One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 367 The treatment is really good

(ps: The third update is here, let’s ask for the next monthly pass, it’s already the tenth, and the monthly pass score is gradually declining, so I can’t afford it..)

Forbidden Land Headquarters is a general name, it covers a large area, and the size is almost beyond imagination. Once a Dahao Empire, the ruling territory was comparable to the Eurasian Continent, but Dahao was an extremely weak force compared with the Forbidden Land, so The territory ruled by the headquarters of the entire Forbidden Land is several times that of Eurasia.

Of course, with such a large geographical area, it is impossible to have formation restrictions in every place.

Only the most core place of the headquarters of the Forbidden Land is restricted everywhere. It is also the location of the Presbyterian Church of the Forbidden Land, and it is usually the residence of the elders above rank six.

And a Presbyterian Church, except for the various defensive and attack formations on the periphery, has an area almost the same as the territory of China on the earth, but that only occupies a few tenths of the headquarters of the forbidden area. , or ordinary monks who grow up in the headquarters or a place where human beings live and multiply.

The model here is also similar to that of ordinary empires. The Presbyterian Council of the Forbidden Land Headquarters is equivalent to an imperial imperial city, and the areas outside the Presbyterian Council are equivalent to ordinary territories outside the imperial imperial city.

Today's Forbidden Land Headquarters Presbyterian Church is overcrowded. There are hundreds of millions of people here, and there are Forbidden Land's own formation masters. As long as they are talented, even unqualified formation apprentices have already gathered. In addition, there are Qizong geniuses from Qizong and the children of the royal families of Dayi and Shangyang.

Hundreds of millions of people are gathered here, even if the area of ​​the Presbyterian Church is large enough, it is hardly inferior to the territory of China, but it still seems very crowded, and many monks live together.

After all, there are still many places in the Presbyterian Church that are densely populated, such as places like the Sea of ​​Will. There are nine Seas of Will in the Presbyterian House. May live.

Another example is that some places where inheritance is stored, or where senior elders do research, are also uninhabitable.

When Guo Zhengyang stood on the spirit boat, entered the defensive formations of the Elder's House, passed through the buildings and cities all the way, and watched the daily life of countless monks below, his heart was also full of emotion.

There are so many monks here.

After sighing, the flying boat flew directly to the center of the Presbyterian Church.

The layout here is in the shape of a ring, the living quarters of the ninth-rank elders, the eighth-rank elders and the deputy suzerain, the seventh-rank elders, and the sixth-rank elders, one ring enclosing the other.

After gradually flying through the rings one by one, the number of monks under the flying boat dropped sharply.

It wasn't until entering the most central place, looking at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and forests in the central place, and the temples located on the peaks, that Heihuangbu smiled and looked forward and said, "Junior Guo, the peak is there for you, brother. As for Junior Brother Guo, what do you think of the Lingshan Mountain to the east?"

The peak that Heihuangbu pointed to for the first time is a thousand-meter-high Qijunxiong Mountain. The area at the bottom of the mountain is as long as hundreds of miles in length and width. The mountainside rises, covered with clouds and mists on the left and right, and even surrounded by some floating large islands. That place is indeed extremely beautiful.

But the place he pointed to the second time is not bad, and even looks more beautiful.

It was a snow-white mountain standing hundreds of miles away. It was also thousands of meters high and went straight into the clouds. It was covered with ice and snow, and many places were still shining in the sun. Surrounded by pure white and beautiful islands, big or small, each one is frozen, the icicles are hundreds of meters long and several meters short, hanging down from the flying islands, colorful and charming under the sunshine, the scenery is so beautiful People are fascinated.

Of course, not only is the scenery beautiful, but also the rich aura there is shocking. Some beautiful and gorgeous strange beasts appear in the mountains from time to time, adding countless moving vitality to the place.

"Good place!"

After a few glances, Guo Zhengyang smiled and nodded.

After saying with a smile, the flying boat also fled directly to the snow-white mountain, and stopped at the square in front of a magnificent building complex on the broad mountainside, and all the people stepped down one after another.

Then things are simple.

Such a large mountain has everything that one expects to find such as residences and pharmacies, and it also needs people to take care of it. Heihuangbu arranged for twenty or thirty young and beautiful Jialan star nuns to take care of it. They all have superb looks, and their cultivation bases are not weak, at least not in the early days of Lingzong, they are tall, short, fat, and thin, with all kinds of skin colors, whether they are thin or slightly plump, or they are pure in appearance and have a surname. Feelings and more.

Although Liu Xia looked at this situation and even rolled her eyes, and even gave the Lord of the Forbidden Land a few hard glances, but she could only stare at most.

After arranging the residence matters, Heihuangbu and the others left with a smile.

During the whole process, they didn't mention that they wanted to learn formation and weapon refining from Guo Zhengyang. They just said that they should let Guo Zhengyang familiarize himself with the environment first, take a rest and so on. Servants and disciples will do.

If the servants and disciples can't solve it, Guo Zhengyang can go to Heihuangbu at any time. After all, the peak where Heihuangbu is located is only a few hundred miles away from Xueyi Mountain.

In addition, Heihuangbu also left Guo Zhengyang a book, which is a map of the Presbyterian Church.

"This is a good place to practice."

