"Let's go here, fellow Daoist Qian, fellow Daoist Ji, do you go back to the safe zone directly, or stay? If you go back, everyone will share these treasures together."


Deep in the ground of a dead planet in the safe zone, a certain little beast is eating spirit crystals frantically, and is planning how to ruin Guo Zhengyang's reputation. Outside the safe zone, under a vast starry sky, a space full of sci-fi style The airship also stopped suddenly, and when the airship disappeared, the figures of Guo Zhengyang and his party appeared.

After killing a clone of "Old Monster Without Interest", Guo Zhengyang also knew that he was in trouble, and it was still a big trouble.

Therefore, Guo Zhengyang temporarily slowed down the matter of inquiring about the coordinates of some teleportation arrays far from the safe zone from the monks surnamed Ji and others.

Now there is such a shameless and obscene enemy, even if Guo Zhengyang doesn't want to, he has to prepare to improve his strength. His strength is still low now. Facing an immortal, breathless old monster, the other party is actually planning to kill him Guo Zhengyang really needs to prepare well for his notoriety, as long as he appears in front of other monks in the future, he will be looked at with strange eyes.

In that case, with his current strength, I am afraid it is far from being able to handle it.

Therefore, Guo Zhengyang's imminent choice is to improve his cultivation to be comparable to the peak of the early stage of Hedao, and to truly refine the crooked gourd.

Only by completely controlling an innate spirit treasure in its heyday and exerting some unimaginable mysterious powers can he face all kinds of things that may happen in the future.

And it is not difficult for Guo Zhengyang to have a cultivation strength comparable to the peak of the early stage of Hedao, as long as he cultivates to the peak of Huashen Dzogchen, that is, to break two more small bottlenecks, and the catastrophe between the small bottlenecks will not be difficult. It's not that scary, at least he's more than [-]% sure that he can face it, so it's okay to just find a random place in the vast space and hang the Fire Mansion in the sky, and then enter the Fire Mansion to practice for two or three years.

But before that, what about monk surnamed Ji and others?

Guo Zhengyang has already told a few people what happened in Huofu, including the fact that Wuxi old monster can change shape at will, pretend to be other people, and he is going to frame Guo Zhengyang.

If these people want to go back to the safe zone, he will distribute the treasures he got in Saguaxing to everyone. If they want to stay in Huofu, Guo Zhengyang won't mind.

And on the way from Saguaxing to this space, Guo Zhengyang also asked everyone to consider this option. Now, it is estimated that a few people there have already got the answer.

This is indeed the case. Following his words, Wei Xiangcai and others looked at each other, and then each expressed their willingness to stay in Guo Zhengyang's Huofu. That is to say, everyone was a little embarrassed at these times, especially the monk surnamed Ji and Shang He. Jing, even blushed with embarrassment.

But they will choose to stay, also for safety reasons.

After all, many people have seen them travel with Guo Zhengyang. If the breathless old monster really turns into Guo Zhengyang to make trouble in the safe zone, then people who have something to do with Guo Zhengyang will definitely be found out and cause trouble...

Everyone can naturally understand that Guo Zhengyang let them stay in Huofu to practice for the benefit of several people. It is this kind of kindness, and it is a little guilty to accept it, because before that, if Guo Zhengyang hadn't blocked the attack of the three monks in the Dao stage , they were already dead, Guo Zhengyang had already saved their lives, and he was willing to let them practice in Huofu, it was indeed them who took advantage of the sky!

Even without mentioning safety issues, the aura in the Fire Mansion is extremely abundant, and in the safe zone, almost every planet has a scarcity of aura, and cultivation can only be done by absorbing spirit stones and crystals. In an environment where the aura is thin, it is as difficult as breaking through the bottleneck, because the world If the environment is too bad, it will easily affect the monk's perception.

When several people expressed their willingness to stay in embarrassment, they thanked Guo Zhengyang again and again. Guo Zhengyang just smiled, turned around and led everyone into the Huofu.

Xiang Xiangcai and the others can practice at any place they want. After saying goodbye to a few people, he himself went to the Lingshi Mansion and talked about the situation here with Liu Xia and the others before concentrating on finding a secluded place to start comprehending. .

"As the cultivation base deepens, the higher the bottleneck is, the slower it will be to cultivate with the idea of ​​epiphany. However, I only need to break through two small bottlenecks to cultivate to the Great Perfection of God Transformation. It will take a few years at most... Wait a few years to refine the crooked gourd, and then go out and see what that shameless guy has done."

A thought flashed through his mind, and Guo Zhengyang quickly entered the realization.


"Guo Daoyou? Guo Daoyou?"

Three years later, in the vast void about four to five hundred stars away from the No. 17 portal of the safe zone, as a figure galloped from afar, he stopped and gave a soft cry, and a black light suddenly burst into the originally calm void. The figure was overjoyed to see this, and quickly escaped into the light curtain.

