(ps: The second update arrives, continue to ask for monthly tickets!)

"There are a lot of transformation stages out there, if they join forces to break the formation, it's impossible for our formation to stop it?"

Outside the group, following the arrival of Danzong, Qizong and many other strong men, they were temporarily caught in a tug-of-war, while inside the group, looking at the scene outside, Liu Xia also exclaimed, and his eyes flashed uncontrollably. Less doubts. .

No, right now there are quite a lot of God Transformation Stages outside the formation, one in the Forbidden Land, three in the Pill Sect, two in the Qi Sect, three in the Daxi Empire, two in the Yue Empire, and one in the Dayi Empire. In addition, there are two people from the Blackstone Empire, three people from the Canghai Empire, and one person from the Sunny Empire.

This is a group of [-] monks at the transformation stage!

If this kind of force joins forces to attack the formation, the formation will absolutely be unstoppable!

In fact, not to mention the fact that the [-] other God Transformation Stages joined forces, as long as Danzong Sanhua God and Daxi Sanhua God work together, it is very likely to break the group in front of them.

"It's okay, we are invincible from the sky, so we don't have to be afraid of them at all. If we really want to join forces to attack, we will leave directly through the teleportation array, and then destroy the other end of the teleportation array set up underground, and they will have nowhere to look. Besides, I think Forbidden Land and Qi Sect should not join forces with Xi Tuo and others."

Following Liu Xia's exclamation, Guo Zhengyang smiled, didn't he? Although there are 18 stages of transformation outside, and up to now he is not sure which side the Forbidden Land Qizong with whom he has a better relationship will stand, but Even if the 18 people outside join forces, it is impossible to threaten the lives of Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia.

With the teleportation array around, they can retreat for a while at most, and they will make a comeback soon. After all, the brood is already able to breed the monster insects in the early stage of incarnation. You can bring back dozens of demon worms at the transformation stage...

So Guo Zhengyang is really not worried, he is still studying the classics of the formation with the presence of the old god.

As soon as possible to improve his attainments in formation techniques to a higher level, he will be more confident when he can find out the spirit world.

Moreover, Guo Zhengyang estimated that, given his relationship with the Forbidden Land and the Qi Sect, the possibility of joining forces with Dan Sect and the others was not great.

This is indeed the case. After Guo Zhengyang continued to study the formation books, a few days passed in a flash, and when the fourth demon worms at the early stage of transformation were bred, the group of strong people at the stage of transformation outside was still the same as before. Team up to break the formation.

Time flickered again for another day, and the fifth demon worm in the early stage of transformation came out, and the outside was still dull.

However, by this time, the situation outside was somewhat different from that of more than ten days ago.

The 18 Spirit Transformation Stages who were originally scattered widely were divided into three waves at this moment.

Five people from Forbidden Land, Qizong, Shangyang Empire, and Dayi Empire occupy one place, and ten people from Danzong, Daxi, Weiyue, and Heishi occupy one side.

In the end, only the three spiritual masters of the Canghai Empire lived alone.

After such a situation fell into the eyes of Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia, although they had no contact with the outside world, they could roughly see what was going on.

"Outside..., Xituo's group of ten god transformation stage all want to kill us, right? The five in the forbidden area are for help? In the end, they are still sitting on the wall after crossing the sea, hesitating?"

"It's probably like this. The ten transformation stages, the two of us are really well treated."


Following Liu Xia's words, Guo Zhengyang smiled dumbly. Now it seems that the people who want to kill him are far more than on his side?

However, he still had no fear or dread. He just continued to grab the classics of the formation and started to study it. It has been more than a month since the first demon worm in the transformation stage appeared, and his formation skills have undoubtedly improved a little bit.

Even when I go to observe the classics of Yinshizhen until now, there are still many places I don't know much about, but this progress is not small.

But at this moment, a clear and bright laugh came out suddenly, "Brother Cang, what are you still hesitating about? As long as Brother Cang is willing to join hands with us, Guo Zhengyang can be killed here. At that time, the mainland can Returning to the previous pattern, is Brother Cang really willing to not have the slightest say in front of the Forbidden Land and Qizong in the future? They put on a face, and Brother Cang and others will be trembling? For fear of being destroyed?"

Laughter came into the formation, and when Guo Zhengyang suddenly looked up, he realized that it was Xi Tuo who spoke.

And the other party's words also made the three monks of the neutral party's three transformation gods frown.

"Brother Cang, on our side, brother Xituo is a late-stage Lingzun, the old man is also a late-stage Lingzun, and the two Yue brothers are also late-stage Lingzun, which is enough to hold Ying Wuhen and others to death. As long as Brother Cang is willing to join On our side, little thief Guo will definitely die." Following Xi Tuo's words, Qing Yangfeng, who was born in the Pill Sect, also said with a smile.

On the other hand, Ying Wuhen didn't speak, but just looked at the three monks of Canghai Kingdom with a smile.

In the current situation, after more than ten days of wooing, the monks outside have basically chosen a camp.

