One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 348 Withstood the Test

(ps: The second update is here today, please ask for a monthly ticket!! We are still seven or eight votes away from being in the top [-] of the general list, just a little short, please help!)

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, this is an unbreakable truth, not only applicable on Earth, but also in Lingwu Continent.

Although Ying Wuhen and the others had heard from Guo Zhengyang that he had killed several spiritual masters with the power of the formation, and there were also many monks who saw Haoken and others enter the formation with their own eyes, and even Yang Jiyun. The Spiritual Venerable showed up to prove how terrifying those formations were, and it was easy to trap a Spiritual Venerable.

But after all, that was what other people said, and Ying Wuhen had never seen those scenes with his own eyes, and absolutely no one saw the scene of killing Lingzun by groups of people with his own eyes.

So no matter how reasonable the sum of all the parties said, everyone still felt a little unbelievable that Guo Zhengyang, a spiritual sect, had killed a spiritual master with the power of formation in the early days.

After all, the meaning of that representation is too exaggerated, isn't it!

The exaggeration has gone beyond the common sense of mainland monks, so until now, many people still have a skeptical attitude, thinking that Guo Zhengyang did not kill Hao Ken and others...

But at this moment, these suspicions and doubts seemed to be smashed to pieces! !

Everyone has seen that the Great Emperor of the Xi Clan, who was in a rage, slashed down with an infinite sword intent, but was easily bounced back by the group.

And under such a knife, the entire large formation only trembled slightly, as if it was not damaged at all?What kind of formation power is this?

Some spiritual masters who are not weak can easily feel Xituo's knife just now. Although it may not be Xituo's full blow, it is at least [-]% stronger than the opponent.This knife was even more terrifying than the knife he cut at Ying Wuhen just now.

After all, although Xi Tuo came here just now with a lot of anger, Ying Wuhen was sitting with the spiritual lords of the empires such as Heishi, Canghai, and Dayi. It was shrouded in, so the power of the knife just now was not very strong, at least a certain spiritual master who was born in the Great Yi could feel it in the later stage, and the great emperor of the Yidaoxi tribe had released at most [-] to [-]% of his strength.

But the knife that slashed at the group must have at least six to seven points of his strength, right?

Is that how it got canceled?

With such a knife, if the Lingzun confronted in the early stage, he would be killed immediately, and if the Lingzun faced up in the middle stage, he would also be injured.

But it was easily dismantled and bounced away?

Such a scene can only be described as horror!

"Who is inside? Besides Guo Zhengyang, who else is inside?"

Ying Wuhen and the others were so startled that their eyelids twitched, even if Xituo was also standing with his sword at the moment, looking at the formation with a gloomy face, he really couldn't believe that Guo Zhengyang was the only one in the formation.

Although the slash to the group was indeed only six or seven percent of his strength, it was a horrific enough slash, and it was so easily received that it even caused him to be shocked, and his blood was a little tumbling. He really couldn't believe it was just a spirit Zong can do it in the early days.

Even though this Lingzong was very good at formations in the early days, and even his fame spread far and wide across the mainland because of his attainments in formations, even the great emperors would have their hearts beat faster when they heard it, and at this moment the opponent was also defending with the help of formations, but he still didn't believe it. Can take his knife.

But after asking, there was no response from the formation, and the entire formation was still calm,...

"No matter who is in there, if they dare to kill my Spirit Master Xi, they will pay with their lives!!"

Hearing no response, Xi Tuo shouted angrily again, his cold eyes swept across Ying Wuhen's body before falling on the group, and then he raised his hand and slashed again.


This time, there was no saber energy spilling out of the knife this time. What was there was just a sharply enlarged blade that fell down with a bang.

When the blade tore through the sky, hundreds of monks on the left and right suddenly closed their eyes, and their expressions changed to only trembling and panic. The only ones present who were not affected were Ying Wuhen and the spiritual master who was born in Dayi later stage.

This knife didn't seem to overflow with knife energy. Speaking of power, it couldn't compare with the previous two. It was cut down with a big knife hundreds of meters long, but in fact, everyone knew that this was Xituo's full blow!


Slashing the formation with a knife, the fog layer around the large formation below also trembled suddenly, and the fog layer near the blade body suddenly sags downward, several meters deep, and there are circles of violent ripples and fluctuations Diffusion outward.

But in the blink of an eye, the long knife that was cut in the fog layer bounced out again. The moment it came out, the blade shrank rapidly, and then retracted to a length of more than one meter. , but trembled slightly.

And the fog layer below also quickly returned to calm within a few breaths.

The scene was once again dead silent. Looking at the group below which was exactly the same as a moment ago, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"I believe it now, Guo Xiaoyou does have the strength to kill Lingzun with this group of people!"

"Such a large formation is simply beyond imagination. I am afraid that if my forbidden land develops for a thousand years, it will be difficult to match such an exquisite large formation."


In the late stage, Lingzun strikes with all his strength!

