As soon as the words fell to the ground, without waiting for Heihuangbu to wait for anyone to speak again, Guo Zhengyang waved and took out a pill and swallowed it into his mouth. After waiting for the moment when the pill was effective, the spiritual consciousness burst out...

"Boom boom~"

Guo Zhengyang's spiritual consciousness is like a long knife cutting through the outside of each corpse monster, and the direction of cutting is the void between the corpse monsters and the group of spirit masters of Dan Zongweiyue. It was eight scarred corpse monsters, which fell from the low altitude like a small mountain boulder, and crashed on the ground of the group. .

The corpse demon who was still enthusiastically swaying the last brilliance at the last moment has turned into a pile of waste at this moment, unable to move a little bit.

Such a scene immediately made Heihuangbu and others startled, and they all looked dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"These corpse monsters, why are they all scrapped all of a sudden?"

"Hiss, Junior Brother Guo, you..."


This is too exaggerated.

Heihuangbu and others can't deal with these corpses. It can be said that they have been destroying these corpses quickly. Take a corpse as an example. For example, the one with missing arms and broken legs is more than 300 meters long. The strange birds and monsters that can cover hundreds of meters, with almost every breath, the corpse of the strange bird will be more disabled by the power of various formations and the attacks of several spirit venerables. When entering the battle, a roughly intact corpse, after dozens of breaths, had already started from the belly, the second half of the body was completely destroyed, and [-]% of the left and right wings were also destroyed.

If this continues for a few minutes at most, the bird corpse will be destroyed into scum.

The other situations are good and bad, but it is certain that it will only take one to two ten minutes at most for these eight corpse monsters comparable to the Spirit Venerable to be completely killed.After all, this is the joint strangulation of many spiritual masters and a group of formations, and those corpse monsters seem to be able to exert only half of their power at most.

Therefore, it's not that Heihuangbu and others are unable to deal with the corpse monsters, but they can't bear the consequences of these corpse monsters destroying the formation at the cost of their lives.

After all, these are dead objects, and they are not afraid of being destroyed at all.

Before they said they had to find a way quickly, they also meant to stop these corpse monsters from exchanging their corpses for a chance to break the formation as soon as possible.

But a few people really didn't expect that Guo Zhengyang did it just as soon as this sentence fell into the ground?One of the eight corpse monsters who couldn't breathe and were still crazily destroying them was all scrapped?

In fact, it wasn't just Heihuangbu and the others who were shocked at this moment, even outside the distant group, an old monk who had been guarded among multiple figures suddenly changed his face.

"What's going on? Those eight corpse monsters have lost contact with me? Damn, how did this happen?"

"What? Brother Yue, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? It means that just a moment ago, the eight corpse demons controlled by the old man were all cut off from me, and I can no longer control them."


Just as Hei Huangbu and the others speculated, these corpse monsters that were suddenly restricted by the Presbyterian Church were really refined long before the super war happened.

And the monk who possesses the secret art to refine spirit-level corpse demons is also a late-stage prince of the Yue Empire.

The source of the secret technique is not important now, what is important is the alliance of Yue Danzong and others. Knowing that the people who are going out have formed an alliance to attack and kill Guo Zhengyang. Daxi's surprise attack caused heavy casualties to both Danzong and Daxi.

The rest of the monks naturally know that what awaits them is either you die or I live.

So these allied monks naturally want to do everything possible to counterattack, not only to kill Guo Zhengyang, but also to destroy the Forbidden Land Qizong.

But at this time, facing the layers of restrictions outside the forbidden area, no one dared to break in without authorization. It is the best way to use a large number of living low-level monsters and refined corpse monsters to break into the formation.

At first, the results of this approach seemed to be good.

But who would have thought that when he was manipulating the second batch of corpse monsters to enter the formation, he would suddenly lose contact with those refined corpse monsters?It's not that the corpse monsters were destroyed, but that he lost control over them! !

After saying a few words with a dark face, the prince surnamed Yue suddenly waved his hand again, and released another corpse from his hand.

This time it was indeed only one, because the situation just now was a bit too weird, even though he still had more than one Spirit Venerable Corpse Monster in his hand, he didn't dare to release them all at once. .

After all, these spirit-level corpse monsters had been refined by him for decades, and he had only refined more than 20 of them, and when they were hunted down, many spirit-lords from the Yue clan mobilized together to help him capture them.

After being captured, each one needs to be refined for at least a year and a half to reach the current level.


The next moment, when the new corpse demon had entered the formation again, but it had just entered the formation, Prince Yue yelled strangely and jumped up from the spot, "Damn, why did you lose contact again?"

This is a spirit-level corpse monster. Whether it is to capture or refine it, it is not easy. Because of these corpse monsters, he has even let go of his body in the past few decades, and the whole Yue clan helped him capture them. , why did you completely lose contact in the blink of an eye?

