One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 343 Seems Not Simple

"More than 3 demon worms... Tsk tsk, the middle stage of the Spirit Venerable is really scary, especially that Hao Ken, who killed more than 2 demon worms by himself before falling, his will of the world is not simple."

Yang Jiyun was still calling depressedly in the corner of the formation, Brother Hao, where are you? In the middle of the ground, Guo Zhengyang, beside the monster nest, was also sighing with emotion.

Although he had already made enough mental preparations, after the First World War, he was shocked again when he found that he had consumed more than 3 Taoist peak-level demon insects to kill Hao Ken and his party.

During the three stages of Hao's transformation into gods, the black-robed middle-aged man fell after killing more than 1000 demon insects.

The purple-robed youth was besieged to death after killing seven or eight thousand demon insects.

But that Emperor Dahao slaughtered more than 2 monsters before finally falling.

What is the gap?

His cultivation base was only about three times that of the black-robed middle-aged man, but the number of demon insects he killed was more than 20 times that of the opponent.

Of course, this is also related to Haoken’s will of heaven and earth. According to Guo Zhengyang’s observation, Haoken not only comprehended a will of heaven and earth, he also comprehended the will of water besides the will of ice. The addition of ice and water made Haoken’s The fighting power has also doubled, and the opponent's ice water will is probably at least at the stage of minor success. [

"What about the rest?"

Amid Guo Zhengyang's emotion, Liu Xia also took a strange look at Yang Jiyun in the formation, who was still calling Brother Hao at the moment.

Guo Zhengyang laughed dumbly, "Leave him alone, it doesn't matter if you kill the three of Hao Ken, because the three strongest members of the Hao family are all here, once they die, they will fight back with all their strength, but the Yang family has four spiritual masters, only one Yang Jiyun is here, so he is lucky. After all, we can't stay in this big formation forever, and he is in the formation alone, it has no effect on us."

Isn't that right, even if the Hao family knew about killing the three of Hao Ken, if they wanted to counterattack, they would basically be unable to organize a counterattack, but the Yang family, besides Yang Jiyun, had three other spiritual masters. In the big array.Guo Zhengyang doesn't mind playing tricks.

But they were not there, so he also had scruples.

Because no matter how many monsters he has on his body, if he encounters the stage of transformation outside the formation, it will be of little use.

Without the power of the formation to interfere with the speed of the cultivators in the stage of transformation, the demon worms couldn't get close at all.It also cannot form a real death threat to the god transformation stage.

After joking, Guo Zhengyang grabbed a jade slip again. "Let's continue. Try to give the timing array as early as possible, and there won't be so much trouble..."

There are formations protecting the outside, and a brood in the center of the formations. Once the full force erupts, Guo Zhengyang can really sit here and study the attainments of the formations with peace of mind.

When he first got the Time-Inducing Formation Book, the content on it was like reading a heavenly book.But after two months of research, he has somewhat understood some methods of timing arrays.

According to this speed, maybe in another half a year or a year, he will be able to give a chance.

certainly.If he had known that it would take so long before he could use the timing array, it would be uncertain whether Guo Zhengyang would do what he did now, but now, he can only take one step at a time.

When Guo Zhengyang and the other two picked up the formation classics to study again, calm inside and outside the formation was restored.

In the formation, the two of them were at ease. In the corners of the formation, Yang Jiyun didn't know the situation on the left and right, but he couldn't call Hao Ken and others, so he tried to attack the left and right again, but it still had no effect, so he had no choice but to give up. Sitting with a dark face, he lived the years of being trapped and imprisoned.

As for outside the formation, hundreds of monks on the hills outside the valley knew nothing about the situation inside. [

Because no matter what happened in the large formation covering thousands of square meters, in the eyes of the monks outside the formation, it was peaceful.

All Elder Lu and the others could see was a thin white mist, without any other changes.

Just because the formation here is too exquisite!

The formation inheritance from the master of the Fire Mansion is really exquisite to the extreme.

It is a very common method to create a small space with a huge array and create a marginal space. For example, when Guo Zhengyang participated in the trial of the Fire Mansion, he competed with many monks for the inheritance of the Fire Mansion. , the Jubaoya he met had a total of dozens of steps, and each step seemed to be one meter wide and tens of meters long, but when the monk really walked over and stood on the steps, the short one-meter-wide path However, it contained a profound mystery. Guo Zhengyang flew away for several hours with all his strength, but he was still wandering in the marginal space, and he couldn't take that step unless he found a way.

That is the shape restriction, which can create a small space within a square inch, and the large formations shrouded in the middle ground in front of you are all shape restriction.

Not to mention the thousands of square meters here, even if it is only a few hundred square meters, Guo Zhengyang can deploy a formation in one step, complement each other, and create tens of hundreds of treasure formations in a narrow space.

Moreover, the monks who forcibly entered the formation, no matter how they moved inside or how they used brute force to attack and kill them, would still remain in their original state in the eyes of outsiders, without any change.

Just like the Jubaoya that Guo Zhengyang met in the real-world test field back then, there are so many formation-breaking monks, no matter on each step, they encounter all kinds of space and fly back and forth in it, or encounter various attacking formations and defend inside. Even if the magic weapon breaks through the array, the monks who fall into Jubaoya will only see them simply standing there, not moving at all.