And the strength gap between the two sides is not very big.

Although there are only five people on Ying Wuhen's side, four of the five are late-stage Lingzun, and only Yang Jiyun of the Shangyang Empire is in the middle-stage Lingzun. Qing Yangfeng and the two princes of the Weiyue Empire are in the late stage of Lingzun, and the remaining six are all in the middle stage.

Under normal circumstances, in the late stage of a spiritual master, the combat power may be stronger than that of the three spiritual masters in the middle stage, so the difference between the two sides is really not that big.

Therefore, there is not a big difference in strength between the two groups of great monks with completely different purposes. Of course, this also depends on the choice of the three monks of the Canghai Kingdom.

If you join the Daxi side, that side will almost have a crushing attitude.

And if he joins the Forbidden Land Artifact Sect's side, it will be evenly matched.

Excluding the eighteen spiritual venerables, the others, such as the elder Lu who was stationed in the forbidden area of ​​Mingwu country, or the royal family Lingzong of Nankang country, had already disappeared without a trace.

At this time, apart from Wujiandi, there is no one else except the 18 Lingzun.

Under the co-option of Xi Tuo and Qing Yangfeng, the three great spiritual masters of the Canghai Kingdom still showed a hesitant posture, and after a while, the purple-haired old man in the head suddenly bowed his hands to the left and right, "We Canghai The original intention of the empire was to meet Guo Shi, since Guo Shi has been in the formation and has no time to see each other, let's let it go."

After finishing speaking, the purple-haired old man waved his hands, and the man and woman following behind him immediately understood, and the three of them fled backward with their bodies behind their backs.

The final decision was to leave directly, neither to help each other, nor to make things difficult for anyone.

But after thinking about it, such a decision is not too surprising, because this is a very difficult choice. First of all, if they stand on the side of the forbidden area, they may get some benefits, but the benefits they get are definitely not as great as the forbidden area. , after the temporary honeymoon period, when the forbidden land relies on Guo Zhengyang's formation to dominate the world, Canghai Kingdom must always choose to listen to the forbidden land in the future, and dare not violate it in the slightest...

This is absolutely undesirable for an empire that originally dominated the southeast of the mainland.

But if it is Danzong's side?

It's okay to be able to kill Guo Zhengyang, but it's a life-and-death crisis if he can't.Since the choice is difficult, it is better to retreat directly. The three monks of the Canghai Kingdom do not know what the considerations of the other strong men who made the choice are, but their Canghai Empire is located at the most border of the mainland, and it is not easy to interact with all parties. If there are too many, it is better to return directly.

As soon as the few people retreated, some people laughed and some were anxious.

The one who laughed was naturally Ying Wuhen's side, because if the combat power of the Canghai Kingdom was not counted, they were not much different from Xituo and others, which was enough to guarantee Guo Zhengyang's safety.

The three people from Canghai Kingdom chose to retreat, which was actually a little like choosing to help them.

But Xi Tuo and the others were in a hurry. Once they left, it would be impossible for Xi Tuo and the others to join forces to kill Guo Zhengyang.

"Brother Cang, listen to me again." Seeing the three retreat hundreds of meters, Xi Tuo suddenly transmitted the sound again.

When the three monks who were retreating stopped to look around, Xi Tuo quickly transmitted the voice again, "Brother Cang, what kind of treasure do you think is here in Wujian that makes this place look so wonderful?"


The monk surnamed Cang was taken aback for a moment, and then gasped in his heart.

"The treasures in this place are definitely treasures that can control time! Although countless monks from the entire continent came here before, no one was able to find treasures from this place, but Guo Zhengyang probably has that strength! His formation is so terrifying. In the early days of Zong, he was able to kill Lingzun by relying on the formation technique, so if he relies on the formation technique to study the ground, it is estimated that there is a great possibility to find the treasure that can control time!"

"The treasure that controls time? If it can affect Shouyuan, Brother Cang doesn't want to live forever? In other words, even if it can't control Shouyuan, it can only be used to stimulate the growth of spiritual plants, and it is enough for us to harvest large quantities The most coveted treasure in the past, as long as Brother Cang joins, we can make an oath to share this treasure with each other!"


In Xi Tuo's heart, the treasure here in Wujiandi is a big killer enough to shake the neutral faction. However, he did not throw out this condition in the previous wooing. Juda persuaded him for a reason, and this reason alone has attracted many supporters.

After all, those present are all rulers, and how many of them would wish to fall from the altar and ride on their heads with a powerful force that can kill them?Based on this alone, he and Dan Zongqing Yangfeng have won over the Yue Empire and the Black Stone Empire.

As for the treasure of Infernal Land, he negotiated privately with Danzong and the Weiyue Empire to share it among the three parties.

There is no part of Black Stone at all...

After all, it is a good thing that such a treasure can be shared with one less person. He will only throw out this killer weapon when there is no other way, and now, he can't do it if he doesn't say it.

Following his words, the monk surnamed Cang's eyes flashed, and the pace of leaving also stopped completely. (To be continued.)

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