One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 36 Just Accidents

(ps: I woke up late, so the update is late, sorry, the first update has been delivered, please recommend tickets, please collect!!)

"Why are you here? Still smoking? When did you learn it?!" The footsteps were getting closer, and when they reached two steps behind Guo Zhengyang, the forcibly suppressed low reprimand suddenly rose again.

Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly all over his face, lowered his head and said nothing.

Yeah, what can he say now?

Although skipping classes and smoking are nothing to him at all, but this should be something his father doesn't want to see, but it all falls into the eyes of the other party. Disappointment and anger seem to be understandable, Although he really didn't want to see such a scene happen, he had no choice but to face what had happened.

However, the depression in his heart is really serious. Although this area is the center of the county, his father should not appear here. There is still some distance from the county party committee office compound or the family courtyard. He also vaguely remembered that this road went west all the way out of the city.

But father's car passed by here at this time, is there anything more unlucky than this?

"Are you dumb?"

Guo Zhengyang didn't say a word, and even stood there without moving. This behavior made the people behind him even more angry, and once again reprimanded him with a sullen face.And this also made Guo Zhengyang smile wryly again and again. Of course he is not dumb, but at this moment he really doesn't know what to say.

Therefore, even though he felt a little distressed because of the angry words behind him, he just kept silent.

"You..." Behind him, he was inflated by such silent and provocative anger, and said the word you, full of anger, even if Guo Zhengyang didn't turn his head, he could feel his father's arm suddenly raised following the word He pointed it over, but after the word you, the person behind him suddenly froze again.

After a few breaths of stagnation, the arm pointing at him drooped down again, and his anger turned into disappointment, "Go back to school!"

This scolding, the voice turned from high to low, the loss in the words was like the loneliness when the dream was completely shattered, driving his own words and deeds to become weak.

In one sentence, Guo Zhengyang's heart twitched.

It hurts.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. This sentence has a long history. In the last life, he had waited until his father really left before he gradually understood the meaning of these words, but by the time he understood, it was too late to regret.

But he really didn't expect that after being reborn, the first meeting with his father would be like this.

If it was just a simple truancy and smoking, it might not be enough to make his father so disappointed, but the crux of the problem is that Guo Zhengyang was already full of bad things in his father's mind during this period.

There are already too many stains. The last time we met before school, the annoyed father slapped him several times in front of many people. Maybe he thought it would wake him up, but this meeting gave him a dream. Broken traces?

Guo Zhengyang actually wanted to say something, and wanted to turn around and tell the people behind him that he had really changed, and the change was very thorough, in order to live up to his expectations and not to disappoint him so much, but those words In such a situation, how to narrate?Could it be that it was just an accident to turn around and tell him that he was standing blindly smoking a cigarette on the street away from the campus during school hours?

Although the facts are true, Guo Zhengyang himself doesn't think these words are convincing.If these words were really said, the people behind him would probably only think that this was his ridiculous and childish sophistry, which would only make him more angry.

So even though he was distressed, Guo Zhengyang still didn't say a word.

"Hurry up and go back to school, I don't care about you anymore, you can mess around as you like in high school, and you can mess around as you like in the future..." The father's voice sounded again, but the voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, even more so. Turn around and leave while talking.It wasn't until Guo Zhengyang heard the sound of the car door slam shut not far away that he finally turned around and looked at the car going west along the road, and the wry smile in his eyes was getting bigger and bigger as it went further and further away.

He can mess up whatever he wants, is it because his father has been disappointed in him to the point of despair?

The scene where his father was so disappointed with him in the last life did not appear now, because at this time in the last life, he had never met his father on campus.

After the incident in the hospital, he didn't go home for a long time, but he basically didn't give his father any blows.

It's all right now, although he has been working hard and struggling since his rebirth, but he never expected that the bad side would show up in front of him.

But this was really just an accident.

After staring at the car going away for a few times, Guo Zhengyang turned around and left. He didn't really want to leave, but he was afraid that his father would look back in the car, so he put on a show.

Just like this, he walked for a while, and when he looked back occasionally and saw that his father's car had completely moved away, Guo Zhengyang stopped, and stood on the street again, his body relaxed, and he stood still, a trace of unconcealable embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

What happened today was indeed unexpected, but Guo Zhengyang, who was in a state of embarrassment, suddenly flashed a gleam of rejoicing, yes, fortunately, his father was driving by when he was standing at the entrance of the wholesale supermarket, if he had just walked out of the bathing center Passing by in a car from time to time, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

What happened today really made him vomit blood depressedly. That pervert who soaked in the bathing center really made him miserable, and that pervert hasn't come out until now!

Standing on the street and waiting for about half an hour, Guo Zhengyang who was waiting was getting more and more depressed, then he turned around suddenly, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, and the pervert finally came out.

Although he was already 200 meters away from the bathing center, he could feel the object in his mind moving closer and closer to him.

After a while, when Guo Zhengyang saw an Audi whizzing past the street beside him, a trace of surprise flashed in Guo Zhengyang's eyes. He really didn't expect that pervert to be quite rich, and he drove an Audi A8.

And he found out that the license plate of this Audi turned out to be from a foreign place, not from Mingchuan City.

"Outsiders passing by here?" A flash of astonishment flashed through his mind, and Guo Zhengyang immediately chased after him, yes, Yi Nian never said that he could only plunder the secrets of the locals, didn't he?

Because the Audi was driving along the street to the bustling area, Guo Zhengyang didn't walk very fast even if he was just walking. I am afraid that the target will be lost, I am afraid that I am too far away, and when the other party really meets my opportunity, I just miss that scene, otherwise he will not follow so close, 200 meters, with his eyesight , It is also enough to see clearly the situation of the car in front.

Just followed the car around the county town for a few laps, and when the car stopped outside a residential area, the person in the car also made a phone call, and after a while, when someone from the community also came out to greet them, the two sides exchanged a little chat.

Guo Zhengyang, who was not far from across the road, was stunned for a moment.

"Teacher? This pervert is actually a teacher? How come... It's not that a teacher can't go to that kind of place, but a teacher who drives an Audi?" In astonishment, Guo Zhengyang glanced at the opposite side, and a strange look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At the gate of the opposite community, a mother and daughter came out from the community to greet the pervert. Even though the distance was not too close, Guo Zhengyang could clearly see that the mother and daughter were all beauties. The beauty of the country and the like, but they are all very real and eye-catching beauties.

My mother looks like she is in her early thirties, dressed in elegant and fashionable clothes, exuding a strong sense of maturity and sensuality all over her body, with a pretty face under light makeup, who is ready to move with every frown and smile, this is a standard lordosis The upturned, plump figure trembled and swelled against the spring slim-fitting clothes, the mature allure almost tore the heart of any normal man, and the little girl looked about thirteen or fourteen years old. Powder carved jade, pure and lovely.

The pervert also behaved elegantly and decently when facing the mother and daughter. Although he was not handsome, but with his correct facial features and the background of his clothes and glasses, no matter how he looked at him, he was still a very attractive mature man. .

In the mouths of the mother and daughter, they called the pervert Teacher He. ;

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