The next moment, when the figure appeared on the top of a beautiful mountain, Guo Zhengyang looked at it with a smile, "Friend Qian Daoist, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. Compared with the help that fellow Taoist gave us, I just ran for a while, but it's nothing." The figure smiled and waved her hands, and her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she stared at Guo Zhengyang with a red face Look up and down, the more you look, the more rosy and tender your face becomes.

Although the female cultivator with the surname Qian has outstanding looks and senses, she usually has a cold look. Guo Zhengyang was stunned when she suddenly showed such an expression.


After asking, the female cultivator surnamed Qian gave a chuckle, and then laughed so hard that her flowers and branches trembled.

"Guo Daoyou, you have become famous, and your fame has shaken the stars!"

Guo Zhengyang remained silent, but looked at the female cultivator Qian surnamed strangely. After the female cultivator surnamed Qian laughed for a while, she shivered suddenly, "Do you know what those monks in the safe zone call you now?"


"...Forget it, they are all ugly titles. I'd better not talk about them. I'll just talk about your deeds. Two years ago, the three monks who killed us on the Saturn star returned to the stage of joining the dao stage. After arriving in the safe zone, those three people began to publicize that you had colluded with the breathless old monster. At that time, the breathless old monster only robbed them and not you. You must have other relations. You also know that the breathless old monster is immortal How coveted is your ability, so many people really started to search for your whereabouts, but no one found it, so you suddenly appeared in the past year, and directly killed that monk named Feng in the cave. He snatched his twin monks in front of him, and it took ten days before he was released. Although when he was released, there were many monks who had made good friends with the monk surnamed Feng, and then they all teamed up to kill you, but the first time Two days later, you made a comeback and snatched away the Taoist companion who joined forces with monk Feng to kill you last time, and it is said that you took it back and tossed it for several days."

"Since then, you have been completely famous in the starry sky, because you are the second immortal person after the breathless old monster, and you are countless times more obscene than the breathless old monster. Wife, starting from monk surnamed Feng, and the person who helped him kill you later on, you have snatched away more than 20 big monks. Among them, the most terrifying one is also the most recent one. He is an immortal in the Presbyterian Church Elder, you even snatched his little Taoist partner in the stage of transformation into a god. It is said that it took more than 30 days to release him. That was the day before yesterday. Now in the safe zone, every human monk will break out in a cold sweat on the spot when he mentions you. "



As the female nun with the surname of Qian explained with a smile, Guo Zhengyang, who knew that his reputation would definitely be ruined, was also psychologically prepared, but soon turned black. When he shook hands, his palms exploded with a series of sonic booms.

He really vomited blood.

Even if he knew that guy was shameless, he still didn't expect that the other party would slander him in this way, wife killer?Relying on the ability of immortality, to cuckold everyone?

One can imagine what kind of eyes Guo Zhengyang will receive if he appears in the safe zone now!

This is indeed countless times more shameless than stopping a monk and robbing the other party with only one talisman.

To catch a female cultivator and take her back to toss for a few days, the longest dozens of days, I am afraid that there are definitely countless people in the safe zone who want to crush him to ashes! !

It’s okay if you just rob, people know that you are immortal, and they have killed you many times and can’t kill you, then even if you show up and see a strong immortal who was snatched by you, the other party may not dare to kill you again. What to do with you, at least you may not be killed when you meet, like the old monster without interest, although he has done many obscene things, but now once he appears, many people will not resist and let him rob him obediently.

So if Wuxi old monster really turns into Guo Zhengyang and robs everywhere like before, it will ruin Guo Zhengyang's reputation. In fact, Guo Zhengyang still dares to meet people. Maybe after he goes out to meet people, some of his cultivation bases are not high. Some of them would just give him their money with both hands.

But this kind of nasty thing about giving someone a green hat, I guess he will really show his face, even if everyone knows that he can't kill you, he will see you butcher you once, and he must kill you to death.

"Fortunately, I didn't meet you when I went back to inquire about the news, otherwise it would have been terrible..." Seeing Guo Zhengyang's angry look about to vomit blood, the female cultivator surnamed Qian blushed again, and laughed strangely.

Speaking of which, she is also a stunning beauty. There were many male monks who tried to pursue her before. Fortunately, I didn't meet that pervert. Otherwise, if I was robbed, my fate would be disastrous. She still didn't tell Guo Zhengyang something. For example, from what she heard, after being kidnapped, even if they were released back, several female cultivators at the transformation stage would not be able to get up for several days... How serious would be the humiliation.

She was really embarrassed to say these words.

But in the current safe zone, Guo Zhengyang's name is even louder than the old monster Wuxi. He considers himself the direct disciple of the old monster Wuxi. Don't give up, another robbery, who specializes in robbing those beautiful Taoist couples who are as beautiful as flowers and jade from the great monks. The reputation of this pair of masters and apprentices can really stand up to the wind and stink thousands of miles. This thousand miles refers to the stars, one star. , is the distance that light travels in space for 100 seconds!

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