One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 406 Inevitable Choice

"What a terrifying speed! This kind of speed is the power only available in the Taoist stage?"

"It's not just the speed that is terrifying, Brother Guo, why are you not moving at all? Doesn't this ship need you to control it?"


Flying away at three times the speed of light is [-] times faster than that of the female cultivator with a surname of Qian. This speed is indeed terrifying for the transformation stage. At least in the normal state, only the Taoist stage can have this speed. Guo Zhengyang If you don't use the Acquired Spirit Treasure that you practice as your natal magic weapon, even if you volatile the sword intent to the limit, it can only reach twice the speed of light. .

So at this moment, feeling the astonishing speed of the spaceship, all the monks in the cabin were shocked, but what was even more shocking was that Guo Zhengyang was standing beside them easily while the spaceship was flying away. Didn't even a trace of mana fluctuation overflow?Wasn't he driving the spaceship?

In the midst of exclamations, Guo Zhengyang explained with a smile, "This flying boat is actually a product of a puppet mechanism. I really don't need to control it when it is activated. As for the consumption, it is also a treasure, but because I use the power of the formation to make it I covered it up a bit, so you can't feel it, you must know that the stronger the speed, the more violent the fluctuation of mana will be, but the violent fluctuation of mana will cause the siege of monster insects, so I made a special cover."

He dared to take out this spaceship for transportation, so naturally he was not afraid of being suspected by others, and there was no mana fluctuation?Just push it to the cover of the formation. After all, he is the master of the formation, and he can be worthy of this title under the whole starry sky.

As for not needing him to control it himself?It can also be pushed to the puppet mechanism. Even if ordinary monks don't understand technology, they can definitely know the puppet mechanism. The test site is guarded by some organ puppets, allowing the monks to find the trick, and the organ puppets are more or less closely related to the formation. Strictly speaking, the organ puppet study should be a branch of the formation study, but it can be regarded as a rough read. A branch, and the array has produced many differences.

So while explaining with a smile, Guo Zhengyang moved his mind, and a handsome girl who looked pure and heroic pushed open the cabin door and walked in. After entering, the other party went directly to Guo Zhengyang and called out respectfully, sir .

This is an artificial human, a human made entirely by technology from a technological planet, and adding artificial intelligence, except that it has no life breath, everything else is exactly the same as human beings, and it also has complete thinking wisdom, has its own personality and Temperament, this can be called an artificial person on a technological planet, but in the eyes of monks, it is indeed a kind of puppet mechanism.

And Guo Zhengyang called her out to prove his "puppet mechanics", so after the artificial man saluted, he waved her back again.

"The one just now is really a puppet? Hey, if she didn't feel the slightest breath of life from her body, and she is fundamentally different from us, I really thought she was a real person."

"Is this an organ puppet? It's really knowledgeable, so lifelike!"

"Mechanism puppet...Brother Guo is really a great talent. He has such a unique artifact. Not only can it be as fast as a monk in the Dao stage, but it doesn't need to consume cultivation at all. It's absolutely amazing to use it for transportation!"

"Yeah, with this speed, we will definitely be able to reach the Saturn planet earlier than those before, and we can seize a lot of opportunities! This time, we have taken advantage of it, and we can travel with Guo Daoyou, no Weaker than being taken away by seniors at the Dao stage."


When the artificial life receded, there was another burst of exclamation in the cabin, not only the positions and phases, but also the other three casual cultivators who were standing beside the monk surnamed Ji and Shang Hejing. They were filled with emotion, and those words of emotion obviously expressed a lot of thoughts, that is, several people had a lot of admiration for Guo Zhengyang, and even nakedly expressed their closeness. Loose cultivators were about to fall apart, and they wanted to separate a few people to stand behind Guo Zhengyang.

Even if Guo Zhengyang is only showing a speed at the moment, the speed expressed by this "organ puppet" is already shocking and amazing. It does not need the support of cultivation base at all, and it can run so fast. This is already an extremely powerful proof of strength No, because even the peak of Huashen Dzogchen can't run so fast, the speed is dozens of times worse!

And running fast is one of the most important conditions for survival when going out to explore and hunt for treasure.

Not to mention, to be able to forge such an outstanding organ puppet, Guo Zhengyang also said that he is a master of formations, so can other cards in his hand, such as formation treasures, be worse?

With strength and being able to lead everyone to escape better, how can a few casual cultivators who have just gathered behind the monk surnamed Ji and have not yet formed a real cohesive force not be moved?

Of course, in this way, monk surnamed Ji and Shang Hejing's expressions became ugly and frightening.

Originally, I wanted to suppress this kid, deliberately make him look ugly, and then fight for the leadership of the team, but now that he makes a move, Nima...

"It's just speed, it's not combat power, it's not a big deal." Shang Hejing snorted coldly again with an ugly expression on his face, but anyone could hear the envy and distaste in these words.

