One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 392 Clan War

"It's too late to dismantle it, let's cover it up." Guo Zhengyang also nodded quickly when the ancestor Xinghe spoke in a cold sweat. It took him more than ten days to set up such a top-quality interstellar teleportation array, although the destruction is far better than the construction. It's easy, but it will take at least a few hours to dismantle this teleportation array.

For a few hours, groups of monks from the Skybeard tribe passed by this outer space. If one is not careful, the formation here may be discovered by the other party. After all, this is the ultimate teleportation formation that can span large galaxies. Law fluctuates strongly.

The next moment, Guo Zhengyang quickly took out a formation treasure, urging the power of the formation to cover the breath of the interstellar teleportation formation beside him. After the formation treasure circulated for a few breaths, everything in the local area disappeared completely, at least if someone came from afar. If you look around or sense it, you will only see that this place is empty, no different from other areas.

After covering up the teleportation array and the auras of the two of them, Guo Zhengyang took another careful look at the outer space, and said strangely, "At first, I thought they were monsters."

No, seeing those octopus-like guys, they are huge, with a tentacle that is tens of thousands of meters long, and the round tentacles are at least [-] meters in diameter even at the thinner end. It really looks more like a monster than an intelligent race.

"That's not a monster. They have their own writing and civilization. The little Kongxu clan who were born shortly before they set foot in the practice also have complete wisdom..." Hearing Guo Zhengyang's words, the Xinghe ancestor also smiled wryly.

Judging whether a race is an intelligent race or not depends largely on its language and civilization. After a pause, the ancestor of Xinghe calmly said, "Although they are going to sneak attack on the human race, and we are also a member of the human race, but this We don’t think we can do much to help this kind of racial war, we just hope that the human monks here can stop this attack..."

When he said this, the Xinghe ancestor not only had a gloomy face, but also worried and depressed in his tone. Although they were just passing by and had nothing to do with the human race here, they were of the same race after all. Seeing their own race being attacked, Naturally, there will be a lot of worries.

But the problem is this kind of large-scale racial war, one or two of them can't do anything at all, and they can only stare blankly.

Don't say anything else, look at the empty beard clan who cross the void outside, there are at least tens of thousands of them, and the monks who can cross the void must at least start at the stage of transformation!

The cultivators in the stage of transforming gods are generally only able to travel within the asteroid system. For example, the monk surnamed Hong who was thrown into the solar system by a broken ban in the Sanxian Cave was back then. The strength of cruising in the Milky Way, and even so, it is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you may be obliterated by various dangers in space.

The Wankongxu tribe outside is at least in the stage of transforming gods, and this kind of race war, I know with my ass that there must be a lot of monks in the Dao stage, otherwise there will be more than 30 strong people in the Dao stage in the human race site , What if only a group of transformation gods came to sneak attack?Isn't that suicide!

Tens of thousands of cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and there may be dozens of monks at the stage of joining the Tao. Such a group of heaven-defying forces swam past the two of them. Dare to be discovered by the Kongxu clan outside.

After all, after five or six years of accumulation of his demon worms, that is to say, he has stored hundreds of demon worms in the transformation stage.

"If we have the coordinates of the teleportation array in a certain place, we can use the interstellar teleportation array here to report a letter, but unfortunately those coordinates are the core secrets of the major forces..." Guo Zhengyang also frowned and said wry smile.

After being covered by the treasure array, and this place is far away from the outside after all, and the atmosphere of this planet blocks it, there is no need to worry about the safety of the two of them for the time being, but Guo Zhengyang is also a little worried about the outside world. Terran.

If he can do it, he really doesn't mind reporting the military situation here to the nearby human races. Even if they don't know each other, they are all a group of people after all!

This feeling is very weird, just like on the earth, there are two groups of strangers in the country, one in the south and one in the north. If someone in the southern country finds out that a foreign enemy has invaded the northern country, I am afraid that as long as they have the ability, they will also pass the news to the northern country. compatriots.

It's just that Guo Zhengyang has no ability now. Although he passed through several teleportation arrays on the way here, he really doesn't have the coordinates of those teleportation arrays, because the coordinates of each teleportation array are absolutely confidential.

Otherwise, if everyone can know, anyone can connect with those teleportation arrays at will, and teleport from other places, why should the empty beard tribe in outer space cross the void to sneak attack, and just teleport there to attack and kill?

When they pass through those teleportation formations, they basically hand over the fee and ask the local monks to help them teleport. It is absolutely impossible for them to see all kinds of operations.

With a wry smile, Guo Zhengyang's face suddenly changed, and he slapped his forehead, "It's broken!"

"What's wrong?" The ancestor Xinghe was startled and looked suspiciously, but before Guo Zhengyang could explain, the ancestor Xinghe also became pale, "It's broken, if the human race here falls, how can we go back?" ?”