More than once?

With this one, it's already the ninth one?

This situation is so weird that I can't understand it.

While the prince surnamed Yue was cursing, in the large group, Heihuangbu, Qi Daocheng and others also looked at Guo Zhengyang strangely, all of them dumbfounded.

This time they saw clearly that after the new corpse monster escaped, Guo Zhengyang simply waved it again, and the spiritual consciousness was condensed into a bunch, cut off from behind the corpse monster like a big knife, and the corpse monster was in full swing. Just crashed.

"Junior Brother Guo, what's going on?"

"I saw that you took a pill just now? This is, is this because of the pill just now? Impossible? Am I dazzled?"


People outside couldn't understand it, and people inside the formation couldn't understand it either. They couldn't understand how Guo Zhengyang did this at all.

Only Liu Xia, who was standing beside Guo Zhengyang, showed a strange look in her eyes. She knew that what Guo Zhengyang ate just now must be Zhanshen Pill! !

Zhanshen Pill is a kind of marvelous pill refined by Xinghe Patriarch in the past few years after studying the alchemy inheritance of the great monk surnamed Hong.

I have to say that the big monk is too weird.

Not only has he made great achievements in the way of alchemy, but he has also researched countless elixirs with incredible effects. In the past, those invisible elixirs, poisonous elixirs, etc. were relatively normal, and God-killing elixirs were a kind of medicine that made people vomit blood. Elixir.

The effect of this elixir is to cut off the connection between the cultivator and the imperial envoy's magic weapon, or the continuous surname magic technique used by the imperial envoy.

Regardless of whether the monks are using magic weapons to attack or kill, or they are using some continuous spells to attack and kill, when the magic weapons and spells are powerful, they all rely on the monk's spiritual sense to control them.

And the God-killing Pill is to cut off this connection and control.

Even if the magic weapon you refined is in operation, once the god-killing pill comes out, it can cut off your connection with the magic weapon, and corpse monsters and the like, after being refined by monks, are also existences similar to magic weapons.

You control it by exuding spiritual consciousness through all kinds of decisions. Once you cut off the connection, wouldn't it just make those corpse monsters waste.

Even if it is a magic weapon, if there is no one to guard it, it will fall silently...

Of course, the God-Slaying Pill does not mean that it can absolutely cut the connection between the monk and the magic weapon. If it is the magic weapon of the monk's life, it cannot be cut off, because it has long been integrated with the monk's life and cannot be separated at all.

But these corpses cannot be the talisman of a cultivator outside, and even in the entire Lingwu Continent, no one has invented the means to conceive the natal talisman.

Moreover, the god-killing pill cuts off the connection between the monk and the magic weapon or other things. After a while, it will fail.

How long this will last depends on the difference in cultivation between the two sides, as well as the power of the magic weapon.

The gap between Guo Zhengyang and the prince surnamed Yue outside is nearly a hundred times. Naturally, it is impossible to cut off the opponent's spiritual control for too long, so Heihuangbu and others screamed, while Liu Xia immediately laughed when his eyes were weird. , "Hurry up! I can't last long with this method!"

"it is good!"



After a laugh, Heihuangbu and other talents woke up one after another, and then they all shot at the corpse monsters with all their strength, bombarding with all kinds of spells and weapons, destroying the corpses below with the fastest speed.

It was during the extermination that those corpse monsters lying on the ground trembled suddenly, as if they were about to come back to life.

And from the first time Guo Zhengyang used Zhanshen Pill to now, only a dozen or so breaths have passed.

As soon as those corpses moved, Guo Zhengyang sent out his spiritual consciousness and cut them... All the corpses also fell down again.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, these are all corpse demons in the transformation stage, but the refining methods are too backward, and my cultivation base is too low. If I am also in the transformation stage now, I can catch these things and refine them again. That's good."

The cycle continued again and again, and many corpse monsters trembled after a dozen or so breaths, and then Guo Zhengyang waved his hand again to cut off the connection with the prince surnamed Yue. After a few minutes of circulation, a certain corpse monster was completely wiped out and became scum.

At this time, the corpse demon's fall was in vain, and it could no longer cause the slightest damage to the group, but when Guo Zhengyang saw it, he sighed that it was a pity. After all, he would also know some techniques related to training corpses.

And this is still a refined corpse demon. If it wasn't that his cultivation base is too low to practice at all, then it would be very good to catch it and use it for himself.

But now he can only watch these things being destroyed.

But in his heart, Guo Zhengyang also had to feel a lot of emotion. If the alchemy path was brought to the extreme, it would be earth-shattering. Mysterious pills like Zhanshen Pill, the power can really move anyone. (To be continued.)

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