking quickly, Guo Zhengyang stood up with a smile, and said a word, and the voice was transmitted through the group, "It turns out that it is a senior from the Dahao Empire. It is an honor for Guo to visit in person, but right now I have studied it thoroughly. At a critical juncture,..."

"Heh, I heard that Yang Jiyun of Shangyang Empire has been invited in by Brother Guo. Could it be that I, Dahao, are so far behind Shangyang?" Guo Zhengyang hadn't finished his polite words. The person's expression changed, and after Hao Ken's expression changed, he directly interrupted Guo Zhengyang's words, and spoke very bluntly.

Guo Zhengyang is silent, another hardliner?

In fact, since he appeared in the Lingwu Continent, he has always been very kind to the monks in the mainland. He went to the Sea of ​​Will to learn enlightenment in exchange for amulets. He also gave a lot of free guidance to the monks of the Forbidden Land Weapon Sect. These are all conveying goodwill, after all, he doesn't want to cause a bloodbath everywhere he goes.

But conveying goodwill does not mean that people can be bullied.

"Master Guo, we don't have any malicious intentions. We have admired Master Guo for a long time. We are lucky enough to meet here today, just to see you again." He smiled again when he heard no reply. He slowed down his tone for a while, and then said, "If Master Guo has no objection, then the old man will come in."

"What if I have an opinion?" Guo Zhengyang finally smiled and asked back with a smile.

Hao Ken laughed out loud, and the laughter became more carefree. "Master Guo was joking, Hao Ken has heard about Master Guo for a long time, and knew that you are a hospitable person..."

Amidst the loud laughter, Hao Ken took the lead to break into the formation with a wave of his hand, and entered the formation like the two behind him, all with enthusiastic laughter.

Of course, all smiles.The minds of a few people are by no means so simple.

They didn't want to completely tear themselves apart with Guo Zhengyang, after all, Guo Zhengyang was the target of the Forbidden Land Weapon Sect.Dahao is still not good enough for the Forbidden Land Artifact Sect.

But this does not prevent them from showing some toughness to Guo Zhengyang, because although Dahao is weak in front of the Forbidden Artifacts, the Forbidden Artifacts will never kill Dahao casually. Zong valued that he didn't even join those big forces, and he was not a member of those big forces. This was an opportunity.

Even if they are tougher on Guo Zhengyang now.Even if the Artifact Sect of the Forbidden Land knew about it, it would be impossible to directly launch a war to destroy Dahao. That would be nonsense. Dahao also has four spirit masters, and it is a medium-sized empire.

It's not that you can kill the weeds if you want to. At that time, the forbidden land weapon sect will at most use some oppressive methods, and they.I don't mind apologizing to the Forbidden Earth Artifact Sect afterwards, as long as they can get some precious formation knowledge from Guo Zhengyang before the people over there come, it will be worthwhile even if they offer a large number of treasures to make amends.

This is the reason why after several people came, they didn't consider whether Guo Zhengyang wanted to see them or not, but went straight to meet them.

same.Yang Jiyun, who came earlier than them, definitely had this mentality.

Even everyone understands that not only they will do this, but also some other spiritual masters who have heard the news will do the same. As long as there are more people who do this, no matter how tough they are with Guo Zhengyang at this moment, even if they steal some formations from the opponent tomorrow Forbidden inheritance, there will not be many bad consequences.

Even if he joins the forbidden area in the future.The forbidden land came forward to exert pressure, but Dahao, Shangyang and other empires added up, the forbidden land would definitely not dare to launch a war of destruction.

There are only a dozen or so forbidden places, how dare they easily launch a subversive war?

In this way, as long as they get enough benefits from Guo Zhengyang before people come from the forbidden area, it will be worthwhile to make amends no matter how much they are pressured in the future.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether Guo Zhengyang is willing or not, after all, he hasn't joined the Forbidden Land Weapon Sect yet.

If he had joined last time and worshiped under the sect of a certain Lingzun in the Forbidden Land or the Qi Sect, they would not dare to be so tough now. The Forbidden Artifact Sect was offended to death and didn't save any face for the other party. Even if the Forbidden Land Artifact Sect knew that they would pay a huge price to destroy them, it might also lead to the fall of their own spirit, but for the dignity of the super power hands-on.

But Guo Zhengyang didn't worship Qizong in the forbidden land, so he wasn't one of their people. There was room for maneuver in his face, and there were superpowers like Danzong watching out, Dahao and Shangyang combined were not muddled. of.

So whether Guo Zhengyang is willing or not, it really doesn't matter.

Especially after learning that Yang Jiyun had joined the battle for so long, Hao Ken and the others couldn't wait to get in right away.

Maybe they will join forces with the Sun Yang Empire to face the pressure from the Forbidden Land or the Qi Sect in the future, but there are benefits now, and the Sun Sun Empire can't take too much advantage.

"Yang Jiyun has been here for so long, so he must have taken a lot of advantage. No matter what method he uses after he goes in, as long as he protects this kid from death, he must take all the inheritance he got from the formation."

"The forbidden area is so far away from here. Before the forbidden area comes, there will probably be other people coming. We not only need to ensure that we get the best ones, but also pretend to protect this kid when other people come. Those who have gained too much benefit, these formations are restricted and inherited, and it is better to be in the hands of a few people than everyone knows, only a few of us know, so that I, Dahao, can be more powerful."

"Perhaps Yang Jiyun's intention is to let that boy not see us, right? He has been in for so long, I am afraid that the surname Guo will no longer be able to make decisions by himself, otherwise, with the surname Guo at the beginning of the Lingzong, he would dare to reject our three great spirit lords." ? But Yang Jiyun is too arrogant, can he face so many people behind him by himself? I just don't know what to say."


Flying into the formation in an instant, Hao Ken and the others were still exchanging their thoughts quickly, but after only one breath, the three of them were stunned. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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