"Yeah, so many beauties are with you, isn't it okay?"


The world has become clean again. In the main hall on the mountainside of Xueyi Mountain, Guo Zhengyang looked at the map and found that the Ninth-rank Sea of ​​Will of the Forbidden Headquarters was hundreds of miles west of Xueyi Mountain. , it is not far from the sea of ​​will of the other six, seven or eight grades. The aura of the world here is still so strong, it is really a good place.

But as soon as he sighed, Liu Xia couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered angrily.

Guo Zhengyang was dumb for an instant.

"What are you thinking about?" He stared at Liu Xia speechlessly before Guo Zhengyang got up and said, "Go, go out and have a look at the environment."

The environment of Xueyi Mountain, Guo Zhengyang can almost sweep it with his spiritual sense, so when he said to go out and have a look, he meant outside of Xueyi Mountain, it is best to go to the Sea of ​​Will to have a look.

Read it again, familiarize yourself with the location, and then...

He also needs time to practice with peace of mind.

Arrange some arrays outside the living hall, and then throw the portable teleportation array in, and you can go to and from the Fire Mansion at will, the key is the Spirit Time Mansion in the Fire Mansion.

The Forbidden Land Artifact Sect has always been very kind to him and supported him in various ways, so even if he didn't mention it, Guo Zhengyang planned to spend some time preaching in the future, which can be regarded as feedback.

But besides preaching, his own cultivation must not be left behind. Fortunately, there is such a thing as the Lingshi Mansion. Even if he preaches here during the day and returns to the Huo Mansion to practice at night, the Lingwu Continent will have four or five Ming Festivals and forty Dark Days in one night. This is equivalent to two or three days and nights on the earth.

Two or three days and nights on the earth is nearly a year in Lingshi Mansion.

Leading Liu Xia out of the hall, just as Guo Zhengyang was about to get up, twenty or thirty stunning beauties outside the hall, each with their own merits, bowed down to the ground one after another, and their voices were either delicate, crisp, or sweet and soft. The sound of worship.

And under the sound of reverent worship, the twenty or thirty beautiful people also looked submissive and expectant, and their affectionate eyes shot straight at them, which made Guo Zhengyang feel dizzy for a while.

This treatment is really not bad.

Because these twenty or thirty beauties are not only good in cultivation, but also have a lot of background.

There are descendants of some spiritual masters in the forbidden land, some descendants of spiritual masters from the Qi sect, and even princesses and princesses from the Dayi and Shangyang empires. They can be selected to serve Guo Zhengyang. The most favored in the family is the most beautiful in the clan...Because of being beautiful, even if they were not favored or valued before, they have become the most favored by their ancestors in their clan. Of course, many of them are the most favored little princesses in the clan.

Taking the voice transmission whisper of the Black Desolation Sect Master before he left, if Guo Zhengyang wanted, he could let one or more attendants sleep at any time, it was their honor, and you are welcome at all.

It seems that these beauties knew about this before they came, so those watery eyes really have a lot of power.

"Those guys seem to be polite to me, but their scheming is not weak. If you really can't help but pick someone to sleep with, if you leave an heir, I have to cultivate it with all my strength, and it will naturally become theirs. people?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Guo Zhengyang's scalp was slightly numb. After all, he is also a man. Even if he has been a man in two lifetimes and has a firm will, he has never experienced such a battle in his two lifetimes.

Princess princess, the temptation of these beauties is enough to make people's heart beat slightly faster, not to mention the exotic style, the one with slightly green complexion, petite and exquisite, although only about 1.5 meters tall, but the figure is hot and delicate, matching Pointy ears, very attractive to some elves.

The blond beauty with a slightly snowy complexion is also a princess of a country, and she is the most favored in the Dayi clan. She is tall and tall, comparable to Guo Zhengyang, half a head taller than Liu Xia, and wrapped in a tight armor. Sensation is also dizzying.

Another beauty with the same complexion as Guo Zhengyang, black hair and black eyes, just looks better than Liu Xia, her delicate and sweet skin seems to be able to ooze water with a pinch, although her figure is not too hot, but that kind of gentleness The breath, soft and docile, can almost make people's blood boil instantly.

That is the descendant of a guest elder of the Qi Sect, and that guest elder is also the prince of a country in the northern part of the mainland, and he is also a princess.



Guo Zhengyang just took a closer look at the looks of the three people on the left, when he heard a soft hum and a slight sound of gnashing his teeth, he coughed in embarrassment, and said to the left and right, "Get back, I'll go out turn around."

After speaking, he got up and rushed to the west.

"Tch, what is the ninth-grade sea of ​​will, there are actually only two wisps of spatial will in it, which is only one strand more than the fourth-grade will in Nankang. It is still hopeless to comprehend the upper-grade will here."

"A sea of ​​high-quality wills means that there is a greater probability of having top-grade wills, but probability is probability. Once things involve probability, it is difficult to grasp."


After another moment, when Guo Zhengyang and the two escaped from the Sea of ​​Nine Wills, accompanied by Liu Xia's coquettish snort, Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly, but he also gave Liu Xia a weird look, this girl is too jealous Bar?I didn't do anything, I just took a few glances, why was she jealous, and she has been jealous until now. (To be continued.)

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