So after Yang Jiyun entered the formation, he was trapped for a few days and tried several methods to break the formation, but no one outside knew about it.

Even though Hao's party had already encountered a tragic life-and-death struggle here, and finally killed more than 3 monsters comparable to the peak of the Taoist Lord, and even caused the fall of the three great spirits, the large formation remained motionless, without any change in appearance.

"Hey, Dahao and Shangyang are too close to here, but my forbidden headquarters is so far away. If it is closer, my forbidden headquarters will send a seventh-rank elder over here, and the situation will never develop to this point."

"That's right, they must have kidnapped Master Guo and the four Spiritual Venerables. These few are too humble."


The elder Lu outside the formation did not know the situation at all, and could only think that Hao Ken and the others had already broken through the formation and penetrated into the ground, capturing Guo Zhengyang's inheritance of the formation that was forcing the other party.

But even if they feel depressed and annoyed, they can only sulk at the moment, because it is Lingzun after all.They resisted.

This situation lasted for about three days, before it was suddenly broken by another burst of laughter.

"Where is Master Guo, Shi Qingyi from the Black Stone Kingdom is visiting."

Accompanied by a big laugh, two more figures appeared above the ground, but they were two black-haired and purple-skinned monks, a man and a woman, about 1.7 meters tall, the man had entered middle age, but still Handsome and flying, the female cultivator has a face of 40 to [-] years old.Enchanting and moving.

Amidst the laughter, there was another commotion on the left and right mountain tops. The Blackstone Kingdom, that is the southern empire of the mainland, is located in the west of the middle ground.It is farther away than Shangyang Empire and Dahao, but it is also much closer than Daxi and the Forbidden Headquarters.

Here comes the Spirit Venerable Powerhouse again.Elder Lu and the others felt helpless.But there was silence in the big formation, and no one answered immediately.

Faced with this situation, Shi Qingyi didn't force his way into the formation like Yang Jiyun and Hao Ken before, but just waited quietly with a smile on his face. After waiting for a while, Shi Qingyi's expression suddenly changed.Become a little disappointed and unwilling.

But afterward, he still smiled naively, "It seems that Master Guo is currently practicing, so Shi will wait for Master Guo to have some free time before talking about it."

After laughing.He landed on a nearby mountain with the enchanting female cultivator, and sat down cross-legged.

"Husband, don't we go in?"

"It's late, it's still too late. Before us, there were a total of four spirit venerables from the Shangyang Empire, Yang Jiyun and Dahao's Haoken. The current Guo Zhengyang may have been held hostage by those two guys. They can't be the master at all. If the two forces add up, even if the forbidden land is angry afterwards, as long as they are willing to bow their heads, the forbidden land will have nothing to do with them. So now, maybe the formation here is presided over by a few spirit venerables. People reply, that is to say, we are not welcome, there are only two of us, and it will be bad luck if we go in. Wait a minute and see who comes next. If monks from the Daxi Empire or the Canghai Empire come, we will join hands to fight , if it is someone from the Forbidden Land Artifact Sect... I am afraid I can only miss the opportunity."

Following the words of the enchanting female cultivator beside him, Shi Qingyi gave a wry smile. Although there was still reluctance in his eyes, after carefully weighing his strength, he could only recognize it with his nose.

Who made them late! !

Jiandi is located in the southeast of the mainland. The nearest empires are Dahao in the east, Sunyang in the southwest, and the Blackstone Empire in the west. The northwest leads to the Central Continent, where there are Daxi, the headquarters of the Forbidden Land, etc. .

At the southeastern end is the Canghai Empire that dominates the southeastern part of the mainland.

After the news of Guo Zhengyang's appearance here spread, the people who came here at the first time probably had the same thoughts. Shi Qingyi really didn't think that the two of them had the strength to break through.

"These two newcomers, are they still polite?"

When Shi Qingyi and the other two descended from the top of one side of the mountain, in the large formation, Liu Xia opened his mouth and looked at Guo Zhengyang in surprise. The monk who broke through the formation.

Even Guo Zhengyang put down the jade slips in his hand, looked through the crowd at Shi Qingyi and Shi Qingyi who were sitting on a mountain top on the right, and thought flashed in his eyes.

But before Guo Zhengyang could say anything, his and Liu Xia's expressions changed at the same time, and they suddenly stood up from the ground.

"Someone broke into the formation!"

"Is it with the Blackstone Empire? Or something else?"


When the two looked at the group, they were soon startled again.

"Where is that guy?"

"Obviously in the formation, his appearance also stimulated the operation of the formation, but he couldn't see it?"


"Huh? The formations here don't seem to be simple." At the same time, in the vast fog inside the large formations, there was a void where there was no trace at all, and the hidden figure frowned in surprise.

He also knew that before him, monks from the two empires had come in ahead of time, and Guo Zhengyang should have fallen into the hands of those monks, but he majored in the will of the shadows, the power of will was great, and his cultivation had reached the peak of the mid-term of the Spirit Venerable. He is good at concealing and assassinating, and if he is unprepared, even the Lingzun will suffer a big loss in his hands in the later stage.

That's why he dared to break into the formation without hesitation. If he found an opportunity, he would loot Guo Zhengyang, and if the opportunity was not great, he would raid and kill him.

But after he really entered the formation quietly, he discovered that the formation here seems to be very complicated. (to be continued...)

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