Isn't that right? At first glance, this kind of war has little to do with them. At most, they are both human races, and they are worried about the ethnic groups here. But in fact, if you think about it carefully, this kind of war really has a lot to do with them.

For example, if the human race is defeated and all the planets here are occupied by the Kongxu tribe, how will they return to Earth?

When they came here, they teleported all the way, passed through dozens of planetary territories occupied by the human race, and then crossed a section of space to get here, but if they waited a while, and all the human planets outside were contributed by the Kongxu tribe, then they were human races. , as soon as he shows up, he will definitely be killed!

If they can't use the nearby interstellar teleportation array, how can they leave?

Go directly back to Earth through the interstellar teleportation array established here by Guo Zhengyang?If that's the case, what about the teleportation array here?That way the Earth might be exposed. Once someone discovers the teleportation array here, although they don't have the coordinates of the earth, as long as someone who is proficient in the formation can study it and study the traces of the last use of the teleportation array, they can repeat the operation...

This is also why Guo Zhengyang and his wife had to build a teleportation array so far away from the earth when they wanted to go to the Fierce Martian Realm.

And if you don't rely on the teleportation array to go back, then you have to travel across space until you get away from this area?But God knows, although the human race occupies dozens of planets, it refers to living planets, plus mineral stars and dead planets, that is dozens of asteroid systems similar to the solar system.

The God Transformation stage is not capable of crossing such a long distance, such a long distance in outer space, even if you are not afraid of being discovered by the Skybeards in the process, you must be prepared for various disasters and accidents. Outer space is definitely countless times more dangerous than ordinary people on earth crossing the Pacific Ocean in a wooden boat.

Ordinary people on the earth rely on wooden boats to go from Shandong to Japan. That section of the sea is already full of unpredictable dangers. If you think about it, it depends on your luck. If you want to go from Shandong to San Francisco in the United States, the danger is more than doubled. double?

"It's okay, there may be many more surnames now." Looking at the ancestor of Xinghe again, although Guo Zhengyang also had worries in his eyes, he still said calmly, "If the human race here guards, you don't have to worry about those, and if you fight outside , we can connect to the Fierce Martian Realm here, so we may not be able to ask the ancestors there for help. No matter how bad it is, even if all methods fail, we have the Fire Mansion in hand, we will hide here for a while, and go back later, Or after going back by the teleportation array, destroy the interstellar teleportation array that connects the earth here, even if they find this teleportation array, but our side is disconnected, they still have no ability to go there, at worst, they just don’t want the materials here.”

Isn't that true? Although worried, there are indeed many possibilities and solutions. In the simplest terms, even if they really rely on the teleportation array here to return to the earth directly, and then the teleportation array here is discovered by others The monks who are proficient in formations have studied the operation process of the last time, but as long as the teleportation formations on the earth side are all closed, people here will also have trouble getting through.

That's it, the Earth's teleportation array has been closed for a long time, they must not go out easily, and the matter of going to the Fierce Martian Realm has been completely aborted.

At the same time, we have to discard all the foundations of this top-quality teleportation formation. In the same sentence, these foundations are enough to create a few top-quality Houtian Lingbao. Together, they are worth more than a few living planets. Really give up, Guo Zhengyang Also somewhat reluctant.

But it's useless to say anything now, they can only wait.

This wait is one or two months.

A month or two later, the outer space of the planet has long since seen no monks from the Kongxu clan, because they have already penetrated into the territory of the monks of the human race.

In the past two months, Guo Zhengyang has also been doing precise protection and cover for this interstellar teleportation array. In addition, he has been trying to communicate with the Fierce Martian Realm, but after such a long time, there is no Still can't get in touch.

Time passed by little by little, and when it flashed again, another seven or eight days passed.

Guo Zhengyang, who was guarding near the interstellar teleportation array, suddenly froze and looked towards outer space with a frown.

These days, he has never slackened his surveillance of the outer space, for fear of accidents.

As a result, the situation has really been discovered now. There is a battle in the space that is still far away from this planet! !

It was a large group of scattered human monks fleeing desperately. A sporadic look showed that there were hundreds of human monks fleeing in all directions, and there were dozens of chasing figures farther behind.

Although there were only dozens of chasers, the problem was that some of them were too violent.

The speed suddenly increased, a huge monster rushed into the crowd, several tentacles tens of thousands of meters long swayed in the void, and several human monks fell.

This kind of situation happened five or six times in an instant.

In other cases, three or four large Kongxu monks fought around two human monks.

"Those human monks only have two Dao stages, and the other thousand people are all in the God Transformation stage? And the monks from the Kongxu tribe who came after us have at least eight Dao stages."

Seeing a human cultivator slaughtered like a lamb, Guo Zhengyang's expression became more and more gloomy, and after that, his expression became even weirder, because among those fleeing figures, there were a group of seven or eight The man quickly rushed to the planet he was on.

Looking at the other party rushing down strangely, Guo Zhengyang sighed silently, he really didn't know how to describe his mood.

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