One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 404 Small Team

"Fellow Daoist, are you alone? Do you want to be together?"

"Where are you going?"

"Tu Guxing, one of my best friends was monk Tu Guxing, who lived there for more than 1000 years. Unfortunately, in the early days of this catastrophe, when we didn't know the strength of these monsters, he died in order to defend his homeland. In the mouth of the demon worm..."


After a while, Guo Zhengyang lined up to enter the black pool, and when he felt a burst of spatial fluctuations, his eyes lit up and he appeared in a barren starry sky.

This starry sky is located in the vast space. There are a large number of monks in groups near or far from the left and right. There are as many as two or 30 people in a group, and as few as seven or eight people. The monks' ethnic groups are also strange.

Under the entire starry sky, there are many solitary figures like Guo Zhengyang. For such celibates, many monks escaped from the assembled groups and issued invitations one by one.

This is also a common practice. If some monks can't find a suitable team in the square, they will first go out of the portal star and then look outside.

Guo Zhengyang was invited by a white-haired old man at this moment. He also saw that the other party had escaped from a small group.As for his seven companions in the distance, there are two at the Great Perfection Stage, three at the Late Stage, and two at the Middle Stage.

"Earth hanging star? Okay, thank you fellow daoist." After asking the white-haired old man, Guo Zhengyang knew the destination of the other party, thought for a while, and immediately responded with a smile.

In fact, what he wants to go most is a planet with a brood, but he dare not go to the two places marked on the map, so now he can only rely on himself to find the target.

As for how to find it, it is natural to inquire.

Get acquainted with a group of local monks, and then ask them about the coordinates of the teleportation array of the planet he belonged to before, and then Guo Zhengyang builds a teleportation array by himself, and try them one by one. If those places are destroyed, just try the next one. If they are not destroyed, He can teleport to search further afield.

Those who are too close to the safe zone are the targets of those big bosses in the Presbyterian Church, so he just needs to stay away from the safe zone.

Before he entered the black water pool, he had already thought about it while waiting in line, and was thinking about how to get acquainted with a group of local monks. Immediately someone brought a pillow over.

Seeing that Guo Zhengyang agreed, the white-haired old man was also overjoyed, "By the way, I haven't introduced to fellow daoists yet, the old man's position, a few fellow daoists over there..."

During the introduction, Xiang Xiang also brought Guo Zhengyang to the side of the other seven human monks. In this small group, five are very familiar with each other, and three have just joined the small group.

The line that is familiar with each other is the phase and a peak of the gods, there are two late stages of the gods, and a middle stage of the gods. These people are mainly the peak of the gods, but the peak of the gods looks like a 30 A young, plump and charming female cultivator, her slightly plump body is embellished under a tight leather armor, full of alluring temptations, her face is also very delicate and coquettish, she is a stunning beauty, but this look It looks very cold and gorgeous, with a shallow surname.

And that mid-transformation female cultivator is also a beauty, although her face is not as glamorous as the female cultivator with the shallow surname, but her delicate and gentle oval face, coupled with her dignified and virtuous temperament, is also very eye-catching.

As for the other three monks who had just joined the small team, they seemed to be divided into masters and slaves at the moment, and they were all surrounded by the middle-aged male monk surnamed Ji.

After Guo Zhengyang joined the small team, the team did not start immediately, but continued to wait here for a while. After two more late-stage monks were drawn in, the team expanded to 11 people. He smiled and asked the nun with the surname Qian if she was going.

"Okay, then let's go. This time, we are going to Saguxing, which is about 4000 stars away from us. I will lead the team on the road ahead." The female cultivator with the surname Qian looked at everyone calmly, and then released a flying boat.

A star is the unit used by monks to measure the distance in space. According to Guo Zhengyang’s understanding, a star is almost the distance that light travels in space for 100 seconds. Normally, it takes 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth. More, about five stars or so.

Neptune, which is farthest from the sun in the solar system, is about 240 times the distance from the sun to the earth. That distance is about 140 minutes at the speed of light. If this is regarded as a radius, the radius is more than [-] star miles.

In other words, flying from one end of the solar system to the other requires crossing (about 0 star miles.

In more than 4000 stars, it is almost the distance of flying more than ten solar systems.

This is undoubtedly very long, and the generalized god stage absolutely dare not travel in such a long space easily. Fortunately, at this time, the monks who go out to explore treasures basically have maps in their hands. Where are the places that are prone to space disasters? I knew in my heart that I could take a detour to avoid it in advance, so I dared to do so.

