One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 401 Interstellar Catastrophe

(ps: There are still only two updates today, and I am out of spirits, and I am not in a state to code well..)

The metal tribe appeared near the teleportation array of the Liaoyunzong, and they killed anyone they saw. Could it be that the Liaoyunzong was exterminated by the metal tribe?

Thinking of this, Guo Zhengyang's mood became weird, but just as he was about to flee quickly, the two monks who were still attacking suddenly stopped their attack.

"The strength is not bad."

"Where did you come back from? How was the harvest?"


The two monks spoke one after another, and this time Guo Zhengyang also understood the other party's words, because the words used by the other party this time were the common language of the Fierce Martian Region.

The common language here is also very different from the common languages ​​such as Shenjian Starfield and Bitu Starfield.After all, the location of the Fierce Martian Realm is extremely far away from the center of the chaotic galaxy. It is so far apart, and there is no connection. It is normal that the lingua franca is different.

However, Guo Zhengyang has also learned this common language. The monk surnamed Hong who was accidentally exiled to the earth also introduced the common language of the Martian Territory in the classics left behind.

As for what he didn't understand just now, it may be because the two of them spoke a certain local dialect.

Following these two sentences, Guo Zhengyang was stunned again, and stopped the tendency to flee, but asked strangely, "What do you mean?"

According to Guo Zhengyang's words, standing in front of him, that is, the metal clan monk who automatically lost his chest after being hit by him just now frowned, and said with a teasing smile, "You actually use this high-grade interstellar teleportation?" Come back after a while, then this time, the place you will reach must be far away, why, are you afraid that we will rob you?"

The other party's words undoubtedly made Guo Zhengyang more confused, but he didn't ask out the doubts in his heart, but watched the left and right situations.

This is a square hall. The hall is extremely wide, with a length and width of nearly tens of miles. Inside the hall, there are two rows of teleportation arrays, and each row has dozens of them.

The teleportation array that Guo Zhengyang just stepped out of is located in the deepest part of the hall, and it seems that the scale is obviously much larger than other teleportation arrays.

Well, this one is a top-grade interstellar teleportation array.The others are basically middle and low-grade interstellar teleportation arrays.

Among the dozens of teleportation arrays in rows, only the one just now is a high-grade teleportation array.

At the moment, there are also many figures in the hall. There are dozens of monks guarding the teleportation array, but more of them use the teleportation array. Dozens of people were waiting in line, while the other faction kept coming out of it.

Only the vicinity of this high-grade teleportation array is relatively empty.

When Guo Zhengyang looked around, many other monks in the distance were also watching here, and some people were whispering while watching.

"This kid is so fierce? He actually used a high-grade teleportation array? How far did he go? And he used this to come back. Did he build one himself, or did he find one in the occupied area that has not been swallowed?"

"What if he is pretending on purpose, as long as the teleportation distance is not too far, the low-grade teleportation array can also connect to the high-grade teleportation array, but the activation requires several times more spiritual crystals. He may come back from nearby, but he thinks it is ordinary. The waiting time for the teleportation array is too troublesome, haven't you seen that all the teleportation arrays here are in use?"

"Pfft, it shouldn't be possible, how many times the spirit crystal, who dares to waste it now?"


Many of those whispers were about Guo Zhengyang.

But there are also many that are not!

Talking about him, Guo Zhengyang just listened casually and didn't care. He didn't talk about him, but he collected a lot of useful information.

What these people talk about the most is which fallen star to wait to explore, hoping to find more useful treasures when they go out this time.

Listen, listen, when Guo Zhengyang gradually understood what was going on, he was terrified on the spot.

At the beginning, when he appeared in the teleportation circle, he was attacked by two metal tribe monks. He thought it was Liaoyunzong who had been exterminated by the metal tribe.

But now judging from the news heard, the situation is even worse than this countless times.

Insect plague, insect infestation!

Ninety-ninety percent of the land in the Fierce Martian Realm has been occupied, yet all of it has been taken over by pest plagues and nests! !

I don't know when, a terrible insect plague appeared in the corner of the Fierce Mars Domain, and then it developed rapidly. Countless insects swallowed whatever they saw, melted whatever they saw, and occupied [-]% of the planets in the entire Fiery Mars Domain.

The area of ​​Lie Martian Realm is very large, covering millions of planets, but there are only thousands of planets in Liaoyun Star that have not been occupied by the insect swarm.

Not all of these thousands of planets are living planets, there are only a few dozen of them.

All the surviving monks in the entire Fierce Martian Region gathered in this area.

And the original site of the Liaoyun Sect is no longer solely controlled by the Liaoyun Sect. It is controlled by the Elders Council composed of several immortals from the three overlord races of the Human Race, the Metal Race, and the Bancang Race.

All survivors are working together to resist those horrible insect infestation.