If he cut the mid-stage Spirit Venerable head-on, he might be able to wipe out [-]% of the mid-stage Spirit Venerable, but such a terrifying knife was still so easily taken down?

This is Guo Zhengyang relying on the power of the formation, followed by a blow equivalent to thousands of times his own mighty power!

The formation of Lingwu Continent can only allow monks to exert a few dozen times the power at most, that is a gap of more than a hundred times! !


"what happened?"

"These dispersed sword intents, don't rush to let the monsters swallow them, these sword intents are good things."


Outside the group, a group of spiritual masters felt that their brains and thinking had been severely challenged again and again, while inside the group, the physical control method and the monster insects complemented each other, and the two who received Xituo's two blows were another scene.

It was Liu Xia who spoke suddenly, and dashed into the formation overjoyed.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment.

"Do you want to comprehend these scattered sword intentions?"

"I just got a superficial understanding of Dao Yi, and then I want Dao Yi to achieve Xiaocheng. There is still a long, long way to go. If there is no monk who is good at Dao Yi, even if I have been soaking in the sea of ​​​​will, I still have to think about that step." It took a long time, but now, this Xituo has helped me a lot, he is in the stage of transforming into a god with great saber intent, comprehending his saber intent is of great help to the outside world."


Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia have repeatedly readjusted the outer formations to continuously enhance the endurance of the outer formations.

Someone is attacking the formation outside, and the huge force emitted by one blow will be dispersed by the infinite power of space and water first, just like a knife, trembling with the formation, the attack that was originally condensed at one point will be It was instantly divided by the power of space, divided into hundreds, and transferred to hundreds of surrounding formations.

After these attacks are divided, each dispersed group will release the power of infinite water again, and once the ripples shake, a hundred percent of the condensed power will be distributed.

One split transfer, one apportionment.

Originally condensed into 1000, attacking a little power, it will be divided into 100 10s, all-round attack in hundreds of formations, these 100 10s will be dispersed by the constant trembling of the power of water, and finally turned into 1000 1s , sprinkled in all directions.

And some of the spilled water will be twisted into its own power and counterattacked by the power of water in the tremors and dispersion.

And in the process of counterattack, they converged again, forming a considerable shock.

The rest is for the demon worms to come forward and devour them with the power of the group.

This is a long-established plan.

And after Xituo's two blows just now, the group seemed to have withstood the test.

Just now, Xituo's full blow was first divided and dispersed, and then regrouped to counterattack. [-]% of the force was fed back to Xituo, and the remaining [-]% was divided into countless fragments and was being eaten by demon insects. It was almost eaten away.

Even in this process, tens of thousands of demon worms were killed by the shock, but those low-level demon worms need not be a pity at all. After dozens of breaths, the brood can spit out tens of thousands of real-level demon worms again.

But Guo Zhengyang did not expect that Liu Xia would attack those sword intents that had been divided into pieces.

Use these sword intents to comprehend?

This may seem absurd at first glance, but it is a good idea when you think about it carefully. After all, what Liu Xia understands is also the sword intent, but the development of the will of heaven and earth is really not an easy task.

At the beginning, Liu Xia comprehended the fur of the sword intent for more than a month, and then comprehended it in the sea of ​​will for two or three months, but her progress in the sword intent was still not great, and she was still far away from the threshold before Xiaocheng.

After all, she is not like Guo Zhengyang, who has a strange painting embroidered with the inheritance of sword intent in her hand. She can constantly observe and comprehend from the sword intent of the predecessors, and there are other monks who have achieved sword intent to discuss and confirm with him.

Under normal circumstances, after you have comprehended a certain superficial will, it is much more difficult to improve this superficial will to the threshold before Xiaocheng than comprehend the superficial will. .

Now that there is a cultivator at the stage of transformation of the sword with great sword intent, who applies his own willpower to attack them, and the opponent's attack and kill is scattered into countless pieces, as long as Liu Xia can grasp one of them and comprehend it, it will be a good idea for him. She was definitely a great help.

But why does Guo Zhengyang still feel a little weird?Outside was their archenemy, and they were going all out to kill the two of them, but Liu Xia actually used the other party's attacking methods to help him kill? ?

Speechless, Guo Zhengyang just watched Liu Xiadun before the last fragment, and then with the help of the formation, he scattered the sword fragments into hundreds of pieces, and all the others were strangled by the formation, leaving only the last fragment. One copy is gathered in front of the body with magic techniques, exuding spiritual knowledge to observe.

The corners of Guo Zhengyang's mouth twitched as he watched this scene again.

But soon he couldn't care about these, because outside the formation, there was another sharper and restrained slash than before.

Guo Zhengyang hurriedly restrained his mind, and once again operated a large formation to divide and disperse, and counterattacked in a circle,...

After one or two breaths, the newly cut knife was scattered into pieces again.

"This big formation can still stand the test!" After three times, Guo Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, convinced that the formation formed by him and Liu Xia's several adjustments can stand the test! (To be continued.)

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