In the calm opening, the female cultivator Qian surnamed also released a flying boat and walked on it first. Others also boarded the boat one after another, and followed the female cultivator surnamed Qian to control the flying boat and fled to the southwest.

Her cultivation base is the highest among a group of monks, but her speed is not very fast, at most only one-tenth of the speed of light. At this speed, it takes about 1 minutes to fly in 16 star, and about 4000 minutes in more than [-] stars. It takes one and a half earth months to fly through, but this refers to a smooth journey without any accidents, which is an ideal state.

The real situation can never be so smooth. For example, she can't maintain this speed for a month. She will probably be exhausted in a day or two at most and need to rest. If she is replaced, others may not be able to have this speed.

Furthermore, if there is a battle with monster insects, or other space disasters... Judging from the real situation, it is already very good that they and their party can reach Saturn in three months.

And the speed of this female cultivator is not too slow. After all, at this time in the Fierce Martian Realm, the monks who need to go out to hunt for treasures are all unsatisfactory monks, and the magic weapons they envoy may not be very high-quality, such as Liu Xia The speed of the top-level magic weapon provided by Guo Zhengyang can reach half of the speed of light at most. It still refers to flying away with all its strength and cannot last long, so if the speed of the female cultivator in front of him is not his full-strength burst If so, it's not too slow.

Because of the long journey, the other monks also took a leisurely break while the female cultivator Qian surnamed controlled the flying boat, either directly meditating and resting in a corner of the boat, or communicating with each other.

The prime minister who invited Guo Zhengyang to join the team before also sat down beside Guo Zhengyang, glanced at the female cultivator surnamed Qian, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "It's getting harder and harder. I used to be able to go to some nearby planets to hunt for treasures, but Now those star treasures that can be explored have already been searched, and now we can only go to farther and farther places to search, Saguxing, and now we can go to Saguaxing, and going out in the future will only go farther and farther.”

"The last time I came out with Sister Qian, I still went to Qingtian Star, which is only 1000 stars away from our starting point. I'm afraid the journey will be several times longer when I come out next time." Sitting down beside the two of them, she smiled sadly. Her name was Wei Cai, and she was Xiang Xiang's niece.

After sighing with emotion, Wei Cai looked at Guo Zhengyang, "Guo Daoyou, which planet were you a monk before? My uncle and I were born on the Lingyu star, and I don't know how the current Lingyu star is. Unfortunately, it is too far away from here, almost There are more than 5000 million star miles away."

Guo Zhengyang was dumbfounded. In more than 4000 stars, it is the distance of flying more than 10 solar systems. In 1 million stars, it needs to fly more than 3 solar systems. In more than 5000 million stars, it needs to fly over a distance of more than [-] solar systems. .

"I escaped from Huang Qingxing. When I escaped, only a small half of the planet had been gnawed away. I guess it has disappeared under the starry sky by now." Huoyuxing heard it, set himself a planet that has disappeared as a background, and no one can check it wrong. After saying a word, Guo Zhengyang smiled again, "Actually, if you want to go back and have a look, you don't want to do it. No, as long as you remember the coordinates of the teleportation array in your previous hometown, then you can try to teleport it if you can find a teleportation array that has not been destroyed when you arrive at Sagu Xingxing."

"Of course we have thought about this situation, but we dare not try it, because even if we can go back, if we encounter demon insects attacking and destroying the local teleportation array when we go back to check, we will die." Xiang Xiang opened his mouth, his face full of bitterness.

No, the hometown where everyone lived for hundreds or thousands of years has fallen like this, and if there is a chance, no one would want to go back and have a look. The problem is that even if you remember the coordinates of the teleportation array in your previous hometown, you can still find a good teleportation array Try it, but even if you can connect, do you dare to go back?

Maybe you can connect now, but when you go back, you will be attacked and killed by demon insects just after leaving the teleportation array, and the teleportation array will be destroyed. Dead.

As for building the teleportation array by yourself?If you randomly gather 100 transformation stages together, none of them may be able to build a teleportation array that supports tens of millions of stars. Formation, non-formation masters can't do it, and a lot of expensive materials are needed.

The cost of those materials is absolutely impossible for the two of them in front of them, and in the safety zone in front of them, few people who have transformed themselves into gods can get such expensive materials.

So even if they wanted to go back and have a look, they didn't dare to try. Once they went back, there was a [-]% chance of dying. Who would dare to try.

Just following these words, Guo Zhengyang was obviously overjoyed when he heard them.

Isn't his purpose just to inquire about the coordinates of some distant interstellar teleportation arrays, so that he can try to find the brood away from the safe zone? of security guaranteed.

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