On the outskirts of these thousands of planets, all the immortal-level powers and Sanxian teamed up to hunt down a group of mother nests, extracted some substances from the mother nests, and combined them with formation restraints, which were like temporary protection. Isolate this place from the occupied area. In fact, those protections cannot absolutely resist insect plagues, because only the substances extracted from the brood can resist insects, but it is obvious that those things are far from enough to surround thousands of planets. Yes, so those things have been diluted countless times, and the diluted substances are much weaker against bugs, and can only delay the speed of being destroyed, and often need to provide a lot of treasures to fill.

These treasures include the foundations that have been devoured, and many more wondrous substances raised from the brood.

Therefore, every monk who fled into the safe zone needed to provide a lot of treasures to the elders, otherwise he would be expelled.

Because of this, there are so many monks who often risk their lives to get out of the defense and sneak into those occupied areas to find all kinds of treasures.

Although those bugs swallowed everything and could completely swallow a planet into slag and disappear from the vast starry sky, it is not that all the planets in the Lie Martian Region are swallowed except for the safe zone, but there are many Many planets are being swallowed.

Only those who have been devoured have the opportunity to go treasure hunting again.

But based on those remarks, many of the monks living in the safe zone at the moment are struggling on the poverty line. If you think about it, you will know that they used to be entrenched on millions of planets and possessed resources of millions of planets to support them. The monks who woke up escaped to this area in a short period of time, leaving only dozens of planets to survive.

There are only a few thousand planets left...

Although in the process of fleeing and transferring, countless monks from the Martian Realm also fell, it is estimated that if they escaped, not even one-tenth of them died.

But at this moment, the number of monks in this area far exceeds the number that these planets can bear.

Therefore, too many monks in this area lack treasures in various aspects such as magic weapons, elixirs, and spirit stones.

Insect disaster, Lie Martian Realm was captured by demon insects, and it is now falling into an unprecedented interstellar catastrophe. Under this catastrophe and disaster, all races and sects have become insignificant, and all the remaining monks only think about it. How to survive in this catastrophe.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Just as Guo Zhengyang was collecting information calmly, the Metal Clan monk who was joking and talking before frowned again and cursed in a low voice.

"Forget it, ignore him." But after this curse, a monk who was originally behind Guo Zhengyang stepped forward, glanced at his companion first, and then said casually, "100 middle-grade spirit crystals, If you don't have enough spiritual crystals, just take out the treasures you harvested this time, and take out a fair value."

Guo Zhengyang then turned his head and glanced at the two metal tribes before taking out 100 middle-grade spirit crystals and handing them over.

According to the current rules in the safe zone, when monks go out to hunt for treasure, they need to pay for the cost of using the teleportation array.

However, one teleportation does not require 100 middle-grade spirit crystals.

Teleporting from here to the portal star requires 10 middle-grade spirit crystals, which you handed over when you went out. When you come back, if you directly teleport back from a planet in the occupied area, when you activate the teleportation array, those energy sources will be Consumed by the teleportation array outside, the teleportation array here basically has no consumption.

But once you go out, at least part of the harvest has to be handed in, and this part is set as 100 middle-grade spirit crystals. That is to say, once you go out, you have to pay at least 110 middle-grade spirit crystals to the elders. Lost money.

As for the fact that these two attacked Guo Zhengyang just after he appeared, it was completely unreasonable. Perhaps these two guys from the metal clan saw him appearing from a high-grade teleportation array that had not been used for a long time, and thought he was very Rich, so test his strength, if he is not strong enough, maybe some robbery will happen.

This is what Guo Zhengyang heard from other monks who were waiting for the teleportation.

After all, the more advanced the teleportation array is, the more it consumes. In the current Fierce Martian Realm, more than [-]% of the starry sky has fallen, resources are extremely scarce, and there are poor and dying monks everywhere. No one will easily waste spirit crystals and the like of.

That is the foundation of monks' survival.

Those who use the top-grade teleportation array are either very wealthy big shots, or small people who have made a fortune.

And the guards near the teleportation array are all monks with good status in the Presbyterian Church. They basically know the real big shots, and they know half of them if they don't recognize them all.

So seeing that Guo Zhengyang is a new face, and his cultivation is only in the middle stage of transformation, they became greedy when Guo Zhengyang first appeared.

The two attacks when he just appeared just now, although they contained murderous intentions, they would never dare to kill people here. Square, maybe someone will sneak up behind and attack.

After paying the spirit crystal, Guo Zhengyang took another look at the two metal monks before stepping out of the Teleportation Hall.

While walking, he was still listening to countless voices.

But in his heart, he really couldn't calm down.

Demon worm? ?

The demon worms here have actually caused a disaster in the starry sky?

He has a monster brood in his hand, as long as he has enough time, he can breed countless monsters and destroy everything, enough to easily overturn a planet or continent. This has always been one of his trump cards before, but he really didn't expect it , There are also monster worms here, and they have already caused catastrophe, and even those monster worms still have a large number of broods!

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