One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 362 Brilliant Victory

"Let's go down first and find a place to heal our wounds.." Killing 16 pursuers with one blow, Guo Zhengyang beckoned to Elder Lu and others in the extreme horror of Elder Lu and others.

This sentence also received a very positive response, and when everyone escaped to the sky, Elder Lu and the others each took out the elixir and swallowed it.

Among them, the two most seriously injured could not recover in a short while, but Elder Lu, who was less injured, just swallowed the elixir and recuperated for a few minutes, and his face gradually returned to rosy.

"Master Guo, it's great to find you." Suppressing his injuries, Elder Lu looked excitedly at Guo Zhengyang again, "After Elder Ying and others retreated, we felt that Master Guo might not fall into the hands of Xituo's gang In the past six months, we have been looking for..."

Isn't that right? While preparing for a super war from the headquarters of the Forbidden Land more than half a year ago, there were also orders to search for Guo Zhengyang at all costs. If it weren't for those orders, Elder Lu and others would not have just hid near Mingwu Kingdom, but had already Completely evacuated.

After all, Xituo and the others were still in Wujian at that time.

There are so many alchemy sects and other spiritual masters, but there are no spiritual masters from the Forbidden Land Weapon Sect nearby. If there is only an order to prepare for war, then the surrounding area will definitely be the result of everyone's evacuation.

However, in the headquarters of the Forbidden Area, both the Lord of the Forbidden Area and Elder Ying felt that Guo Zhengyang might not be dead just like that, so he gave this generation of monks an order to search for Guo Zhengyang at all costs, and recorded the elders and other branch offices. The deacon led many monks to hide, first to avoid the limelight, and then to search secretly.

And although Elder Lu said these words at the moment, he was expressing his excitement and surprise, but Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly after hearing this, "How many people have our branch lost recently?"

"Hehe, that's not much." Elder Lu was stunned, and then smiled lightly, "Compared with Danzong and Daxi, our loss is nothing but a drop in the bucket."

"When the headquarters decided to launch a war, it had already begun to transfer the main masters or descendants of the royal family in Qizong and Dayi to the headquarters, and our headquarters has a large group of guardians built by generations of great monks. Don’t be afraid of sneak attack, if they really want to sneak attack, they are courting their own death, so only Danzong and Daxi will suffer from the headquarters generation.”

"In that battle, tens of thousands of alchemy masters of the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks of the Danzong died, which was almost half of the fighting power of the Danzong, and Daxi was not much better. The entire royal family of the Xi clan was almost uprooted. That's right, the ancestor of the late Lingzun escaped. In the current Daxi Empire, there are probably only four Lingzuns left in town, and the Xi family below the Lingzun, more than [-]% of them died..."

"As for our forbidden area and Qizong, that is, each branch has some damage, the overall strength has hardly been affected."


In the past, Guo Zhengyang heard about this super war from the hearsay of ordinary monks, so he didn't know the details. He only knew that five spiritual masters died on the Danzong side, and countless low-level monks were killed or injured.

Now listening to the Elder in detail, I understand the matter in more detail.

With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, the Forbidden Land, Qi Sect, and Dayi Zhen had a huge upper hand, which can be called a brilliant victory.

The main reason is that the forbidden area is the force that is best at formations, and the various formations in the headquarters are prohibited and corrected. Although those formations cannot compare with the formations arranged by Guo Zhengyang, they are also enough for monks such as Shangdanzong Daxi. They were so afraid that they did not dare to force their way in. When they launched a war, batches of Qizong and Dayi's main leaders began to rush to the headquarters of the forbidden area. There were countless large groups of guards, and Qizong and Dayi would abandon it. worries.

Therefore, in the Central Continent, only the Forbidden Land Qizong and others teamed up to attack and fight in Danzong and other places. On the other hand, no matter how heavy the casualties were, if the big monks in the Forbidden Land did not go out to fight, then they would not dare to fight.

Controlling the absolute initiative, the outbreak of fighting is just raging in the opponent's territory. The result of such a war can be imagined.

And this time, it really beat Danzong and Daxi to a pulp!

Of course, before the start of this super war, Xi Tuo and others who stayed in Wujian to search for Guo Zhengyang's whereabouts did not think that Ying Wuhen would send back the story of Wujian after returning to the Central Continent, which would make the Forbidden Qizong headquarters Outraged, as long as they are not pig-headed, they will definitely think of this.

However, the few people over there thought of it a little later...

Because after Ying Wuhen and others escaped, they all rushed on the road at the fastest speed, and Xituo broke through the formation, but failed to find Guo Zhengyang at the first time. The surname is too big, so at the beginning, Xi Tuo and the others really only thought about finding Guo Zhengyang even if they turned the whole world over.