"It's just fast? You're a late-stage God Transformation, show me the speed that can match the Dao stage! If you can show it, then I will admit that you are amazing!" Following Shang Hejing's words, he was originally excited After looking around, he sneered and retorted playfully.

Shang Hejing, who directly refuted it with one sentence, turned green.

"Haha, it's Ji who missed it. I didn't expect Brother Guo to be so accomplished in formations and even mechanism puppets. What I said earlier was wrong with Ji. I hope Brother Guo will not be offended."

On the other hand, the monk surnamed Ji, who was originally not very good-looking, let out a loud laugh, which seemed to be an apology to Guo Zhengyang, but actually changed the subject to avoid embarrassing Shang Hejing, so after the laugh, Shang Hejing immediately relaxed He breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the monk surnamed Ji with a trace of gratitude.

"These are trivial things. Now we are faster, and we can reach Saturn faster than those before, but by then, how many treasures we can find depends on our luck. After all, before them, probably There are also quite a few people who have gone to Saguaxing, so the most important thing now is to hunt for treasures, don’t make the trip in vain.”

Guo Zhengyang naturally wouldn't be distracted by the dominance of such a small team, as long as he showed his strength and told these people not to overdo it.

And his words immediately diverted everyone's attention.

No, although with Guo Zhengyang leading the way, they were able to reach the Saturn star many times faster than expected, but after arriving, it is still uncertain how much they can gain.

After all, everyone knows that with the continuous search and exploration, the closer to the safe zone, the treasures are less and less, and even the search is empty. Naturally, idiots also know that if they want to hunt for treasure now, they have to go farther. Saturn..., the group of people who set out with them from the portal star just now, maybe many of them went to Sagua, they can get rid of those people now, they have taken a lot of opportunities, but those A few days or ten days earlier than them, it is estimated that there are many people who will go to Sagua planet. How many treasures they can search for by then really depends on their luck.

With such pressure, some small disputes and small excitements suddenly became dull.

"The situation of the Saturn star just appeared on the last map, and the last map was drawn by a long-lived level power a month ago. At that time, it was marked on the map that the Saturn star was only eroded [-] to [-]% of the area has been covered, and now a month has passed, there should still be a lot of treasures left."

"I'm afraid that when that long-lived master came back, there would already be other treasure-hunting teams near the Saturn planet. , but if when we first got the map, there were already several teams searching on it, I am afraid that even if there are good things, they will be searched all over the place."


The mood was a little depressed, and the discourse in the cabin also revolved around the matter of Saturn. The worries of the people were normal. Listed as a target, but this is also a map from a month ago.

So even if this map guides more planets with resources than Saturn, the goals of so many monks will definitely not be concentrated on Sagua, but there are many accidents...

For example, as soon as the master who drew the map left Saturn, a team searching nearby had already entered the planet Saturn. When the master who drew the map started to draw and sell, many teams had already started looting... Now that a month has passed, what will happen to the local situation?

Even if it wasn't such a coincidence, this map has been on sale for a month. Maybe a team set off on the day the map first appeared?One month earlier than them, even if they are very fast now and have thrown off many monks who set off with them, it is still difficult to be faster than those who set off earlier.

In the final analysis, it is still the current Fierce Martian Realm, the resources are too scarce, many people are desperate for resources, bad luck, it is useless to come out once.

"Relying on the map to guide exploration is so uncertain, full of possibilities and accidents. After all, the person who draws the map is the first to contact those planets. If we really can't have a satisfactory harvest on Saturn, I don’t think it’s better to go deeper? Most of the current treasure hunting teams are exploring within a few thousand stars of the safe zone. Only the planets that people set foot in will have sufficient resources. Now that there is Guo Daoyou here, he has such a fast mechanism puppet, and he can also give a teleportation array. Maybe we can try it, and go tens of thousands of stars away from the safe zone, or even more. Treasure hunting in distant places! For example, in our respective hometowns in the past, we only need to try to see if we can connect with the local teleportation array, give up if it doesn’t work, and try it if it works. If you have Daoist Guo who can set up an array, we are not afraid that we won’t be able to come back.” Slightly disappointed During the discussion, the female cultivator surnamed Qian suddenly spoke, and looked at Guo Zhengyang with burning eyes.

These words immediately stunned everyone, only Guo Zhengyang, after being slightly stunned, laughed completely.

Isn't this his purpose? It's just that he didn't expect someone on the other side to open his mouth before he opened his mouth?But thinking about it, it’s not surprising, because the situation here is like this. All the monks are fighting for resources, and running with the map, they can only eat the soup left by others. Only when they open up new territories can they be full! !

Therefore, since most people search within thousands of stars in the safe zone, only by stepping out of this area completely can they have the possibility of being full.

But to step out of this area completely, no one dared to do it all by flying, and even the longevity level might not have the courage to go on, so contacting the teleportation array that I knew before became an inevitable choice.

They didn't do that before because everyone didn't know how to form formations. Even if they could go out, a slight accident would mean death. Now that Guo Zhengyang can form formations, at least there is a few percent more hope of survival.

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