Others, I don't have time to think about it at all.

They wasted a lot of time searching for it.

It was also after searching for many days that they couldn't find it. Xi Tuo and others suddenly remembered the troubles after Ying Wuhen and others returned to the Central Continent.

This can't be helped, who made the shock brought by Guo Zhengyang too big, Lingzun can kill Lingzun, if that kid runs away, with his formation skills and so many great monks in the headquarters of the forbidden area, the consequences will be unimaginable, too afraid of these, So they only wanted to find Guo Zhengyang at first.

It was a few days late when I remembered other things.

Moreover, they hadn't found Guo Zhengyang at that time, and they were still digging deep into the underground world, so even thinking of this, Xi Tuo and the others didn't rush back to the Central Continent immediately, but only sent a spiritual master to report back later, in case something happened Wrong, because they still have certain illusions in their hearts, imagining that even if the big bosses in the Forbidden Artifact Sect are furious, they may not dare to launch a super war. It may be too hasty to start a war that is too large.

So they only sent one person back, and Ying Wuhen was several days late when that person left.

It was these few days that led to the following results.

Because the Lord of the Forbidden Land is so decisive, he made up his mind to launch a war within a few minutes after receiving the news from Ying Wuhen. That kind of decisiveness and cruelty is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

Then the Lord of the Forbidden Land personally rushed to the headquarters of the Qi Sect at the fastest speed, and finalized the war plan with the Lord of the Qi Sect with a swift gesture of cutting through the mess. In the early stage, the protector sect mainly moved.

All this happened within a few days, because although the Forbidden Land Qizong was far apart, Lingzun Dzogchen rushed on the road with all his strength, alternately serving as coachmen to pull other strong men, the speed was absolutely astonishing,...

On the other hand, in the late stage of Dayi's party, some spirit masters and some strong men from the forbidden area went to raid Daxi. Super monks and ordinary royal children have just arrived at the headquarters of the forbidden area.

All of this is a fast and ruthless fight!

A decisive guy like the Lord of the Forbidden Land is probably really rare, just like in the world of the earth, the two superpowers were originally safe and sound, co-hosting the world structure, but because an important person in a certain country disappeared, the superpowers The big powers directly launched a blitzkrieg and dragged the whole world into a world war... Without enough ruthlessness and decisiveness, such a decision really cannot be made, and once such a decision does appear, it will exceed everyone's expectations.

After listening to these carefully, Guo Zhengyang's mood became even weirder.

That's right, the master of the forbidden land who created the forbidden land with one hand, and because of him, led to the emergence of the Qi sect and the alchemy sect in the mainland, which led to a new situation in the mainland, is really too ruthless and decisive.

After listening to this, Guo Zhengyang also let go of some worries. After all, in the current situation, because of the transfer of core figures such as Qizong Dayi, the side of the forbidden area has the complete initiative. Broken the inheritance of future development.

This kind of advantage is enough to make people breathe a long sigh of relief, especially for Guo Zhengyang, the war started entirely because of him, so if too many masters of the Forbidden Artifact Sect die, he will feel uneasy.

"After all of you recover from your wounds, go to the Infernal Land with me first. After I find out the contents, I will go to the Central Continent with you." After sighing, Guo Zhengyang spoke to Elder Lu again.


"There are so many people, what shall we do?"

"Let's set up the formation. Let's send the people here first. We don't have time to persuade them to leave one by one."


More than half a month later, Wujiandi, at this moment, has become like a sea of ​​people, and there are some monks swimming with their arms everywhere, although there is no longer any scenery here, the only thing left is to be overturned. The earth of the sky, with a radius of thousands of miles, is full of traces of excavation, and there are many bottomless potholes.

But such a rotten scene also attracted countless monks to watch in **.

After Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia arrived, they also smiled wryly when they saw thousands of monks below.

However, Guo Zhengyang still waved his hand after a wry smile, and an infinite thick fog was rolled up, covering dozens of kilometers in the center of Wujiandi.

Then, amidst exclamations one after another, the power of the formation was activated, and the monks were also swept away from the range of the formation.

Although Guo Zhengyang is only controlling the formation treasures obtained from the Huofu, not the real big formation, but several formation treasures exert their power at the same time, and they also have extremely powerful effects.

Relying on the power of the array treasure to clean up the central area of ​​Wujiandi, the two began to give a large array under the protection of the array treasure.

Of course, the outer formations are still defensive and attacking formations. Only when the fortifications are deployed first can Guo Zhengyang dare to deploy the timing formations with peace of mind. After all, the timing formations cannot be completed in a day or two. (To be continued.)

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